1 Supplement to Forest Grove Express V o li » . Forcai (¡rove, Ore., Thursday, April 18 1919 NOTES AND PERSONALS SOCIAL NOTES No. 14 A Mild Rebuke Mrs. Roy Hesseltine of this city has been writing her old Kansas neighbors such glowing accounts of the bea ties of the Oregon climate that at least one of her friends has evidently decided it was time to call a halt in the Ore­ gon lady’s boasting, for a few days since Mrs. Hesseltine re­ ceived the following from her Kansas friend: The F<1 Lee family has moved The Passover, Oratorio Cantata, to Portland. that will be sung Wednesday ev­ John Heislerand family are in ening, April ID, at the Congrega­ from (iaicM City today. tional church, under the dieection Mr. and Mrn. Bernard Ortman of Mrs. B. E. Williams is one of and son, Clarence, were in town the most dramatic of the Orator­ ios, expressing as it does, the yesterday. Felix Verhoven, a former For­ pride, the dispair, the doubts, the int Croveite, now of Portland, fears and finally the triumphal de­ was in the c i t y . on business livery of this captive people. Costumes and orchestration will yesterday. all back to Pharaoh's Mrs. A. J. I,angley, who has transport “ The Neodeuha Sun found this story time. ____ Ireen ill for several weeks, is able in an Oregon paper: A man w ent into to I m * up and about attain, to the Mrs. John Templeton’s squad a business house and stated th a t his relief of her many friends. of entertainers put on a program wife had made up her mind to go back The somewhat sensational Lyda for the Kebekah lodge at thecNfc^ to W estern Kansas. 'Back th e re ’, he case is drawing big crowds to the of the meeting a week ago last explained, ‘she used to sit around and district court room at Hillsboro night, when a good program of sigh for a tubful of good, so ft rain daily, with a prospect of lasting music, recitations a n d o t h e r w ater in which to wash her clothes and features was put on. Mrs. Tem­ it became so tiresom e I moved to O re­ the week out. pleton’s division will also have gon. We have been here two months L. L. l^ingley, the Portland charge of next Wednesday night's and now she wants to move back to attorney, visited his mother and program. Kansas to g e t the clothes d rie d .'“ sister over Sunday and took a try In connection with the regular at trout fishing Monday before re­ Horseshom Elect Officers picture show, the ladies of the li­ turning home. brary committee of the W ’oman’s The members of Local No. 686, Hud White, one of the big land- club put on an excellent program Master Horseshoers and Black­ owners of Gal— City, has pur- of songs, tableaux, etc., at the smiths of America, met in this chaced, through Walter Roswurm, Star Theatre Tuesday evening. city Sunday in annual session and, ’the U. M. Fair pro|>erty, on Sec­ ond avenue north, and will spend The attendance was good and the after transacting routine business, entertainment meritorious. elected officers for the ensuing his winters in Forest Grove. year, as follows: Mrs. I)r. P. A Charlton, who Mrs. H. R. KaufTmann a n d A. W. Mills, Banks, President. has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Miss Beach attended a w h i s t E. D. Kerr, Hillsboro, Vice J. S. Buxton, for several days, de­ party and luncheon at the home President. parted yesterday for her home at i of Mrs. R. M. Erwin at Hillsboro L F. Humburg, Forest Grove, l^iCrand, Mrs. Buxton accom­ yesterday afternoon. Treasurer. panying her as far as Portland. J. G. Lenneville, Forest Grove, The Cast Chosen Chas. B. Noble of Los Angeles, Secretary. California, who is the eldest son The cast for the Pacific Uni­ The local has members at For­ of M. L. Noble, deceased, and versity commencement play, “As who is executor of his father’s es­ You Like It,” has been made up est Grove, Hillsboro, Banks, Gas­ tate in California and Oregon, and Mi s s Bagstag has begun ton and McCoy and t he officers visited at the home of Attorney training the players fo r their expect a representative of the M. B. Bump Sunday. parts, as follows: Orlando, Glenn state organization to come to the Jack; O l i v e r , Harold Reed, dist ict in the near future to open A practice game was played on Jacques, Thayne Livesay; Touch­ a campaign for more members. P. U.’s field last Friday afternoon between the baseball teams of the stone, Ralph Potts; Silvius, Blair We will insure your auto against high s c h o o l and the college. 1 Paul; Duke Senior, Leon Logan ; fire, theft and collision. Hancock Duke Fredrick, Martin Bernards; Much interest is being developed Charles, Julian Fenenga; Le Beax; & Wiles. 9-tf in athletics in general and regular Harold Robinson; Amiens, Russell j practice is now a daily feature. Since the departure of Miss Morgan; Corin, Ralph Reinemer; On the evening of Monday, W'illiam, Elbert Taylor; Jacques Tucker of Portland, Miss English May 1, P. U. students will pro­ de Bois, Max Reeher; Adam, Jay and K. W. Irle are looking after duce Rostrand’s “ Romancers,” Austin; Rosalind, Miss Al i c e the work in the P. U. business with the following cast: Sylvette, Smith; Celia, Miss Marie Wells; office. Grace Haines; Percinet, Leslie | Phoebe, Miss Elizabeth Briggs; Webb; Stratforel, Glenn Morgan; Audrey, Miss Faye Schroeder. The Express is prepared to meet Bergamin, Orlando Romig; Pas- the prices of traveling calendar quinot, Edward Dibble. Job printing—phone 821. salesmen in lots of 100 or more. V