I GUj* JfnrpHt (Srmtr Icxprpfia pictures on the billboards. But j thev Express has no quarrel with the good people whose eyes are Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. offended by picture« of large Dur­ ham cattle of the male gentler. If ■lass matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the poatotti Oregon, under the Aet of March S, 1879 they really think these picture« , offend the eye, let them continue THURSDAY, APRIL 13. 1916 to rail against them, but don’t forget the evils of the vile-smell­ ing and disease-breeding cesspools S ta te in e u t o f O w n e rs h ip keep them from working together. in your crusade for civic beauty a n d M an ag v m an t o f t h . F o re st G rove Expre»». Every road built and every fac­ and health. p u b liah ed w eekly a t F oreat G rove. W ashington countyr. O regon, req u ire d by a c t of r o n f n w of tory or sawmill established in fTL n . » J A u g u s t 2«. 1912. S ta te m e n t fo r A p ril 1. 1916; Washington county will be of * " “ j D lO hC D ic d U P u b lish e r, ed ito r, m a n a g in g e d ito r an d b usiness m a n a g e r. W illiam C. B e n fer o f F o re st G rove, benefit to all parts of the county. N O T E S AND C O M M E N T S With Hillsboroites O reg o n . O w n e rs. W illiam C. B e n fe r an d R o setta A. B en­ fe r. b o th o f F o re st G rove, O regon. B ondholders, m o rtg a g e e s an d o th e r se c u rity holders. N one. (S ig n ed ) W illiam C. B en fer. P u b lish e r. S w o rn to a n d su b scrib ed b efo re m e th is first d ay o f A pril, 1916. J o N . H offm an. (S eal) N o ta ry P ublic fo r O regon. My com m ission e x p ire s M arch 24. 1920. ______ __________ Among the institutions of which I^ast Thursday evening some the people of Forest Grove may th rty F o r e s t Grove citizens, well be proud, th«» Express would mostly members of the commer- enumerate the fire department eiui Club, were the guests of the and the hand—two institutions Hillsboro Commercial club at a that render lots of service for little smoker and get-together meeting. pay. The sentiment seems t O The Groveiu-s went up in Mltoe The world is getting better Be- all over the country that and found the club rooms well- cause an Illinois man left a daugh- bands and vo,untf er fire dePart’ fl,led when thtf-v «"ived with ter only $5 in his will, a church ments e x i s t , somehow, members a n d v i s i t o r s from turned down g beq est of the old*whether they are fostered or ap- Beaverton, Oak Bark. Cornelius fTvnneR fnr non predated or not. A little ap p re-;an d t h e surrounding farming grouch for *3 $3,000. ciation shown the band and fire , country. The story’ is told that a Banks boys once in a while would make The program was opened by woman was reading the matri­ them feel better toward the com President Mahon’s short speech monial columns of a paper and munities in which they do much of welcome, he closed with the remarked to her husband; “ Here’s work for little money. announcement that no set pio- a strange coincidence— a William gram had been ar anged; that The Express put on more than Republidan Primaries Strange married to a Martha Att rney W. G. Hare would act a dozen new subscribers last Sat­ My Pledge Fair and impartial law enforcement ; an adm inis­ Strange.” “Strange, indeed,” re­ as chairman and tha he would tration that means economy; will perform all the duties of the of- urday, as a result of Dollar Day, marked the husband, “ but I ex­ call on various citizens of the city fjce without a deputy or other assistance and will not allow private pect the next news will be a little which isn’t so bad for a new and county for short talks. practice to interfere with official duty. (Pd Adv) paper. One man said he would stranger.” Acknowledging the honor con have subscribed long ago. but he , , ,. ,, i was afraid the paper might w i, ^ < 1 upon him. Mr. Hare ma.le J. C. Johnson, district attorney is the round-trip rate to l>»s of Curry county, admits that he out after it got hi.,money. Don’t a few rfniark., and call'd |n turn, Angeles. Six months return limit, with stopovers. The will not try to secure convictions worry, broiher, about the Express o Hi,“ o ‘y ‘ spring is a delightful time to under Oregon’s obsolete Sunday- selling out. It wasn't started for A ' Ir- Beaverton,.Mr. Bar­ Ro. closing law, and he has notified that purpose. In the first issue, ‘ r.etL ° f , ?**«*'* Sheriff Bailey to that effect. Mr. the editor stated that he would <(armer)*jJ- j • Hurley, W J Mc- Johnson says he prefers to let the run the paper so long as it paid (- r*a(1y» Prof- Kales an<1 E. VV. people express themselves at the him to do so; when it ceases to Haines of Fore8t Grove; polls this fall, instead of depriving pay, it would be discontinued Haywood of Oak Park: Dr. Irwin, are at their liest. Nice warm them of their liberties on the and subscription money returned, Mr. Moore, E. B. Tongue and sunny days making bathing ideal. Choice of beaches, strength of the old and forgotten He is still in that frame of mind. Judge Bagley of Hillsboro and J. H. Mulchay of Beaverton All Santa Monica, Ocean Park, law. ______________ but business has improved so Venice, Redondo, Long Beach the speakers voiced the sentimen1 As the result of Dollar Day bar- muc*' during the past six weeks, that the progressive citizens of and Newport are all within a gains offered by the merchants of especially in the job printing line, the