The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 27, 1916, Image 3

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For light,
wholesome cakes
biscuits and pastry
Nobody can Tell when j
Darken Gray, Faded Hair
with Sage Tea.
Always safe and reliable. If it
isn’t all we claim your grocer
w ill refund your m oney.
U. S. Government Homesteads
1,000,000 ACRES
ln Ihr Famout Columbia Klvi-r Basin and Okanogan Valley.
Dairy, Farm and Timber I .ami Map »bowing Bonds, Lake», River»,
Creek», Mountain», Indian Allot meni* and Mineral I .and. Book of
Dc»criptlon, »how* How to Focate any llome*tcad of 160 Acre* on
504-5 McKay Building, PORTLAND, OREGON
Clean Up Means Paint Up
See Your Dealer.
- Do it N O W !
Grandmother kept her hair beauti­
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Wage Tea and Sulphur,
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture wan applied with won­
derful effect. Hy asking at any drug
«tore for "W y eth '« Sage and Sulphur
Cora pound,” you will get a large bot­
tle of this old time recipe, Improved
by the addition of other ingredient«,
all ready to use, for about 50 cents.
T h i« simple mixture can be depended
upon to restore natural color and beau­
ty to the hair.
A well known downtown druggist
«a y « everybody use« Wyeth’s Sage and
Sulphur Compound now because It
darken« k o naturally and evenly that
nobody can tell It has been applied—
It'* b o easy to use, too. Vou «Imply
dampen a comb or «oft bru«h and draw
ll through your hair, taking one «tram!
at a time, By morning the gray hair
disappears; after another application
or two. It Is restored to Its natural
color and looks glossy, soft and beau­
tiful. T h i« preparation Is a delightful
toilet requisite. It Is not Intended for
the cure, mitigation or prevention of
Calling Uncle Down.
“ When I was a youngster,” remark­
ed Uncle Braggles, "I win about tht
benl baseball player In this county.”
“ What did you play?”
“ Pitcher, catcher, shortstop an' all
the rest of ’em.”
“ Y ch . uncle,” spoke up little Willie,
the champion bright child. “ But we're
talking about baseball, not amateur
theatricals.” — Washington Star.
H a t « H e a lt h / , fttr o n g , H e e a t l f a l E j h
O cu lista And ft a ja ic ie i e u »ed M urine E je
Itvcn rd j m i n ; y r e re b efo re It w as offered a i a
D om estic K je M edicine. M urine le Bitll Com-
p< wuded hy O u r P h y sic ia n s and gu aranteed
by them an a R e lia b le R e lie f for Eyes that Need
( are. T ry it la y o u r E yes and la Baby a Eyes —
N o h m a rtiu g — Juni E ye Com fort- Buy M urine
o f you r D ravirlnt — a e c ep t do Substitute, and If
in terested w r ite fo r B »olt o f the Kyn f r e e .
t f t l R l N M i n to k E M K D V C O ., C H IC A G O
Business rn-ceasity «-very M> r-
chnnt buy« on sight. Big profits.
Exclusive territory. Free samples.
Sells from <5 to >100.
Write ouick
for territory. Kayem. 637 Railway
Exchange, Portland, Ore.
— Six feet through at base, 4 feet
6 inches through at top, five feet above
Giant Stumping
Powder did a clean job, taking out
roots and all without tearing a big hole
in the ground. Farmers who have used
them know that
S T U M P IN G —
A G R IC U L T U R A L .
always aave them money, time and work. T hey save money
because they lift and heave as well as bhattcr, and go further than
high explosives that merely split the stumps. T h ey save time
and work because they get out the stumps— big or little, green or
dead— in a condition easy to handle, “ I get better results from
Giant Powders than from any other powder I have used,” says
A. E. Adkins, W oodbum , Ore.
T h ere are two Giant Farm Powder», both made especially for Pacific
Coast farmers. Kureka Stumping Powder ii most economical for dry
work and Giant Stumping Powder *aves money in stump blasting in wet
•oil. T r y these two. Compare them with the powder you have been
using, and you w ill always use Giant in future. W rite us and we will
have our nearest distributor supply a trial case at the lowest market price.
Five Blasting Books FREE
Better ways o f removing stumps and boulders, making
ditches, planting treea, and breaking up the subsoil are
described in crur five illustrated books. T h e y were written
for western farmers, to meet the conditions that you have.
W rite us for the book on the subject you are interested in.
T H E G IA N T P O W D E R C O ., C o n .,
San Francisco
" E v e r y th in g f o r B lo t t in g "
I'hiiiR' Itroadway WWvi.
