Mrs. Hampton, arrived Thursday from Newport and Mrs. Hamp­ ton will spend the summer with the Buxton«. The County Seat Washington County K*1I tori» I A »•**¡at ion News Huraau We Will Fix It! If you break an axle or casting on your auto or any o f your machinery, bring it to us ; w e’ ll weld the break with our I)r. It. M. Erwin, democratic M a r r ia g e Liren»** new Oxy-Acetylene welding maehi:... We weld steel, cast candidate for state senator, was The following marriage I ice n e « iron, brass or aluminum. down from Hillsboro Tuesday on w^e'granted'for the w ^k ending If your wagon or buggy needs repairs, either in wood, j Professional hu iness. ; Saturday: iron or rubber, come to us. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Charlotte Still of Detroit G. Fosdic, legal age, | visited last week with her uncle, and Mae S. Lovegren, legal age. Phone 504 Forest Grove, Ore Ephyraim Burton, one of Forest William J. Feldt, legal age, and | Grove'« shoe cobblers. IV-arl Wooldridge, legal age. Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Abraham ! Probate Court hausen of Portland and Mrs. to lightening the ever-increasing bur­ of taxation created by expenditures of (¡aston attended the Faster1 In the estate of Chas. Knapp, George Boos of Gaston, di"d at den out of proportion to increase in wealth cantata at the Congregational a peiition for probate of will was the home of a grandlaught r, at and actual needs. L. A. Fernsworth. church Sunday evening. filed. Fairbury. Neb., on Wednesday, For Sheriff J. J. Wiriz went over to Tilla- J- H. Shearer is petitioning for April 5th, ag* d 76 years. De- To the Voters o f Washington county: i mook last week to preside over a the g u a r d i a n s h i p of Eva E. deased was born in Germany and 1 am a candidate for the Republican | chair in S m Moulton's barber Thompson, declared to be insane ciimc to America when ten years nomination for the office o f sheriff at shop during the summer and Mrs. iinl been working very hard and we are sure they will prove efficient if they get schools. hold conversation with the child­ ren. Riga VanLoh vs. William Van- Loh for divorce, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment, non-«up- poit and desertion Plaintiff al­ leges that she was compelled to scrub, wash, pick up potatoes and do other menial and hard labor in order to provide for the family of five children. Plaintiff asks cus­ tody of minor children. E. C. Winters vs. L. N. Tom p­ kins. Judgment on bill due for labor performed to the extent of $60, with interest at 6 per cent since Nov. 4, 1914. Also costs for action. Dr. J. 0 . Robb vs. Chas. Mart- in and Theo Martin, his wife. Suit brought for the recovery of $200 alleged to be due plaintiff for medical services rendered. Also costs and interest at 6 per cent. A nice line of Nubone Corsets at Mr.-. Richards’. As the result of the burning out of a chimney earlier in the even­ ing, fire broke out in the garret of the home of Mrs. G. B. Sage, corner A street and Second ave­ nue south, at about 10 o ’clock Died in Nebraska Sunday evening. The fire de­ partment was on the ground in From the Plattsmouth (N eb) less than ten minutes and ex­ Journal, the editor of the Express tinguished the blaze without us­ learns that Mrs. Dietrich Heitz- hausen, mother of E. K. Heitz- ing the hose. We will insure your auto against fire, theft and collision. Hancock & Wiles. _ 9-tf Political Announcements (Paid Advertisements) For Circuit Judge of the Nineteenth Judicial District W. H. HOLLIS I am a candidate for nomination to the office of Circuit Judge of the Nine­ teenth Judicial District, composed of the Counties of Tillamook and Wash­ ington, subject to the Republican Pri­ mary election to be helu May 19th, 1916. If nominated and elected I will ad­ minister the business o f the courts of this district justly, promptly and with the least possible expense to the tax payers. Less litigation; less expense; less de­ lay and more justice shall be my aim. Your support is respectfully solicited. W. H. H ollis . and elected I will, during my term of office, conduct the said office honestly, impartially, efficiently and economically and for the best interest? o f the tax­ payers o f the county. Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 28th day of February, 1916. J. W. C onnell . g V B X jjx x M ir-i! i J. Present C. Deputy Applegate Sheriff Announces fi fi his fandidicy for County Sheriff Before the electors at the Republican Primaries to be held May 19, 1916 If nominated a n d elected h e pledges a strict observance o f his duties and an economical admini­ stration. n m m a mn EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given t h a t the County Court for Washington County, Oregon, has appointed the undersigned as executors of the last Will and Test­ ament of Rosanna Anderson, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them to the ex­ ecutors at the office of Manche Lang­ ley, in Forest Grove, on or before the expiration o f six months from the date o f this notice. Dated this 23rd day o f March, 1916. J. M. HIATT 12-5 EDWARD G. ANDERSON Executors. LANGLEY & LANGLEY. Attorneys. FOREST GROVE Undertaking Co. J. S. BUXTON, Prop. For State Representative L. A. FERNSWORTH Funeral Directors and Embalmers To the members o f the Republican PHONE 642 Party in Washington County: Forest Grove, Oregon I beg respectfully to solicit your con- i sidération at the Republican Primaries _ May 19, for the office o f state Repre- I N . HOFFMAN sentative. I favor uncompromising *'• economy, clean-cut. fewer laws, and I Attorney At Law shall place the public interests ahead o f politics. I shall work against un­ Patent Office Business Solicited necessary, frivolous a n d conflicting I laws, and I shall give my best efforts ForestGrove, Oregon