The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 27, 1916, Image 8

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    While Councilman Johnson was Methodists. It has been several
ending a cow a few days since, years since P. U. debated with
the animal pulled the rope through her old rival. In times past
Mr. Johnson's hands so rapidly
that the councilman's right hand P. U. won the majority of the de­
bates with W. U., having won in
was severely burned.
modem Banking methods
'00, ’02, ’09, hence unusual
The Forest Grove Planing Mill
have kept pace with mod­
has on page five an advertisement, interest centered in this yeur’s de­
ern Farming methods.
calling attention to the good qual­ bate.
The Automobile, the Tele­
ities of Durable Roofing, an Ore­
The contest here was closer
gon product handled by this con­ than the judges’ decision of two-
phone and Rural Mail Man
all tend to make business
to-one would indicate. It is sig­
Have a good second-hand cam­ nificant that one of the Willam­
transactions shorter, quick­
era that will take 8x10 or 5x7
er. more easily completed.
Any of these three will pay for itself on the average-sized
pictures. What have you to offer ette debaters frankly remarked
Likewise a check account
farm the first year.
as a trade ? Value of complete after the debate that they thought
with this modern, accom­
outfit is $25. Reply to B. W. 1 they had lost, and said the de­ We sell the Oregon “Stay Round’’ Silo, the John Deere low-down
modating bank permits a
box 643, City.
cision in their favor came as a Manure-Spreader, with the beater on the axe, and the John Deere
savins: to the farm er or
Next Wednesday evening, at I. happy surprise to them. The “ Dunham’’ Corrugated Roller.
business man without sacri­
O. O. F. hall, Mrs. Bernard’s com judges were: Rufus C. Holman,
Ask anyone who owns these if they are as big money­
pany of entertainers (sixteen in Multonomah c o u n t y commis-
fice of safety or convenience
makers as we claim them to be.
all1 will put on the play, ‘ Adver- sioner, Portland: A. M. Crawford,
The customers who bank
tising for a \\ife.
All Odd Fe - Portland, (former Attorney-g n- Don’t borrow your neighbor's machine; come and buy one for
here and pay by check are
are invited. era| for Oregon) and Rex E. Par- yourself. We have some left just as good ns your neighbor got.
making the most of these
Admission free. Some good laughs son, Orenco, Ore. It is interest- _ _ _ _ _
modern conveniences.
are promised.
ing to note that the one vole for
The burning of spilled gasoline the P. U. team was by Mr. Craw-,
around the coffee urn at the For- ford, the former attorney general, |
est Grove Restaurant at 6 o’clock a man who probably has but few
yesterday morning caused the equals in the state in experience
firemen to turn out, but ihe blaze in law debate, and a man emi-
Forest Grove, Ore.
was extinguished before the ap- nently fitted to judge a debate,
paratus left the fire house, with The team that went to Salem also
Mtatwr Frdrral Rcstnre Kink.
but slight damage to the restau- lost the debate, thereby making spiaker for the negative. Like
The I*. U. baseball team beat
the victory for W. U. complete.
rant fixtures
College team at New-
It is needless to say that this was ful deliberation His was t h e berg Pacific
Saturday, adding an-
Austin Grubbs
a severe disappointment to P. U., reasoning of t h e conservative, other nice victory
to P. U.’s credit,
The body of Austin Grubbs, a yet it is something to be proud of practical lawyer, logical and clear, Webb pitched a nice game, hold-
Mrs. J. S. Buxton visited friends
former re ident of this city, was to know that our debaters, both fundamental and convincing. He ing the Quakers to three hits.
in Portland yesterday.
here and at Salem, made a very pointed out the stupendous size
brought in from Portland Tues­ creditable
showing, making the of the railroad industry as com­ Gully, Newberg*» extremely tall
Get your lime and sulphur day and buried at the Mountain
victory for Willamette not only pared with the postoffice in rela­ man, and their famous pitcher,
sprays at Littler’s Pharmacy.
View cemetery.
close, but a real surprise to their tion to the financial investment. held the P. U. boys to four hits.
