The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 27, 1916, Image 9

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    Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Vol 1
Forint Grove, Ore., Thursday, April 27, 1916.
No. 16
John Wegner, one of Forest
Grove's blacksmiths has p u r ­
chased the house and property Henry DeShazer and wife were «hop­
at the north end of College Way ping in the Grove on Thursday.
which was formerly called, The Mr«. Tom Hundley, who uuderwent
Travelers Home. For the post i an operation a t the Good Sam aritan
year it has housed the Hoys Club hospital last week, ia reported doing
of the College.
Mrs. Frank McBride went to P o rt­
On account of advanced age land last week for a short stay with
and failing eyesight, K. N. Staehr, friends.
the veteran stationer and music John Ellis was attending to business
dealer, has decided to retire and in the Grove Thursday.
he is disposing of his stock to local A school m eeting of much importance
dealers. What cannot be sold at was held a t the school house on S atu r­
wholesale, will probably be sacri­ day. The question was, "D o we need
ficed at retail.
and can we m aintain a high school?"
Horn—Tuesday morning to Mr.
Mr s . J o h n Buchanan, a
Two residences were burned in
Hillsboro during the high wind
yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Harriet Chiedle visi ed
her sister, Mrs. Frank Taylor, in
Portland last week.
For Sale Three, coming two-
year-old heifers. All bred. C.
If. Fields, Hanks, Ore., R. 1.
The newspaper boys of Wash­
ington county will hold a quarter­
A fter much controversy, a vote was
Initiated Six
ly meeting at Cornelius next Sat­
taken, and the count stood 33 for the
The officers and members of school and 49 against. Harold Hansen
The Gaston Odd Fellows and Washington Encampment No. 24, was elected director to fill the place
Rebekahs will hold an anniversary I O. O. F., initiated six into the left by the death of Frank Maury.
celebration Saturday evening of mysteries of their order last night, Gus Blythe of The Dalles ran down
visit over Sunday with home folks.
this week.
two from this city and four from | to Miss
Hazel Hundley went to Portland
Prof. Frank Taylor spent Sun Hanks, the l a t t e r being Ed. Saturday to visit with her mother, who
day with his wife in Portland, Schneider, Floyd Dooley, William 1 is in the hospital.
who is recovering from on opera- Davies and Carl Wilcox. The Rudy, the youngest son of John
ation at the St. Vincent’s hospital.
Hanks candidates were accom­ ! Hardebeck, is very sick with pneu­
VanKoughnet & Reder have panied by Fred and Dick Wilcox, monia.
purchased the school books from R. M. Hanks and A. W Mills, V. D. Jaques drove to Portland on
K. N. Staehr and will now be who came to see that nothing was Monday.
headquarters for school books and overlooked in the way of trim­ Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Hughes and party
16-11 mings. The only thing lacking to of friends motored to Tigard Wednes­
Word from the Good Samaritan make the thing a success was the day to attend Pomona Grange.
hospital, Portland, is to the effect presence of Hob Taylor, who is Mrs. Herman Saling was calling on
Mrs. George Hoar Tuesday afternoon.
that Mrs. Charles VanDoren is now in Washington.
recovering nicely from her recent
A big fet'd was spread after the
Alumni Meeting
conferring of the first degree in
The alumni association of For­
Sixty members of the Hillsboro order that the candidates might
Commercial Club w e r e enter­ have strength to withstand the est Grove High school will meet
tained by the Heaverton Chamber toilsome j o u r n e y through the in the Y. M. C. A. room at Marsh
of Commerce at a smoker and pro­ wilderness and desert of the sec­ Hall, 7:30 p. m. Friday, April 28,
ond and third degrees.
gram Tuesday evening.
A ladies’ prayer meeting will be
All members are urgently re­
Surprised Mr. Moore.
held at three o’clock Friday after­
to attend.
Having learned that their lead­
noon at the home of Mrs. O. M.
Taylor. Mrs. Taylor is an in­ er, Enoch Moore, was leaving (Signed) Claude Hutchens, Pres.
Josephine Ward, Sec.
valid and a good attendance is Sunday to make his home in j
South Dakota, the members of
The H i l l s b o r o Independent
Mr. and Mrs. George Ortman, the Forest Grove band last even­ states that preparations are com­
who have been visiting the for­ ing tendered that gentleman and plete for the fifth annual spelling
mer’s parents, Bernard Ortman his daughters a farewell reception i contest and juvenile festival to be
and wife, departed Friday for their
held in that city next Saturday.
home at Dallas, accompanied by at the C. R. Lasham home. The This is a county affair and last
Clarence, who goes for a visit with affair was a surprise to the guests ! year mose than 800 school children
of honor. The evening was spent
his brother and family.
at a musical program, consisting participated. The s c h o o l s of
Mrs. J. Francis Ashley received of orchestral numbers, solos and Hillsboro, O r e n c o , Cornelius,
a telegram Wednesday morning duets, followed by refreshments. I North Plains and Gaston will be
that her mother is very ill. She Mr. Moore was presented with a represented by pupils who have
and her three little boys left clarionet and Miss Riene Moore “spelled down” all competitors in
Wednesday a f t e r n o o n for the with a bouquet of beautiful carna­ their own schools.
home of her mother in Hi marck, tions. The Moores have been
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boos left Sun­
residents of Forest Grove for six day for Cliffton. Oregon, where
Mrs. Walter Roswurm returned years, during which time they they will spend the summer on
yesterday from Portland, where have been very prominent in mus­ the Colum b i a ._______
she represented the local lodge of ical circles and it is with keen re­
Hancock & Wiles carry Life,
Knights and Ladies of Security in gret the members of the band see
the family leaving.
the state convention.
Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf