GERMANY IS HELD 10 ADMIT USES COMÍ UP 10 CLINCH NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; NEWS ITEMS CARRANZA LIMITS NfW SÜSSIX CASI; NLUIRALS WATCHING GUILT OE TORPEDOING SUSSEX GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS L PURSUERS T 0 1000 About Oregon Of General Interest Washington, D. C. — The U nited W ashington, I). C.- While President Portland— W heat— Bluestem, $1.044 S tates is disposed to consider th a t [ier bushel; forty fold, 92c; club, 91c; Wilaon and Secretary Lansing Monday j Germany, in the latest subm arine note, red Fife, 91c; red Russian, 90. were engage«! in m arshalling thu ac­ practically adm itted one of her sub­ cumulation of evidence th a t Germany Millfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $23 m arine commander* i* g uilty of to r­ per ton; shorts, $25.50; rolled barley, in her Hulimarine w arfare had violated Gain Shown in Office of pedoing the Channel steam er Sussex. Holomn pledge* given to tho United Commissioner of Corporations President Wilson and S ecretary I-ari­ $31.5Qftj,32.50. StHte«, official word of two more «hip­ Com— Whole, $36 per ton; cracked, ping diHa*ter« apparently due to illegal Salem W ith a decrease in expenses sing examined the official te x t of the $37. «ommunication from Berlin and are act* hy German Hubmarine command­ Vegetables— Artichokes, 650480c per er* wan received at the S tate depart- of the departm ent am ounting to understood to have reached th is con­ dozen; tom atoes, $3.50 Coj 3.75 per $3737.39, and an increase in receipts clusion, although no announcem ent was «•rate; cabbage, $ 1.50@1.85 per hun­ ment. Consular diapatche* th a t the atearn- totaling $7344.88 f«>r th e nine month* | made. dred; garlic, 10c per pound; peppers, Unless Germany should, w ithout 174@20c; eggplant, 234c; horseradish, «hip Margnrn Abbey wnn attacked of the current fiscal year ending March w ithout w arning on ApriI 8, and th at ¡31, a« compared w ith th e correspond- equivocation, adm it attac k in g the ves­ 84c; cauliflower, 75c/«/,$1.25; lettuce, sel, which had aboard more than a $2.25 @ 2.35 per crate; cucumbers, the Aberdeen bark Inverlyon, with a cargo from Portland, Or., wa* aunk by mg period of the preceding year, an . score of Am erican citizens, inflict ade­ $1.25/«/, 1.50; spinach, 9Oc0/$l box; as­ United States Meanwhile Makes No «hell fire a fte r thu crew had been | exceptional show ing from the stand­ quate punishm ent upon the commander paragus, 74/«/,10c per pound; rhubarb, forced to the «mali boat* more than point of economy i* made by Corpora­ of the subm arine and in o th er ways Oregon, $2.50 per box; peas, 74@9c Change in Policy of Pursuit 100 mile* from «bore. American* were tion Commissioner Schulderman. Mr. show evidence of good faith , action of per pound. a drastic nature undouhte«jly will fol­ a'toard both *hi|«i, and were endan­ Potatoes—Jobbing prices: Oregon, 1 Schulderman filed a com parative report low. D etails of th e policy to t>e pur­ Funston’s Orders Stand. gered. ■ of the work of his office with Governor sued are expected to he form ulated at $ 1.50@1.75 per sack; Yakimas, $1.70 These two cane* are being investi- ,61,1.80; new California, 6 @ 7c per the next m eeting of the cabinet. gated and may be included in the Withycombc. pound. The re port *how* th a t the grows re­ The assum ption of G erm any’s admis­ Mexico City Tho Mexican govern­ Am erican indictm ent of German m eth­ ceipts of the corp»«ration departm ent Onions — Oregon, $1.75 per sack; m ent will insist w ith inflexible deter­ od* of conducting «ubmarine w arfare f«»r July, 1915, U> March, 1916, inclu­ sion of g u ilt is founded on th e m arked Texas, Bermudas, yellow, $2.25 per sim ilarity of the circum stances sur­ which it wa* uridcr«tood probably m ination th at nn nr/m-«l expedition of would be ready for tran*mi*Hion to sive, were $116,302.20, while for the rounding the explosion which damaged crate; white, $2.50. Green F ru it — S traw berries, $3.50 corresponding joriod of th e year be­ the Sussex and the attack on a steam er th e United State« which enter* Mexi­ Berlin early next week. per crate; apples, $ 1041.60 per box; fore the receipts totaled $108,938.82. in the Channel described in the Ger­ cranberries, $11 per barrel. The President and S ercctary Can­ can territo ry in the guise o f a punitive “ This increase, ” Commissioner ex|>edition niunt lai limited to 1000 ning devoted a large p art of the day to Schulderm an advises the governor, “ is man note. The date, tim e and loca­ E g K » —Jobbing price: Oregon ranch, tions are practically the same. The candled, 204c per dozen; uncandled, < onaideration of the «ubmarine situa- men of one aervice alone cavalry, ac­ in spite of the fact th a t the collection damage done by the torpedo fired by tion. They had before them several cording to a Mtaternent made pul>lic of annual fees from banks was tran s­ the subm arine and the explosion which 1940420c. affidavit« secured from Am erican *ur- Poultry— Hens, 17@ 17|c per pound; S aturday by Juan N eftali Amador, vivor« of the Sunaex and other vtissels ferred in the interim from the corpora­ wreck tsl the Sussex are identieal. The stags, 13c; broilers, 25/eriod of the year before. ¡« being watched closely by the diplo­ case lots, standard makes, 310/,33c; ing the outcome of the diplom atic ne­ m atic representative* of o ther neutral lower grades, 30 @ 304c; packed in gotiation*, however, thu «tutu« of the nations. W ashington, D. C.— Am erican troops cubes, 2c less. Prices paid by jobbers Josephine County Gold Mine ' in Mexico have had th e ir first b attle to producers: Cubes, extras, 30(03lc ; ex|>edition will rem ain unchanged and Property Sold for $175,000 with the natives a t th e moment Gen­ firsts, the purHuit of Villa continue*. 270427ic ; dairy b utter, 14 0g Thi* wa« the «ituation a« officially G rants P ass—The announcement has eral Carranza is urg in g th e ir w ith­ 184c; b u tterfa t, No. 1, 33c; No. 2, drawal. described a fte r President Wilson and 30c. ju st been made public th a t the Black On Wednesday night, while General hi* cabinet had considered the new Veal—F ancy, 1140/12c per pound. Eagle group of m ining claim s on Fid­ C arranza’s note was on its way to phase* of the Mexican problem raised Pork— Fancy, 11@114c per pound. New Y ork—The names of 250 prom- dlers creek, in the Kerby district in W ashington, troopers of the Seventh by General C arranza'* communication. Hops— 1915 crop, 110il2c; 1916 con­ S ecretary Lansing said he was pre­ | inent engineer* who are to organize Josephine county, has been sold to a i Cavalry, under Major Tompkins, were tracts, nominal. pared to tuke up the subject with the state boards throughout the country to group of m ining men from the state of fired on in Parral, a V illa stronghold, Wool— E astern Oregon, 21@27c per in W estern Chihuahua; were pursued pound; valley, 30c; mohair, new clip, de facto governm ent, but would not in­ make a complete survey of American j m anufacturing and producing re- | W ashington who will im mediately de­ j into th e suburbs, while the Carranza 35c. dicate when a reply m ight be sent. S ecretary B aker *aid no order* had 1 sources, as a first step toward indus- '• velop and operate th e property on an garrison took a doubtful p art in the Cascara bark — Old and new, 4c per affray, and were attack ed during the po and. been *« nt to G eneral Pun*ton and thut trial preparedness, were announce«! j extensive scale. Monday by the com m ittee on industrial The purchase price of $175,000, night. none were under contem plation. C attle — Steers, choice grain and Complete inform ation reg arding the pulp, $8.50@9; choice hay, $8.15 @ Both secretaries said there had been preparedness of the Naval consulting ujx>n which an in itial cash payment of $30,000 has been made, easily ranks losses to the Am erican troops or to the 8.50; good, $7.75 @ 8 .1 5 ; medium, no change in thu policy of the adm inis­ board. The engineers, who will serve with- j the sale of the Black Eagle as one of Mexicans had not reached W ashington $7.50@ 7.75; cows, choice, $6.70@ 7.80; tratio n which prompted the pur*uit of out pay, become associated members the