U. S. Government Homesteads COLVILLE, WASHINGTON, INDIAN RESERVATION. 1,000,000 ACRES In the l'im oui Columbi* Kiver Haftiii and Okanogan Valley. Fruit, Dairy, Farm ami Timber l.and. Map »bowing Road», I aikes, Kivert, Creek», Mountain», Indian Allotment» and Mineral l.and. Hook of Dcteriplion, »bow» Mow lo lanate any liome»tead of 160 Acre» on the Ke»ervation WITHOUT THE EXPENSE OF A LOCATOR. PRICE, POSTPAID, $1.00. OREGON HOMESEEKERS INFORMATION BUREAU, 504-3 McKay Building, POR I LAND, OKKCON AGENT WANTED NEW PERKINS HOTEL i lU 'd r ie » » necessity every Mcr- rhant buy» on sight. Big profit*. Kxclunivc territory. Free »ample». Sell» f ro m #."> to $|(i0. Write quick for territory. Suyer». 6.'I7 Kailway Exchange, Portland, Ore. Fifth »m l W tahlnitun HU., Portland, Or. The homelike »topping place for those who appreciate the dollar'» full worth. Room with Ihith, , . Moom with lifU rh fd lUth llrra k fM t and I unrhmn Dinner « • . . , PORTLAND Y. M. C. A. will fit Any ambitious younir Man or Wom­ an f..r blfn -clafli position in Boukkeepui^, Sinography, Salcsmauhip T o m nn t lain Inclinl«* valuable* a th W tlr. tMjuatJr Aful m r>rr>)«*r»hip ifriviV|f.*#. nl- th«rti*h tu itio n e < * l la U «a thAn **li*rwbMr« Valuable pourw« ran alan 1 » H at ! in (irammar and Colh’K«* Pr»’i&ralory S u b aru W K IT F Fo|( ( A T A U X .. LADIES, THE PROBLEM IS SOLVED l a d i r i L w |t*v*00 Treatm ent and Prevention D U u n .T i I I t o f P o n U g b u » Abortion. Treatm ent and Prevention o f C a lf Scour«. H o f Sanitation. Poultry Ib w a se» Clip this a»i and mark an X In front o f hook« wanted H IL D A 11110:4.. Dekuru Hid*.. Portland. O rrfo «. , - f* » s 1 See our «tuck o f F O R I) De­ livery hodnrit. Shipped any* w h rr«. Our own make. Guar* antoed W rit« u«. Cari Pe- lemon. 121 (Iran i Avenu « N Eaat 1433, Portland. Ore. Eff.nyd Maturity. “ Do you take as much interest in dancing as you did?" "Y e s." replied Uncle Wagglefoot. "But I’m gettin' so dancin' isn’t youth­ ful enough for me. I’m practicin' roll­ er skatin' on one skate.” — Washing­ ton Star. A Reminder. "Look here," said the Indignant house owner to the agent from whom Gentle Criticism. he had bought his home on the install­ He— I see where a young woman ment plan "T h e paneling in my din room is opening so you can p” t j killed herself because she could not Ing Ms»*« from your old on«* I,a*t long your finger through the cracks.” find an Ideal husband. Women are I m llrkf. New Tim r H K AUW ) lit V ' That's all right," replied the agent. ■OLD TUU I We per a* hnrh a« 10a I fools. "T h e house is settling. And that re­ She— Yes. aren't they, to believe f « m l km lje Trrad work, and th « biff Kent market j there Is such a thing?— Baltimore minds me. It's about time you settled up for last month's installment."— Ship your T ire« at «»new or w rit« u*. American. Philadelphia Public Ledger. VUtXA.IlZlMC CO. SkO V g J a a rt« St. PwlUW. Or« 1 l t i l Double Tread, Puncture Proof Tires ___ for junk. O ftlU M Make Believe. FI ECTRIf MOTORS ThlH 18 ° to> L L L v 1 IYAv> I T I U lU I X J Bought, Sold. Rented and R epaired VkAl.KF.lt E L E C T R IC W O itK S I'.urnetdr. cur. 10th. Portland. On?. HIDES, PELTS, CASCAR* BARK W r w »n t »11 you h e . WrtU- f.»r p rie*» and ■hipplnv Usi- tu r II. r. NORTON CO. 5J North Troni S*., Portland. O r*. mue ^r> ro t for Christmas. She likes to serve make-believe tea and make-believe sandwiches. A harmless fancy." "Perfectly. I've been to grown-up affairs where they did IL” — Louisville Courier-Journal. "A n ’ phwat is your Patsy doin' these days, Mrs. O'Hagan ?’’ "Ah. he’s doin' folne! He's a con­ ductor in the opery bouse, an' wears a swallytail c o a t” "A conductor, is it? An’ phwat does a conductor do?" "H e conducts people to their seats." You Can Get Rid of Hanford's Balsam Is good for blood That Itching Rash poisoning. Adv. There Is immediate relief for skins The Department of Farm Props, Itching, burning and disfigured by ec­ In Modern Times. University of Idaho, ha* received dur zema. ringworm, or similar torment­ "In the old days, the main element ing (he spring, shipments of seed from ing skin-trouble. In a warm bath with of a soldier was to know how to act the following foreign countries: Can­ Keslnol Soap und a simple application under fire.” ada, Sweden. Denmark. Australia, and of Keslnol Ointment. The soothing, "And nowadays, in addition, he is Japan. The Bureau of Plant industry healing Keslnol medication sinks right supposed