The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 20, 1916, Image 2

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    WILSON FRAMES VIRTUAL Made Record Flight in Mexico
Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth.
Live News Items of Ali Nations and
Pacific Northwest Gcndensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Efforts to amend the army reorgan­
ization bill in the senate was quickly
The first ten-pound box o f cherries
shipped from California sells in Chica­
go fo r $100.
Prem ier Ryah, o f Queensland, Aus­
tralia, arrived at San Francisco on his
■way to London on a mission “ arising
indirectly out o f the w ar.”
in This Aeroplane
Washington, D. C.— President W il­
son completed his indictment o f Ger­
many Tuesday for her submarine op r-
ations and it w ill go forward at once
to Berlin.
The communication, according to
those who have seen it, w ill leave
nothing to the imagination. It is vir­
tually an ultimatum without a time
limit for response. As the alternative
o f refusal to make thorough reparation
and give complete guarantees that
submarine operations hereafter shall
be conducted in accordance witl^ the
principles o f humanity and interna­
tional law. Ambassador Gerard w ill he
withdrawn from Berlin.
It develops that the President has
been considering three courses to pur­
sue with reference to Germany. They
1. To present all the facts in pos-
session o f this government to Germany
and to demand an explanation o f how
that nation can square its deeds with j
its promises.
2. To send a note reciting that
Germany has violated the solemn as- i
suranees made to the United States, !
and notifying her that unless prompt
reparation be made Ambassador G e r-)
ard will be withdrawn.
3. To break off relations without j
It is not understood the President is
prepared at this moment to adopt the i
third proposal. It is the second which '
appeals to him and which probablj w ill
meet with his approval.
Persistent Mexican Reports Say
Carwaistas Have Corpse.
Incidents Confirm Story of Blood-
Poisoning Supposed to Have
Ended Outlaw's Career.
Mexico City— V illa's dead lssly haa
been dug up out o f a two weeks' old
grave by Carlos Carranza, new phew o f
General Carranza, the first chief o f the
constitutionalists, and is now being
brought by him and an escort o f sol­
diers to the city o f Chihuahua. This
information was contained in a tele­
gram received by the War department
iate Sunday.
El Paso Francisco Villa is dead and
his body, disinterred some dsys after
his burial, is in posssesion o f the Car­
ranza troops, according to u series o f
telegraphic messages received in Juar­
ez Sunday by the Mexican officials.
“ The Frepch have captured the sub­
For more than a week rejs»rta that
marine which torpedoed the Sussex
Villa Luid died from wounds liave been
and have made prisoners the captain
current both here anil in Juarez. Sun­
and crew ,” says the London Daily
day's accounts were the most circum­
stantial anil apparently relialile yet re­
ceived. They were accepted with re­
A second protest against detention
serve by American officials, including
o f mails by the British authorities,
Bradford, R. I .— Thirty or more per­
General Hell, but the Mexican officials
w ith a demand for indemnities, is said
expressed confidence in their relia­
by the Overseas News agency to have sons were reported to have been crush­
T* r
been made by the Dutch government. ed or burned to death in a collision o f
15.24f t *
... - /•
The dispatcher o f the Mexican West­
Neutral shipowners are warned by
ern railroad at Juarez reported to Gen­
the British foreign office that all car- & Hartford railroad here Tuesday
Lieutenant Edgar S. Gorrell.
Lieutenant Herbert A. Dargue.
eral Gabriel Gavira, Carranza com­
goes or bunkers o f coal o f German night. The accident occurred at 7 :30
mander at Juarez, that he had heard a
Lieutenants Edgar S. Gorrell and wounds.
origin in neutral ships would be liable o ’clock and four hours later wrecking
Lieutenant Dargue said:
“ There conversation over the telegraph wires
to seizure under the order in council o f and hospital crews were said to have
seems to he no doubt that Villa was to the effect that V illa's body was in
March 11.
