% IN PATHETIC WRECK BUY A REO W R ITER TE LLC OF SEEING RUINS OF REIMS CATHEDRAL. H um D istillate. Go two to three tim es a s fa r for less m oney. The Reo Platilla !« Adapter prevent* all carlion trouble It leaves you freo from high prirod gasoline. TESTED ANI> GUARANTEED. No Advance on Reos YET. $875 f. o. b. Factory. , Beautiful Structure Damaged Beyond Hope of Repair, Though Parta of It Miraculously Eacaped the General Destruction. Northwest Auto Co. P. W. VOCLER, Pre». C. M. MENZIES, Sslcsmanagef Broadway at Couch St., Portland, Oregon. — Paint Now NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and It’s a Good INVESTMENT See Y our D ealer The Panama Canal Defenses an* p o w e rfu l. hut not aa |>owt*rful an mr* hlnjftnn Sts.. I'ortUnd. Or. who mi/kt the t ow. The homelike stopping piuco for those who appreciate the dollar's full worth. Itrrakfast and l.umhwm IMmivr • • • HAZELWOOD C0„ PORTLAND, OR. HIDES, PELTS, CASGiRA BARK 91 so l.uo Room with lUth. • • Ko»>m with Ih U rh fd Hath W*. want all you hava. Writ,* for priro. and •hieema ta.-r. I HI II. f. NnkfON t o. 5 1 North front Si., Portland. Or«. IU • S*nvt You.” and "You'll Hr — ~- . .1. Th rrr" if w must g o to w a r Two big w.njr hita for 26c and name, and addrew* of I've muti.-a) frirnda. POMTAI. MI Hit t o.. Itoi 1073. hrattU. Waah AGENT W ANTED ItuiineM necessity every Mer­ chant buy* on »ight. Hij{ profita. 6 » elusive territory. Free rumples. HSlla from $5 to $100. Write quick for torn tory. Sayers. 637 Kailway Exchange. Portland, Ore. Precautions. Double Tread, Puncture Proof Tires M*l«* from >owr oUl o o f s . Last Ion* as Hran New Tin*. WK AUO HUY OLD T IIIK N . W e |»ay as htarh as )Or ( H - r Ih. for such as wr can uav in Iknjbl* Tn*atl work. and ths hlghmt market fur junk Ship your Tin s at once or writ*» ua. OftitON mCAKIZLH CO . SSO «»•*«*« St. tmtml Or. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL' Thr only AntomoMW* Schfsi! on th* I’a- cifir (1 ant rilaiittaiiiinwr a (Us Tractor Ihpt . I sin* Holt Cntterpillar. C‘. I.. lies? Trarklayer and VS l.rel l iactor*. both in thr school and oi»«-r*tii;* held. (h Hawthorn* A**.. Portland. Or*. Portland Y. M. C. A. Auto School l)ny an«! nl*ht clu*««*«. I'.ip rrt tram in* In rrpttirintf. driving ami machine work. Includiti* for**. lath«», shaper, drill pr»***, tractor*, «•tr. Tin.»* uniiin.t*‘«t ( V)M I'K - The Chinese have numerous tradi­ tions concerning their famous phlloso pher Confucius. One day. they say. he wus meditating In the fields outside the city of Tientsin when he saw a 1 woman weeping bitterly beside a fresh grave that she was fanning vigorously. He was touched Ly her evident grief and said: "O so. rowful one, what Is your trouble?" "Your honorable excellency, iny hus­ band is dead.'' "N o doubt you are to I k ? pitied, for he wa« doubtless a good husband; but why are you fanning his grave?” "Exalted one,” replied the woman, and her voice choked with sobs, "my husband bade me not to marry again till his grave was dry." Treatment of Seres. 1 Apply Hanford's lialsum lightly and you should find that gradually the sore will diminish In size. The oltler the cast* the longer it will take, but It will help the hard cases, after other remedies fail. Adv. u I 3 I I They All Do It. “ That actress is a perfect marvel. TF.NT ( H AT! FEUItS A ND MLCUAN- She must he 50 years old if she's a IC8 HUFFL1KD. WHITE IJS. day, and yet she is able to play the part ot a girl of 16 and make It abso­ lutely convincing." "That's nothing. You ought to see my grandmother when she's made up Hotiahl, Sold, Rented And Repaired for a tango tea.” WAI.KEK Kl.hTim: WOJCKS J ELECTRIC MOTORS llu rfia.de, cur. luth. I 'o r t l ^ S . On*. STOP SCRATHING! RESINOL RELIEVES ITCHING INSTANTLY Question ot- What. “ A wise man may change his mind.” "M y boy," replied Senator Sorghum, “ the greatest of all wisdom consists That itching, burning skin trouble In knowing when to change your which keeps you scratching and dig­ mind.”— Washington Star. ging. is a source of disgust to others, Cool a burn w ith Hanford's Balsam. as well ns of torment to you. Why don't you get rid of It by using Resinol Adv. Ointment? Physicians have pres- scribed it for over 20 years. In most "W hat's the news fHom the spring cases, it stops Itching Instantly and training camps?” “ As near as I can find out, eight henls eruptions promptly. It Is very teams are going to he tied for first onsy and economical to use. Sold by all druggists.