The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 27, 1916, Image 5

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    Mrs. Hampton, arrived Thursday
from Newport and Mrs. Hamp­
ton will spend the summer with
the Buxton«.
County Seat
Washington County K*1I tori» I A »•**¡at ion
News Huraau
We Will Fix
If you break an axle or casting on your auto or any o f your
bring it to us ; w e’ ll weld the break with our
I)r. It. M. Erwin, democratic
M a r r ia g e Liren»**
welding maehi:... We weld steel, cast
candidate for state senator, was
The following marriage I ice n e «
iron, brass or aluminum.
down from Hillsboro Tuesday on w^e'granted'for the w ^k ending
If your wagon or buggy needs repairs, either in wood,
j Professional hu iness.
; Saturday:
iron or rubber, come to us. Prices reasonable.
Mrs. Charlotte Still of Detroit
G. Fosdic, legal age,
| visited last week with her uncle, and Mae S. Lovegren, legal age.
Phone 504
Forest Grove, Ore
Ephyraim Burton, one of Forest
William J. Feldt, legal age, and
| Grove'« shoe cobblers.
IV-arl Wooldridge, legal age.
Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Abraham !
Probate Court
hausen of Portland and Mrs. to lightening the ever-increasing bur­
of taxation created by expenditures
of (¡aston attended the Faster1 In the estate of Chas. Knapp, George Boos of Gaston, di"d at den
out of proportion to increase in wealth
cantata at the Congregational a peiition for probate of will was the home of a grandlaught r, at and actual needs.
L. A. Fernsworth.
church Sunday evening.
Fairbury. Neb., on Wednesday,
For Sheriff
J. J. Wiriz went over to Tilla-
J- H. Shearer is petitioning for April 5th, ag* d 76 years. De-
To the Voters o f Washington county:
i mook last week to preside over a the g u a r d i a n s h i p of Eva E. deased was born in Germany and
1 am a candidate for the Republican
| chair in S m Moulton's barber Thompson, declared to be insane ciimc to America when ten years nomination for the office o f sheriff at
shop during the summer and Mrs. iin<l un;.b!e to care for her estate, of age. She was a member of the the Primary Election to be held May
Wirtz expect to go over in a few which a m o u n t s to probably Luth* ran church, a true 19th, 1916.
If nominated and elected, I will give
Christian and a noble woman.
$2 000 .
the protection o f my office to all per­
In the estate of F. H. Maury, Interment was in Forest Lawn sons and all classes alike ; I will con­
Mrs. Dr. Hawke, who has been
duct my office in an economical way, as
«[»ending two weeks in Portland L. B. Maury is petitioning for cemetery, Omaha, Neb
near as possible ; with fair and court­
having her eyes treated by a
Hancock & Wiles carry Life. eous treatment to the public.
specialist, returned last week, not erty amounts to $10.000.
Geo. G. Hancock.
Accident & Fire Insurance.
In the estate of Joseph W.
Improved. She will return to
For Sheriff
Ralston’s Entertainers, who put
Marsh David Walker Marsh is
Portland for further treatment.
To the Republican voters: I am a
|)etitioning that letters testamen­ on a -how boosting home pro- candidate for sheriff of Washington
Mrs L. Kennedy and daughter,
tary, be issued to Mary M. Marsh, uuets at the Star Theatre Wed- Connty, and if nominated and elected,
Rose, of Portland, are visiting the
ne day, Thursday and Friday pledge an economical administration of
executrix of the Marsh estate.
former’s sister, Mrs. Rose Olm-
nk’ hts of last week, undoubtedly the office in all departments, and will
Circuit Court
! stead, this week. Mr. Kennedy
endeavor at all times to give the posi­
William Berger vs. F. F. John­ impressed many people with the tion attention in the interests o f the
! spent Sunday here, returning to
evil result of sending away for
i his work in Portland Monday son. in which the plaintiff asks j merchandise. Quite a number of taxpayers.
D. M. Mclnnis.
for judgment on mortgage for the
urn of $1,200. with interest at 6 merchants contributed liberally of To the V'oters of the Republican Party
Dr. Bishop’s magnificent tulip i
for Washington County
per cent. Mortgage drawn on I go ds to be given away during the
beds were a source of great delight
I am a candidate for the nomination
certain mill property located in
for County Clerk, for the Primary
: to the many visitors who called to
Forest Grove, indù' ing building,
Election to be held May 19th, 1916;
s«*e them just before Easier. |
machinery and other equipment
have been chief deputy Couuty Clerk
Many churches on Easter Sunday
Miss Marian Wilbur o f the Advent for the past two terms, was bom in
Also coi-ta of action.
school comes to the high school one Washington County, am familiar with
were graces by a profusion of
Hillsboro Garden Tracks vs Me­ period a day for English.
the work of the office, and if nominated
these waxy white blooms.
la i» Cooper. Foreclosure on mort­
Forest Grove High boys played the and elected will during my term o f o f­
County Clerk Luce reports that gage given on certain lots in said Newberg High last Saturday afternoon fice attend to the duties thereof, exer­
cising economy, and courtesy to the
when the registration books were j Garden Tracks, located at Hills- in a game of baseball. Our boys played public.
