The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 13, 1916, Image 5

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    N 0 T E 8 A N I) PERSONALS
W a a h ln K to n ('»mntjr Kail tortai A «
We Will Fix It!
The County Seat
Huncock & Wile« huve $25,000
to loun on farms.
Mm. K. B. Penfleld, Editor
N e w «
I f you break an axle or casting on your auto or any o f your
A regular meeting of the W. C.
machinery, bring it to us ; w e’ ll weld the break with our
In the case of C. R. Taunton' T. U. was held on Friday, April
new Oxy-Acetylene welding machine. We weld steel, cast
IK*re with non-poisonous ink.
iron, brass or aluminum.
vs. M. S. launton, the plaintiff j 7th, at the home of Mrs. Phillips
Highefit price |mid for Mohnir
has filed suit in the circuit court: wjth a full attendance.
I f your wagon or buggy needs repairs, either in wood,
und Wool. A. G. Hoffman & Co.
iron or rubber, come to us. Prices reasonable.
for divorce on the grounds of de­ Bishop led the devotional exer-
A _ daughter was horn in this , I sertion. The
asks that (cises following which routine busi-
. plaintiff
------- -------.------
city Saturday to Mr. and M m ., the marriage contract be annulled neHH Was taken up. Preliminary
Phone 504
Forest Grove, Ore
Roy Beach 1er,
and that she be allowed the eus- arrangements were made for the
Good Jersey cow, giving milk, Cody of the . inor children. There holding of an evening meeting on
For Circuit Judge
for Hale or trade for wood. W. ! are 'hree ci. .uren in the family, of ,he 21st, to be addressed by Mrs.
To the Republican Voters of Washing­
E. Hillier, phone 0114.
which two are minors.
Mallet of Portland, state super-
ton County:
Job printing—phone 821.
I am a candidate for the Republican
I he State of Oregon vs. Claude jntendent of medical temperance.
Walter Baldwin, who was quite
nomination for Circuit Judge of the
The Passover, Oratorio Can­ Nineteenth Judicial District, compris­
ill last week with an attack of ap­ Groves. 'The défendent is alleged !t w 8 vot.<! to send a letter of
to have stolen a cow from J. W. ! sympathy to Mrs. William Kerr, tata at the Congr gational church ing Washington and Tillamook Counties,
pendicitis, is recovering.
at the May 19th, 1916, primaries.
April 19,
G eo . R. B agley .
Miss Ada Taylor, who is teach Passmore. When haled before a former president, who recently Wednesday evening,
eight o ’clock sharp.
ing in Castle Rock,
For .Sheriff
unable to produce a tMjnu
bond oi
j^ rs Hoskins gave a report of
an<^ ^ cents. Reserved To the Voters of Washington County,
week-end with her parents here.
$1,000, so he was placed in the »ht» mid v e a r convention in P o rt- seats at Littler’s, on sale Friday,
New arrivals in fancy blouses,
I hereby announce myself as a candi-
county bastite where he await* L „ d
of The
E. E. Brody of Oregon city,
waists and neckwear at Mrs. tr:„i
— . — ---------
-----*>— — ■ " date for the nomination on the Repub-
address of Judge Gatens on * The president of the State Press asso- lican ticket for sheriff in the primaries
Richards’, two doors west of post-
Murohv 6for^iudum ent^on1 note ^
of «"-«itim a fe Children,” elation, and Phil Bates, editor of ^ . ‘iL ^ i ^
. u p n y I >r ju igm tn t on n e qU0tjng him as saying “ We not the Pacific Northwest, were calling, office, conduct the said office honestly,
H. A . Williams, the printer,
dated in 1908 for the sum of on|y netMj better babies but better on the newspaper boys of W’ash- Lnd’for^he’ l^s^rntere^^Tthe^ul^
has been up around Seattle, look­ $ 6 , 000 .
fathers and mothers."
ington county the latter part of payers of the county.
ing after business matters, for the
ated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 28 th
W’atts vs.
VS. Elsie O.
O . Porter,
i , came to
...... l i „......... - l .