Pershing's troops in Mexico, made a
recovered 30 bodies.
wounded; conversations with natives the hands o f Carranza troop*. Gen­
The dead were in the rear car of aJ record flight the other day when they
The Turkish government has intro­
and with physicians having convinced eral Gavira notified Consul Andres
duced the gold standard, with the gold four-coach local train, bound from went from San Antonio, in Chihuahua, me that he was shot through l>oth legs Garica here, who rushed messages to
piaster as the monetary unit. Long­ Boston to New London, and which had to Columbus, N. M., a distance of and one o f them being broken by a the telegraph o|>erators at Madero and
standing debts w ill be paid in accord­ stopped at the local station when it more than 350 miles in less than four bullet, while another shot lodged in Cusihuiriachic o|>eratnr* answered con­
ance with the form er standard, a was run down by the G ilt Edge ex­ hours. They made a single stop, that his stomach. A man in that condition firmed the report and said the body
press, bound from Boston for New
dispatch says.
at Casas Grandes, where they heard without medical attention could scarce­ was being taken to Chihuahua.
The telegraph operator at San An­
reports that Villa had died o f his ly live long.”
The foreign office o f Chang Chow
This coach was telescoped, set afire
tonio, Mexico, 50 miles west Chihua­
Fu, Fukien, reports that 32 soldiers o f ] and burned.
hua, telegraphed Consul Garcia that
the northern army, and upward o f 40
The car ahead also took fire, and
in Canada is subject to such regula­ V illa's lssly was In |s>ssaesion o f Colo­
civilians not belonging in that locality, the flames, communicating to the pas­
tion as the Canadian officials desire, nel ('arlos Carranza, nephew o f Gen­
have been killed by a mob. Disturb­ senger station and freigh t house, de­
tax and a much greater tax on the lux­ eral Carranza, who was taking it in a
ances also me reported in Haicheng.
stroyed both buiiuings.
specail train to Chihuahua.
o f life .”
I t was stated that there were known
In a speech before the convention o f
In reply to these messages, tele­
Washintgon, D. C.— The senate late]
Senator Underwood defined the com­ grams were sent to the Carranza gen­
the Daughters o f the American Revo­ to have been 37 persons in the de-
lution, President Wilson says: “ And stroyed car an<l that only six o f these Wednesday adopted its substitute for 1 petitive tariff as a tax allowing rea­ erals in the field and to officers in
the only excuse that America can ever had been accounted for several hours the house free sugar repeal resolution, I sonable competition and raising a rea- Mexico City, Chihuahua and other
have fo r the assertion o f her physical later.
" I be­ points, asking confirmation, but no an­
extending the present duty o f 1 cent a sonable amount o f revenue.
Among those reported to have been
force is that she asserts it in behalf o f
lieve it is wrong to tax a dollar out of swers have yet been received.
burned to death were Miss Janet Clark,
the interest o f humanity.”
Apart from the telegrams sent here
the pockets o f one citizens into the
daughter o f W illiam Clark, president vote was 40 to 32.
pockets o f another.” he said. ” Our there are some known facts which
The Overseas News agency made o f the W esterly mill o f the American
Four Democrats joined the Republi- j tariff has succeeded in producing rev­ have been jsunted out by Mexican
public the follow in g: “ Russian sol­ Thread company, and W. M. Barber,
in voting against the substitute. ; enue and in reducing the tariff wall. officials as lending strong supfiort to
diers at Nikolayevsk, government o f also o f Westerly.
the flat repeal adopted by j I f there have been mistakes made on the truth o f the rejsirt that the bandit
Samara, mutinied and set fire to the
barracks. Twenty-seven soldiers per­
] the house.
A Bharp controversy in some points, they have been mistakes ch ief’s career has been closed by death.
Villa has been suffering for more
o f the head, and not o f the heart.”
ished in the flames. The men com­
conference between the two houses is
Senator Weeks attacked the Demo- than a year from a virulent form o f
plained o f ill-treatment by their offi­
predicted. Anticipating that the house ; cratic tariff, declaring it was not a bliss! poisoning.
