man was worth from 10 to 35 ülljp Jinrrst (Srmtp iExprpaa apron. cents more than the mail order The same Mobridge mer­ Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon, W. C. Confer, ¡Editor and Publisher. Enteret! as second-class matter Jan. 12 . it*lb. Ht the pc Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1871* THURSDAY, APRII, 20, 1910 chant recently made the same comparison between $25 worth of groceries at his store and $25 worth of mail order groceries, with the same result. It is safe to say, there are a lot NOTES AND COMMENTS of Mobridge people who cannot he enticed by the mail order 1 house.—Camp Crook (S. D.) Ga- As the Express stated once before, it has no particular interest *®tte. in the bill board controversy; the editor doesn't care whether the Harry T. Bagley of Hillsboro, boards remain or go, but he does try to see that all advertising in the candidate for the republican nom­ columns of the paper art1 truthful. For that reason he has inve ti- ination for county attorney, was gated the truth of the charge made in the Kelley Advertising com­ visiting friends in Forest Grove pany advertisement of April 6th to the effect that one of the pub­ Saturday and appeared to find lishers of a local paper had been sending out of town for plumbing plenty of them. If Mr, Bagley is material The investigation resulted in the finding of a shipping tag as popular in all parts of the which indicates that the Stark-Davis company, third and Salmon county as he is in this city, he streets, Portland, Oregon, dealers in plumbing supplies, at one time stands an excellent chance of be­ made a shipment to A. E. Scott of Forest Grove, Oregon. This tag ing nominated Und elected. is in the possession of the editor of the Express and people who may C V. B, Russell informs the: have a suspicion that the ad in the Express was untruthful may see Express that after he had labored ! the tag by calling at the office of the Express. Further than this, and sweat to raise a nice bed of the Express has nr interest in the controversy. tulips, vandals appeared in the ' night and carried off all the blooms THE WOMEN AND still the talk of the state, lowns and trampled the stalks into the 'which had for yeais tolerated ground. He wonders if the van- THEIR CLUBS The editor of the Cornelius Pab,'c gambling and houses of dais were raised in Forest Grove? H. T. B A G L E Y News recently wrote a very sensi- repute became decent over- Easter Announcement for D i s t r i c t A t t o r n e y ble editorial, wherein he paid n*^ht. And the women did it. There will be High Mass in ¡That is one reason the brewer, Republidan Primaries some mighty nice compliments to My Pledge Fair and impartial law enforcement ; an adminis­ Women’s clubs in general and to disti,,er and 83,000 kt^P°r dopso’t both Forest Grove and Cornelius tration that means economy; will perform all the duties of the of­ the Civic Improvement club of his j,)e,ieve ,n woman suffrage. It is on Easter Sunday. In Forest fice without a deputy or other assistance and will not allow private fnu.n in particular. n^rtinnlsr The Thp editor nf of be and his parrot parrot hirelings hirelings who Grove at 8:30 and in Cornelius at practice to interfere with official town in duty. (Pd Adv) 10:30. Everyone is most cor­ the Express wants it understood -Say ‘Woman’s place is in the dially invited. that Forest Grove has a club of borne Very often these beasts A large class will receive First since its inception. We h a v e NOTES AM) PERSONALS always _ _____ looking „ have destroyed the majority of Holy women who are ____, Communion at 9:00 o’clock some further light on the primary We will insure your auto against for something to do to improve homes in a community, so that in Forest Grove, on Sunday, from another source, which may the morals and civic beauty of many women have no homes, fire, theft and collision. Hancock April 30th. On that morning be of interest their town. This is the Forest Yes, woman is a power for 9 tf "The HUprcrne force of our political & Wiles. Grove Woman’s club, whose mem- ?ood, and d o u b l y so wh e n Mass will be in Cornelius at 7:00 ayiitem is now our. m»-call«*d primary, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Thomson o’clock. which has been so fixed up hy the pro­ of Portland visited I). F Fleck bers are ever ready to take their organized. The annual sacred conceit will fessional politician as to become aimply places beside t h e i r husbands, THIS MERCHANT HAS ami solely a run-way for the prc-cor- and family Sunday and the latter be given in Cornelius Catholic fathers and brothers of the Com­ raling of voters. The whole impudent, took their guests up Gules Creek church on Easter night, April 23d, mercial club. When the members THE RIGHT IDEA arrogant affair of the primary elections for an outing. Mr. Thomson is a of this organization heard that A Mobridge (South Dakota) to which everyone is also most . . of Mrs. Fleck. there was a chance to do some­ merchant doesn’t depend upon cordially invited. The program is ofcattle in the w„Ht atM, brandin({ brother follows, and will commence at them before they are turned out on the S. G. Morgan, S. A. Walker, thing for the irreducible school the local newspapers to fight the as 7 :30 to allow people to plains to pasture. Like the politician, J. F. McGill, A. L. Sexton and fund by stiffening up the spines mail order houses for him bv catch in the order home if they live the ranchman has his brand registered W. C. fienfer of this city