Ci. E. Watts
our notice last week
! day of February, 1916.
past week.
suit for the satisfaction of a note,
women# though voters, and
J. W . C o n n e l l .
J. C . Whittaker last w e e k
Shadeland Climax seed oats and dated Sept. 10, 1914, for the sum many 0f ^ e m taxpayers, cannot
traded his residence property, on
new Oderbrucker pedigreed liar- of $550.
sit on trial juries. Some of our First Avenue North to G . W. j
ley. Edward Naylor; phone 0185,
C. M Morgan vs. A . E. Luce |aws evidently need amending
Forest Grove, Ore.
for the recovery of the principal or expurging. Another of that Morgan for the latter’s Gales i
Present Deputy Sheriff Announces
Creek farm of twelve and a half
M r s. Marsilliot a n d M r s . and interest on a note made in sort is the one permitting only
his (aodid aey fo r
1 acres, the deal being made by the
Blanche Richards went to Port­ Portland on March 20, 1915, for taxpayers to vote on school mat­
County Sheriff
Valley Realty company.
land Saturday night to spend a the sum of $251.75.
ters. We heard something not so
Before the electors at the Republican
Chas. Koenig vs. W. W. Heiser, very long ago about the forma­
Mr. and Mrs. John Templeton
few days with relatives.
Prim aries to be held Nay 19, 1916
suit for recoverv of note dated in
nominated a n d elected h e
Mr. and Mrs. Rice, Carl John­
tion of a Civic League in this city
pledges a strict observance of his
son, Helen Phillips and Wilbur
and a committee being appointed
duties and an economical admini­
In th«* estate of Geo. B. Sage,
J-imb spent Sunday with Mr. and
to tai e steps for such organiza­ supper last Saturday night and
Clara B. Sage petitioning for ad­
tion. Is it still in embryo? Some those in attendance are waiting
Mrs. Sam Short in Dilley.
ministratrix papers. The estate of us who don’t care for “ 500” impatiently for another invita­
Mrs. L. S. Phillips returned
Notice to Taxpayers
is valued at $2000.
and social teas, might be interest­ tion to the Templeton home.
home Thursday after a three-
is hereby given that on Tues­
In the estate of William R . Cal­
ed and instructed as well, if a
weeks visit with her son and
day, February 15, 1916, the tax rolls
kins, petit ion for probate of will.
gathering together of this sort
for the year 1915 will be opened for the
daughter in Tillamook county.
The estate is valued at $3,500.
(Paid Advertisements)
collection of taxes. The first half of
Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Bishop went
Alex Kehrli, father, petitioning
all taxes should be paid on or before
to Portland Monday night to for guardianship of four minor tions, as well as many others sure For Circuit Judge of the Nineteenth April 5th following, and the second
to follow in connection with our
Judicial District
half on or before October 5th following
hear Joseph Hoffmann with the | Kehrli children.
I fall election.
, Interest shall be charged and collected
popular New Y o r k symphony
Marriage licenses have been is - 1
I am a candidate for nomination to
at the rate o f 1 per cent per month or
K . B. P E N F IE L D .
the office o f Circuit Judge o f the Nine­
| sued to William Dodge and H a l-!
teenth Judicial District, composed of a fraction o f a month until paid. “ In­
Washington County Transfers
Mr. and Mrs. R M. Cole, and ley Williams, of Hillsboro; Jeffer­
the Counties of Tillamook and Wash­ terest at said rate applies to the first
daughters, Mary, Alice, and N el­ son J. Krebs and Ethel Dodge;
The following real estate trans- ington, subject to the Republican Pri­ half if not paid by April 5th, and to the
mary election to be held May 19th, second half if not paid by October 5th.’f
lie. went to Portland Monday Elmer I. Peterson of Cowlitz fers were recorded with the regis- 1916.
All taxes remaining unpaid on October
night to hear Joseph Hofmann in county and Florence Daily; John ter of deeds at Hillsboro during
If nominated and elected I will ad­
5th, shall become delinquent, and on
the piano concerto.
