old castles. This lecture will be of NOTES AND PERSONALS interest to German-Amer- P acific U n iv ersity especial icans as well as the students of Job printing—phone 821. Another ha.schull victory wa* German, but it will be also very Mr. and Mrs. B. Ortman were interesting toothers, knowing that in town Monday. B efo re you p la ce y o u r order fo r won by the I*. U. team at Mount Germany is one of the great Angel laxt Saturday. The boys in the war. The lecture & Wiles have $25,000 1917 C alendars, see ou r lin e o f came home enthusiastic over the is nations free and the public is welcome. to Hancock loan on farms. 1-tf game, saying it was an unusualiy One of the happiest and most s a m p le s ; w e m a y sa v e you so m e and Mrs. T. C. lord vis­ interestinK, exciting game. The artistic events of college life will ited Mr. friends in Portland Sunday. Mount Angel boys were full of lx* the May Day festivities a week m on ey. "pep” and were right there, when , from tomorrow, Friday, May 12th. Nancy Moore was the guest of it came to rooting for the home The morning exercises will consist Blanche Craft in Dilley Sunday. team. At the end of the fifth of the crowning of the May Queen, Judge DeWitt Smith of Hills­ inning the score stood 1 to 0 in the winding of the May pole, boro visited relatives in th.s city ited the Atwell and Craft farms, Political Announcements Colonial costume and several folk Sunday. I*. U.’s favor, but the final score dunces. of town Sundav, and (Paid Advertisements) the afternoon will lx? Mrs. Ross Reder returned Sun­ southwest was 6 to 2 in favor of P. U. The the return In game Mr. Russell gives it as his opinion Pacific Col­ Judge of the Nineteenth next game will I k * with McMinn- lege of Newberg. with In the game at day from a two weeks’ visit in that Washington coun'y will have Fur Circuit Judirisl District v i 11 e tomorrow (Friday.) T he N’ewberg last Saturday, a week Portland. a big crop of prunes, apples and W. H HOLLIS track team goes to "Me” the same ago, P. U. won by a score of 6 to Miss Earn ham, Katherine Davis cherries this year. He is also so I am a candidate for nomination to 2. In the evening will be the and Maigaret Taylor spent Satur­ favorably impressed wi t h the the office of Circuit Judge of the Nine­ day for the field meet. May Day play, "The Romancers” Judicial District, composed of The annual Freshman picnic by Loganberry outlook he would like teenth the Counties of Tillamook and Wash­ the famous French dramatist day In Portland. subject to the Republican Pri­ was last Friday afternoon. The Rost rand. The complete program Enoch Moore and daughters to join somebody in a five-acre ington, mary election to be held May 19th, Senior classes of the Forest Grove will be published in these columns left Sunday for the new home at vinyard. 1916. If nominated and elected I will ad­ and Hillsboro High Schools also, next week. Langdon, N. D. We will insure your auto against minister the business of the courts of attended as the invited guests of County Spelling Contest this district justly, promptly and with fire, theft and collision. Hancock Misses Gertrude Hinman and the least possible expense to the tax the Freshman class. There were The annual county spelling con­ Helen Phillips visited with Lyla & Wiles. 9-tf payers. in all about eighty young people test took place at Hillsboro last Short in Dilley Sunday. Less litigation; less expense; less de­ HIGH SCHOOL NOTES in the company that "hiked” to a Saturday with 78 schools repre-, Francis Taylor spent Sunday lay and more justice shall be my aim. solicited. pretty Hjxjt near Dilley, where a sented by between 800 and 900 with his mother at St. Vincent President Bushnell of Pacific Univer­ Your support is respectfully W. H. H ollis . sity spoke to the high school pupils last good time was enjoyed. T h e contestents. Following the con­ hospital, in Portland. Wednesday morning. His talk was very For State Representative good "eats” were transported in test came the Juvenile carnival. interesting and gladly received by all O. G. Carnahan, late of Banks, A. FERNS WORTH Miss I lone Johnson’s car. Dean This contest is the fin al of district those who heard it. It was relating to To the L. members of the Republican but now living at Laurelwocd, Clarke and wife were the official contests conducted in each district j the present conditions of the European Party in Washington was in town on business Monday, j chaperons. F o r t u n a t e l y , the over the county and the pupils of war and one of the greatest problems I beg respectfully to County: solicit your con­ the United States today—that of sideration at the Republican weather cleared for the event and the different schools who maintain The little