# .uiKiu} Oratorical Contest a Silo, a Manure Spreader a Corrugated Roller Do You Own Opens Tomorrow these Three Money- A week from next Easter. The Passover, tata. April 10. Mrs. A. RutFety visited friends The Inter-Collegiate Prohibition in Portland Monday. holds its annual state lU .ibnre * } * } * ) to send a deposit to this Mrs. O. M. S a n fo r d visited n association r , t o r i .. m m tiw l in in M n n t h Hall, H n ll « I d l i “ » « • • • oratorical contest Marsh bank from any farm adja­ friends in Portland Tuesday. cent to Forest Grove. Mrs. W. L. Moore of Hanks tomorrow evening, April 14th. visited Pacific University has the priv- Checks may be endorsed day. friends in this city Tues­ elege Any of these three will pay for itself on an ordinary-sized of entertaining the orators \ to us and mailed with safe­ id and delegates from the other i farm the first year, Fred Watrous of McMinnville ty. When they arrive we visited friends in this city Tues-1 schools only once in every six or place them to the Deposi­ j av - seven years. Six colleges are en- 1 We sell the Oregon Stay Round Silo, the John Deere low-down tor’s credit and send back a The band boys will give a dance In the contest, which prom- j |anure Spreader, with the beater on the axe, and the John Deere receipt at once. ises to be very close and spirited. ‘Dunham” Corrugated Roller. at I. O. O. F. hall Saturday ev Sending in deposits by ening next. Some t f the orators are men with mail is often less expensive several years of experience in ora­ Ask anyone who owns these if they are ns big money- Miss Ella Braun of Portland, tory back and more convenient than a them. The local trip to the bank in person. visited with Miss Hazelteen Stock- contestent, I of ¿ester makers as we claim them to be. G. Jones, repre­ The careful attention we man Sunday. sented Pacific University last year give mail-deposits is th e Mr. and Mrs. Lucas are recent inm’t borrow your neighbor’s machine ; come and Salem and promises well for same careful attention we arrivals from Brownsville, to make at the contest Friday. It is not of­ buy one for yourself. We have some left just us give everyone coming to the their home here. ten that the opportunity of hear good as the one your neighl>or got. bank. Try us. Dr. and Mrs. Crockett of Port- ing orations on so live a question lend spent Sunday with the M. is afforded a community and the S. Alien family. chance should 1u>t be overlooked. Lost—Bnnch of keys. Reward The executive committee will if left at Elkhorn Barber Shop, meet at 4 p. m. and registration South Main street. 14-1* of delegates will come before Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Hellwarth supper. Forest Grove, Ore. of Falls City visited Dr. and Mrs. \ At 8 o'clock the program will KaufFmann Friday. open at Marsh hall in the follow- Member Federal Resene Bank. Miss Elsie Lathrop and Miss 'n8 order: In vocation Jessie Greer attended the Teach­ Violin solo Miss Davis Bishop. She completely recovered HIGH SCHOOL NOTES in Banks Saturday. “ The Weapon,” CONDENSED NEWS NOTES ers’ Mr. meeting Nicholas Jnureguy before she returned home. and Mrs. L. E. Howard of Misses Klotna and Myrtle Clark s|»«nt University of Oregon Yamhill visited Tue-day night "A House Divided” Clarence A. Jones the week-end with their parent«. The Y. W. Conference The Passover, Oratorio Can­ with Mrs. G. B. Sage and family. Miss Mnlde Kaamuaen was given a Pacific College The Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Con­ tata, April 19. Mrs. Lewis Hacker of Tilla­ “ National Efficiency” M. C. Smithson surprise party last Saturday night. ference held here hist week end Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tumbleson mook spent Tuesday night with The Girls' Cooking Class, under the McMinnville College was unexcelled in the history of Mrs. L. S. Phillips, on her way to visited in McMinnville Sunday. direction of Miss Edna Mills, served a “ Drink and the World Crisis” Tangent, where her mother is ill. ........... Lester T. Jones most delighful dinner to the Y. W. C. district conferences. T h e pro­ Hancock & Wiles carry Life. A. convention last Saturday. Pacific University gram was carried out as planned Mrs. John Allen of this city was Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf operatrd on at the Good Samari­ "U nlaw ful License for Unlawful The school year is drawing to a close and the delegates and all those Get your lime and sulphur tan hospital, Portland, last Thurs­ Business Earl (iheshman and the Buys’ and Girls' Literary so­ present enjoyed an inspiring and sprays at Littler’s Pharmacy. ciety had their last meeting last week. helpful conference which will not Eugene Bible University day and is getting along nicely. Most of the members have their credit*» soon be forgotten. We will insure your auto against Mrs. James Reeher returned to “ Prohibition and National Effici­ and as it is hard to stay after school Herbert Blatchford fire, theft and collision. Hancock her home on Wilson river Satur­ ency” during the summer months, most of Because of the representative Willamette University & Wiles. 