A. Peppeto and Bertha C. Ship- the past week:
this district justly, promptly and with November 5th a penalty of 5 per cent
W H Greim to A Bacon, 40 a in sec the least possible expense to the tax will be charged and collected thereon
Mr. and Mrs. G . G. Hancock ; ley.
in addition to the interest provided
Arthur Turner, whose home is 25 t 2 n r 3 w, $3900.
and Mrs C. A. Littler motored up
Less litigation; less expense; less de­ herein. Any day after the expiration
C C Nelson to J Jeppeson, 144.48 a
to Corvallis Sunday for a visit
lay and more justice shall be my aim.
io sec 18 t 3 n r 3 w, $10.
of six months after the taxes charged
Your support is respectfully solicited.
with their children, who are at­ in the Crescent City, Calif., jail
J E Parmley to J F Carstens, 20,000
against real property are delinquent,
W . H. H o l l is .
awaiting the coming of a Wash­ sq ft Banks. $1500.
tending the O. A C.
the Sheriff shall have the right, and it
Same to E L Shipley, 11,000 sq ft at
shall be his duty upon demand to make
For State Representative
The Warren Construction com­ ington county deputy, with the
Banks, $220.
out and issue certificates of delinquency
pany had a fores of men in town necessaay papers to bring him
Reuben Cole to Mattie Richards, tr To the members of the Republican against such property. Certificates of
last week, repairing t h e worn back. He was indicted by the
The Express prints butter wrap-
i J. C. Applegate
Political Announcements
spots in the street paving, occord-
grand jury on the charge of
ing to their contract with the city, ^rund larceny. C. W. Redmond
was the man
M r. and M r». W . F. Johnson
the man <ieU‘ ilel1 by Sheri,r
Reeves to bring back Turner.
of this city were among those who I
Crescent City is located just be­
attended the Sturdevant-Grabel
low the border along the Pacific
wedding at Hillsboro Sunday and
coast. T o reach it will necessitate
also attended M. E. church ser­
a trip by stage for a considerable
vices in the county seat.
distance over the mountains.
Contractor E. B. Catching has ! The total amount of taxes to be
i . «K 0 7C K 1 a k
I . u
finished cutting double doors; , collected 1
8 *5^7,651.45 and the
in the west front of the new I . O .
O. F. building, in order (hat the
Allens may drive autos and other
vehie'es into their store.
a id a l a m m
Everybody brightens up for
No housecleaning is com­
plete without National Mazda
lamps in all sockets.
National Mazda lamps are
the way to better, brighter,
whiter light.
W e have the size you want.
Telephone your order today.
Our number is 486.
H. J. Walrath
Two Doors West
of First National Bank
in 75 a in sec 31 t 2 n r 3 w, $1,000.
Wm Hoehne to F G Buskuhl 2 lots
Branford’s ad to Forest Grove, $10.
Party in Washington County;
I beg respectfully to solicit your con­
sideration at the Republican Primaries
May 19. for the office of state Repre­
I favor uncompromising
economy, clean-cut, fewer laws, and I i
shall place the public interests ahead
of politics. I shall work against un-1
necessary, frivolous a n d conflicting
laws, ancl I shall give my best efforts
lightening the ever-increasing bur-1
den o f taxation created by expenditures
out of proportion to increase in wealth
and actual needs.
L. A. Fernsworth.
For Sheriff
total amount of collections up to
To the Voters of Washington county:
Saturday night were $269,836.61,
A B Thomas to M Hetrick, 10 a in
I I am a candidate for the Republican
leaving a total to be collected of M M Watt d 1 c* *1750-
nomination for the office of sheriff at
$‘>57 814 SI
J w Merrill to O O and E E Hughes, the Primary Election to be held May
at Gaston, $8500.
B F Purdy to David Storey, tr in
Wm Stokes d 1 c, $1750.
Hattie Vandehey to P Jansen, tr in
Henry Black d 1 c, $250.
Lola Hockett to W Spencer, 6 a in
sec 26 t 1 s r 2 w, $700.
H T Olson to Charlotte Rufli, 12,500
ft at Banks, $400.
Marion E Anderson to Nellie Ander-
son. 40 a in sec 16 t 3 n r 3 w, $100.
