cTltp Jflnrrst (Brmtr Express Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W . C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. Mrs. K. B. IVnficld, Editor Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916. at the postoffice at Forest Grove, •Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 T H U R S D A Y . M A Y 4, 1916 NOTES AND COMMENTS W. C. T. 11. COLUMN The regular meeting of the W\ j C. T . U. will be held on Friday, May 5th, with Mrs. S. G. M or­ gan, at 2:30 p. m "Current Events” i», the topical program. W e’ll Save You Money on anything in the line of Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions White River Flour - $1.50 Bananas, doz - - 20c Pure White Flour - 1.50 Big Orange«, dost * * 30c Brown Beans, 3 ' » lbs - .25 Other lines at reasonable price* C O M E A N D SEE OUR B A R G A IN S Corner Third St. mid Padflr Ave On a recent Sabbath the pastor this fall, they have made repub­ of one of Portland’s churches gave I’ hune 411 lican victory sure. The Nebas- voice to his sentiments in strong •XI kan has a strong following in the language, when he referred to an nation excursion given on that day up the Columbia highway by some o f , W H Y THE PUBLISHERS the kindly hearts of that city to HAVE ORGANIZED the saleswomen. Just on»* week AT H O M E It has come to the writer’s ears later another excursion of a dif­ that s o m e people believe the spend it in Forest Grove, and you have a very good chance Winter has gone, like the hoop- ferent character took the same Washington C o u n t y Editorial o f seeing it again ; you may even handle it again. Even if skirts and bustles Spring has route. This time it was visiting association was organized to help you never see it again, some o f your neighbors will get it come like a mother-in-law, to re­ sutTragists from the East We j and use it to build up Forest Grove and Washington county. some of its members into political main many weeks T h e birds wonder if any pastor will be found No matter whether you need groceries, clothing, shoes, offices. Other people believe it and bill collectors are singing their voicing his thought on this oc­ automobiles or w a s organized to raise prices. same old songs. There’s a new- casion? We are not critiizing While both claims are wrong, the kind of feel in the air. For the either party, only drawing com­ last-named i s nearer true than poet, k ’ s music; for the business parisons. the former. The principal aim man it’s energy; for the child, of the association is to assist its The three Canadian Provinces play; for the maiden, love; for the this advice is worth considering, for many a town has lieen members to do better work at less that have given women the bal- promoted to the city class by the patriotism o f its citizens in grouch, mud; for the pessimist, cost and the writer understands, lot in the last three months have refusing to send away for things they could get at home. rheumatism. from conversation with the mem- a combined area equal to all of the Judging f-om remarks the ed- bers, that they all expect it to en- states east of the Mississippi with itor of the Express hears from day able them to arrive at a basis of the exception of Georgia and to day, the people of Forest Grove ehaiges that will be more uniform, Florida and almost twice the plant is fully equipped for all classes o f job printing, printers are becoming quite loyal to their so that Peter will not be robbed combined area of California, Ore- o f taste and judgement are employed and you can get almost any kind o f stationery the most exacting fancy might crave. town. N ot only are they learn- to pay Paul. Too often a printer gon, Washington and Nevada Come and see. ing to patronize local business guesses on what he should charge (Area) Or. if you think you have some reason for not patron­ houses, but the big majority of a customer. If he guesses too izing the Express, take your work to the other local office. them will favorably consider local low for Paul and later discovers S a i k: trhe wan 251,700 Either will do more for Forest Grove than some printing men when voting at the primaries it, he is apt to guess high when Manitoba 251,832 concern outside the city or county. May 19th. The tw-o Hs— Hollis Peter wants a job. The associa- and Hancock— are going to sur­ tion should teach the members Total square miles • 758,817 prise even their friends by their what it costs to do work and this Total population 1,312,709 popularity. is what a m a j o r i t y o f the W e il of the N ew I. O. O. F. Illork Good Money in Mohair members expect of it. If this If there is a society in Washing­ Phone 821 F o ri’Nl (¿ ro v e , O re g o n The mohair pool of Lebanon, principle is followed out, it will re­ ton county for the prevention of sult in raising the price of some under charge of t h e Farmers’ cruelty to candidates, it ought to articles and lowering them on U n i o n , consisting o f 17.000 pair of prefM.nt bridge |)ro|K>«ed, rout was planted at* Roseburg as an get after Editor Killen of Hills­ pounds, was sold Saturday afttr- $ 10 , 000 . experiment and has proven suc­ others. boro. Just about the time the noon at 4 8 3 s cents a pound to Roseburg— Furniture factory consid- cessful. So far as politics is concerned, voters are considering whether or K ,ocatinK here- the members of the association William Brown & Co. of Salem. ; eri" Grant* Pan* ha* it legislative club— Washington County Transfers not to send Editor A. E. Scott of The Lebanon mohair sale top­ are free to do as they see fit. that will use the club. The following real estate trans­ this city to the legislature Killen Roseburg gets a loganberry juice The writer has attended all meet­ ped the Oregon market this season fers were recorded with the regis­ comes out and claims Scott wants ings of the association since its by 2 H cents. The price was also bottling plant. ter of deeds at Hillsboro during to go to Salem to pass