to know how to act under o f the If. S Department of Agriculture Into the skin, stops itching Instantly, water, in the earth and without air." has also sent samples of clover and and soon clears away all trace of erup­ — Puck. other leguminous crops for the pur­ tion, even In severe ami stubborn pose of co-operative testing experi­ cases whero other treatments have ments. had no effect. A fter that, the regular use of Keslnol Soap is usually enough to keep the skin clear and healthy. You need never hesitate to use Resl- nol. It is a doctor's prescription that i has been used by other physicians for ; years in the treatment of all sorts of j skin affections. It contains absolutely j nothing that could Injure the tenderest i skin. Every druggist sells Keslnol Ointment and Keslnol Soap. (A d vt.) HUSBAND OBJECTS TO OPERATION If you are interested W ife Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound So-Called Temperate." "W hat zone is this we live in? You may answer, James," said the teacher. “ Tem perate." "Now . what is meant by a 'temper­ De* Moines, Iow a.—“ Fonr year* ngo ate zo n e? '” “ It's u place where It's freezing cold I was very *ick and my life was nearly spent. The doctors In winter and red hot in summer.” — slated that I would Philadelphia Public Ledger. never get well with- What Dreams Are Made Of. o u t an operation Dillydally (a chronic procrastinator) and that without it I would not live one — I dreamt last night that I— er—ah — proposed to you. I wonder what year. My husband that is a sign of? o b j e c t e d to any Miss Lingerlong (desperately)— It Is operation and got a sign that you have got more sense me some o f Lydia E. when you are asleep than when you Pinkham’s Vegeta­ are awake.— T it Kits. ble Compound. I took Ask anybody about it— Hanford's It and commenced to get better ami am now well, am Balsam. Adv. ■tout and able to do my own housework. At the Boarding House. I ran recommend the Vegetable Com­ “ Is this beef too rare for you, Mr. pound to any woman who is sick and Simpkins?” run down as a wonderful strength and "W ell, since you ask me, Mrs. Skin­ health restorer. My husband says l ner. I would like it a little oftener.” — would have beee in my grave ere thie Baltimore American. if it had not been for your Vegetable Compound.” — Mrs. B l a n c h e J e f f e r ­ s o n , 703 Lyon St., Des Moines, Iowe. Before submitting to a surgical opera­ Fords Fords Fords tion it is wise to try to build up the 1 Q 1 C Ford Tourin*. eO Q C female system and cure its derange­ * ^ 4 ^ practically new « p O if O ments with Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vege­ 1915 $33 5 table Compound; it has saved many 1 Q 1 4 Ford touring, ÌO Q C women from surgical operations. 1 ^ finest condition W r it # t o t lie L y d ia E . P ln k h a m 1914 Foi,H w:on*.dwcr' $275 M e d ic in e C o ., L y n n , M a es., f o r 1913 lo FX $245 a d v ic e —i t w ill l>e c o n tid e n tia L in purity first BAKING POWDER is w h at you should always use. There are many other reasons w hy— but try a can and see for yourself. P. N. U. W I I K N w r itla f to »d v e rti, ~ tins this p»p*r. Ask Your Grocer < fA N & F A R M P O W D ER S ~ S T U M P IN IG — \ A G R IC U L T U R A L . —made by a Pacific Coast company, with 50 years’ experience, to meet Pacific Coast agricultural conditions. More than 2,000,000 pounds used every year hy farmers who have proved they reduce stump blasting costs. There are two Giant Powders— Eureka Stumping Powder, for use in dry work, and Giant Stumping Powder, for wet work. Ask your dealer for them. Test them alongside of any other explosive. Write us and we will have our nearest distributor supply you— at lowest market prices—with a trial case that will prove to you the economy of using Giant Farm Powders. Five Valuable Books Free We issue five handsome, illustrated books to help you to blast cheaper and better—books on Stump Blasting, Boulder Blasting, Tree Planting, Subsoil Blasting and Ditch Blasting. Any or all of these — written by western men for western farmer» — will be sent on re yuest. Choose the books that you prefer and write for them today. TH E G IA N T P O W D E R CO., Con., o"»"*: San Francisco ” B R A N C H O F F IC E S : E v e ry th in g f o r B la stin g ” Seattle, Spokane, Portland, Salt Lake C ity, D enver BE PRETTY! HIRN Try Grandmother’s old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. KOVE BALLS Keep Kids Kleen The mo* pncteal. ____ garments ever invented for children I l 6 years of s.e Made in osse piece wn drop back. Eaafv sipped oa cr o f Easily washed No baht elastic bands , to Sop circulation. Made in bine denim, and blue and white hickory stirpes for all the year round. Also b«Ktrr weight, fa*-color material in dark blue, cadet blue, tan or dark red for summer wear, all appropriately trimmed with fast • color aalatea. Made in Dutch orck with elbow sleeves usd high neck and loot Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound- j ed. brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked ( 7 5 c t h e s u it or gray. Years ago the only way to If your dra.'