Prompt Servie*
S p e c ia lty
& S O N
M a c h in e
W ork s
(* r «r ( u lttn f. W elding. Machine Shop W ork ,
(•na l.n ilt it K ip r rte . M in n d w Itepatrrd.
l'a r t « o f nil K in d » Mod.» fo r A ui* »m obile«.
Y ou r P a t r o n « * « H ollrltn l,
14 N . F ron t HI.
Portland. Or«*«on
The only Autom obil« Behool on the P a­
n ile CuMt maintaining a <»•• TrarUir
Hep« . t aing Itoli < atierpillar. <!. I». Ileal
Tracklayer and W herl Tractor«. Iioth in liuî
aehtiol and laprratinic Acid.
44.» H a w th o rn « A « « . ,
Portland. Ora.
Cash for Butterfat
Ship u» your Cream. K gg». Poultry. Drauted
Meat* and H id*«.
Hazelwood Co., Portland, Or.
The h« me o f the HatUfled ahip|x»r.
The l e t i i r the Cream. the better the Price.
Metal Grain Bins
Two Deluded Souls.
Branch O f f i c e » : S e a t:)«. Spokane, Portland. S alt Laka C k j, D e a re r
BIx— I wonder if Dr. Cook really
thought he ¿ ‘. «covered the north pole?
Dix— Possibly I W e all make mis­
Most folks forget that the kidneys, takes. Why, when I married my wife WEEKS’ BREAK-UP-A-COLD TABLETS
like the bowels, get sluggl«h and clog I thought I had discovered Paradise.—
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and
ged ami need a flushing occasionally, Boston Transcript.
W e want all you have.
W rite for prices and
La Grippe. Price 25c o f your druggist. •hipping
el«e we have backache and dull misery
It's good. Take nothing else.— Adv.
5 1 N o rth F „ — • « .
In the kidney region, severe head
Y o « Cao C at A lla n '* foo t-C a s e fREF.
ache«, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver,
W rite A lla n I t « ’. . O lm a ie d .U - n
R oy,
N. Y
fo r a
o j, 4»,
I ,, . lo
n 'l
'» V
on t-E a»«. I It t cure*
acid stomach, sleeplessness and all free »am p ia o f l A lla
sorts of bladder disorders.
new or tig h t shoe* ea»y. A c erta in cure (or
You Bltnply must keep your kidneys corn*. In ,r o w in g n ail* am ) bunion» A ll drug-
active ami clean, and the moment you ,i.tla te ll It. 2 br. D on't accent any *u b »tilu l*
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
Sense of Responsibility.
region, get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any good drug store here,
“ Is Bliggins patriotic?”
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
“ Thoroughly.”
water before breakfast for a few days
“ Would he fight for his country?”
and your kidneys will then act fine.
“ I don't know about that
But he
This famous salts is made from the hasn't the slightest doubt t » t in an
acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com emergency somebody ought
blued with lithla. and is harmless to Washington Star.
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity. It also neu­
tralizes the acids in the urine so it no
longer Irritates, thus ending bladder
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithla
water drink which everybody should
take now nnd then to keep their kid
neya clean, thus avoiding serious con
A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be
Wash away all the stomach, liver,
lieve In overcoming kidney trouble
and bowel poisons before
while It is only trouble.
Hospitals are great and necessary* institutions, but they
Everyone Should
Drink Hot Water
in the Morning
lilin tu
Ì.’ |-/tn Traatmant and Pmontion
U U U nS I U t
o f (Vmlagioua Abortion.
Tn'Hfm .nt » » 'I I'prvantion o f C a lf Scours. Hog
I'oult* y Di ■•*&«!*». Clip this ad and
marl* an X in front o f ho*.»» want«-*!.
T1IKDA HIIOS., IH-kum Itldg.. Portland. Orrgon.
Spring Colds
A re the W orst
A g e n ts W a n ted
Coast Culvert & Flume Co.
P O R T L A N D , |Konion] O R E G O N
They lend to catarrh and pneu­
They weaken the entire
system and leave it unable to resist
tne sudden changes.
They inter­
fere with your digestion and lessen
your activity. Neglected they soon
become that dread disease known
ns systemic catarrh. Don’ t neglect
them. I t ’s costly as well as danger­
W ill
f' f e h '
HuwMf i f nl Horn«
Krm edin
III* aucceeaful hwrb-
»1 r**TO«*diea cur« nil
Ailm ent* o f
H| S N t « , ”
m m t n j Women with
from the wonderful
China«« herb*, root*,
bud« and vegetable«. which are unknown to
th« medical acianca o f thi* country.
Writa for blank and circular«.
»Send stamp
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162H M rit St.. Portland. O r«
Man lion Paper.