attend- of the Oregon members of the printing editorials teaching the outside the car so that each cattle owner will be able ! ,.d a me^tind of Wapato lodge No. national legislature, t h e y tele- wickedness of buying away from Regina Coeli city. DeMerlier to gather them in.” 40 1 0 °* F ” a t G ast° n ,SatUr' graphed those members to look home, while the merchant him- Chorus Our coming civic league might day n‘K,lG mak*nK the trip in Mr. well to the school funds when self possibly sends away for his Quartet “ Alleluia, He Arose” Judson well discuss “The Uses and Abuses Morgan’s car. The members of they came to draft a bill dispos- ow n printing. T h e Mobridge The Misses Morrissey ' nd of the Primary" at one of their Wapato lodge had work in the in­ Messrs. Henderson ing of the proceeds of certain merchant has a better system gatherings. Prom printed reports History degree and a f t e r the for Today” Bingham railroad grant lands to be placed than that. He fights the mail Solo— “Just Mrs. we learn that in the month of Crowthers order houses on their own ground. “ Ave Maria” on the market. March 6,600 persons in Portland meeting . they , and , the visitors en- Roaini received the allowance of liquor Joy*** a nice lunch, Yes, the awakened woman of Last week in a page advertise­ Miss Cecelia Bernards allowed each month under the Mrs. S. S. Reed sustained a ment in the local paper, this the twentieth century, with her Duet— “Oh, Loving Voice of Jesus” , ,, , A little more caloric nasty fall while crossing the P U. Mobridge merchant compared the Nevin applied d _7, to this law clubs, leagues and societies, ¡9 a Leonella Sues and Veronica Erker power for much good and the aprons he sold with the aprons Quartet— “ Like as a Father” Thompson less of a misnomer. might make it campus last Saturday. Just as she passed another pedestrian, the editor of the Express is glad so sold by a mail order concern. The Misses Newman and The lady delegates to the lattpr stepped upon a loose l>oard The merchant bought a dozen many states have given women Messrs. Mooberry and Peabody Gounod recent I. P. A. oratorical contest in the walk and the end nearest the legal right to vote, even if aprons from ¡he manufacturer he "Ave Maria” ... Miss Evelyn Adler were entertained by members of Mrs- Rped was raised enough to some of these states were rather usually patronizes, for $4 a dozen, “ Awake Thou That Sleepest” the W. C. T. U. trip her, the force of the fall ren­ slow in coming to their senses. or thirty-three and a third cents Morrison dering her unconscious for a few Women may make some mis- a piece, Chorus 1 he Express is prepared to meet moments. While no bones were takes in voting, but so do men. Then he went through a mail Sermon and Benediction of the Blessed the prices of traveling calendar broken the lady sustained a bad- The writer knows of a county order catalog and sent for an Sacrament. salesmen in lots of 100 or more. |y bruised limb. J. R. B uck , Pastor. in a neighboring state that was so apron th e mail order concern rotten, politically, that its name charged 49 cents for, with six was a hiss and byword all over cents extra for postage, which the state. When male v o t e r s with a two-cent stamp made the Mrs. K. B. Penfield, Editor were asked why they didn't make apron cost him 57 cents. Then a cleanup by electing clean men he placed one of the aprons from ; The W. C T. U. of this city to office, they invariably replied his $4 lot, and the mail order h ive secured Mrs. Mary Mallet “It can't be done ” Then the house's 49 cent apron, side by of Portland for an address on women got busy and organized side on his counters, priced them “Patent Poisons,” to be given “Betterment Leagues.” taking in the same, and without telling his; Friday evening, April 21st, at any woman of good character who patrons that one apron was a mail 8 P. M. in the parlors of the Con- wanted to change conditions, and order apron and that the other gregational chnrch. so unceasingly did these women was an apron made for him to Mrs. Mallet is State Superin­ work for three months that the sell at 49 cents, asked compari- tendent of Medical Temperance men became ashamed and also sons between the two aprons. and is an earnest and forceful got busy, with ths result that a And forty-three Mobridge la- speaker. All are welcome, but ticket of clean men was nomi- d i e s signed statements saying parents and teachers are especially nated and elected and the county that in their opinion the apron invited. A reception wi l l be got a moral renovating that is kePt in stock by the Mobridge given Mrs. Mallet at 2:30 in the afternoon of Friday at the home of Mrs. Marcilliot, on North A street. on anything in the line of Some one wrote to the “Oregon­ ian” recently asking why prohi­ bitionists cannot vote in the pri-j White River Flour - $1.50 Bananas, doz - - 20c maries and wishing the law more Pure White Flour - 1.50 Big Oranges, doz - - 30c clearly explained (of course that Brown Beans, 3H lbs - .25 Other lines at reasonable prices “some one” was a woman ; the COME AND SEE OUR BARGAINS men know all about it.) The re­ Comer Third St. and Pacific Ave ply was rather obscure to those Phone 11 x who have studied the primary Are You From Missouri? W. C. T. U. COLUMN Mister Merchant: Before you place your order for 1917 Calendars, see our line of samples; we may save you some money. The Forest Grove Express We’ll Save You Money Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions F. A. MOORE