largest m ining deals made in this Thursday night. S ecretary B aker in­ good, $6.50@ 6.75; medium, $6.25 @ Villa. formed President Wilson th a t a b rief 6.50; heifers, $5@ 8.35; bulls, $2.75@ From o th er source* it wa* learned of the Naval consulting board, of county. th a t the huccchh of the C arranza gov­ which Thomas Edison is chairm an. | A concentrator of 50 tons capacity dispatch to the W ar departm ent said 6; stags, $3@5.25. Following are the names of some of [ will he erected at once, cn electric that,-according to unofficial reports, ernm ent in dem on«trating it* intention Hogs— Prim e light, $8.90@9; good plant for supplying lig h t and power ! one American cavalrym an was killed to prime, $8.25@ 8.50; rough heavy, and ability to continue the pum uit and the directors: Idaho — M. S. Parker, St. M aries; will also he installed, w ater power and th a t the troopers used a machine $8@ 8.25; pigs and skips, $8@8.25. ex term in atio n of the bandits, «hould gun ag ain st the Mexicans. Am erican force* las recalled, would Stanley A. Easton, Kellogg; George being used to generate th e current. Sheep— Y earlings, $8@10; wethers, The new owners are confident the Mr. B aker announced later th p t he $7.250/9.25; ewes, $6.25/08.25; lambs, weigh heavily w ith P resident Wilaon F. Waddell. Squirrel; (). G. F. Mark- in reaching a final decision. In th at hus, Boise; J. Shirley Jones, Moscow. property will become one of the g re a t­ had ordered General Funston to take $9.50@10.50. ________ Oregon — George C. Mason, B ert C. ! est producers in the Pacific N orthw est. any steps th a t m ight be necessary to connection an official report from the commander o f the Am erican force« a t­ Ball, O. B. Coldwell, Portlan«!; A. M. The mine is to be known as th e Neil- prevent fu rth er trouble. When asked j w hether th is m ight mean the enforced Banker Expects Better tacked at P arrel, Mexico, last Tues­ Swatley, Corvallis; O. F. Stafford, Success. use of Mexican railroads for the move- day, by civilians i* anxiously aw aited. | Eugene. Business in Northwest , ment of soldiers and supplies, he said General C arranza'« inform ation, trariB- State Ships Flax Seed. initted, wa« th a t hi* soldier« had done General Funston was on the ground Spokane — "B u sin ess generally in Salem — In response to a request and would act in any em ergency. everything in th eir power to *top the Spokane and throughout th e Inland firing at the Am erican troops. Unoffi­ General Carranza, d irectin g his em­ from the Eugene Chamber of Com­ Sfiokane, W ash.—Two masked high­ cial versions of the incident, however, bassy here to point out th a t th e clash E m pire -and th e Pacific N orthw est merce, 358 bushels, or 20,000 pounds, have asserted thut Carrunza soldiers waymen, traveling in an automobile j proved his contention th a t the pres­ should show big im provem ent from ! which they captured a t the point of of flaxseed owned by the sta te was ence of American troops in Mexico is now on, and more especially during the were umong the attackers. ; guns, ran over a large part of the shipped to Eugene. leading to a situation which th reaten s i South Side between Canno Hill anil | U nder the arrangem ent made by the to go beyond his control, telegraphed Summer and next fa ll,” said Aaron Kuhn, a director of th e Spokane & Union Park for nearly four hours S at­ th at many deaths had occurred on both E astern T ru st company, Wednesday, urday night and Sunday morning. Eugene Cham ber of Commerce and ac­ j sides. on retu rn in g from a business and They held up, roblied, assailed or m uti­ cepted by the S tate hoard of control, Foreign M inister A guilar, in a dis­ lated citizens, chase«! automobiles, the cham ber has agreed to pay the patch sent before th a t from General pleasure trip to E astern and Middle defied pursuit and concluded the : sta te for this seed October 1, 1916. : Carranza, said one Am erican trooper W estern cities. “ I t is reported in New York th a t S eattle, W ash.