county should get together to few m inutes’ ride of I» s An­ geles. Remember that the this city, quite a number of farm- Hiat now appears no mistake secure b ^ e r roads, more manu­ Beautiful ers were in town Saturday who was made in launching a second facturing plants and other in­ prabably f e l t as though they paper in Forest Grove. The best dustries to create payrolls for the ought to be at home working. waY to insure the continuation of county; all agreed that on - part Considerable cash w a s turned the Express, however, is to pat- of the county could not lie bene- loose in the town and purchasers, ronize it, even if only to the extent fitted without a benefit to the is open all the year. Many of in most instances, got goods at or a dollar and a half per year in , entire county, the Hillsboro speak the Ixist exhibits from the Panama - Pacific ExiMisition below cost. Everybody should subscription; more if you can af- ers expressing the desire to see have been taken to San Diego, be pleased at the result. ford Several citizens are pay- Washington county keep p a c e making this fair bigger and --------------------- ing for two copies—one for them- with their own town in an era of better than ever. V /. J. R . Beach, w’ho first agi- selves and one to be sent to r e s ­ improvement. F o r e s t G r o v e Write for our booklet on San tated the proposition of inviting ¿¡ves outside the county. Diego and Southern California speakers made it plain that they the 1917 encampment of the G _ . -------------- ----- , , Auk local agent for further information or A. R. and W. R C. to Forest Quite a number of people have were at all times ready to work write J ohn M. S cott , Gen’l Paaaenger Agt., Grove, is already busy pulling complimented the editor of the for the betterment of the entire PORTLAND, ORE. the “ reply county, as did the speakers from wires to secure the meeting for this city. The action of the peo­ of the Kelley Advertising com- Beaverton. T h e Beaverton Chamber of ple at the “Home Products” ban­ pany to a certain newspaper’s attacks on billboards. The editor and Commerce will entertain April quet, given in this city Tuesday of the Express is not entitled to 25th an'! one of its representatives evening of last week, when it was any credit for the publication of invited all those present to come unanimously voted to invite the old soldiers and their families, was the letter’ " hich,was W itten by a to that town on the date men­ a great encouragement to Mr. representative of t h e company tioned. After all the verbal boquets had Beach and he now feels that the and published in space purchased by the company. The editor of been handed out. Chairman Hare visitors will be cared for in case the Express thinks, however, that announced that refreshments were they come if he were looking for some evil to being served in an adjoining room If all the speakers at the Hills­ attack, he could find something and all who cared for anything boro smoker last Thursday night more worthy of space than bill- to eat were served with all the meant what they said, Hillsboro boards. For several months there sandwiches, pickles a n d coffee; and Forest Grove could accomp­ has been a bad-smelling hole just they wanted. Very good cigars | lish wonders toward building good north of the fire house and the were also passed freely during the roads, securing new industries and city hall that certainly needs look- evening and Fred Haywood (who otherwise improving the industrial ing after. I hat place is a men- doesn’t ‘-moke) thought the woid condition of Washington county ace to the health of the firemen “smoker” a very fitting description And the Express believes the ma- who sleep in the fire house, as of the function, jority of the speakers want these well as to every person who comes It was an enjoyable gathering things done, but in the past they within a block of it. And it is and may serve to bring about a allowed petty jealousies to even less artistic than some of the better feeling between the people For a short time only, in order to get my stock before the of the county seat and those who public, I am offering eggs from my heavy-laying strain of Trap- have not yet been elected to nested Rose-Comb RHODF2 ISLAND REDS, at coun-ty offices. Let us hope so, on anything in the line of anyway. H. T. B A G L E Y for D i s t r i c t A t t o r n e y ,1V Dollars Southern California Beaches Panama - California Exposition - to E^ s torpubUshwa Southern Return Pacific Mister Merchant: LOS ANGELES Before you place your order for 1917 Calendars, see our line of sam ples; we may save you some money. The Forest Grove Express EGGS FOR HATCHING We’ll Save You Money Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions White River Flour - $1.50 Bananas, doz - - 20c Pure White Flour - 1.50 Big Oranges, doz - - 30c Brown Beans, 33^ lbs " -25 Other lines at reasonable prices COME A N D SEE OUR BARGAINS Corner Third St. and Pacific Ave F. A. MOORE Phone 41 x $1.00 per Setting or $3.00 for 50 The Portland Oregonian six days a week and the Forest Grove Express once a week for only $6.00 a year. New arrivals in fancy blouses, waists and neckwear at Mrs. Richards’, two doors west of post- office. You CAN buy eggs for less, but are they from trap-nested stock? As this rate holds but a short time, I would advise you to hurry. Call at Forest Grove Express W . L. B en fer P. O. Box D - Phone 821 - Forest Grove, Ore.