The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 27, 1916, Image 2

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Brief Resume of Genera! News
from All Around the Earth.
Coast City Is Bombarded By
Kaiser’s Warships.
w T *m * F R E S H
London — Sir Roger Casement has
been captured from a German ship
which attempted to land arms in Ire­
New Movement, Presumably by Felix Diaz, Gives Deep
land and was sunk. This official an­
Concern to Washington Cabinet Discusses Situa­
nouncement was made Tuesday as fol-
I low s:
tion, but Awaits Report o f Générai Scott.
"D u rin g the period between the a f­
ternoon o f April 20 and the afternoon
Washington, D. C .- While immedi­ bus, N. M., the Gth Cavalry from the
o f April 21 an attempt to land arms
ate interest centers naturally in the Brownsville district, the 17th Infantry
and ammunition in Ireland was made
situation as to the troops in Mexico, from Eagle Pass, the first battalion of
by a vessel under the guise o f a neu­ there were renewed indications about the 24th Infantry from Eagle Pass and
tral merchant ship, but which in real­ the State department Saturday that a Troop I, from the 10th cavalry, Fort
ity was a German auxiliary, in con­ wholly different aspect o f the Mexican Apache.
problem was causing concern. That is
It may l»e that the War department
Live News Items of All Nations and junction with a German submarine.
I the movement sup|x>sedly headed by may have to authorize the sending of j Two Men, One Woman and Child
"T h e auxiliary was sunk and a num­ Felix Diaz, nephew o f the former
the few remaining troops in the Unit­
Are Killed Material Damage
Pacific Northwest Condensed
ber o f prisoners were made, amongst Mexican dictator, for a new revolution
ed States into this diqiartment, or it 1
whom was Sir Roger Casement."
against the de facto government.
may be that filling o f the vacant |x>*t*
Light— Attackers Retreat.
for Our Busy Readers.
The news o f the capture o f Sir
None o f the information upon which along the border may be left to the
Roger was received with satisfaction,
the uneasiness rests has been disclosed. government o f Texas, which may send
mingled with regret, at the termina­
It is known, however, that several j the militia.
London German battle cruisers ap-
The British steamship Parisiana, of tion o f what previous to his«alleged Mexicans in the United States are be-
cioie|y watched aMtl it ^ m s poesi-
4763 tons press, has been sunk. The a ctm ties the Germans had been j
off Iam eatoft Tuesday. I<ocal
Pursuit at Standstill.
o f the anti-American
crew o f the vessel was landed. The a brilliant career, useful both to hu- w# th>t
naval forcea engaged the raiders, an
Washington, l). C. — The administra­
That he feelln in chihuahua state, which has
Parisiana left Newport, England, A pril mamty and his own country
did also British light cruisers. The
is w aiting on further re|>orts from
20, bound fo r Norfolk.
enterprise as the British official com-
German warships retreated in 20 min­
j American officers in Mexico before de-
The French Line steamshpi Rocham- muincation gives as the reason for his attributed to this movement.
The l)iaz government, it is said, has
whether the ex|>edition seeking utes.
beau arrives in New York from Bor­ seizure is considered as lending color
The German warships opened fire on
deaux with a gun mounted on her to the view held by his old friends here
V illa shall be withdrawn or reinforced
eoast before departing. Two men,
stern. She is the first passenger ship that he is mentally unbalanced.
country. As viewed by the State de­ for further operations. Indications at
to reach this port thus armed.
L ittle had been heard o f Sir Roger
the War department bore out press re­ one woman and a child were killed.
partment, it is understood the ac
President Wilson has received the in this country for many months. Last ties o f these persons are the more ports from the front that the pursut of The material damage apparently was
third eagle sent him in two months. October a returned Irish prisoner re­ dangerous because the\ are wealthy, Vila was tein|KirariIy at a standstill, small.
It came from John Scheels, o f Port ported that Sir Roger had visited the while the de facto government is in- although there has been no change in
In the engagement two British light
Jarvis, N. Y ., who said it was caught pnson camp at Limburg and vainly volv^ , in a snarl o f flnancial comp|j. policy.
cruisers and a destroyer were hit, but
President Wilson and his cabinet
in Sussex county. New Jersey. The t r , « l to induce Dish prisoners to join CBtioni which would b* haid to over-
none of them was sunk.
an Irish brigade he was said to be come even in time8 o f compleU. ,*.aci.. discussed the Mexican situation Tues­
eagle was sent to the zoo.
The following official announcement
day in the light o f a reviuw o f its mil­
raising in Germany to fight against
was made:
Sharp rises in food prices in Den­ England.
itary a»|>ects submitted by Gen. Fun­
It was reported
" A t about 4:30 o’clock this morn­
Funston Sends More Troops.
mark have alarmed the people, who time ago that Sir Roger had \pyJied
ston. It was announced later that the
the German battle cruiser squad­
fear further increases i f the war con­ for citizenship in Bavaria,
San Antonio, Tex. — General Fun- situation was unchanged and the ad­
tinues. Foods and every-day necessi­ came a report from a neutral country ston issued orders Tuesday that will ministration's policy unaltered. One ron, accompanied by light cruisers and
ties are said to be up 30 per cent, with that he had been arrested in Germany place at the disposal o f General Per- member o f the cabinet admitted, how­ destroyers, ap|>earcd off I»w e s to ft.