— Mayor Gill was on n ig h t’s work w ith a profit of $44 and , The price is $720. the job w ith his coat off Saturday with six passengers in th e ir possession, j Checking over the flaxseed on hand was killed and several citizens wound- Germany has am ple resources for fully at the penitentiary, it is found th at ! ed. 24 m onths,” Mr. Kuhn said, " a n d it Chief Beckingham and P ort Warden among them a woman. Consul Garcia, the C arranza agent seems to be known th a t the allied the total am ount in the bins is 2235 Payaae, when eig h t tru stie s of the city Shortly before 3 o ’clock the high- ! jail and several volunteers from the 1 waymen reached the eastern o u tsk irts : bushels, or 125,160 pounds. This now at El Paso, telegraphed th e embassy countries are in a position to continue fire departm ent began the work of of the city in a futile search for more has a m arket value of not less than i th at “ several persons w ere killed on for at least a sim ilar period.” $2.50 a bushel, although it is being both sid es.” H is dispatch added th a t j Mr. Kuhn said th a t while factories tran sferrin g 1000 case* of contraband j " liv e o n es" and disappeared. when th e Am erican troopers entered ; laser from the B ell-street dock to the " D o n ’t you want a souvenir?” called I sold to Oregon farm ers for $2 a bushel. P arral “ th e people protested, and it are busy throughout th e big m anufac­ On the basis of $2 a bushel, th e seed tu rin g centers in the E ast, th ere seems fire boat Duwamish. back the younger of the robbers to the j appears the garrison did also .” to be a cautious feeling, w ith th e re­ L ater the Duwamish went up the woman. A coin was refused, but a ( owned by the state represents an asset of about $4500. sult th ere is little so called plunging. bay where the w ater ¡ h plentiful and cartridge was accepted. “ A nother th in g is th a t th is is the deep. There the whole cargo of booze presidential election y e a r,” he added, was unceremoniously dumped. All Water Scale Announced. “ and capital is som ewhat tim id along th ree officials worked side by side with K lam ath Falls— Notice has been is­ certain lines. There are some who be- th eir assistan ts in doing the "heavy w ork" of moving the cargo onto the W ashington, D. C.— P resident W il­ lieve th at a sudden cessation of hostil­ Eugene, O re.—Ig>st in a snow’storm sued by the reclam ation service con­ ship. Bfter w andering for many m iles in the cerning the due dates, etc., of opera­ son, speaking a t a Jefferson day ban­ ities in Europe will result in flooding Despite the protests of Prosecuting wilderness of Saddle m ountain, the tion and m aintenance charges on the quet of Democrats from all p arts of th is country and others w ith cheaply- A ttorney I.audin said th a t the court w ildest region of W estern Lane coun­ the country here Thursday night, said made goods. “ One th in g is c e rtain : Our tariff was " ta k in g the teeth out of the dry ty, Lyman Maddaris, aged 19, perished K lam ath project covering lands in he prayed th a t th e U nited S tates law ,” Judge Ronald in the Superior from exhaustion and cold when w ithin Oregon and California. ' aid not be drawn into a quarrel not question will have to be dealt w ith by court refused to jierm it the sheriff to sixteen feet of the trail. It provides th a t until fu rth e r notice of its own choosing, but asked if the the best business brains of th e coun­ remove the expensive bar and fixtures all lands on the project will be subject people w ere ready to go in where the t r y .” His laxly was found Monday by a o f the combination drufe store and soft searching party, which started out to to the operation and m aintenance in terests of Am erica w ere coincident Hen and Pigeon Affinities. drink establishm et a t 115 Jam es in vestigate a report th at fresh tracks charge as becoming due March 1 of w ith th e in terests of hum anity and street, which was raided Wednesday of shoes w ithout nails, such as worn the following calendar year, and th at have the courage to w ithdraw when W alla W alla— A bantam hen and a on Mr. Lundin’s orders. by the boy and very uncommon in th at each acre of irrigable land, w hether the