The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 13, 1916, Image 7

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Supporters of Measure Assert
Victory in Senate.
About Oregon
O f G eneral Interest
San (Jeronimo, Chihuahua Via aero­
plane to Colonia Dublan and by w ire­
less to Columbus, N. M. Tw o hundred
American cavalrymen under Colonel
Portland— W heat—Bluestem, $1.05;
fortyfold, 94c; club, 92c; red fife, 92c;
red Russian, 92c.
Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy, $21
*422 per ton; alfalfa, $20.
Millfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $23
per ton; shorts, $25.50; rolled barley,
Corn— Whole, $36 per ton; cracked,
Vegetables— Artichokes, 65*480c per
dozen; tomatoes, $3.75 per crate; cab­
bage, $1.25*42.26 per hundred; garlic,
10c per pound; peppers, 174 *4 20c;
eggplant, 234c per pound; horseradish,
84c per pound; cauliflower, $1.25 *g
1.50; lettuce, $2.25*/,2.35 per crate;
cucumbers, $1.25*^1.50; spinach, 90c
*/,$l per box; asparagus, 7 (a , 10c per
pound; rhubarb, $1.25*/,2 per box;
peas, 9*410c per pound.
Potatoes — Oregon, buying prices,
$1 .50 f. o. b. shipping point.
Green Fruit— Strawberries, $4.75* 1,5
per crate; apples, $1*41.60 per box;
cranberries, $11 per barrel.
Eggs — Jobbing prices:
ranch, candled, 21c per dozen; un­
candled, 194*/,20c per dozen.
Poultry — Hens, 17c; staga, 13c;
broilers, 25*430c; turkeys, choice, 24
*425; ducks, 15c; geese, 10c.
Butter — Prices from wholesaler to
prints, 60-pound case lots, standard
grades, 34c; lower grades, 31c; Ore­
gon country creamery prints, 60-pound
case lots, standard makes, 31 *4 33;
lower grades, 30 *4 304c; packed in
cubes, 2c less. Prices paid by jobbers
to producers: Cubes, extras, 29*430c;
firsts, 27 *4 274c; dairy butter, 14*4
184c; butterfat. No. 1, 33c; No. 2,
Veal— Fancy, 10®104c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, ll* 4 ll4 c per pound.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 20(q,30c;
valley, 27*428c; mohair, new clip, 30
Good Use Made of Piece of an Old
Crosscut Saw Blade.
Large Roots, Such as Rutabagas, Man*
Biennial School Report Shows
W. C. Brown, Tenth cavalry, defeated
gels and Turnips, Can Be Held
Increase of Pupils and Teachers
an equal force of Villistas in the sec-
With One Hand, While Knife
ond engagement o f the campaign at
In preparing the official records for
Is Worked With Other.
Aguas Calieritea, 30 m ile« north of his next biennial report, Superintend­
Guerrero, on April 1,
Public Instruction J. A.
The best root cutter I ever had hold
Thia report wan made to General Churchill finds that there were 9272
at or ever saw was one that was built
Pershing Wednesday by two Mexican more children enrolled in the schools
uy a German boy I had working for
ranchmen, who Maid that the Mexican
me, writes R. E. Dim I oh In the
I forcea loMt 30 men and 40 home«, while
Farmer. We considered him none too
the Americana Buffered no caaualtiea. previous year, the total number being
reliable In general, but when It came to
Senator Says if Intimidation Contin­
Villa waa not with the band, accord­ i 151,799. There was also an increase
contriving handy things about the
ing to the ranchmen, who asserted o f 303 in the nurnter o f teachers, 6055
place he was a marvel of Ingenuity
ues He Will Favor Elimination
that the American troopa i-elieved at : of whom were employed in public
and, strange to say, he did most of
flrat they had encountered the bandit schools and 509 in private schools.
his work on these contrivances after
of Guard as War Factor.
An inveatigation ahowed | The number o f students enrolled in
work hours or at noon.
that he had not been with thu detach­ ' private schools was exactly 10, 000.
This root cutter consisted of two
The per cent o f attendance vas a little
upright pieces, A and B (see Illustra­
For houra the American cavalrymen over 93, indicating that the attend­
Wnahinglon, I). C.- -The aenate
tion), the upright A In this case be­
tained the Federal Volunteer proviaion followed Manued I x >| h ; z , one o f V illa ’a ance was regular and that there were
ing the studding in my dairy barn; a
in the army bill late Friday by a vote j
! very few children absent from school.
diagonal piece, C, having a silt, G, in
o f 36 to 34, rejecting Senator Lea'a
The total cost o f the public schools
it for a knife guide; a cutting table,
JU D G E C . A . D O U G L A S
amendment to atrike the section out of
last year was $7,065,018.63.