Clara Ennis to J J Meacham 1-4 int
,- 1 .’
Chas. E. Lytle of Hillsboro has
filed for county assessor and Miss
Elfie J. Goodman of Hillsdale for
the office of treasurer.
In county court, Mrs. Eveline
40x180 ft in Cornelius Environs, $100.
19th, 1916.
J P McFarlane to M A Barnes, 10 a
I f nominated and elected, I will give
in sec 2 t 2 n r 4 w, $325.
the protection o f my office to all per­
sons and all classes alike ; I will con­
duct my office in an economical way, as
A t a recent regular meeting of near as possible; with fair and court-
Memorial Services
LftChappalte was allowed $10 per I
J»™«» » • Mathew. Post No.
t m t » ^ «. t *
month relief. The claim of Frank
Kahle for damages for injury re­
ceived last fall in the county rock
quarry at Cedar Mills, was con­
tinued for further consideration.
It is reported that S. A. D.
Meek has filed at Salem for rep­
resentative f r o m
county. He is a resident of the
North Plains country.
Have a good second-hand cam­
era that will take 8x10 or 5x7
pictures. What have you to offer
as a trade ? Value of complete
outfit is $25. Reply to B. W.
box 643, City.
We will insure your auto against
fire, theft and collision. Hanoock
& Wiles.
For Sheriff
passed that Memorial Services be
voters: 1 am a
held in the Congregational church ca^ i(J^e
• , C
n o ,. |
for sheriff of Washington,
On Memorial S u n d a y , M ay 2bth, Connty, and if nominated and elected,
1916, at 3 o’clock p. rn.
pledge an economical administration of
delinquency shall bear interest at the
rate o f 15 per cent. On or as soon as
practicable after October 5th, the tax
collector shall proceed to collect all
taxes levied against personal property,
and which shall have been unpaid, and
shall levy upon sufficient goods and
elinquent taxpayers and
chattels of
sell same to satisfy said tax, or said
Sheriff shall charge said personal
rial prop­
property ano
an said
tax shaM become a lien upon said prop-
erty, and shall be enforced in the same
manner as other real estate tax liens.
J. E. R E E V E S,
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon.
By J. C. Applegate, Deputy.
Notice is hereby given t h a t the
County Court for Washington County,
Oregon, has appointed the undersigned
as executors of the last W ill and Test­
ament of Rosanna Anderson, deceased,
and all persons having claims against
said estate will present them to the ex­
ecutors at the office of Manche Lang­
ley, in Forest Grove, on or before the
expiration of six months from the date
of this notice.
Dated this 23rd day o f March, 1916.
J. M. H IA T T
E D W A R D G. A N D E R S O N
L A N G L E Y & L A N G L E Y , Attorneys.
the office in all departments, and will
endeavor at all times to ffive the posi- T T * * J ^
Z m- ^
C o m m , lion attention in the interests or the I J I l U C i I c t l V l l l ^
__ _ ____________ _
* taxpayers.
W. H. HAY,
Orators Are Coming
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - d . m . Mcinmg.^
J. S. B U XTO N , Prop.
A t 8 o'c ock tomorrow night— To the Voter* of the Republican Party
April 14th— rep resen tatives of Pa-
for Washington County
cific College, McMinnville College,
1 am a candidate for the nomination Funeral Directors and Embalmers
P H O N E 642
Eugene Bible University, Wil- for 9°unty C,erk’ for the Primary
lamette University and Pacific Election to be held May 19th, 1916; Forest Grove,
University will meet in debate in have been chief dePuty Couuty Clerk
oratorical contest in Marsh Hall,
tbe past two terms w a . bom in
• al 1 * .
Washington County, am familiar with J
in this city. The contest IS under the work of the office, and if nominated
the auspices of the Inter-Collegiate and electetl will during mv term of of-
Attorney A t Law
Prohibition associat ions of the rtce attend to the duties thereof, exer-
Office Business Solicited
colleges mentioned. The public is owing economy, and courtesy to the
invited. Admission 25c.
| *
H e n r y A. K u r a t l i .