son of Mr. and Mrs.; of socialism Primaries and capitalization. May 19, for the office of state Repre­ a fine evening favored the merry­ a gixxl average throughout the W. P. Dyke is ill this week. Miss The P. U. sang a number of sentative. I favor uncompromising makers. All the games of the preliminaries are allowed to com- j Eunice Bernard is the nurse in very pleasing Quartet clean-cut, fewer laws, and I songs at the high school economy, "old Hchool days,” such as "Last pete. There are three divisions or attendance. shall place the public interests ahead Wednesday morning. politics. I shall work against un­ couple out,” "Drop the handker­ Mrs. B. F. W’hite and Mrs. Seymour of necessary, frivolous and conflicting chief” and "The flying Dutch­ classes from the third grade to Alva Patten, a teacher in the visited laws, and I shall give my best efforts the high school Thursday. man,” were enjoyed till the warm the high school, inclusive, and the Hillsboro high school, spent Sun­ The Forest to lightening the ever-increasing bur­ Grove boys played Hills­ sun had set beyond the western word* given out are appropriate day here visiting friends and old boro a game of ball last Saturday and den of taxation created by expenditures out of proportion to increase in wealth hills. Then the company gathered to each class, 100 words being: class mates defeated, the score being 8 to 9. and actual needs. around the hot fires to roast the given to each individual. Rach Mrs. Elizabeth Benfer arriv- d were L. A. Femsworth. Miss Florence Thornburgh spent the "weenies” and feast on the many student receiving a perfect grade j week-end with her parents, Mr. and Thursday from McMinnville for For Sheriff other good things in store for the Will Thornburgh of Banks. To the Voters of Washington county: hungry crowd. After the "feed” is given a prize consisting of a a visit with her son, the Express Mrs. On Tuesday morning a meeting of I am a candidate for the Republican the company gathered around an­ diploma, signed by the county editor, and family. student body was held and they nomination for the office sheriff at other bonfire to enjoy a musical school sujx.*rintendent and s ating Misses C l a r i c e and Oneita the had their primary election for officers the Primary Election to of ' » e held May treat by the girls of the P. U. that the winner is a perfect speller. for next year. Next week the regular 19th, 1916. aggregation. Dean Clarke made Following the contest, which be­ Webb of Portland, spent the week­ election will be held. nominated and elected, I will give a brief talk on behalf of the Fresh­ end visiting their mother and two Miss Jacquelln Jones spent the week­ the If protection of my office to all per­ man class and Pacific University gan at 10 a. m., came the carni­ brothers in this city. at the home of her parents. sons and all classes I will con­ in which he expressed the wish of val and program given on the! Dean Clark of Pacific Univer­ end Miss Ruth Patton is getting along duct my office in an alike; economical as both that all the bright young court house lawn, which consisted sity has rented thehou<-e on North very nicely and will probably be able near as possible ; with fair and way, court­ people present from the two High of crowning the May Queen, Miss public. Schools might I k * in P. U.’s next Eva Emmott of Hillsboro high "A” street belonging to C. V. B. to return to school in a few weeks. eous treatment to the Geo. G. Hancock. Freshman class. About 8:30 the school, by Dr. F. A. Bailey, who Rut-sell, and wiil move into it the We will insure your auto against For Sheriff long line of young people started spoke shortly upon the value of first of June. and collision. Hancock To the Republican I am a back, arriving in time to see the good spelling and the benefits of Have room for two more pupils & fire, W theft iles._______ 9-tf candidate for sheriff voters: of Washington Hillslxtro students off on the 9:35 the conte.t just ended. and if nominated and elected, train. Following this was the program in the class meeting Tuesday and The Express is prepared to meet Connty, pledge an administration of L a s t Thursday evening the of music, May day dances and Friday afternoons. Apply at the the prices of traveling calendar; the office economical in all departments, and will by gaily dre^si-d children, i Elva Millinery Shop, in the salesmen in lots of 100 or more. endeavor at all times to give the Gamma Sigma society had the figures posi­ The music for the day was fur­ It pleasure of enjoying the visit of nished by the Orenco band. An C a p le s b ’ld ’g. tion attention in the interests of the the Philomathians. An unusually estimate of the crowd places the Mrs. M. W. Patton returned