O f this
D. with a spout attached for the cut
the bill. The vote ended a four-day
amount, $3,786,697.98 was paid to
roots to fall on; a cutting blade, E,
debute on thu auction.
teachers, $1,111,461.94 was used in
passing through the guide slit In C
I building new school houses and in the
and pivotally attached to the up­
Washington, 1). C.— Advocates of
purchase o f building sites, $545,286.45
right A.
! was expended fo r repairs and janitor
the Federal volunteer provision of the ;
I made my first one with an old hand
aenate urmy bill believed the section
saw, thinking the thinner the blade
fuel and school supplies.
School dis­
had been saved by a narrow margin
the better It would cut, but later when
trict clerks were paid $47,198.50 for
this got broke 1 put in a piece of an
when thu senate receaaed Thursday
their services.
The indebtedness of
old crosscut saw, and found that this
the districts at the close o f the last
night, without having reached a vote
j school year amounted to $5,560,894.17,
on tlie Lee amendment to strike it out. I
of which $4,718,849.14 was bonded in­
Senator Chamberlain, chairman of
debtedness which hail been assumed in
the m ilitary committee, asked again I
the erection o f new school buildings.
that action be deferred, as one or two
senator:) still desired to be heard.
Two Klamath Lumber Mills
Debate on the volunteer provision
Resume Operations at Once
lasted all day, champions o f the Na­
Klamath Falls— N ext week will see
tional Guard, sup|x>rtiiig the amend­
additional lumber plants in operation
ment, occupying moat o f the time. ,
in this section, with good increases to *432 c .
Cascara bark— Old and new, 4c per
In the closing hours, howevei, Senator
Klamath county’s payrolls.
Chamberlain vigorously defended the
The Algoma Lumber company’s mill
Cattle — Steers, choice grain and
provision as vital to any m ilitary plan
at Algoma, 12 miles north o f this city,
$8.50*49; choice hay, $8.15 *4
and denounced attempts o f National
w ill begin cutting early next week,
8.50; good, $7,75 *4 8.15; medium,
Guarii organizations to interfere with
according to Manager E. J. Grant.
cows, choice, $6.70 *4
This mill w ill cut about 25,000,000
7.80; good, $6.50 @ 6.75; medium,
He was joined by Senators O'Gor- , E - -
feet o f lumber during the present sea­
$6.25*4 6.50; heifers, $5*47.75; bulls,
man and W illiams in warning to the
"V .
$2.75* 4.6 ; stags, $3*45.25.
senate that at the close o f the Euro- \
The company's logging camps have
Hogs — Prime light, $9; good to
l>can war the United States would
L>een in operation several weeks. The
$8.25 *4 9; rough heavy, $8*4
need a great navy and an adequate
Judge Charles A. Douglas Is the le­ Algoma mill cuts 125,000 feet of lum­ 8.25; pigs and skips, $8*48.25.
army to back her demands on the bel- 1
The company
gal advisor of the Carranza faction and ber every 10 hours.
Sheep— Yearlings, $8*410; wethers,
Lgerent powers for indemnification at
rsprosonta It In legal matters In also operates a box factory the year $7.25*49; ewes, $6.25* 48.25; lambs,
losses sustained through violations of
Washington. Ha la a wall-known law­ round, empoying about 50 men.
her rights as a neutral.
The Klamath Manufacturing com­
yer and haa handled many Internation­
“ As surely as the sun rises tomor­
Homemade Root Cutter.
al oaeex
row morning,” Senator William s said,
I Lake at Shippington, a suburb of this
New Potatoes Arrive.
thick blade was much more satisfac­
“ unless this country puts itself into a
! city, w ill begin Monday cutting 70,000
Tacoma — N ew potatoes o f the best tory.
condition where it can resist ami with­ lieutenants, and his bandits through , fe et o f lumber per day. This company
Such large roots as rutabagas, man­
stand bullying, we are going to lie in tortuous winding canyons and almost also operated a box factory steadily quality the local market has seen for
years, according to commission men, gel? or turnips, can be held with one
trouble with the victor in this war un­ impassable trails o f the mountains. all winter.
less we surrender the ¡sjsitions we Believing that they had eluded their
Beginning the first o f May the rolled in Thursday for the first time hand while the knife is worked with
The new tubers, which the other, and it is really surprising
have taken and timidly submit to the pursuers the bandits relaxed their v ig ­ Ewauna box factory, in this city, w ill this season.
rule which the victor may lay down ilance and before they realized it they put on a night crew to take care o f the are red, went out wholesale at 64 cents how rapidly the work can be done.
were confronted by the troops o f the rush orders.
a po md in lug boxes and fopnd an in­ We cut roots for over twenty cows all
for immunity or disclaim er."
stant market. Regular shipments w ill of one winter and were perfectly sat­
“ Self-preservation is the interna­ Tenth cavalr. General Pershing’s old
be received from now on and as re­ isfied with our rig, although we had
tional code o f the belligerent, ” said regiment, which had been stationed
ceipts increase prices w ill decline, say tried out several of the factory rigs
Senator O ’Gorman, who contended that near the town to intercept stray bands
First Train Enters Marshfield.
rights o f neutrals had been invaded by attempting to make their escape,
with cranks.
