The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 20, 1916, Image 6

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    T h e Red M irage
A Story of the French Legion in Algiers
B y I. A. R. W Y L I E
” ln two m inutes yon will have ywm i
tes," she announced In thn ruthless
tones of s professional nurse “ How Is
your head now?"
"B etter—" For the first Mm# sh
turned and looked him full In the face
and he broke off blankly. Wither she
w h s young, or she hud conserved In
those tw o clear, steady eyes all (list
Is youthful and all thnt Is splendid In
youth She w as sm iling, and Inexpll
A Shortage in Paper.
A com m odity even HO Indirectly ra­
fa I I'll to the ib'iunnda of wur as [taper
Is Showing tils prevailing tandem ¡es
to such a degree as seriously to em ­
b arrass publishers. T he h ig h er p rim
Of paper stock ami the difficulty of
olilainiug It ut sil In E ngland wun a
chief factor In the discontinuance in
M arch of the London dally Htnmliird,
after a career of sixty years, for u con­
siderable portion or which It was (hr
m ost Im portant organ of the utldill«
classes In England, in A m erica the
dem and for paper han been Increasing
for six m onths as a result of general
business activity. At the sam o tim e,
supplies used In lis m anufacturo liavo
been decreased hy w ar conditions, and
In som e cases have alm ost been sh ut
>ft. T he supply of old rags Is affected
by the cu ttin g off of tho Im portations
from the E uropean peasan try aud by
the dem and for th e m aking of guncot­
ton. T he chem icals used In bleaching
the pnpor produced hy sulphuric acid
and alum are being devoured by the
m an u factu rers of explosives, while Im­
portation* of Jute have fallen oH until
•he price la doubled. An em bargo hna
been place! on ahlpinenta of wood
pulp from Norw ay and Sw eden, w h ile •
('nnadu stopped access to h er vast re-
•urces rouie tim o ago, T he new spa­
per publisher la. Indeed, hard h it hy
w ar conditions In m any o th er Item s
of supplies beside* the basic one of
Paper stock. P ractically ev erything
going Into the m anufacture of a dally
new spaper has Increased In price from
I" to f.o per cent — inks, ow ing to the
advance In the coat of acida and dyes,
from 300 to .’1000 per cen t: type, ow ing
I » the higher cost of lead, tin and an
tlm ony -even the rubber and felt
blankets w rapped around tho press
ro llers add th eir quota to tho Increased
"cost of living" «if the m etropolitan
dally From “The P rogress of tho
W orld." In the A m erican Review of
Reviews for April, 131(1.
lAU nshU r*Mr'rvi. I'h* bobtx Mxtill Co.)
“ L ieutenant In my regim ent," Sower the card-tuple, went over to (he lire
answ ered quietly. “Q uite prom ising; side and stood there with his buck
W h en
K ng-
out in South Africa.”
turned, hla head bent. He did uot uo
ll*h * l r l. r e tu r n s fro m a s e a r c h In A U te r» served
“Ah!” A rnaud's restless eyes had tlce Farquhar, who looked up hk
fo r h e r m l» -m g b ro th e r, h e r lo v er, R ic h ­
a rd F a r q u h a r , finds s h e h a s fa lle n In lov e w andered from the tire to the d istan t though raNoil from his deliberate lelh
w ith C a p ta in A rn au d o f tlia F o r e ig n card-table, w here the four younger
urgy by some painful sound. The
men w ere now [(laying with a listless boy's round, unform ed face w as wet
Interest. “ Well. I do not suppose we “H UI lo— Brest o u !”
Do you belong to th a t class of
shall often meet. He and Miss Om­ He started violently.
persons who believe th a t gam ­
ney are great friends. Is It uot so?”
bling debts should be paid be­
“Oh, you. F arquhar— I dldu't know
Sower pushed the cigar box along you were there. For God’s sake don't
fore all others* Does your creed
the mantelpiece.
of honor prescribe the paym ent
look a t me— I'm a fool but I'm cleaned
“ Help yourself. No. I should not call out. Two hundred pounds at a sit
of a bar debt sven if the grocer
them great friends. Miss Om ney'a tin g —all my allow ance—“ lie broke
and the dry goods m erchant
brother w as a kind of David to Far- off.
m ust go unpaid and your fam ­
quhar’s Jo n ath an —”
ily go w ithout some necessities 7
F arq u h ar shifted his position so that
“And it w as David who mistook the he faced the card-table. His eyes
There are such creeds of per­
broad path for the narrow ?”
sonal honor.
w ere dangerous.