Besides his excellent pitching,
Highest price paid for Mohair
Deceased, who was 27 years of own debaters.
fielded fx*rfectly hiH posi­
and Wool. A. G. Hoffman & Ce. age, died at his home in Portland
T h e question debated wa s , rebuttal on the point made by the tion, shutting off several profitable
We will insure your auto against Sunday of chronic intestinal ne- “Resolved, T h a t t h e United affirmative in regard to the gov­ hits. Bernards caught a good
fire, theft and collision. Hancock ; p h n te s . He is s u r v i v e d by a States should own and operate all ernment-owner! railway l i n e in game behind the bat, holding
& Wiles.
widow and hi? father and mother. railroads within the border of the Panama. He claimed, also, that Webb skilfully. In fact, the en­
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Grubbs. The states proper.”
the affirmative had not met the tire team was on its mettle and
Just Arrived—A fresh supply of family lived on Gales Creek for a
true issues involved fairly and played creditably all the way.
Whitman’s Chocolates, the best number of years and moved to
Affirmative, J a m e s Rasm ussen honestly. He summarized th e The team goes to Mount Angel
made, at Littler’s Pharmacy.
Portland abon* two years ago
and Glenn Jacs, Pacific Univer­ fundamental issues involved as for a game next Saturday. Mount
Friends and neighbors of Mrs.
sity; negative, Harry Savage and the “economic” and the "political” Angel always has a good team and
Amended Bylaws
Walter Gleiser, Willamette Uni­ phases of the question.
W. F. Schultz are rejoicing to see
the game is not expected to be
At a meeting of the Forest versity. Elbert T a y l o r
her once more on the streets after
Mr. Savage made the closing easily won.
Grove Fruit Growc rs’ association, Lester Jones represented P. U. on speech for the negative. Ho spoke
Miss Marie Wells, a popular
her serious iliness.
held Tuesday, April 18th, the by­ the negative side of the question with a little more enthusiasm this memlx*r of the Senior class, was
When Ottice S h e a r e r gets laws were amended so that three at Salem on the same evening.
time and his rebuttal was certain­ elected May Queen by the largest
through with his enlarged room, directors only are necessary and
The first speaker in the debate ly hard to break down in a good plurality in the vote cast in a
his confectionery will be one of J. A. Forbis, B. F. Purdy and H. in this city was Glenn Jack of many respects. His was a con­ number of years. The final elec­
C. Atwell were elected as such P. U. In the opening speech for tinuation of the discuvsion from tion took place last Thursday.
the coziest places in town.
«directors. The first - named is the affirmative he outlined the the point of fundamental criteria The May Day exercises are sched­
Nelson Frost, Jr., was operated president, the second is vice pres­ points on which the affirmative by which we should judge the
uled for May 12th. Miss Wells
on at the Advent hospital, Port­ ident and Mr. Atwell is secretary would support their arguments as merits of private ownership and has been prominent in school ac­
land, yesterday and is reported r< - and manager. Practically all the follows: (1st) Private ownership private initiative, as compared tivities here. She hax been secre­
covering from the effect • thereof. stock has been signed over to Mr. has proved inadequate and has re­ with the financial, political and tary of the Student Body, vice
Forbis, who will finance the im­ sulted in many evils; (2nd) The economic phases of the proposed
Philip DeLongchan p of :he provements to be made and the Inter-state Commerce commission government ownership o f rail­ president of the Kappa Delta so­
ciety and president of her class.
state architect’s office, Sacramen- operation of the plant
has shown defects; (3rd; Govern­ roads.
She is vice president of the house
to, Calif., spent Easter Sunday
ment ownership is practicable;
Mr. Rasmussen closed the de­ government association of Herrick
(4th) Government ownership has bate for the affirmative. His re­ Hall and will take one of the lead­
with Mr. and Mrs. E.E.Williams.
been a success where tried.
buttal was both impressive and ing parts in the commencement
Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Miller have
Mr. Jack spoke rapidly and persuasive. He pointed out the play. Miss Wells has already
returned to Forest Grove to m ale
W illam ette Wins Debate
with earnestness, and showed that difference between the old forms chosen her attendants. Thev are:
their home. Mr. Miller is in the
Last Friday evening the In er- he had the subject matter well in of government and the democratic, Margaret Keep, Frisia Acker,
and rave statistics to show how Helen Brunner and Elida Loynes.
employ of the custom house, as collegiate debate with Willamette hand.