The local naval forces engaged it ami
the rate o f increase growing.
i shing 2300 more troops.
ever, that no decision had been reach­
on an unspecified charge.
j He has ordered to proceed to Colum- ed as to the withdrawal of the troops. in about 20 minutes it returned to Ger­
Fred Cozzens, an importer o f New
many, chased by our light cruisers and
York, asserted on his arrival here
aboard the French Line steamship
"O n shore two men, one woman and
Roehambeau, that he had witnessed
a child were killed.
The material
the entraining at Marseilles two weeks
damage seems to have been insignifi­
ago o f a force o f Japanese soldiers,
cant, so far as is known at present.
San Antonio, Tex. — Reports from |
200 strong.
Tw o British light cruisers and a de­
General Pershing Tuesday indicated |
stroyer were hit, but none was sunk."
To test the new state law o f Florida
that Francisco V illa had been located i
making it illegal for white persons to
again, this time west o f Parral, in the |
teach negroes, three nuns from St.
mountains o f Western Chihuahua. He
Joseph’s convent at St. Augustine
was last reported at Nonoava, 85 miles
were placed under technical arrest.
from Satevo.
The report also in d i-;
They were released on their own re­
cated that V illa was wounded, but only j
slightly, and that he was far from be- j
Washington, I). C. — President W il­
W hile 4699 men have enlisted in the ing incapacitated.
son Wednesday, on the anniversary o f
army since March 15, when congress
General Funston regarded the infor- '
the battle o f iA-xington, told congress,
authorized an increase o f 20,000, army mation that General Pershing had se­
assembled in joint session shortly
officials estimated that the actual net cured as authentic.
N o troops have
after 1 o’ clock, he had given Germany
gain has been something over 2000. been sent out.
It was realized th a t,
irrevocable notification that the Unit­
A rm y efficials say the present recruit­ pursuit o f V illa in the locality he had
ed States w ill break off diplomatic re­
ing is satisfactory and above normal. chosen could be successfully conducted
lations i f her illegal submarine cam­
only after many more troops had been
paign is continued.
The government’s
case against
sent into Mexico.
A note, Am erica’s last word, prac­
Franz von Rintelen and those associ-1
Unofficial reports indicated that Car­
tically an ultimatum, and demanding
ated with him in the labor troubles
ranza had sent gradually into the north 1
an immediate reply, without setting
among the munitions plants o f this
an army much larger than that o f the '
an arbitrary time limit, presumably
country is
declared to have been
American force, and a great part o f
was in the Berlin foreign office as the
strengthened by the discovery o f cer­
the Mexican force is in a position to :
President was speaking. It was dis­
tain documents relating to payments
conduct a pursuit o f V illa and his
patched Tuesday night, in accordance
made to von Rintelen.
scattered organizations that would be
with the President's plan to have it
The senate considers the long-pend­ more effective than would be a contin­
before the German government at the
ing rural credits bill to establish farm uation o f the American campaign i f
same moment he was addressing the
loan banks. The bill creates a farm conducted along the present lines.
American conrgess.
loan board to control a system o f 12 or
The President asked no action what­
more land banks, which would make
ever o f congress.
He simply in­
loans to farmers on mortgages, and
formed it o f the accumulation o f facta
also a series o f farm loan associations,
proving that Germany’s assurances to
which would represent the farmers in
Washington, D. C.— A draft o f the
the United States are being violated
dealing with the banks.
naval appropriation bill, the second o f !
and that the submarine campaign, de­
spite the earnest protests o f the Unit­
It is learned that the number of the administration’s great prepared- i
ed States, is being conducted with re­
Japanese settlers on Panama territory ness measures, was reported by a sub- 1
newed vigor in contravention o f all the
has been made the subject o f a report committee Tuesday to the house naval '
laws o f nations and humanity, and that
by United States Consul General Alban committee, which Thursday tiegins,
he means to sever relations unless it is
G. Snyder to the State deparmtent at consideration o f the construction sec- |
brought within the law. Diplomatic
Washington. It is said that within tion.
Present indications are that the pro- 1
history o f the world shows that such a
the past year more than 100 Japanese
course is almost certain to be followed
have come to Panama and entered vari- i P08^ five-year building program w ill
by war.
ous occupations, especially that o f fish be approved, but that the first year’s
allotment o f new ships w ill be increas- !
The President said:
ed from two dreadnaughts and two
" I have deemed it my duty, there­
A large Russian force has been land­ battle cruisers, as proposed by Secre- '
fore, to say to the Imperial German
ed in France.
tary Daniels, to two dreadnaughts and
General Pershing’ s force o f 12,000,
government that i f it is still its pur­
men in Mexico— since Carranza has j
pose to prosecute relentless and indis­
A tornado in Eastern Kansas and four battle cruisers.