*T c«nnc* supply you. ! get this mixture was to make it a t ' We will seed them, charges prepaid i home, which is mussy and trouble-, cn receipt cf prv-e. 75c each. ' some. Nowadays, by asking at any A.4” FREE » £ * drug store for “ Wyeth’s Sage and Sul­ Beware of Imitations. Look for phur Compound,” you will get a large Made by the Tw o Horse* on the Label. bottle of this famous old recipe, im Levi Strauss & Co., San Francisco proved by the addition of other ingre­ Aw«M«d GRAND PRIZE at tht P P.I.E. a dients. for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this P ay and night classes. E xpert training through vour hair, taking one small in repairing, drivin g and machine work, including forge, lathe, shaper, drill press, strand at a time; by morning the gray tractors, etc Tim e unlimited. C O M PE ­ hair disappears, and after another ap­ TENT CH AUFFEURS AN D M ECHAN­ plication or two. your hair becomes ICS S U P P L IE D . W R I T E US. beautifully dark, glossy and attractive I Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com-i pound is a delightful toilet requisite A Grouchy Chap. for those who desire dark hair and a 1 youthful appearance. It is not intended “ Do you think any of the girls w ill for the cure, mitigation or prevention really propose this year?" of disease. " I don’t know. But if they do I hope the men won’t giggle and whisper it Correct. Miss Wheat, the new teacher, was around, as some of the girls do.”— hearing the history lesson, which Courier Journal. dealt with the career of George Wash­ ington. Turning to one of the schol­ ars, she asked: "Janies, what was Washington's farewell address?" The new boy arose with a prompti- j F o r tude that promised well for his an- , swer. "Heaven, ma'am,” he said. Portland Y. M. C. A. Auto School That Settled It. “ And you broke o ff the engage­ ment?" said one young man. "Yes. but not brutally, you know, j But I managed it.” •H ow ?" “ Told her what my salary was." The Usual Experience. “ Have you laid by anything since you took up the profession of author­ ship?” “ Y'es, about 300 manuscripts.” — | Boston Transcript. East 13th A Hawthorne A re., E 1199. P O R TLA N D . ORE. ' You know the difficulty o f getting the roots o f stumps out with pullers, by burning, or by using explosives that merely shatter. You need explosives that not only shatter but also lift and heave— that tear the roots and make clearing easy. You can save work, time and money by using Adopting Suggestion. "Talkin g about the total depravity | i f Inanimate things— ” “ W ell?" “ Just as we got opposite a road Hotel with a big gun, 'Sea Food a Spe­ cialty,' our auto deliberately turned turtle.”— Baltimore American. For\,tt:Z\ £ r ,,ul $295 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., ti with Sprained ankle? Rub on and rub in Hanford's Balsam thoroughly. Adv. 1 1914 No. 18, 1018 Blasted Out Got Even. A young man who had been snub­ bed at tho theater door decided to get even with his girl friends. The girls occupied the first four Male four own HAIR TONICS and TOILET WATERS seats in the sixth row and the young man had the fifth. They paid no at­ with T on leo T kU w ti/' the* K*r.»ational Invention. On the program was ' Hwml 20 fur aamt*l«» pin k au««. make* ont tention to him. I Hint, which «»lh«trwi»w » • •!* 'M e*htä t « $1 AO (4 fur a monologist who began to talk of <10 m i l l . ) Morwty return«*«! if not aatiuflad. W ant love to get a few laughs, as those ar­ ! K x r lu ilv t Ka-i/r»*A4'iitAlive* each county to rnanu- ' f a « i u r + and Mill. l U j /*»«/»/». T O N IC O S A LE S tists often do. He said: “ All the girls • CO ., Mullnontah Station, Portland, Oregon. who are In love, please stand up.” Turning to the girl next to him, the young man who bad been snubbed D O N T EVER FORGET said: "Please let me out.” When you are di»*ail«fl«-