Mr. Savage of W. U. made the government ownership has been a
One of the nicest programs of
traveling inspector.
University was a victory for the
. opening speech for the negative, success in other democracies, like the entire _ year was enjoyed
. „ last
He spoke with a calm deliberation New Zealand, Australia and ( an- Thursday evening in Gamma hall,
that appeared slow after hearing uda. He manifested some show when the Kappa Delta girls were
Mr. Jack, yet he spoke with a of wit in his rebuttal of the point thp guests of the Gamma Sigmas,
confidence t h a t comes with a made oy the negative regarding After the delightful program re-
thorough mastery of the situation.! the case of North Carolina, where freshments were served by the
and do it with a machine that will not require the strength
He discussed the postoffice, show- government ownership has been Gamma boys. Vercie Bellinger, a
of a horse to operate.
ing how that public utility differed tried with varying degrees of sue- prominent Gamma man of last
fundamentally from the railway cess- He closed his remarks by year, rode in from his school near
industry, and pointed out the fact j summarizing the argument of the North Plains to attend the pro-
is ball-bearing in the reel and roller-bearing in the wheels, m aking it
that the postoffice was being run affirmative in detail.
the lightest-running machine on the m arket. It is so easy to adjust a
on a losing basis, financially, every
Following the debate an in-
Since the nicer weather has
child can take care of it. Cost no more than the ordinary mower. Let
us show you the difference. We are exclusive agents in F orest Grove
year. His argument was logical formal reception was held in honor come, the baseball and track team
for the
and sound.
of the visitors at Herrick Hall boys have been working hard each
Mr. Rasmussen of P. U. made A very interesting social hour was afternoon. Coach Yakel is anx-
Iron Age Cultivators and Seeders
the second speech for the affirm- enjoyed under the direction of ious that P. U. may even excell
the best im plements of the kind to be found anywhere.
ative. He came at his opponents Mr. Frost of the entertainment her past record of victories, and is
with a strong rebuttal. His ar- committee. Refreshments w e r e doing everything in his power to
gument was more from the stand- served and a most delightful time accomplish the highest possible re­
point of the public welfare as op- enjoyed by both visitors a n d suits The boys are showing a
Phone 663
posed to the interests of the indi- hosts. After singing “Goodnight, better spirit of late, so the pros*
j vidual few. He gave much data Ladies,” the students sang to the pects are brigntening for a most
to show that government owner- j same tune, “Goodby Willamette.” successful season.
ship of the railroads has been not
only a benefit to the common
people (those bearing the burden
of taxation,) but that government
ownership was cheaper. He also
pointed out that it was a proper j
| ‘ function of government to pro-1
but we are still Riving mighty big values in
i vide for the public welfare” by
Fresh and Salt Meats.
'taking over t h e railroads. He
Fany Eastern-cured Hams, lb...............
said there were fifty-four countries
that now had government owner­
Fresh Strawberries, Pineapples, Apples,
ship of railways; and that of the
Oranges, Bananas, Lettuce, Cabbage and
PURE FOOD is what you want. Our meats are cut and dis­
four countries that do not have
choice vegetables of all kinds.
played for you by experts, under Sanitary glass Refrigerated
government ownership the United
Meat Cases, from our perfect Hygienic Cooling Rooms, at no
States and Great Britain a r e
higher cost to you. In other words, for Less money than
placed along side of Spain and
elsewhere. Our “ Purity” Home Brand Hams, Lard and
Turkey—two of the most back­
Phone 0301
Lord & Giguere
Bacon will please you b e tte r; cost you less.
ward nations of the word. Mr.
Rasmussen became very earnest
Three Days’ Demonstration-May 1st, 2d and 3d
and showed more enthusiasm in
his speech than any other speaker.
TRU BLU BISCUITS. You are Welcome.
Mr. Gleiser was the second
Do You Own These Three
In These
Modem Times
Money - Makers?
-T h e -
First National Bank
Phone 683
Forest Grove, Ore
Pacific University
The “Clarinda” Lawn Mower
We Haven’t Moved to Dilley
The Pacific Market