taxpayers. D. M. Mclnnis. interesting program in which the numlier at 5,000 or more. Monday from For land, where she girls t o o k part w as enjoyed. To the Voters of the Republican Party been spending the past week After the program the Philo’s FALSE RUMOR DENIED has for Washington County with her daughter, Ruth, who is served most delicious refreshments I am a candidate for the nomination in their own parlors just across Applegate Has Not Withdrawn in a hospital there. for County Clerk, for the Primary- the hall. Ross Reder Saturday night at- Election to be held May 19th, 1916; Candidacy Under the auspices of the Mod­ have been chief deputy Couutv Clerk tended the annual smoker and for the past two terms, was born in ern Language club Rev. M. J. I It having come to my attention banquet of the R< xall druggists Washington County, am familiar with Fenenga of Strassel, Ore., will de­ that reports have been circulated of Oregon at the Imperial Grill, the work of the office, and if nominated and elected will during my term of of­ liver an illustrated l e c t u r e on throughout the c o u n t y that I Portland. More than fifty drug­ fice attend to the duties thereof, exer­ "The Ruined C a s t l e s of the have withdrawn from the contest gists attended and they had a cising economy, and courtesy to the public. Rhine’*' t o m o r r o w evening in for the Republican nomination high old time. H enry A. K uratli . Marsh Hall. Some years ago Rev. for sheriff, I wi h to state that Miss Margaret Ixtwell was mar­ reports are false and without ried Saturday to Holman Ferrin For Circuit Judge Fenenga made the trip up this such foundation aud evidently circuit­ at the Thomas home in Los Ar - To the Republican Voters of Washing­ picturesque river renowned for its ed to mislead ton County: friends If castles. He obtained quite a col nominated I will my I am a candidate for the Republican geles. Both of these young peo­ accept and will lection of pictures at that time, use every effort to secure election ple are Pacific graduates and we nomination for Circuit Judge of the m aterial but since his return he has added in November. Nineteenth Judicial District, compris­ all extend our best wishes. M . Especially desirable in the ing Washington and Tillamook a number of fine pictures to the Counties, C. APPLEGATE, Ferrin is connected with the Y. country or where there is at the May 19th, 1916, primaries. original collection. Along with Republican J. Candidate for Sheriff. M. C. A. of that city —P. U. In­ no water system, because the slides, he will tell interesting G eo . R. B agley . stories relating to these romantic (Paid Adv.) dex. For Sheriff People are just bginning to re­ To the Voters of Washington County, Oregon: alize that A. Baldwin can m;.ke I hereby announce myself as a candi­ them some money when t h e y date for the nomination on the Repub­ lican ticket for sheriff in the primaries want to sell or buy second-hand nPBACTICAtl.T of May 19th, 1916. If I am nominated furniture, stoves and other house­ and elected I will, during my term of A BIG, HILARIOUS COMEDY, office, conduct the said office honestly, hold goods. He pays more and efficiently and economically FIVE REELS It Is good rrofing and gives splen­ impartially, sells for less than the average did and for the best interests of the tax­ sa tisfa ctio n becau se it is m ade rig h t By the GOLD ROOSTER COMPANY dealer, as he is satisfied with payers of the county. F is a sam ples sa d litera ture Dated at Hillsboro, small profits. H is place is on C E T IT O F Y O U R D E A LE R .O R W R IT E day of February, 1916. Ore., this 28th East Pacific Avenue. It* J. W. C onnell . U S D IR E C T WILL ALSO BE SHOWN Hogue Sexton came in from Rainier Monday night for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and M f^ < C o . Portland, Ore. P e r sale by Present Depot» Sheriff Announces Mrs. A. L. Sexton. Hogue is his Candidacy fix pile driver foreman for the Inter- Forest Grove Planing Mill, State Contracting company of County Sheriff Phone 0232 Before the electors at the Republican Portland, which concern has the Primaries to be held May 19, 1916 contract for a $200,000 municipal N. HOFFMAN If nominated and elected h e dock for the city of Astoria. He pledges a strict observance of his Attorney At Law left Tuesday for Astoria to begin duties and an economical admini­ Patent Office Business Solicited work, stration. C. V. B. Russell and wife vis- ForestGrove, Oregon i n x i i m a i w i w i M B g Mister Merchant: The Forest Grove Express • The quick, safe and reliable roofing “ EXCUSE ME,” The “PATHE NEW S” STAR ★ THEATER Friday and Saturday May 5 and 6 Regular Prices - 5c and 10c Durable Roofing FIRE PROOF Durable Roofing J. C. Applegate L