“ Exactly. There w as a scandal, of “ I say, this Is a dam ned gam bling
course, a dishonored check and a bolt. hell.” he said clearly.
Gam bllug. I l»elleve. Old C harles O m ­ “ Did you »peak. F arquhar?" Sower
ney has the reputation of a hard man usked quietly.
The Fourth Floor Back.
Like most bard articles he has broken
F arq uh ar did not m ore.
Capt. Robert Sower had never been up
the first blow.”
said this was a dam ned
called a draw ing-room soldier, and this A under
rnaud w as silent a moment, his gam bling 1 hell.
I may add that you are
In spite of the fact th a t he had many delicate,
nervous face overclouded w ith a dam ned scoundrel.
your friend
detractors. Wbeu he w as In tow n he some unpleasant
He was there to return his 1. Ask
O. L’.'* ou the
kept open house, and It becam e g rad u ­ still w atching the reflection.
spot, or I promise you we tw o stwill be
ally a custom to such of his com rades gar had been allowed to go out.
as were In the vicinity to congregate The m au In the arm chair lifted hla explaining m atters at headquarters to­
D e m o n s t r a t i n g It .
m orrow morning. You kuow w hat
In the luxuriously api>ointed smoking head.
Mrs. Itinx I was Just reading about
room, smoke his cigars aud drink his “Gam bling alw ays seem s to me the that menus. 1 fancy."
an To years old who has he«-n aent
T here w as no answ er for a m inute.
Am a Cur," M« Said U nder His to the
penitentiary for tho fifth tim o
B reath.
Ou the evening when Capt. D esire deadly security of modern life.” he ob­ All tlve men looked lustluctlvely at
for burglary.
Sower, w aiting for his next m ore. The
A rnaud entered the softly lighted
ably her frank pleasure sceme«! to Mr. Hlnx—Yea, old age steal* on.—
of the gum ing passion had lift­ goad
apartm ent four men were seated round served
out of tils heavy Indifference,
the card-table sm oking and chatting, nnud glnn.-ed at him quickly and al- ed. leaving a rank, bitter-tasting renl- “ I him
am a cur,” he aril«) under hts
Ity. Bower recovered his calm good
apparently taking their gam e none too ' most with appreciation.
How is
j breath.
seriously. Sower him self stood by the “ You may be rig h t One has the nature w ith unaffected ease.
log fire w anning his hands and ex­ I feeliug som etim es of stifling.” He "F arq u h ar. you are undoubtedly
Your Mouth?
changing desultory rem arks w ith a laughed cynically, and the older man the w orse for my brandy.” he observed. I drunk. It's not n nice word, but I'm '
Ar«* y o u w u ri riff •* t r t n t <»r«ry
,d I’» too bu-y to think out pretty
•ii>l i D v a u lt « r y r u h l - * r pi «tV»
man whom the indefinable som ething rose. It w as noticeable for the first •Lowe. I should be glad If you would afrB
l*o >ou fln«l jrtrtjr mouth In*
return Mr. Preston's note of hand. I
stam ped as a civilian. As A rnaud's tim e that he limped.
! fthouM
» |M*rmanr-nt.
shall settle with you m yself for yonr
nam e was announced Sower turned
round and advanced w ith hospitably “either with their lives, other people's Ins*. I tru st that F arq u h ar will *«-e fit Him placed the cup fearlessly at hi*
extended hand.
! BftttaAmJ you will not hftvw to |>«y for It.
he Is sufficiently recovered."
He otwyed.
“My good fellow, delighted to see
Richard F arq uh ar rose leisurely to
you. I was half afraid the fog bad
his feet. There w as uo trace of un­
Don't you just love a gam e lit­
swallowed you up. Let me get the in­
•Dr». H»Ulund, F o r •ml Skiff. D .n t i .t .i
steadiness In bis steps as he crossed
troductions over. Preston, tlardy . St.
tle girl th a t Ian't afraid of ap­
456-119 kerf a BtC|„ 41» fleer. l»j:»mjttei il I'OMti*
Desert mirages
the room, but It was obvious thnt
Clair. Benson—nil of my regim ent—
pearance* and rule* of conduct
Sower had uot overstated tils condì-
Captain A rnaud of the French arm y."
when *h* know* she's helping a
frìtti Rtîtonttle Piece Mirti« 96
By w hat appeared to tie a slip he
fallow creatu re In trouble?