in tere sts of hum anity had been male pigeon, property of Mrs. W. E. " W e have proof th a t the law has section, had been found near the trail, irrig ated or not, shall be charged w ith conserved. He was in terru p ted by Stapleton, 933 E ast Alder stree t, have been violated,” said the prosecutor. giving hope th a t the lad m ight yet be a minimum operation and m aintenance cheers and shouts of “ Y e s.” discovered they are affinities, and are " U n d e r the law we have the rig h t to alive. charge of $1, which will en title the In th e course of his address the building a nest in th e barn on the seize and remove the fixtures of a M addaris left the home of Thomas owner to not more than tw o acre feet President had m entioned the European prem ises and refuse to associate w ith * place, as well as liquor, on the author­ Cullen, a t the south end of Saddle of w ater for each acre. For th e first and Mexican questions w ithout in ti­ others of th e ir kinds. Two weeks ity of a search w arrant. It is pre­ mountain, in an effort to reach the acre foot additional, 20 cents ^rill be m ating w hat were his plans in eith er ago the hen “ turned down” her m ate sumed th a t some discretion rests with home of his fath er on Big creek, Ja n ­ charged, and additional acre feet will of the problems confronting the United and the pigeon gave up his. The officers of the law .” be furnished a t 40 cents each. owner put th e pigeon in a coop w ith S tates. uary 15. a fem ale pigeon and th e la tte r was se­ verely punished. No P ro g re ss Made at Verdun. Coffee Consum ption Big. S tate S aves $1575 on P ap er. - Road to Spend Millions. London— Before Verdun the infantry W ashington, D. C. — The A m eri­ Salem — By contracting last Decem­ S eattle — C. P. Dole, purchasing Navy’s Gain in Men Is Big. has rem ained inactive and only in the can people consumed last year more ber for a carload of paper upon which agent of th e Alaska E ngineering com­ sectors to the northw est, em bracing than a billion pounds of coffee, or 40 to print election supplies, the s ta te of mission, says th at more than $2,000,- W ashington, D. C.— More enlisted Hill 304 and the front from I-e Mort per cent of all sold in the m arkets of Oregon has saved $1575 over w hat it 000 will be expended by the commis­ men are in active service in the navy Homme to Cumieres, has there been the world. Germany is norm ally sec­ would have paid had the purchase been sion in the Pacific N orthw est w ithin a now than ever before in the country’s heavy work hy the artillery. Berlin ond, but ow nig to the war, her im­ made a t present, according to S tate few weeks. history. S ecretary Daniels announced The m aterial called for includes Wednesday th a t th e personnel for the reports th a t unfavorable w eather is ports have been cut off. France is P rin ter Lawrence. The carload of pa­ hindering artillery operations. The now second, but consumed only one- per cost the state $2350, but, had the rails and angle iron, $600,000; gro­ first tim e had reached th e 54,000 m ark. Germ ans in the Lake Narocz r.nd Iks- fourth the am ount used in the U nited purchase been delayed until now the ceries and supplies, $500,000; bridge “ There are now 54,011 men in the en­ kull bridgehead positions on the Rus­ S tates. The American per capita con­ price would have been $3925, owing lumber, $150,000; m arine supplies, listed personnel,” said the secretary, sian front have made attem p ts to ad­ sumption is 10 pounds a year of coffee to the rapid rise in paper prices since $100,000; flatcars and other rolling “ showing a net gain of 6664 since stock, $100,000. March 4, 1913.” the first of the year. and seven pounds of tea. vance ag ain st the Russians. Mexican Government Welcomes None But Cavalrymen. GENERAL’S INSISTENCE IS "IN FU M I” J U. S. Troops and Mexicans Clash When Parral Protests Presence Engineers to Aid in Inventory of Nation's Industrial Preparedness Robbers in Autos Capture Six. Seattle Dumps 1000 Cases Contraband Beer Into Bay Body of Lost Lad found Near Trail. President Wilson Asks If America Is Ready to Eight