— Adv. place In each of the leagues." Worse Yet. K q v er a lls ■ tj JBEHBBEOEPW "11 Mill 11 .YJHBRT w g ^ .u .s .P a t.o ff, Keep Kids Kleen The ino«l practical, healthful, playtime garment» ever invented h»r children I to H year» of age^Mitilr in on* piece with drop buck. Easily »lir ic i on or off Easily washed. N o light rUshr hand» to stop em ulation. Marie in blur denim, and blue and white hickory «tripe* foe all the year round. Also lighter weight, fast-color material in dark blue, cadet blue, tan or dark *ed for summer wear, all appropriately trimmed with fast - color gnlstea. Made in Dutch neck with elbow sleeves and High neck and long sleeves. 75c the suit If your dealer cannot supply you. We will send then», charges itrepan! On receipt of price, 73c each. ANew M a d e by FRFF If They Suit Rip Beware of Imitations. Look for the T w o Horses on the Ijibel. Levi Strau»» & Co., San Francisco A..M.W GRAND PRIZE it Ih* P.P.I E. P. N. U. No. 16. 1816 W H I N irriti a « to ad rar!) " tlo a th is pa por. J A correspondent of the London Stundurd, visiting the Preucb front gives bis impressions of tbo war-darn aged cathedral of Reims. "The spec­ ter of the cathedral looms up out of the mist with Turneresquo effect as we top the Reims chain of hills,” be writes, ' and In ten minutes we are In front of the statue of Jeanne d’Arc, which stands unscarred over against the wrecked porticos. The Maid of Orleans seems to have bequeathed to her stone image the charm she en­ joyed against (he sta lls of war, as the street leading up to the square and tbs walls of the Lion d'Or' are pitted, when not badly torn or altogether shattered by shells splinters. Thirty feet high around the basement, the masonry of the cathedral Is shielded with sandbags, but not one of tbs statuettes that fill the Interstices be­ tween the pilasters seems to have escaped." The Interior, he says. Is filled with an Indescribable cold and entering It Is reminiscent ot Kgyptian hurled tem pies. Swept Into many heaps are what the verger calls “ tears of lead’. These arc the settings of the stained glass windows. Only one ot a triple set o f colored windows remains al most Intact over tho entrance to the sacristy. In the center aisle opposite the principal pulpit there Is also a crucifix that none of the shells has touched. "A ll of the rest Is more or less ruin," says the correspondent "This Is the more extraordinary be cause In the roof there is a hole scarcely larger than a man's nand; but the shock was sufficient to reduce the Interior to chaos.” Ouo Instance of escape from wreckage is de­ scribed as a freak that Is almost a miracle. "Facing a huge chasm 20 feet square in the north wall In an Inner passage,” says the writer, "Is a lovely bas-relief of the visit of the Magi, framed in a pure Gothic arch­ way, as fresh looking as if It bad Just left the hand of the sculptor of five centuries ago.” “ Before we leave," he continues. ” we are taken to the "museum.” as tt Is styled— a forlorn collection ot rea cued debris. It is curious to find here a hundred or two o f the heads and limbs missing from the outside Btat ues and statuettes. They look as if they had been guillotined by the Ger­ mans; perhups It is because tho necks are the slenderest parts of the images, but it is almost tragic, although they are but stone. Here is the Sourlre de Reims,' the famous woman s head that stood over the north door. It was noised abroad that It had been smug­ gled away and sold to an American millionaire, but there Is no mistak­ ing the 'Smile' as It lies, brown and chipped, on a bench—both eyes and the nose gone, and only the under- lip curving upward. It Is as If the features had been sliced off with a knife.” Ordinary powders and dynamites waste much of their energy by shatter­ ing and pulverizing. To get the best results in land-clearing operations the explosives should disrupt, crack, split and heave the stumps and at the same time lift and remove the roots for easy handling. The explosives that do this are »T U M P IN G — A G R IC U L T U R A L . —made by a Western Company especially to meet Pacific Coast conditions. More than 2,000,000 pounds used every year for stump blasting in Washington and Oregon alone. There are two Giant Farm Powders — Giant Stumping Powders for wet soil and Eureka Stumping Powder for blast­ ing in dry soil. They do their work at the lowest possible cost. Test one case. Compare it with any cxplonve that you have ever used. After you have blasted a dozen stumps you will understand why those who have once used them always continue to use Giant Farm Powders. tells how to save money in land-clearing. I t shows how to make lami-clearir.g easier by