The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 20, 1916, Image 1

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    ÎFmTüt Okmu' lExpiraa
Vol. 1, No. 16
$1.50 per Year
Local Musicians
Remember the debate at Marsh
Score Big Success
FOR BOYS OF P. U. ON P. U. CAMPUS hall tomorrow evening.
The 1916 Washington county
fair will be held within the corpo­
rate limits of Forest Grove.
Arrangements to this end were
made Tuesday, when Messrs. 0 .
H. Holmes, L. M. Graham and J.
P. Hurley, representing the Forest
Grove Commercial Club and the
Washington County Fair associ-
ation, met with the president and
trustees of Tualatin Academy and
Pacific University at Portland and
secured permission to use a tract
of land lying east of the P. U.
gymnasium and Herrick Hall for
fair purposes. If it is found, after
one year, that this arrangement
does not encroach on the land
needed by the University, the ar­
rangement may be made perma­
It is proposed to fix up the
quarter-mile track for what horse
races are on the program and
move to the new location such
sheds and pens as will be needed.
This move should insure a much
better attendance than former
fairs have enjoyed.
Miss Beatrice Pogue is home
from the state normal, at Mon­
mouth, for an Easter visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Mrs. Captain Peters had the
misfortune to dislocate her right
wrist last Friday when a step-
ladder on which she was standing
The Oratorio “ The Passover”
which was given Wednesday ev­
ening a t t h e Congregational
church under the auspices of t he
Congregational choir, was an un­
qualified success. Oriental cos­
tuming added to the effect and
carried the audience back to the
time when the Israelites were an
oppressed and captive race
It Is unusual for a small town to
give such compositions; only the
most careful attention of each one
made it possible. It is customary
for the soloists to be engaged
from the city, but Forest Grove
posseses voices of which any city
would be proud.
Miss Goldie Peterson, soprano,
as Miriam, had the principal solo
work among the women and her
voice was magnificently suited to
the part. Mr. Thomas, baritone,
carried out the difficult part of
Aaron perfectly while Mr. Ferrin,
tenor, took the part of Moses
equally well. Mrs. Jones, mezzo
soprano; Mrs. McEldowney, con­
tralto; Mrs. Carmack contralto,
and Mr. Richardson, baritone, all
gave most effective solo work and
were well supported by the chorus
of forty voices, and Chas. Walk­
er’s orchestra of twelve pieces,
with Miss House at the piano, all
under the able direction of Mrs.
E. E. Williams.
Altogether it was the finest and
most artistic sacred composition
heard in this city for many years.
Second in Oratory
A surprise party was given Mrs.
The Intercollegiate Prohibition
Livingston in her home on “ Nob
Association of Oregon held it« an­
Hill” Monday night by the mem­
nual oratorical contest in Marsh
of the Philathea Sunday
Hall last Friday evening. The
school class of the Congregational
state convention was held in con­
¡church. The ladies of her class
niption with the meeting also.
met at the home of Mrs. S. A.
The election of officers for the
Walker and Went to the Living­
coming year was the only busi­
The Star Theater is putting on
ston home in a body. Dinner in
ness of imiHirtance transacted. As
a “ Home Industry” program, in
t h e c im ^ t next"y w T h T o b e 'held h^n.J they Sled up to the back
connection with the regular pic­
at McMinnville, the office of prea- ^ °?r a(* .lx ° clock’ a" d £"'»*<■<*
ture program, tonight and to­
before being discovered. The sur-
ident of the state association will
morrow night.
prise was complete and the merry
lie filled by electing that officer
The infant son of Mr. and
group made ready the dinner and
from the student body of Mc­
Mrs. N. G. Thomas died last
lengthened out the table and
Minnville College. At the session
and w a s buried i n
eleven persons sat down to a very
held in Marsh Hall on Saturday
cemetery Friday,
enjoyable spread. Mrs. Gilmore,
morning the other officers of the
Rev. Dunlap officiating.
association were elected, as fol­ the president of the class, present­
Mrs. Charier Van Doren of the
ed to their retiring teacher a beau­
city was operated on for a chronic
tiful hand - painted cream and
Vice President— Nicholas Jaur-
ailment at the Good Samaritan
ugar set, with the initial L in
eguy of the Suite University.
hospital, Portland, Tuesday and,
SecreUiry— Miss Fern Wells oi Old English. Games followed of
at last accounts, was improving.
"Patent Medicine” and charades
and were a source of much amuse­
Mrs. Anna Pogue and Mrs.