9-tf day after a visit with her children the curricular activities will soon be of the Y. \V. C. A. of the North­ Quartet. Just Arrived—A fresh supply of who are attending school in this College west l>eing in Japan, the Japanese ended. Decision of judges. Whitman’s Chocolates, the best city, idea was carried out at the Con­ Those who are to take part in the of prizes. ference Luncheon at the high made, at Littler s Pharmacy. Dr. Kauffmann was called to Award “ Busin's Bride” which will be given Judges (Delivery)—A. King Wilson, school Saturday noon and also at The Express is prepared to meet Banks Friday to treat Joseph Portland; Frank H. Hilton, Portland; soon, have begun practicing. It is to put it on I the reception held Friday evening the prices of traveling calendar Eastman, who had the misfortune H. W. Stone, Portland composition, thought they will lie able at Marsh hall for and salesmen in lots of 100 or more. to drop a heavy timber on his Prof. N. F. Coleman, Reed College; in about four or five weeks. It is un­ high school girls. delegates Japanese lan­ right foot. der the direction or Mr. Thomas and Prof. Hopkin Jenkins, Portland; Miss We will insure your auto against tern furnished the only light in Shearer, McMinnville. Miss Taylor. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Grove Ellice fire, theft and collision. Hancock from the chapel and the girls enjoyed a A business session will often at 8:45 Lloyd Ritchie has quit school and is Soda Springs were in Saturday social time together. & Wiles. 9-tf town above soon going to Eastern Oregon to work Tuesday visiting their son, program: morning, with the following ' on The luncheon served Saturday a ranch. W. J. Good departed Monday Bert, and trading with local noon by the high school domestic Appointment of committees. M: .i Ila Wilder sjient Saturday anti for a visit with old Iowa and Mis­ merchants. science class was a great credit to of delegates. i Sunday with her parents. souri friends now living in Idaho Mrs. J. B. Littler of Salem is Reports the training given in our school in Meeting of com­ Prof. Inlow went to McMinnville cookery and service. Seventy sat spending a few days in town at- 10:00-—Intermission. and Washington. mittees. | last Friday and hia classes in civics down to partake of the tempting Miss ten(Dng the Foreign Missionary ' and pedagogy did not meet. 10:30-—Opening session. Mr. and Mrs. LeFrene, menu. conference being held at the M. Vocal Solo Miss Acker Miss Mona Mallory has been absent Following the luncheon came Mary Woell and Wayne Giltner E. church. Rev. Holmes, Speaker. from school the past few days on ac- ' visited Sunday at Sheridan, at the The monthly business meeting 11:00— Final business session. the toasts, with Miss Eleanor count of sickness. Hopkins as toast mistress. The home of Mrs. Will Lackey. Report of State Secretary. of the Forest Grove Woman’s Report of State Treasurer. Knights Went Visiting G e o r g e Jackson of Littler’s club was held Monday, at which , Election of Officers. time officers to be voted on the Pharmacy was in Portland Tues- Thirty-one members of Delphos was ..Go to Sea beck!” The toasts AFTERNOON SESSION first meeting in May were nom- da>, taking the examination pre­ inated. lodge No. ”9, Knights of Pythias, were as follows: responded with 1:30— Conference on Methods, scribed by the State Board of interesting Members went to Hillsboro Monday even “ Idle Breezes,” McMinnville talks to the roll call on Prof. Co€* McMinnville. Pharmacy, ing and Cherry ana spent a pleasant evening i Co l 1 l 1 e g g e e, ; “Numberless v^ucuy Report of State Presipent. the subj Os ; Grove last week. It Costs Tw o Cents 0ratorioCan' 1.1 -The- GOFF BROS. First National Bank Phone 683 Forest Grove, Ore CUT YOUR LAWN NOW The “Clarinda” Lawn Mower GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. ÜU ' Special till Easter fa Fany Eastern-cured Hams, lb 21c Fresh Strawberries, Pineapples, Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Lettuce, Cabbage and choice vegetables of all kinds. The Pacific Market Phone 0301 sn Lord & Giguere r> rrr? kJ » Mr. and Mrs. DeShazer were visit­ ing at the Beck home Sunday. The Ladies’ Aid will meet again in two weeks to finish the work they started. It will be for all day and a lunch will be served at noon for school children. Mra. Van M eter went to Gaston Sun­ day to see her friend, Mra. Storey, who j is very sick. A goodly number of Dilley people1 I went to Forest Grove Saturday to in­ vestigate the many bargains ottered by the Grove merchants on Dollar Day, and, judging by the number of packages | that came this way, they left some cash in the city beautiful. Mrs. Frank Crowthers entertained the ladies of the G. L. R. club at the home of Mrs. Frank Sutford. A very dainty luncheon was served by the 1 hostess. Those getting the highest i scores were, Mrs. J. W. Hughes, first; ! Mrs. N. C. Johnson, second; Mrs. Roy 1 McBride, third. I Bake Sale at our Store by the Ladies’ Aid Society of the ChriHtian Church Saturday, April 15th. COME AND HELP THE CAUSE SPECIAL—Golden Loaf Flour, $1.39 Phone Phone 061 P "THE E PURE tzmahket FOOD STORE " 061 *