“ 1 do not suppose that even when I
passed over the elderly man by the
W ouldn’t It be a fine piece of
have recovered I shall see things «llf-
fireside, and the latter m ade no move
buelnest If F arquhar had tha
ferently.” he said, turning his white.
to repair the omission. A rnaud glanced
gum ption to coat aalde fam ily
Ironically sm iling fnoe for n m om ent to
at him curiously, aud then cam e over
pride and m arry a really sensi­
the m otionless group. “Come ntoug.
to the fire.
ble girl?
w ill fit i»riv n m M tb 'U i you rue M »n o r W o m ­
an f*»i b itfS 'c ia t« |>4nitioti In
Sower laughed and shrugged his
shoulders: and then as though dis­
F arquhar had not far to go, a by­
rookie;? or , Siciorrapliy, Saliunuuhip
not miss.
m issing the subject. “You’re late.
street bringing him to a quiet, unpre­
T«> m»*n f b i* I n f l a t e « vnlunbW* A 'h W tlr.
W here have you come from ?"
tentious house wjilch his Instinct rec­ WATER WHEELS OF SYRIA
rt'iu a tic ftf»<J m* m l* r*hi|i
th m itfh tu itio n r o » t 1« |
th a n *tfetw h *r*v
ognized. Inside all was Inky obscur­
“ From the Omneys. Miss Omney is
V ul .n ‘ U* n H ir o r i r a n ai»o I * hrv! In
very charm ing—” he said.
ity. He stum bled against the first Move on Sim ple Principle Out Do the
(¿ra m rm tr ir r m ir »n«l C o lic it«* I*r«*|>nrtttory
“ And w ealthy. Am I to congratu­ lives, their honor, or somebody else'» step of the stairs, touched some­
W ork Required of Them Moat
honor. Will rou uot take a hand?” thing that w as w arm and living, and
A rnand put his band to his little fair A rnaud hesitated w ith som ething of in tlie recoil struck Ids bead against s
m ustache, but he did not answ er di­ hla first frigidity of m anner, but there treacherous overhanging shelf.
Ham a, !n northern Syria, referred
rectly, though his smile m ight have were nervous, feverish patches of color "I beg som ebody's pardon.” n quiet to In the Old T estam en t as H am ath
counted as an answ er.
In hla pale face.
voice said through the subsequent si tho G reat, Is Justly fam ous for Us “ Did you ever study F ren ch ?"
“I have ju st met a com rade of “ I beg your pardon— I did not catch lence. “ I'm afraid I’ve killed som e­ huge w ater wheels. T he city lies some "No. hut I kinuv this m uch: if you
er s< an y th in g printed In F rench
yours," he rem arked instead, “a some- your nam e?" be said coldly.
110 m iles n o rth east of D am ascus on ev
of fare 10 to 1 R ’a som e
"Lowe— Stephen Lowe, a t your serv­ Then the light w as sw itched on.
the R iver O rontes. and upon Its hanks kind a of hill
Farquhar saw before him a sm all aro four large w ator w heels used for
A rnaud returned the form al little person, dowdlly dressed, with a sm all, draw ing w ater for Irrigating purposes
thin face under a small hat. lie took and also for supplying tha town
“ I shall be delighted."
his hand from his head and consid These wheels are driven by the flow
They turned tow ard the table. Sower ere«l IL
of the river on w hat Is known as the
laughed significantly.
"No very serious dam ages, I fear. undershot principle; th a t Is to say.
“ Be careful, A rnaud; rem em ber the Give me an arm up to my room, will the wheel Is moved by w ater passing
a d a g e ‘Lucky In love—’ ”
beneath It.
It was at that mom ent that the door She obeyed instantly and with some The largest has a diam eter of 7i
opened and F arq u h ar entered. For no adroitness.
feet. L’pon Its o u ter rim Is a serlea
obvious reason bis nppearanee caused
" It’s that ridiculous hatrack,” she of buckets which raise the w ater and How She W as Relieved from
a m om ent's aw kw ard silence. He had. said. “ It blocks up tHe whole hall. I deposit It In the aqueduct a t tho top.