P. N. U.
No. 17. 1916
Have a box o f Périma Tablets with
you for the sudden cold or expos­
ure. Tone your system up with a
regular course o f the liquid Peruna,
fo rtify it against colds, g et your di­
gestion up to normal, take care o f
yourself, and avoid danger. I f you
are suffering now begin the treat­
ment at once.
Give Nature the
help she needs to throw off the ca­
tarrhal inflammation, and again be­
come well.
Peruna has been helping peo­
ple for 44 years.
Thousands o f
homes rely on it for coughs, colds
and indigestion. I t ’ s a good tonic
for the weak, as well.
The Peruna Company,
O b i*
T o feel your best day In and day out,
to feel clean inside; no sour bile to
coat your tongue and sicken your
breath or dull your head; no constipa­
tion, bilious attacks, sick headache,
colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom­
ach, you must bathe on the inside like
you bathe outside. This is vastly more
important, because the skin pores do
not absorb impurities into the blood,
while the bowel pores do, says a well-
known physician.
To keep these poisons and toxins
well flushed from the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels, drink before
breakfast each day, a glass of hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in it
This will cleanse,
purify and freshen the entire alimen­
tary tract, before putting more food
Into the stomach.
Get a quarter pound o f limestone
phosphate from your pharmacist. It
Is Inexpensive and almost tasteless,
except a sourish twinge which is not
Drink phosphated hot
water every morning to rid your sys­
tem of these vile poisons and toxins;
i^lso to prevent their formation.
To feel like young folks feel; like
you felt before your blood, nerves and
muscles became saturated with an ac­
cumulation of body poisons, begin this
treatment and above all, keep it up!
As soap and hot water act on the skin,
cleansing, sweetening and purifying,
so limestone phosphate and hot water
before breakfast, act on the stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels.
111 A I M
IfM lL V lL
surely preventer
by Catter’e n i nek let pm«. I»ow-
priced. freeh. reliable: preferred by
Western stockmen because thoy «re-
feet whore ether vaeelnee fill.
Write for booklet and tcetlmonUli.
10 doe* pkfe. Blackle« Pills fl.CO
SO-do** pkfe Blaekle« Pills 4.00
Tee eny Injerter, out Cutter*« beet,
Tha «uperlortty of Cutte»’ product* la due to orer J4
year« of apeclallxlnf In vaoeineo and serum* only.
laelet on Cutter’s. If unobtainable, order direct.
THK CUTTER LABORATORY. Berkeley, Callfaralt
tm rnymm
m ^
W m
la iJ L iX s #
These T hiee W om en Tell How They
Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal o f
Surgical Operations.
should be the last resort for women who suffer with ills
peculiar to their sex. Many letters on file in the Pinkham
Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., prove that a great number of
women after they have been recommended to submit to an
operation have been made well by Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound.
Here are three such letters. A ll
sick women should read them.
¿S8& 3& S.
V 3gjj*
Marinette, Wis.—“ I went to the doctor and
he told me I must have an oj>eration for a female
11 trouble, and I hated to have it done as I had been
married only a short time. I would have terrible
pains and my hands and feet were cold all the
time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-
pound and was cured, and I feel better in every
way. I give you permission to publish my name
am so thankful that I feel well again.*
because _______________
— Mrs- F r e d B e u n k e , Marinette, W is.
Detroit, Mich.—“ When I first took Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I was so run down
with female troubles that I could not do anything, and our doctor
said I would have to undergo an operation, I could hardly walk
without help so when I read almut tho Vegetable Compound and what
it had done for others I thought I would try it. I got a bottle o f
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and a package o f Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Sanative Wash and used them according to directions.
They heh*e<l me and today I am able to do all my work and I am weLL*
—Mrs. Tuos. D w yer , 969 Milwaukee A v e , East, Detroit, Mich.
Bellevue, Fa.—'“ I suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible
bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried several doctors and
they all told mo tho same story, that I never could get well without
an operation and I just dreaded tho thought of that. I also tried a
good many other medicines that were recommended to mo and none
of them helped mo until a friend advised me to give Lydia E. I*ink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound a trial. The first bottle helped, I kept
taking it and now I don’t know what it is to be sick any more and I
am picking up in weight. I am 20 years old and weign 145 pounds.
I t w ill be the greatest pleasure to me if I can have tho oppor­
tunity to recommend it to any other suffering woman.”— Miss Iu cxa
F rokliciier , 1923 Manhattan St», North Side, Bellevue, Pa.
I f yon would like special advice w rite to Lydia E. Pinkham
Med. Co. (confidential ),Lynn, M a s s . Y o u r letter w ill be opened*
read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence»