The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 20, 1916, Image 8

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and Safety
If your house is a Safe
Place for your insurance
Policies, why insure? Also
your deeds, mortgages and
notes—are they safe, too?
You keep them in a locked
tin box? True, but you
don’t carry the box around
with you, do you? That tin
box is no more protection
than a rubber band.
A Safety Deposit Box in
our fireproof vault will pro­
vide both security and pri­
vacy. The charge is very
-T h e -
First National Bank
Forest Grove, Ore.
Ytariwr Ffdtral
A nice line of Xubone Corsets
at Mrs. Richards’.
A nice line of Easter Hats just
received by Mrs. Dixon.
Dean Clark and wife were Port­
land visitors Saturday.
Hancock & Wiles carry Life,
Accident & Fire Insurance.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bryant
visited in Gaston Sunday.
Some late models of Sport hats
ju<t received by Mrs. Dixon.
Get your lime and sulphur
sprajs at Littler s I harmacy.
Mrs. Bussey of Fir creek was
shopping in this city yesterday.
Barnet Roe of Wapato, spent
Saturday evening in Forest Grove.
We will insure your auto against
fire, theft and collision. Hancock
& Wiles.
Prof, and Mrs. Frank Taylor
r e n t to
r n Portland
H n rr a n d
I nocnav m
o rn .
ing to spend several days.
Just Arrived—A fresh supply of
Whitman’s Chocolates, the best
made, at Littler’s Pharmacy.
F. A. Moore, the Pacific Av­
enue merchant, left Monday for a
business trip to Texas.
Dan Pierce Saturday moved
George McCready and family to
Portland, where George has taken
a small ranch.
Hancock «fc Wiles have $26,000
Mrs. Blanche Richards is offer­
to loan on farms.
ing some extra fine Middy Suits,
Nice hats for young misses and *n several styles, at $2.60 a suit,
children at Mrs. Dixon’s.
The Nowberg High and Forest
The Express prints butter wrap- Grove High baseball teams will
pers with non-poisonous ink.
j meet on the P. U. field next Sat-
Highest price paid for Mohnir ur,b*y S o clock,
and Wool. A. G. Hoffman & Co.
Strlbich & Son have done a nice
We will insure your auto against P*ece of work in building a body
fire, theft and collision. Hancock a,u* ^°P f°r *^e ^C^1U^ Z uu,°
& Wiles.
truck, to be used for country do-
Phone 683
■*. V U I
4 V V /V
C tT n"fam lve !Ummer
Ed Goff, who has been living
at Portland for the past four
years, has traded for the J. B.
Mickle ranch, near the Hillside
church, and has taken possession
of his new property.
The “Clarinda” Lawn Mower -
is ball-bearing in the reel and roller-bearing in the wheels, making it
the lightest-running machine on the market. It is so easy to adjust a
child can take care of it. Cost no more than the ordinary mower. Let
us show you the difference. We are exclusive agents in Forest Grove
for the
Iron Age Cultivators and Seeders
the best implements of the kind to be found anywhere.
- f c * * •-d' XvT-.TrT:''
V.' sj *
Special till Easter
Fany Eastern-cured Hams, lb ......... ....... . 21c
Fresh Strawberries, Pineapples, Apples,
Oranges, Bananas, Lettuce, Cabbage and
choice vegetables of all kinds.
The Pacific Market
Lord & Giguere
The men have bgen studying ¡'
, .u o .
the question for two months and
The case of the State vs \\ rn. enjoyed themselves, judging by the
if you want to hear some good Lyda w as finished Friday. A fter la tones« of th« hour in arriving home,
arguments on this question, you’d being out twenty-four hours the Th‘* mn,r,,n,, <>f Riverside Grange
hpiii-rcnm o
,■ _
on Tuesday to
o u ter come.
, jury
During the
course 1 met , with
. , Mrs. . Hoskins
«»•— ™ a y , o fth t. lria, 36
amined and as many more dis- trip to Banks Tuesday.
Help Me Increase the Sales
qualified. The trial began Mon- Mrs. J. s. pieri>ont ami Mrs. Frank
The fullest claim that I have -'ay morniwt.
i w«m
City ,i.iu.r, for th.
upon your patronage is that I
Arthur l u ner, the man brought The meeting of the Ladies’ Aid net
give you better shoes at a less hack 'a-‘d week from Crescent for Wednesday of this week wan post-
price than any other shoe man in City, Calif., to face a charge of pom-d for another week,
the state of Oregon. I have just stealing saws from the Helvetia The G. L. It. club will meet Thur»-
m il! was turned lo se after g iv - '*«y afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home
received a line of C. P. Ford’s saw
, ,
, .
I of Mr*. J , W. Hughes.
Riverside Grange met in regular
pumps for ladies—the latest in .ng a cash bond of $200.
William Pollock vs Lilian Henh- session April 14th with a fine attend-
style and perfect in shape. I will
sel them at $3.00, $3 50 ami berger, judgment on bill for $70, ance. A contest for membership was
$1.00 a pair. I have them A A to with interest from fifteenth day of °,OHe<t with the result of 3T> applies-
| tions being voted on and accepted. The
EE. Plea'« call and see them. ,
: meeting was full of interest. We ex-
L. A. Fletcher, Forest Grove.
Probate Court
have quite a large class for in-
Fred Wolf petitioning for guard- itiation at our next meeting, and all
ianship of the estate of Geo. H. members are expected to be present.
Kilner, a man SI years of age and Vil,itor" nrt? welcome.
W anhmifV.n fV itinty E d ito rial A ssociation
. . . .
. | •
N ew s B u reau
to be a _
,, Mrs.
. „ Tom Hundley
k was
, . taken
• „ to the ,
Good Samaritan-hospital in Portland
1 he total value of his property | Mon(jtty for a very serious operation
Marriage Ucennen
Marriage licenses were issued W|D» probebly, aggregate $6000 for gallstones,
past Wf-ek
woek to the following:
inc pcist
M . Lerov Sturdevant and Myrtle
ö . Grabel, Miss Grabe 1 is a res-
ident of Hillsboro, where h e r
father is bailiff of the circuit court.
Mr. Sturdevant is a resident of
the Reedville district.
Fancy Little Pig Hams ; our Purity Home Brand,
Ralph 0 . Smith and Mary J.
made in our Modern plant from Washington county
Case. The former is a resident of
grain-fed Pigs.
Clackamas county and the latter
Hot Cross Buns for Good Friday at 15c per dozen
gives the address of Washington
Golden Loaf Flour, per sack, $1.39
“ It’s THE Flour ; a trial will convince anyone.
Circuit Court
Suits were filed the past week
as follows: Jennie Catherine Mc-
Kalson vs B. E. Melvin. Suit for
foreclosure on mortgage for the
sum of $5,000, with interest.
Portland Mercantile Union vs
S„ W
The County Seat
Easter Special
Purest Grove,Ore
** l i p U l V
and do it with a machine that will not require the strength
of a horse to operate.
Phone 0301
Money - Makers?
wo ' T
r,hbon’ 8,2e
p J Wickizerof Portland
Any of
thr‘,‘, wil1 PV for R*elf on the average-sized
120. at 30c for the next ten days.
fee I U t £ ^ ! w
farm the first year.
.ire. Biani ru ku minis.
jn tht,
block and expects vVe sell the Oregon “Stay Round" Silo, the John Deere low-down
C.ood Jersey cow, giving milk, to . pen a picture show tomorrow Manure.Spreader. with the beater on the axe, and the John Deere
for sale or trade for w’ood. W. or sa u *y mg
1 “ Dunham" Corrugated Roller.
E. Hillier, phone 0114.
Have a good second-hand cam­
Ask anyone who owns these if they are as big money-
C. G. Reiter, candidate for the era that will lake 8x10 or 6*7
makers as we claim them to be.
pictures. What have you to offer
nomination for county surveyor,
as a trade ?_ \alue of complete Don’t borrow’ your neighbor's machine; come and buy one for
was in the city yesterday.
box 643^ City
' your
We have some left ju st as good u your neighbor g o t
Mrs. M. Stephenson e n t e r ­
tained the M. E. Aid society at
Harry Golf, Johnny Wirtz, (’.
her home yesterday afternoon.
R. I-asham and a number of other
Bryan Abraham and Miss Ruth baseball fans went to Portland
Armstrong of Gaston visited at Tuesday, expecting to see the
th e home of V. S Abraham opening game of the Pacific Coast
league, but rain prevented a game
Mrs. Walter Gardner and little
Dan Pierce has purchased a
son of Salem, were visiting the Ford touring car and tried it out
C. E Kindt, for the Collection of with an income of $126 from rent
former’s father, H. T Buxton, Sunday by taking his family and a hill amounting to $71.01 with collections.
and other friends in this city the Mrs Churchill a n d little son, interest at G jx>r cent since first
Horse and Buggy Recovered
Clifford, to Portland to visit Mrs.
first of the week. Th y were on Pierce’s
The hors«1 and buggy stolen from
their way to visit the former’s par­
F. W L e p s c h a t vs Chas. Paul Hir.^hkel near Hillsboro on
ents, Mr. ar.c! Mrs. 0. M. Gard­ Jacobson and Bertha Winkle.
District Deputy H. G. King Rhoades, foreclosure on mortgage the night of April 12, were recov-
ner at Lakeview, Ore.
the attention of the Express involving property in Hillsboro to end by Sheriff Reeves in Port-
Mrs. Dorothy Seymour went to
Portland Saturday morning; then to the fact that t h e Modern the sum of $1600 with interest at land after a long search. The
thief sold the hone for $50 and
on to The Da l l e s , where she Woodmen of America a d d e d 7 per cent and costs.
37,132 new members during the
the buggy for $18 The purchaser
helped to establish a P. E. O.
three months ending March 31.
Tom Roe of Wapato made a They are striving to put on 100,- bor, judgment against defendant gave a cheek, hut later became
trip to the Grove la-t week to
during 1916 and are away for sum of $395.50, with interest suspicious and stopped payment
at 6 per cent from sixth day of on the check. In the meantime
visit his sister and brother here ahead of the schedule.
Nov., 1914.
the thief had cashed the check at
and attend to business matters.
Government Ownership of Railroads
Alma Williams vs Floyd Bil- a grocery store first buying $5
M. S. Schrock is preparing to
Do you believe in government
yer, judgment on mortgage for worth of groceries. In Portland
move his family and household ownership of railroads? If you the sum of $300.
he gave the name of Evans and
goods to McMinnville, where he do, come and hear what the Wil-
Daniel Wright vs Math L. wa> a man described as being tall,
is employed as county agricultural lamette debaters have to s a y
Huss, suit for satisfaction on lank, smooth shaven and about 36
about it. If you don’t, come and
r . ,
. . .
n fT , mortgage on real property for th e ; years of age.
New Easter bonnets, ranging in hear the arguments of the P. U. L um o($908 08 wj|h intereBt, „ d '
price from $2.o0 up. Received team.
two shipments of new goods this
This is the first time in several
Jennie J. Palmatur vs. Chas. Marion an<l Claude Maury, of Lewi«-
Latest eastern blacks in years that P. U. and Willamette
B. Noble, foreclosure on mortgage town. Montana, who were railed here
the new Iisere straw*. The Eiva have m- t in intercollegiate debate for the sum of $2000 with inter- by the death of their father, Frank
and this promises to be a hot
Millinery Shop.
Maury, left for their home on Sunday.
! est.
Paul Hire haa l e a n e d the Bud Dilley
Mrs. J. S. Buxton went to New-
James Rasmusen anij Glenn
James A . Mott V S I/)Uis Wolf, dairy ranch and will take charge at
'.uPP-fii kPnL.„?.^.n.. J!. \ P.’ 3ur^ " ill uphold the affirmative A. A. Smith and John Frohnauser, once.
Another of the good old faahioned
hUrnm r X r llMre '‘H-imlTon who a,rainsl W il 1 a m e t t e 's negative! j udgment
for the sum of $126.86 dances
ner momer. ivire. n a m p to n , wno leam
_____ .
was held at the home of Mr.
Phone 663
Do You Own These Three
- - 16c to 18c
s.<„nl.y n