Eugene— Passenger service between
Celery is about through for the sea­
all o f the warring Euro|>ean |>ower8.
j Only the most meager details o f the
Eugene and Marshfield was inaugurat­
“ Protests of neutrals will be regard­ ensuing engagement were brought here ed over the Wiliam ette-Pacific railroad son, it is reported. The vegetable is
ed,“ he added, “ only if backed by by the Mexican ranchmen, but in Wednesday with one train each way quoted at $5.75 a crate.
telephone peas, artichokes, asparagus
sufficient |H)wer to enforce their de­ many respects it resembled that o f a daily.
‘Stomach Staggers” in Horses Traced
week ago at San Geronimo. Immedi­
and lettuce arrived by steamer and
mands. ”
Postmaster E. L. Campbell, an­
to Soft Corn— Moldy Feed Should
The demand for
“ When this war ib over,” Haid Sen­ ately the bandits realized the presence nounced that mail service over the new went out quickly.
Be Carefully Avoided.
ator Chamberlain, “ if we intend to o f American troops they began a hur­ railroad also began on that day. This green stuff increases daily.
Apples continue to sell good. Wine-
demand rccomjwnse for American lives ried, disorganized flight from their mail service haa been brought about as
Moldy feed seems to be especially
and property destroyed, if we are go­ camp, some seizing their i>oniea and the result o f an exception by the Post- saps are the most popular variety here,
for horses.
ing to demand any satisfaction, then others trying to make their escape : office department which, it is said, wholesaling from $1.25 to $1.65 a box.
Be careful to know what kind ol
small ; rarely enters into a contract with a
Meats and poultry are firmer.
we ought to be prepared to back all afoot. They went singly and 1 in nuioii
corn and corn stalks the horses are
our demands by force o f arms if ncces- j parties, all firing
meric an r a j j roa(j to carry m a ji before its actual
getting where there is so much soft
sary. And in what condition are we? j troops as they fled
None took
| compIetion.
with mold almost sure to be
We have not the power to enforce a
a" . . \ re8|
U' t
The letter mail has E>een going by
Tacoma— Butter is firm and dealers I present
none o f the bullets found 1 khaki-clad
single demand we have made.”
stage from Roseburg to Marshfield,
In some sections "stomach staggers”
do not look fo r a decline fo r two weeks
Senator William s
declared th a t: mark.
from Drain to Gardiner and from Eu­
yet. The market o f the Pacific Coast 1 in horses is causing a good deal of
while increasing the army was import­
gene to Florence; the second-class
; is reported to be uncharged. Receipts trouble, and it is traced to feeding
ant, enlarging the navy w hs o f first
mail has been going by boat from o f butter are none too large. Eggs j moldy corn.
importance. The Benator favored such
I Portland to Marshfield.
are arriving plentifully and the mar­
a navy by 1918 that it could meet and
There was no celebration in connec­
Greatest Profit From Dairy.
Cheese is unchanged
Following is a summary o f the re­ tion with the completion o f the rail­ ket is steady.
defeat any force that might be started
One department o f a dairy farm may
sults o f last Tuesday’s elections held road at either end o f the line. Such and the demand is light.
against it.
The fish market is well supplied be so efficient that it pays the losses of
Senator Chaml/erlHin’s arraignment in several eastern states and cities:
an event on an elaborate scale ia being
with various kinds of fish with the ex­ other departments, but the greatest
o f the National Guard’« activities was
Chicago Democarts carry 21 wards ! niknned* f ”
a date in July, when the
ception of salmon.
Since the season profit comes only when all the depart­
aupported by Senators McCumber and for Alderman; Mayor Thompson loses Umpqua bridge w ill be completed.
opened on salmon fairly good catches ments are operated to make them cok
Nelaon, who called attention to tele­ ground.
have been made by sportsmen on the lectively most efficient
grams from National Guard officials
Republicans make sweep in Kansas
Coos Sale Is Reported.
Narrows and on Puget Sound.
sent to many senators, urging them to City.