H enry A. K u ra tli .
a good game but it seemed as if the
closed on April 18th, 8338 persons ^oro
Newberg team was too much for them.
had registered for the primary
j ame8 F . Williams vs..Car ie
For Circuit Judge
The score was 9 to 3 in favor o f New­
To the Republican Voters o f Washing­
election. Of these, G153 registered Williams. Divorce on the alleged berg.
ton County:
as republicans, 1538 as den*«rats groundli of cruel and inhuman
Next Saturday the baseball boys are
I arn a candidate for the Republican
and 643 of other parties
treatment. Plaintiff alleges that planning to go to Hillsboro and we all nomination for Circuit Judge o f the
hope they will meet with better success Nineteenth Judicial District, compris­
Miss Lucy Sedgwick and M r s ., the defendant falsely accused him i than in their previous’, game with New- ing Washington and Tillamook Counties,
at the May 19th, 1916, primaries.
Julia Spring of Waukegan, III., before his children of being im- j berg High.
G eo . R. B a g l e y .
spent the week-end with Mrs. L. moral and leading a double life.
Miss Estelle Stokes was absent from
For Sheriff
S. Phillips and family. They spent P'aintiff also alleges that the de­ school last Friday on account o f illness.
To the Voters o f Washington County,
the winter in San Diego, arriving fendant forced an elder son to
parents at Mountaindale over Saturday
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
there just before the flood. They leave home and that, finally he iand Sunday.
date for the nomination on the Repub­
found it could rain in Southern also was compelled to leave and
The, Parent - Teachers association lican ticket for sheriff in the primaries
met at the High school on Monday o f May 19th, 1916. If I am nominated
California, as well as in Oregon.
live by himself.
The quick, safe
and reliable
Especially desirable In the
country or where there is
no water system, because
It Is Rood roofing and ||ivri splen­
did MlUfaction because it U made right
Free sam ples ami literature
Durable Roofing
Mfg« Co.
Portland, Ore.
F or saia by
Forest Grove Planing Mill,
Phone 0212
Miss Eunice Bernard returned
Friday.from a visit at Portland.
We will insure your auto against
fire, theft and collision. Hancock
& Wiles.
R. C Hill attended the funeial
of Mrs Addison Russell at Caston
last Thursday.
Miss Ruth Cady of Pacific Uni­
versity «pent Monday night at
her home in Beaverton.
A daughter was born last Fri­
day to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
PritzlofT of Gales Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Bates of
the vicinity of Gaston were bus­
iness visitors in this city Monday.
The Express is prepared to meet
the prices of traveling calendar
salesmen in lots of 100 or more.
Mrs. M. A. Turner and daugh­
ter, Mrs. H. J. Walrath, returned
Sunday from a visit in Portland.
J. W. Connell, one of the re­
publican candidates for sheriff,
was in this city Friday visiting
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Johnson
were in Portland Sunday to at­
tend the funeral of their nephew,
Harvey Johnson, aged two years.
The members of the Washing­
ton County Veterans’ association
will hold their twenty-third an­
nual reunion at Hillsboro on
Thursday, May 4th, and prepar­
ations for the event are well along.
Mrs. J. S. Buxton and mother,
Everybody brightens up for
No housecloaning is com­
plete without National Mazda
lamps in all sockets.
National Mazda lamps are
the way to better, brighter,
whiter light.
We have the size you want.
Telephone your order today.
Our number is 486.
H. J. W alrath
Two Poor* West
of First National Bank
A trio composed of J. Hutch-
ison, pianist; Mrs. Susie Fennell
Piper, violinist, and Ferdinand
Konrad, cellist, will giv ■ a con­
cert at Marsh Hall on Wednes­
day evening, May 3d, 8 o ’clock
Reserved seats 50c. Reservations
at VanK< ughnets & Reder’s
Miss Effie J. Godm anof Garden
Home, candidate for the republi­
can nomination for county treas­
urer, was calling on friends in this
city Monday. Miss Godman was
atone time deputy county«clerk
and has considerable office exper-
J. D. Rode, living near this city,
has t r a d e d s o m e Washington
county land and a farm in Lynn
county for a 400-acre alfalfa ranch
five and a half miles from La-
Grand, in union county. He does
not contemplate leaving Wash­
ington county, however.
