^ For light, ^ wholesome cakes biscuits and pastry Nobody can Tell when j Darken Gray, Faded Hair with Sage Tea. Always safe and reliable. If it isn’t all we claim your grocer w ill refund your m oney. JAQUES MFG. CO., CHICAGO U. S. Government Homesteads COLVILLE, WASHINGTON, INDIAN RESERVATION. 1,000,000 ACRES ln Ihr Famout Columbia Klvi-r Basin and Okanogan Valley. Fruit, Dairy, Farm and Timber I .ami Map »bowing Bonds, Lake», River», Creek», Mountain», Indian Allot meni* and Mineral I .and. Book of Dc»criptlon, »how* How to Focate any llome*tcad of 160 Acre* on the Reservation WITHOUT THK EXPENSE OF A LOCATOR. PRICE, POSTPAID, $1.00. 504-5 McKay Building, PORTLAND, OREGON Clean Up Means Paint Up See Your Dealer. - Do it N O W ! Grandmother kept her hair beauti­ fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Wage Tea and Sulphur, Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture wan applied with won­ derful effect. Hy asking at any drug «tore for "W y eth '« Sage and Sulphur Cora pound,” you will get a large bot­ tle of this old time recipe, Improved by the addition of other ingredient«, all ready to use, for about 50 cents. T h i« simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beau­ ty to the hair. A well known downtown druggist «a y « everybody use« Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound now because It darken« k o naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied— It'* b o easy to use, too. Vou «Imply dampen a comb or «oft bru«h and draw ll through your hair, taking one «tram! at a time, By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two. It Is restored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beau­ tiful. T h i« preparation Is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Calling Uncle Down. “ When I was a youngster,” remark­ ed Uncle Braggles, "I win about tht benl baseball player In this county.” “ What did you play?” “ Pitcher, catcher, shortstop an' all the rest of ’em.” “ Y ch . uncle,” spoke up little Willie, the champion bright child. “ But we're talking about baseball, not amateur theatricals.” — Washington Star. H a t « H e a lt h / , fttr o n g , H e e a t l f a l E j h O cu lista And ft a ja ic ie i e u »ed M urine E je Itvcn rd j m i n ; y r e re b efo re It w as offered a i a D om estic K je M edicine. M urine le Bitll Com- p< wuded hy O u r P h y sic ia n s and gu aranteed by them an a R e lia b le R e lie f for Eyes that Need ( are. T ry it la y o u r E yes and la Baby a Eyes — N o h m a rtiu g — Juni E ye Com fort- Buy M urine o f you r D ravirlnt — a e c ep t do Substitute, and If in terested w r ite fo r B »olt o f the Kyn f r e e . t f t l R l N M i n to k E M K D V C O ., C H IC A G O AGEN T W A N TED Business rn-ceasity «-very M> r- chnnt buy« on sight. Big profits. Exclusive territory. Free samples. Sells from <5 to >100. Write ouick for territory. Kayem. 637 Railway Exchange, Portland, Ore. — Six feet through at base, 4 feet 6 inches through at top, five feet above ground. Giant Stumping Ik Powder did a clean job, taking out ^ roots and all without tearing a big hole in the ground. Farmers who have used them know that ^ ^ ^ S T U M P IN G — A G R IC U L T U R A L . always aave them money, time and work. T hey save money because they lift and heave as well as bhattcr, and go further than high explosives that merely split the stumps. T h ey save time and work because they get out the stumps— big or little, green or dead— in a condition easy to handle, “ I get better results from Giant Powders than from any other powder I have used,” says A. E. Adkins, W oodbum , Ore. • T h ere are two Giant Farm Powder», both made especially for Pacific Coast farmers. Kureka Stumping Powder ii most economical for dry work and Giant Stumping Powder *aves money in stump blasting in wet •oil. T r y these two. Compare them with the powder you have been using, and you w ill always use Giant in future. W rite us and we will have our nearest distributor supply a trial case at the lowest market price. Five Blasting Books FREE Better ways o f removing stumps and boulders, making ditches, planting treea, and breaking up the subsoil are described in crur five illustrated books. T h e y were written for western farmers, to meet the conditions that you have. W rite us for the book on the subject you are interested in. T H E G IA N T P O W D E R C O ., C o n ., San Francisco " E v e r y th in g f o r B lo t t in g " I'hiiiR' Itroadway WWvi. Prompt Servie* B O N N E R S p e c ia lty & S O N M a c h in e W ork s (* r «r ( u lttn f. W elding. Machine Shop W ork , (•na l.n ilt it K ip r rte . M in n d w Itepatrrd. l'a r t « o f nil K in d » Mod.» fo r A ui* »m obile«. Y ou r P a t r o n « * « H ollrltn l, 14 N . F ron t HI. Portland. Or«*«on The only Autom obil« Behool on the P a­ n ile CuMt maintaining a <»•• TrarUir Hep« . t aing Itoli < atierpillar. eration for a female 11 trouble, and I hated to have it done as I had been married only a short time. I would have terrible pains and my hands and feet were cold all the time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound and was cured, and I feel better in every way. I give you permission to publish my name am so thankful that I feel well again.* because _______________ — Mrs- F r e d B e u n k e , Marinette, W is. Detroit, Mich.—“ When I first took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I was so run down with female troubles that I could not do anything, and our doctor said I would have to undergo an operation, I could hardly walk without help so when I read almut tho Vegetable Compound and what it had done for others I thought I would try it. I got a bottle o f Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and a package o f Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash and used them according to directions. They heh*e