Pain by Lydia E.Pinkham ’«
in fact, the look of a man who has have often spoken to Mrs. Ferrlor Dike Its com panions the wheel Is built
Vegetable Compound.
been drinking hard, but has somehow about i t ”
of m ahogany, w ith an axle of Iron.
m anaged to retain a dangerous self- "You—” n e stopped s h o rt with The creaking of the wheel* ia luces
Taunton, Mass.—" I had pains ir. both
possession. There was no trace of draw ing his arm and leaning against san t day and night, year In and year
aides and when my periods came I had
hesitancy In his m anner as he an ­ the banisters. “ I thought—really I out, for they never stop.
to s t a y at homo
sw ered Sow er's belat«*d welcome, but m ust be far gone— I thought you were
It Is Interesting to noto th a t wheels
from work nnd auf-
Instead a not easily defln«-d shade of Mrs. Ferrler.”
built on tills Kama principle are In
fer a l o n g time.
insolence. Sower appeared to notice “Oh, uo; I rath er wish I was. I'm actual use in this country, in one of
One day a woman
the fertile valleys of C alifornio.— Pop­
the fourth floor buck.”
camo to our house
"H elp yourself.” he said hospitably, “ Well, I don't know who the fourth ular Science M onthly
and a s k e d my
and sit down. You look «[ueer. A ny­ floor hack Is exactly, but I know I
mother why I was
thing w rong?”
have taken un unw arran tab le lib­
Fish Failed to Respond.
suffering. Mother
F arquhar m ade no answ er. He sank erty—”
For somo hours the anglor had sat
told her that I suf*
down into the proffered chair, and, "D on’t You are not In a condition on the riv er bank, patiently w aiting,
fered every month
having poured out half a tum bler of to offer resistance. Tills your room. alw ays w aiting.
and ahn said, * Why
brandy from the decanter at his elbow, Isn’t It?” She pushed open n door on A stran g e r to the [dace had been
don’t y o u buy a
stared moodily Into the firelight Sower the first floor and turned on the light. w atching him for som e tim e At last
bottle of Lydia E.
watched him cautiously.
He looked a t her In w eary, half-am used he w ent up to the old man and asked
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound? ’ My
“You look III, F arq uh ar," he repeat perplexity.
"I can 't nllow this sort of thing. It's "How are the fish In th ese pnrts?” mother bought it and the next month I
ed after a m om ent "Can I do any
thing for you?"
The old fisherm an rebated his hook, was so well that I worked all tho month
not right that a young Indy—”
staying at homo a day. I am
F arquhar looked tip.
“Pm not a lady—a t least, not by cir­ throw it hack Into tho w ater and then without
now and have told iota of
“Ever been drunk?” he asked ab cum stance. Anyhow, I don’t care. You turned calm ly to his questioner.
“W ell." he replied grim ly, *T really girls about it.”— Miss CLARICE M okin ,
are III. Sit dow n.”
He obeyed, tossing his coat and hat can 't say. I’ve dropped them a line 22 Russell Street, Taunton, Maas.
"No. I’ve never been tem pted that
Thousand* of girl« suffer in silence
way. H ave you?”
onto the nearest chair, and eat list­ every day for nearly a week now, and
month rather than consult a phy­
Say, T his Is a Damned Gambling He threw back his head w ith a laugh. From a long way off he heard her soft,
If girls who are troubled with
painful or irregular period*, bnrkacho,
Sower tossed his cigar eud into the rapid movements. They were curi­
w hat unusual character for an E ng­ fender.
Tommy, are you going to bed w ith­ headache, dragging-down sensations,
ously soothing, nnd presently he looked
fainting S|>oll*or indigestion would take
lishm an—hot-headed, w ith adm irable “ I shouldn't if I were you,” he said up again, urged hy an Idle wonder. out saying your pray ers?”
Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetal,In Com-
nerve— Richard Farquhar, if you know coolly. "W e have inspection tom or­ But apparently she had forgotten his •'Yessum.'*
pound, a aafo and pure remedy madn
him .”
“Y du are a wicked boy.''
row afternoon.”
existence. H atless, w ith sleeves rolled
The m an by the fireside shifted his F arq uh ar returned to his fixed con­ up to her elbows, she knelt before the
“ Aw, w hat’s the use? I’ve been from roots and herbs much suffering
position and glanced up. By mere tem plation of tile firelight. D uring the Are. engaged In a quiet but determ ined prayin' ever since I can rem em ber, an' might bo avoided.
chance Sow er w as looking In his di­ hour that pnssed he did not move, ex­ struggle with a rusty and refractory I thought the Lord was on my side,
Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
rection, and their eyes m et for an In­ cept to replenish the glass beside kettle. Presently she got up from her but today he let Sam T owhs I give mo Co., Lynn, Mass, (confidential) for frau
s ta n t
a black eye.”
•dvico which will prove hclnfuL
him. Then Preston suddenly left knees.
Sylvia O m n ey . a b e a u tifu l