Dist Saturday evening Miss
Beth Emerson entertained a dozen
of her hoy and girl schoolmates at
the home of her parents, M r. and
Mrs. Frank Emerson The even­
ing wa spent in parlor games, fol­
lowed by refreshments, and all
the guests enjoyed a pleasant ev-
ening with their hostess.
^ ^ Deitz vs. Amelia Deitz
^or divorce, plaintiff cruel
and inhuman treatment.
fendant in this case is alleged to
have in-ulted the plaintiff and
otherwise made life unbearable
for him and at last to quiet the
defendant, and upon her promise
to desist from further harraasing
the plaintiff, she was given certain
properties to the amount of $15.-
000. Plaintiff complain- that this
was insufficient and that he was
at last compelled to leave his
home, the defendant thereafter
■ refUfdng him the right to see or
evening. Miss Cowgill. a teacher at
O. A. C., spoke and a couple of num­
bers were sung by both the boys’ and
girls’ glee club.
Miss Ruth Patton was taken to Port­
land on Monday to have an operation.
Miss Patton is a Senior and the class
members all hope that she will soon be
able to be with them again.
The pedagogy class has been busy the
past few weeks sending out their ap­
plications for schools. They have a>l
been working very hard and we are
sure they will prove efficient if they
get schools.
hold conversation with the child­
Riga VanLoh vs. William Van-
Loh for divorce, alleging cruel
and inhuman treatment, non-«up-
poit and desertion
Plaintiff al­
leges that she was compelled to
scrub, wash, pick up potatoes and
do other menial and hard labor in
order to provide for the family of
five children. Plaintiff asks cus­
tody of minor children.
E. C. Winters vs. L. N. Tom p­
kins. Judgment on bill due for
labor performed to the extent of
$60, with interest at 6 per cent
since Nov. 4, 1914. Also costs for
Dr. J. 0 . Robb vs. Chas. Mart-
in and Theo Martin, his wife.
Suit brought for the recovery of
$200 alleged to be due plaintiff for
medical services rendered. Also
costs and interest at 6 per cent.
A nice line of Nubone Corsets
at Mr.-. Richards’.
As the result of the burning out
of a chimney earlier in the even­
ing, fire broke out in the garret of
the home of Mrs. G. B. Sage,
corner A street and Second ave­
nue south, at about 10 o ’clock
Died in Nebraska
Sunday evening. The fire de­
partment was on the ground in
From the Plattsmouth (N eb)
less than ten minutes and ex­ Journal, the editor of the Express
tinguished the blaze without us­ learns that Mrs. Dietrich Heitz-
hausen, mother of E. K. Heitz-
ing the hose.
We will insure your auto against
fire, theft and collision. Hancock
& Wiles.
Political Announcements
(Paid Advertisements)
For Circuit Judge of the Nineteenth
Judicial District
I am a candidate for nomination to
the office of Circuit Judge of the Nine­
teenth Judicial District, composed of
the Counties of Tillamook and Wash­
ington, subject to the Republican Pri­
mary election to be helu May 19th,
If nominated and elected I will ad­
minister the business o f the courts of
this district justly, promptly and with
the least possible expense to the tax
Less litigation; less expense; less de­
lay and more justice shall be my aim.
Your support is respectfully solicited.
W. H. H ollis .
and elected I will, during my term of
office, conduct the said office honestly,
impartially, efficiently and economically
and for the best interest? o f the tax­
payers o f the county.
Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 28th
day of February, 1916.
J. W. C onnell .
g V B X jjx x M ir-i!
i J. Present C. Deputy
Sheriff Announces
his fandidicy for
County Sheriff
Before the electors at the Republican
Primaries to be held May 19, 1916
If nominated a n d elected h e
pledges a strict observance o f his
duties and an economical admini­
n m m a mn
Notice is hereby given t h a t the
County Court for Washington County,
Oregon, has appointed the undersigned
as executors of the last Will and Test­
ament of Rosanna Anderson, deceased,
and all persons having claims against
said estate will present them to the ex­
ecutors at the office of Manche Lang­
ley, in Forest Grove, on or before the
expiration o f six months from the date
o f this notice.
Dated this 23rd day o f March, 1916.
Undertaking Co.
J. S. BUXTON, Prop.
For State Representative
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
To the members o f the Republican
Party in Washington County:
Forest Grove,
I beg respectfully to solicit your con- i
sidération at the Republican Primaries _
May 19, for the office o f state Repre- I N . HOFFMAN
I favor uncompromising *'•
economy, clean-cut. fewer laws, and I
Attorney At Law
shall place the public interests ahead
o f politics. I shall work against un­ Patent Office Business Solicited
necessary, frivolous a n d conflicting I
laws, and I shall give my best efforts ForestGrove,