a law giv­ Portland— Shipbuilding plant to emj organization and he has heard nearly 10 cents a pound better ploy 500 men being promoted. the past week: ing the newspaper boys some fat some members advocate sending than Oregon growers have rea­ Milton and Freewater enjoying a J. D. Rode et ux to E. A. Vaughan, plums. As most of the editors of Editors Fernswcrth and Scott to lized in former years. Previous building boom. 54.71 acres in It. Thatcher and Patrick the county are unaccu tomed to Portland-—Southern Pacific Company K tlly’l D I. M M U and 1 1, 1 N l. the legislature to work for a uni­ to this season the high point was plums, Killen apparently believes starts work on Holgatc street viaduct 9N00. reached in 1912, when Eddyville form scale of prices for legal print­ a diet of that fruit might r b the to coat $60,000. Prudential Lamn Co. to II. I.. Eicher, ing. Neither Fernswor'h nor Scott mohair brought almost 38%cents. Portland—-Dorr estate will cut 100,- tract 61, Chehulem Mountain Orchards, Washington County Editorial A s­ have ever intimated that th e In that year the Lebanon-Scio 000,000 feet of logs on Deep creek east $10 sociation of one of its most active association SH O U LD s u p p o r t poo! sold for 361 j cents, in 1913 of here. Carl J. Skow et ux to J. C. Apple- members.__ Umatilla taxpayers op|H>se county gate, E half o f lot 2, blk 3, Tucker & them, but the writer has stated it brought 33 cents, in 1914, 28 The most independent creature that publishers should be sent, in cents and last year 33% cents. bond issues. I Stew art’s Add to Hillsboro. $360. on earth is the Oregon farmer, a the interest of uniformity of prices — McMinnville New>-R< porter. Marshfield— Coos county votes on Have a good second-hand cam­ $320,000 road bond issue May 19. man who has 80 acres of land, out all over the state. A t present era that will take 8x10 or 6x7 Medford people vote May 23 on $300,- of debt, with a little good stock, some counties pay twice as much pictures. What have you to offer 000 bonds to build a railroad to Blue as a trade ? Value of complete good health and a good wife, and for publicity as other counties Cottage Grove— Diston sawmill re­ Ledge mines. outfit is $25. Reply to B. W . tense enough to keep out of debt. Those counties which pay the sumes operation with 60 men, orders r, . , . box 643, City. The most dependent human in double price are, probably, paying bked for year in advance Roseburg growers have received .. the world is the Oregon farmer too much, while those paying the W. J. Good returned Friday Silica reported discovered in Coos orders from a Chicago company wrho is mortgaged, whose stock is smaller prices are robbing the county. for 150 carloads of broccoli, a plant from an extended visit with old Grants Pass— N u g g e t worth $205 of the cabbage family which is be- beyhood friends in various parts of the scrub order, who is too lazy printers, with the meek consent found in Monger creek. to work and who sits on a dry of the latter ing introduced into the state. It of the state of Washington. Astoria plans to improve 2,000 feet of goods box talking European war, Because publishers know more street. Mexican invasion ',n d politics, about this question than a n y Newherg co-operative cannery sold when he ought to be at home at­ other class, the writer has favored for enough to pay debts. Dredging on Coos bay bar begins tending to business on his farm. sending one or more to Salem again. Wa-hington county is fortunate in this f a l l . ____ Leban on -F oster school district will having many of the first-named build $ 2 , 500 school. Why She Blushes and few of the other kind. But All Silverton country isrejoiciug over They tell us of the blushing bride a few is too many. building of large mill there. F. A. MOORE If the city administration is willing to haul away your rubbish at no cost to you, you should be willing to sack the rubbish and place it in a place easy of access Next Monday is the day for haul­ ing this rubbish away. Do your part. Keep Your Money Job Printing THE EXPRESS Abierta___ 255,286 WE RE IN THE HOFFMAN BUILDING PROSPERITY STRAWS Who to the altar goes, In trying to figure out why Adown the aisles of the church Between the well-filled rows. William Jennings Bryan was de­ There’s Billy whom she motored with feated in his aspirations to go as a And Bob with whom she swam, delegate to the democratic nat­ There’s Jack she used to golf with, ional convention, a South Dakota And Steve, who called her "la m b ,” paper cites the fact that Bryan There’s Ted, the football man sh e owned, was not defeated in his own state And Dan, of tennis days. because of his peace advocacy, There’s Hubert, yes, and blonde Eu­ for Nebraska strongly supported gene, Henry Ford, who is even more in- They took her oft to plays. dined to "peace at any price” And there is Harry, high Hchool beau, than t h e Nebraska commoner. With whom she used to mush. The paper quoted then decides No wonder she’s a blushing bride--- that Bryan was knifed by the "w e t” democrats of Nebraska on account of his activity against booze. Very likely. B u t t h e democrats who are unwilling to have Bryan a delegate to the convention will find that if they Y e Gods! she ought to blush. — Floater. The Dalles— School building to be enlarged. Falls City— The so u n d of sawmill whistles which will soon blow again, will he welcomed by the inhabitant« here. Portland— Menefee Lumber Company receives 11,000,000 feet order from Great Northern for freight car con­ struction. Bar View— Tillamook beach resort to have new Southern Pacific station. St. Johns— Peninsula mill will start sawing in May with 250 hands. Roseburg— Direct Primary elections cost Douglas county $5,000 in past two years. Portland health officer wants ten physicians appointed on salary to in- -------------------- ^ rs* ^ an Nortwick of . . . .... Stafford, Oregon, arrived Sunday " * £ £ £ « hoo, Wnd, to t0 spend •sP<-n