Treasurer— Meade Elliott of Pa­
ment. The party went home at
Mary Porter will represent Forest
cific College.
nine o’clock and all declared they
lodge No. 44 uf this city
The contest for first place in
had "lots of fun.” Those present,
Those music-lovers who failed aw ^ e
meeting of the state
the oratorical contest was very
besides the regular members of the to hear the Pacific University Glee assembly at Roseburg the last
close. In fact all six of the con­
household were Mrs. A. Bryant. club when that organization ap- week in May.
testants did well and deserve
Mrs. S. A. Walker, Mrs. Gilmore, peared here last month, should
Dr. Carruth and M. M. Good-
much credit for the showing made.
Misses Stalley, Alice Crook, Ca­ not fail to hear these musicians at rich and daughter, Lucile, of Yam-
The contest as a whole was a suc­
milla Abernathy, Anna Taylor the Star Theatre next Wednesday hill were in the city last night to
cess and every one present went
and Jennie Armstrong.
night, April 26th. The former hear and take part in the oratorio,
away feeling that the evening had
was fine and this one will Dr. Carruth playing the flute in
been well spent. Six orators en­
Last Thursday evening at the
Aged Woman Called
the production
tered the contest. The six col- home of Mrs. O’Neill, Mesdames lie better, for the musicians have
Russell, aged 64 years,
The manager of the Empress
leges represented were as follows:, Ingersol and O'Neill were hostes- had more practice. Following is
Candy Kitchen of this city was passed away at her home near
University of Oregon, Nicholas
to the Azalea Club. The ev- the program:
Gaston Tuesday, after a long ill­
ening was spent at games, social (a) “ SiiiK. < 'hay O ” Japan« tie Chorus taken to Hillsboro Monday and ness with Bright's disease. De­
Pacific College, Clarence A.¡converse and a delicious three- <b) Lullaby
his place of business open after ceased was born at Elgin, III., in
Glee Club
course luncheon. The time passed
1852 and came to Oregon when
"Dream Visions*’
Drdla midnight Saturday.
but two years of age. She is sur­
McMinnville C o l l e g e , M. C. so quickly that both hands of the
Miss Emma Craft
The directors of the Commer­ vived by a husband, four sons—
clock pointed upward before the Vocal Solo— " I Hear a Thrush at Eve”
cial club held a meeting yester­ Frank, Charles, George and Burt,
Miss Wilma Young
Pacific University, Lester T. j guests could make up their minds
......................... Service day to devise ways and means all grown and residents of Wash­
j to depart for their homes. Those
for assisting the band, financially, ington county ¡also two daughters,
Herbert Butler Duell
and it is probable that some as- Mrs. Lilly Porter and Mrs. Min­
Eugene Bible University, Earl present b e s i d e s the hostesses, (a) Flower Song
nie McGoon of Yamhill county.
JapantHM Chorus sislance will be given.
were Mesdames Hartrampf, Al- (b) Slumber Song
was a sister of County Com­
Willamette University, Herbert drich, Moore, Carmack, Hill,
missioner R. Matteson of this
iGiltner, S t e w a r t , Buxton, M c-
The judges were: Delivery—A. Namerand Misses Belle and Dee Edith Thorley, Glee Club and Violins meeting yesterday, at which Rev.
In the death of Mrs. Russell,
C. J. Bond
Clark delivered an address and a
King Wilson, Portland; Frank H.l Darling, Violet Glaisyer, Mary
the family loses a loving wife and
Male Quartet
good musical and literary program mother and Oregon is bereft of
Hilton. Portland; H. W. Stone, Woell, Anna Tolke, Sparks and Clarinet Solo— "Shuberts Serenade”
was rendered. There was another one of its noblest women.
Glen Morgan
Portland; composition— Prof. N. | Mildred Carmack
Violin Solo— "Mazurka
Musin of those good dinners at noon.
Funeral services were held at
F. Coleman, Reed College; Prof. j
Catherine Davis
home at 11 o ’clock this morn­
Hopliin Jenkins, Portland; Miss
Forty-two Forest Grove Masons
"Twilight Comes to Kiss the Rose
ing, with Rev. Holmes of this city
Ellice Shearer, McMinnville.
went to Hillsboro last Saturday
..... ......................
preaching t h e sermon. Inter­
The judges awarded first place* ^en>
Mr. and Mrs. John Heis-
on a fraternal visit to their ment was at the Hill cemetery,
Male Quartet
to Mr. Smithson of McMinnville ler of G a l e s C r e e k, Saturday Cantata— "Lady o f Shalott” Bendall Masonic brothers.
There was Gaston, where the Gaston Re­
Glee Club and Mary Westaway
College, who won last year. Sec­ evening, in honor of Frank’s birth­
work in the Master Ma^on de­ bekah lodge had charge of the
ond place was given to Mr. Jones day anniversary. A very enjoy­ Reading "H ard Shelled Baptist”
gree, followed by a lunch and concluding ceremony.
smoker and the boys from this
of Pacific University. First and able time time was spent.
"A loh a”
Hawaiian Folk Song
Looks Like a New Building
report a very pleasant time.
second places were practically a
“ Happy” Morgan was extreme­
Beth Crandall and Glee Club
John Anderson, the Pacific Ave­
The county court last Friday
tie, but the decision was made in ly pleased to receive a long letter
Following is a list of those who
nue clothier, has practically closed
a contract to Joseph Larsung
favor of Mr. Smithson on the yesterday from his old friend, Ed- take part in the concert:
a deal for the purchase of the cor­
Frank Thomas Chapman, Director; & Son for the construction of
strength of his winning first place ; ward Burns, a well known P. U.
First Sopranos, Misses Mary Westa- three bridges, Chas. E. Potts fo r ! ner lot across the street east from
last year. This is an honor that man. Edward is busy farming'on way Wilma
t? u m a
x i/uiips
v Crandall,
ia u u n u
the First National bank and it is
P. U. can well be proud of, con- his homestead in South Dakota, Dorothy Br«>nt, Edith Thorley; Second one bridge and Julius Christian-
probable that before another
Sopranos. Misses Alvena Howard Hel- son for a fi]| the total amount ag-
sidering that Jones is a second- and teaching school at the same en
Bartlett, Alice S m ith , Maude tn -
spring rolls around Mr. Ander­
$ -,o 3 0 .4 5 . The largest
year man, with only two years’ time. Although he feels like re- gliah; Alton, Misses Elida Loynes, Mar-
garet Keep, Zola Kirrv. Helen Brun- bridge is near Manning station son will have a modern business
experience in this line. Those who turning to school at times, he says ner; Violinist«, Misses Emma Craft and and the next largest near Newton. block over what is now an uu-
sightly hole in the ground. Let
Tr •
know how hard Jones has worked, he wouldn’t trade his team and Catherine Davis; Pianist, Mary Anna
Brobst; Reader, Herbert Butler Deuell;
Miss Monroe of Pacific Univer- us hope so, anyway.
and what a great stride he has brood of pigs for all the debate
Male Quartet, Messrs. Verle Stanley, sjty took her domestic science
. ,
~ .
made, are especially proud of the and oratory in the West. BMward Glenn Morgan, Leslie W ebb and Thayne ,
Frank Lewis, a man past middle
class to Portland last Saturday
showing he made this year. In will always be remembered as a
The admission is only 25c and and gave the students some prac- age, who has been a county charge
fact, he surpassed the expectations loyal booster for Pacific,
the songs of the Male Quartet tical knowledge of how meat is for the past two years, died yes­
of many of his fellow students, for
Mrs. Eliza Smith is ill with a
alone are worth more than that cut in a big plant. The members terday of dropsy at the county
he surpassed any showing he had bad case of lumbago, or some i
of the class were Misses Grace hospital, Hillsboro. F o r years
___________ __
made thus far in speaking before thing
of that nature. She has
Zerba, Edith Pinn, Carrie Senders deceased was a resident of this
Miss Helen Cowgill of Chicago, and Hazel Gilpin, all of whom en­ city. The funeral services were
the student body or the Gamma not been well since she fell, about
Sigma Literary society, of which ¿wo years ago and injurefl her who comes to Forest Grove to ad­ joyed the trip very much 4
held at the Buxton chapel at 10:30
h eisa m em b er.
back. Mr. and Mrs. Smith may dress the Woman’s club, will ad­
The regular program meeting of this morning, Rev. Ashley of the
. T h,r,l p acejvent to M ’ BW ch- Be|| b
|fed ..ParenU of the dress a public meeting at the
the Woman’s club will be held Christian church officiating. The
ford of W l l l a m e t t e . Unfortu-
remains were laid to r e s t in
nately, the judges made an error,clty* They
are o l d residents , High School next Monday even­ Monday afternoon, April 24. at Mountain View cemetery, beside
in computing the grades by which here and for many years have ing at 8 o clock, under the aus­ the Congregational church par­ those of the mother, who died
Mr. Fleischman of the Eugene ¡kept the boarding place known, pices of the Parent-Teachers’ as- lors. Miss Helen Cowgill, as- some years ago.
Bible University was given third as The Michigan House. Mr. sociation. The public is invited, sistant state agent of Boys’ and
place. The error was not discov-! Smith is also in poor health.! and especially parents of school Girls’ club n rk, U. S. Depart-
B. J. Simpson, the Southern
ered till Saturday morning. Fur- Both old people are under the children. A musical program in ment of Ag. culture, will give a Pacific agent, left Tuesday for a
thermore, when the mistake was care of their competent daughter, connection with the lecture. Ad- lecture on industrial club work, visit at Washington, D. C „ and
mission free.
J. B. Schroll is acting agent.
(Concluded on page Five)
One More Chance
tO Hear Glee ( lub