He was treated for this disease
] would insist upon its resolution, Sen­ good revenue producer. He argued at
An Injunction temporarily restrain-1
length against the contention that the while in Juarez by Dr. W. L. Brown.
N ew York— Captain Franz von Pa- j
In g the enforcement o f negro segrega­
European war was responsible for the | Dr. Brown saya that the condition
tion ordinances o f St. Louis is granted pen, recalled m ilitary attache to the \ named as the senate conferees.
1 great fallin g off in customs receipts.
o f the bandit was such that even a
Unless a conference agreement is
by the Federal District court.
The German embassy at Washington, was
minor wound would be fatal in ten
ordinance prohibits whites or blacks
umess treated promptly and with
from livin g in a block in which 75 per j indicted Tuesday by the Federal grand : sugar w ill go on the free list until
the best medical akill and care.
jury here’ as the organizer and finan- j
cent o f the houses are occupied by per­
under the most favorable conditions
cier o f an alleged conspiracy to blow such time as the repeal or extension of
sons o f the opposite race. The other
such a wound would be o f the gravest
up the Welland Canal in Canada. W ith ; the duty can be made effective.
makes similar restrictions on a basis ;
him also were indicted Captain Hans | Most o f the tariff discussion did not
o f 100 instead o f 75 per cent.
Mexico C ity— Francisco Villa has
Tauscher, alleged agent o f the Krupps touch on the sugar issue, which had
The German crown prince, accom­ in the United States and husband o f been discussed previously, but was de­ left the main body o f his command and
panied by his staff and a number o f Mme. Johanna Gadski, the prima voted to an amendment by Senator is hiding, almost unattended, in the
correspondents, approached to within donna; Constantine Govani, A lfred J. Works o f California, to increase the
Sierra mountains o f Chihuahua, ac­
range o f a heavy French gun on the Fritzen and another man whose name tariff on lemons and other citrus fruits
to information given out by
Verdun front, when one o f the shells has not been revealed. It was learned to 1 cent a pound. This was defeated
dpeartment Wednesday.
exploded near the party. I t is said from a reliable source that the last by a vote of 44 to 29, Senator i ’helan,
Buda Pest— The probability o f war
that several persons were wounded named is a prominet German w hose: o f California, being the only Demo­
The latest o f his retreating forces between America and the Central Em­
slig h tly and that others, including name has been mentioned frequently crat to support it.
passed through the town o f Cusihuiria- pires ¡ h a grave concern to Austria and
Colonel Mueller, correspodnent o f the in connection with German propganda.
Senator Fhelan declared seven coun­ j chic, Chihuahua, in their flight toward Hungary alike, for millions o f Hun­
Berne Bund, were knocked down.
Federal officials do not expect to ties in California comprised the whole the mountains.
They were closely garians and Austrians in America
A rabbit drive at Lorella, Or, netted bring Von Papen to trial. W hile he is lemon producing region in the United ] pursued by forces o f the de facto gov­ would suffer considerably in case re­
no longer immune from prose:ution by States and that the reduction o f the ernment, who hope to capture the lations were broken off and everything
about 2860 dead bunnies.
the United States civil authorities, duty on lemons had caused a loss of ' bands and locate their leader.
is being done in the Vienna foreign
Bits o f the skeleton o f a prehistoric since he ceased to be a member o f the $800,000 in revenue.
office to persuade Germany to evade a
animal were dug up in gravel beds German embassy staff, the offense
Senator Vardeman
Rumors from several sources that rupture i f possible.
near Baker, Or.
with which he is charged is not ex­ Works amendment and said, while he Villa had died o f blood poisoning and insists on being consulted in the mat­
The sugar ratio in Germany has traditable under any treaty with a for­ would vote for the senate substitute press dispatches from Queretaro tell- ter and negotiations are going on be­
sugar resolution, he would not give his |nii 0f an announcement by the de tween Berlin and Veinna.
been fixed at one kilogram— 2.2 pounds eign government.