The measure as submitted by the ap- not premitted use o f the railroads for ;
criminate warfare against vessels o f
Western Missouri is believed to have
propriations subcommittee carries a , supplies— is now menaced on a line
killed at least 20.
commerce by the use o f submarines
total o f $ 217 , 652,174 for the coming some 400 mlies long, reaching from
notwithstanding the now demonstrated
The editor of a German paper in
year, on a basis of the secretary’s rec- Columbus, N. M., to Parral, where
impossibility o f conducting that war­
Chicago declares this country is in for ommendations o f four capital ships.
Major Tompkins has clashed with a
in accordance with what the gov­
a ‘ ‘ cleaning up.”
mob. This line, over which automo-
ernment o f the United StateH must
The capture o f Trebizond by Rus­
■ bile trucks have carried provisions for
consider the sacred and indisputable
sians makes possible a direct attack
his soldiers, reached from Columbus
rules o f international law and the uni­
on Constantinople.
through Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, and
versally recognized dictates o f human­
London— Three Zeppeilns visited the i Satevo. Whether or not supply autos
ity, the government o f the United
President and Mrs. Wilson received eastern counties Monday night.
are on their way to Parral to help 1200; at Juarez, General Gavira with States is at last forced to the conclu­
thousand members o f the
They dropped incendiary bombs, ac­ Major Tompkins is not known.
j 1800; at Madera General Bartani with sion that there is but one course it can
Daughters o f the American Revolu­ cording to an official announcement.
Carranza has many thousand soldiers 800; at Namaquipa, General Cano pursue, and that unless the Imperial
tion, assembled for their annual con­ The conditions were ideal for the Zep- scattered through this territory, They j with 800; at Guerrero, General Cavas- German government should now im­
gress, and also o f the Children o f the pelin raiders. The night was dark and would be used at once against Ameri- son with 500, and at Casas Grandes, mediately declare and effect an aban­
American Revolution
the atmosphere clear.
can troops i f the clash came.
They General Davilla with 1200,
A t Tor­ donment o f its present methods o f
about the j r are \ distributed as xohowb
follows: . A t Chi-
I f a friend sends for liquor under a
* '
j at 3
v,m- reón, southeast o f Parral, General warfare against passenger and freight
permit and has it shipped to you in ,rustomary hour aPd
httle uLn' huahua, General Gutierrez with 5,000; Trevino has 4000. The A rrieta broth­ carriny vessels, this government can
as the
at Pa"
trust for him, and you are caught with Cer‘ * ln “
to . theiJ J ° cat,0tn’ aH
the at
“ ’ 500; at Jiminez 500; —
h- ers are operating in Durango with have no choice but to sever diplomatic
this liquor and some o f your
early rePortfl showed that onIy incen- ern Sonora, General Calles with 12,- about 3000 men and then there are the relations with the government o f the
German empire altogether."
000; at Satevo, General Herrera with V illa bandits.
are guilty o f having an ovenuppl’/ t n |diary bomba were being dropped
your possession, according to the de­
Lisbon Expels Germans.
Air Fleet Raids Germans,
lowa Swept by Tornado.
Chinese Revolt Gains.
cision rendered by a police judge of
Paris— As a result o f the entrance
Aberdeen, Wash.
Paris— Three more raids by squad-
Mason City, Mo.— A tornado swept
San Francisco — Independence o f
of Portugal into the war, Germans in rons o f French aeroplanes on German through North Central
Iowa and Yuan Shi Kai has been declared by
Seven Villistas were found guily of that country have been notified to de­ positions near the Greek border are re­ Southern Minnesota late Thursday, de­ Fort Kiang Yin, o f Tu Tung, both
murder in the first degree at Deming, 1 part within five days, a Lisbon dis­ ported in a Havas dispatch from Sa­ stroyed a number o f farm houses, in­ near Nankin, in the province o f Kiang-
N . M., as the result o f the raid upon patch to the Temps says.
lonika French areoplanes bombarded jured probably a score o f persons and su, on the Yang-tse-Kiang, according
Columbus. A ll were wounded and only
This order applies to all Germans the German camps at Negotin, Serbia killed several head o f livestock. A t to Shanghai advices to the Chinese Re­
tw o could stand up when the indict- ; except men o f m ilitary age and fitness, and Podgoritz, Montenegro; the bar­ Bricelyn, Minn., seven persons were public association here.
It indicates
ment was read. One was brought into who are to be inter-¿d on Terciera racks at Gieveli, the German hangars injured, some seriously.
that the revolution against Yuan Shi
the courtroom lying on a cot. The Island, one o f the Azores, where a at Negotin, the supply station at Stru-
Tw o farm houses at Belmont, Minn., Kai has spread into Kiangsu province,
penalty fo r the crime for which the | state o f siege has been declared. A ll mitsa and the camp at Padagasi.
were blown down and dwellings in which, i f it declares its independence,
Mexicans were convicted is death by commercial transactions with Germans,
The dispatch says many bombs were Kleister, Minn., were damaged, ac­ would make the ninth province in
the Temps says, are declared void.
cording to reports received here.
China dominated by the revolutionists.
Villa Reported Alive, Wounded,
American Line of Communications Being Menaced
and Again Located in Mountains
Six Battleships Proposed.
Three Zeppelins Raid in Ingland.