Mice Injuries.
Social Democrat loads for mayor 0/
vote against the Federal volunteer
North Bend — A fte r the departure fish, however, are not running in large
Mice and other rodents injure trees
Wednesday o f Dr. J. H. Dennison and enough schools to warrant fishing teats
Butte, Mont., retires all Socialists.
" I f the National Guard intends to
John B. Rogers, San Francisco capital­ to go after them, according to dealers. mostly In cold winters when green
feed is scarce. Clearing away the
Henry Ford leads Senator Smith as ists, Frederick Hollister, o f the First
come here and undertake to control
weeds and grass from around the
Demand fo r Eggs Is Active.
legislation calculated to protect Amer­ Republican choice for President in National bank o f North Bend, an-
ica against the world,” said the Ore­ Michigan, but lead is being cut down.
nourv xl that the visitors had negoti­
Portland— The egg market is steady trunk does away with harbors for
Muskogee, Okla., goes Democratic.
gon senator, “ I for one from now on
ated for the purchase o f the estate and firm this week at prices un­ mice.
Moline and Waukegan, III., oust sa­ form erly held by Major L. D. Kinney changed. The demand is sufficient to
shall favor the elimination o f the Na­
The Pigeon House.
tional Guard as a m ilitary factor in loons; Bloomington and Lorkport, for­ on Coos, and would close the deal take care o f all arrivals.
The essentials of a pigeon house are
Poultry arrivals were not heavy, but
this country.
They have been here merly dry, go w et; women vote Mo­ within the next few weeks.
line dry and feminine vote makes East
Frank S. W aite, who holds a mort­ were large enough in view of the fresh air, dryness and good drainage,
and are here for this purpose.”
gage o f several hundred thousand dol­ present high prices. More veal came sunlight and space enough for the
Senator Nelson declared that he had Dubuque wet.
North Platte, Neb., goes dry for lars on the property, will reach Coos in than could be worked off, but the comfort of the pigeons. A southern
never !>eforc seen “ such lobbying as
Bay this week to attend to details market was steady. Pork was strong or southeastern exposure is best
these outside influences have brought first time.
Baraga and Clare counties, Michi­ which interest him in the transfer.
and unchanged.
to bear to defeat certain sections of
Good Grazing.
gan, added to dry column.
The butter market is reported eas­
this b ill.”
When you think of good grazing
ier, but the old prices prevail.
Park Tract Given Salem.
Easy Spelling Way Gains.
from spring to late fall think o f cow-
Parole Refused Youtsey.
Salem - The city council has accept­
peas. They have an especial value for
Hops Taken at 12 Cents.
New Y ork— The number o f univer­
Frankfort, K y ,— Parole was refused ed the offer o f A. N. Bush, o f Salem,
sities, colleges and normal schools Wednesday by the State hoard o f pris­ to convey to the city a 50-acre tract of
The sale o f the Piper lot o f 100 producing milk, growing young stock
which have adopted simplified spelling on commissioners to Henry Youtsey, land in the southeast part o f the city, bales o f hops at Aurora, Ore., to Mc­ and fattening all kinds of animals.
now is 144, a gain o f 57 in the last convicted 16 years ago o f conspiracy in known as Bush’ s pasture. Under the Clellan at 12 cents was reported.
Where Insects Winter.
year, according to a report made to the the assassination o f Governor Goebel terms o f the proposal the city w ill ob­ There is • no demand for contracts in
Many Insects and disease spores hi­
Simplified Spelling Board at its annual and sentenced to life imprisonment.
tain title after the death o f Miss Sally this Rtate.
m eeting here.
In these institutions
Youtsey ia the only person among Rush, a sister o f A. N. Bush. The
California advices note the purchase bernate over winter In crop refuse and
there are 130,000 studenta. The num­ the six accused o f complicity in the trac t will be used for municipal park by Richardson o f a lot o f mediums at rubbish. Either plow this under of
ber o f newspapera and periodicals using assassination who is serving a prison purposes, and w ill be known as Bush’ s 9 cents. Unsold California stocks are destroy all debris of this sort
at least the 12 simpler spellings adopt­ term.
The others either were ac­ Pasture Park. It w ill be a memorial 13,275 bales o f Sacramentos, 3829
Sheep Are Dainty Eaters.
ed by the National Education aasocia- quitted or received executive clem­ for the late Asahel Bush, pioneer Sa­ bales o f Mendocinos and 4334 bales of
3heep are very dainty. Keep the
Sonomas, a total of 21,420 balles.
tion haa increased from 70 to 250.
lem banker.
teed trough* clean
'"7 /
Principal Results of Tuesday [lections.