The indictment, it is understood, assent to the house measure.
— per person per month, according to
Should a break occur, the Austro-
facto government’s war department
was returned with the sanction o f the
“ I would not vote to tax any of the that it had reason to believe the bandit Hungarian government will not take
the Overseas agency.
Department o f Justice, and is believed necessities of life for battleships that chief had been killed in action were official notice o f it and even i f It
The Danish steamer Frederick V III to establish a precedent.
No effort are not needed,” he said. “ I have the occasion of much discussion here. should come to war between Germany
arrived in New York without 597 sacks w i,j be made to have Von Papen very little sympathy for the prepared­
In some quarters there was a disposi­ and the United States the monarchy
o f mail with which she started from br0Ught here, but the indictment w ill ness program that seems to be agreed
will disregard the alliance hs a con­
Copenhagen, Christiania and Chris- be beid ¡n abey ance j n case he should upon, but if I had, I would not not be tion to credit the reports, but they
sideration, as in the case with Ger­
tiansarvl. The mail was removed by ever return to the United States.
w illin g to pay for it with a tax on both army officials and State depart­ many and Italy. The press is devot­
the British authorities.
sugar, but would raise the money with ment officials suggested that they had ing marked attention to the situation.
Official announcement that sailors of
a greater income tax, an inheritance probably been put out by
$205 Gold Nugget Found.
V illa ’s
the Pacific Coast w ill strike on May 1
Grants Pass, Ore.— One o f the larg-
friends as a ruse.
Mary Phagan Suit Ends.
i f shipping interests fail to comply est gold nuggets ever found in the
Canada Opens U. S. Mail.
Atlanta, Ga. — The suit brought by
w ith certain demands relative to wages Southern Oregon placer fields was
Training Bill Is Passed.
Washington, D. C,— Several protests
Mrs. J. W. Coleman to recover $10,000
«n d conditions was made at a meeting brought to Grants Pass Tuesday by have been made to the Postoffice de­
Albany, N. Y . — The senate Saturday from the National Pencil company on
o f the Portland Labor Council
Ben S. W atts o f Williams.
It meas­ partment recently by postal authorities considered out o f its regular order and account o f the death o f her daughter
Evidence relating to the rise in ured three and a half inches in length at offices along the Canadian border, passd by a vote o f 41 to 1, the Walsh- Mary Phagan, for whose murder Leo
gasoline is being considered by the and a like distance in width with a that American letters have been open­ Slater bill to provide for general m ili­ M. Frank was convicted, was dismissed
department o f Justice with a view, thickness o f about half an inch. It ed in the Dominion and passed on by a tary and physical training for boys in . iperior court here Saturday after
it is understood, to determine i f prose­ weighed I I ounces, 11 pennyweights censor.
between the ages o f 16 and 18.
This attorneys announced that a settlement
cutions can be brought under the law and 15 grams when placed in the
No action has been taken, and it action was taken after Governor W hit­ out o f court had been agreed upon.
as it stands or whether additional leg­ scales, its value being $205.
It was was understood Wednesday to be the man had sent a special message urging
Mary Phagan’s body was found in
found 25 miles from here.
islation w ill be required.
feeling o f authorities here that mail preparedness legislation.
the pencil factory.
Gasoline in St. Louis Wednesday
sold at 19 cents a gallon, a drop o f 1
cent. The decline was attributed to
the importation o f oil from Borneo.
Thirty Burn to Death in
New Haven Train Wreck
Sugar on free List May 1 ,
Unless Houses Reach Agreement
Von Papen and four Others Are
Indicted for Plot to Destroy Canal
Villa Leaves His Command;
Death Report Believed Ruse
Austria-Hungary Will Avoid
Break With United States