using Giant Farm Powders. W c have ether books on Boulder Bestir.!;, T ree Planting, Subroil Blasting, and Ditch Blasting. W rite today for the book in which you are interested. Your name on a post-card will bring it. Our free book on Stump Blasting THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con., JSK, San Francisco “ Everything fo r Blasting ” BRANCH OFFICES: Seattle, Spokane. Portland, Salt Easy Job. This little example of Irish wit was related at a recent dinner of the Wheel Club; A newly landed son of Erin was gaping along a New York street when he chanced to turn into the office of a lawyer, thinking it was a store. He was considerably impressed with the fine furnishings, and approaching the only occupant of the room, a man busy at a desk, asked: ‘“ ‘Could you be telling what yon sell here In this fine place?” "Certainly,” was the retort, uttered in rather an impatient tone. ‘‘W e sell blockheads.” The Irishman looked around and nodded in understanding. ‘‘Sure and you must have a fine trade. I ’m thinking.” he commented. “ You have but one lift.” Pain in the side? Rub on and rub in Hanford's Balsam thoroughly. Adv. His Limit. One of the freshmen at Yale imme­ diately applied to the proper officer j of the university upon the day of his 1 entrance into that institution for in­ formation touching his father's stay I there before him. " I should like to see my father’s ! record,” said he. “ He was,in the class ! of 75.” “ I shall be glad to show you the record,” said the officer, "but have you any special reason for consulting it?” “ W ell,” said the youth, “ when I left home dad told me not to disgrace him i and I wish to see just how far I can go.” A New Start. Dr. Max Starkloff says a friend who has a reputation for a very “ touching way” met him recently and said: “ Look here, doctor. I'm terribly mor tilled about not having paid back that dollar I borrowed last June, but ben estly, old man—’’ “ Oh. that's all right," said Starkloff. "Don’t speak of 1L" “ Oh, but 1 must speak of It," said the fellow. "1 can't treat a friend that way, you know, and I—I want to pay you, and 1 will, doctor— sure thing. It f l a r e H e a lth y , S tro n g , U < » o t lfn I E y e « you will lend me two dollars, 1'U pay Oculists and Physicians used Murine Eye that dollar right this minute and we Remedy many years before It w as offered as a Domestic Eye Medicine. Murine Is Slill Com­ can start fresh.” pounded by Our Physicians and guaranteed "M y daughter Is taking singing lea by them as a Reliable R elief for Eyes that Need sons, and she keeps up sueh terrible Making Paper From Grass. Care. Try it in your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes — yowling that I never go home except Tho department of agriculture la I No Sm arting— Just Kye Comfort. Buy Murine to eat anil sleep." of your Druggist — accept no Substitute, and if ‘‘ You’re In luck. My daughter Is experimenting with wire grass as a ! interested w rite for Book o f tbe Eve Free. source of supply for pulp in making M l KIM E E V E I f KM ED Y CO., C H IC A G O taking cooking lessons, and I don’t paper. It Is reported that the result­ even dare to eat at home.” Learning Enough. ant paper hns proved thoroughly sai- For nail In the foot use Hanford’s lsfactory, but that more bleaching ‘‘Don't you think every girl ought to Balsam. Adv. powder must be used than In tho case be able to cook?” ‘‘I think every girl ought to be able of poplar stock. A t the Dinner. to talk intelligently on the subject, anyhow."— Southern Woman’s Maga­ Dashaway (nervously)— Look here, To Break In New Pipes. old fellow, don’t you think you'd bet­ An electric carbonizer for inserting zine. ter tell them not to eall on me? In the bowls of new briar pipes and so A Cheering Thought. Cleverton— Don't be worried; they charring tho inside that the smoker won't; I'm quite sure they have ail Miss Plain— Ma says I ’m too young will be saved the trouble o f breaking heard you before.— Judge. In his now pipe. Is described by the to marry. Miss Pert— W ell, you won’t be by Scientific American. the time you get a proposal.— Boston Transcript. Shculd Have Money L e ft Dr. I s a a c Thompson's Country Judge— “ How long bars Correct. you owned a car?” Motorist (charged “ What Is an egotist, pa?” with speeding)— "One week, your hon- "A n egotist, my boy, is a man who o r l” ’ udge— “ U r n — then you can still Insists upon talking about himself la both a rrmrdr for weak. laflamrd afford to pay a fine I Twenty dollaral" when you wsnt to talk about your­ r y r a and an Ideal err wash. Karp r w