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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1916)
(5h? tarnst (Ürmn' îExjnraa AN IN D E PEN D E N T W EEK LY NEWSPAPER Vol. 1, No. 14 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1916 Women Missionaries COUNCIL DECLARES n ... p ,. Holding convention W AR ON FILTH The seventh annual meeting of Maxweii-Emm«™» $1.50 per Year Civil War Veteran Answers Final Call In the presence of a large circle of friends and relatives of the contracting parties, Mr. E. Miles Charles Knapp, aged 77, a vet Maxwell and Miss Gladys Eliza eran of the civil war and one of the Women's Foreign Missionary With all members present, the | ¡eating at various points in thy Emmerson were united in mar the most highly-respected citizens city council met Tuesday evening, room, from the kitchen to the Society of the Salem district was riage at the home of the bride’s elected H. B . Johnson to the front windows. Evidence of fire called to order at 2 o'clock yester parents in this city at 8 o'clock of Forest Grove, passed away at vacancy on the council caused by are in so many places, it is im day at the Forest Grove M. E. last evening, Elder P. C. Hay his home on North B street last the resignation of Mr. Hoar, who possible to say just where the fire church by Mrs. Edwin Sherwood ward of Portland performing the Saturday, after an illness of about two weeks with heart trouble. has been appointed city treasurer. started. There had been no fire of Salem, district president. There ceremony. in the kitchen since early Satur was a fair attendance and several Deceased was born at Smith- T h e bride w a s charmingly Claude Smith and H. B. Johnson day evening, which makes the gowned in white crepe de chine port, Pa., in 1839 and when but delegates arrived during the late were placed in nomination and outbreak something of a mystery. and was attended by Miss Blanche even years of age moved with Mr. Johnson received the most The stock and fixtures were afternoon. Johnson of Portland, while the his parents to Illinois. In 1856 The president led the devotional groom, votes, so he was declared elected, damaged to the extent of prob in conventional black, was Che family moved to Iowa, where, services, after which Mrs. H. R. One of the most important ably $200 and the building, owned Bernard extended the greetings of attended by Dale LaFountain of in 1861, Charles enlisted in the by Frank Emereon, suffered to actions taken by the council was about the same extent. The stock the local members, doing the Gaston. The bride was given by Third Iow’a battery, serving his country four years a n d t w o to instruct the city marshal to of the candy kitchen was also honors in a very creditable man her father and the wedding march months during the civil war. On was played by Miss Fern Wyant. ner. The response was made by serve written notice on owners of somewhat damaged by smoke. The b r i d e is the youngest April 13th, 1864, deceased was Parounagian of ™ Salem. property to the north and west of There was no fire in the candy Mrs. M. B. 1 ^ounag.a o. .em . daughter of M r. and Mrs. W. C. united in marriage to Miss Ardell the city hall to clean up their back kitchen, itchi-n. hut but vmoki. smoke from from fhe the res- res-, 1 , hen followed roll call, . . minutes ... , Emmerson and is a young lady of Porter, who, with three daughters yards. If they fail to do so, the taurant fire went into the attic ° L i 9lS personality and many and one son, survive the husband council will close some of the and came •ame down into that place work, led by M rs.Littlerof Salem; charming «¡J and father. The surviving child places of business. One council and the i.,. Paterson i vvo manly qualities, w h i l e the ren are Mrs. C. J. Fink of Irri- he bakery, doing i a vocal s , o b by J Mrs. G. G. Pater- groom m i s a prosperous young man said he was almost afraid to but slight i<ihf damage t to o t the hi h alrerv 80n< aJ*d an address, ‘ ‘ Our Gen- cana, Alberta, Canada; M r s . bakery eral Executive,” by Mrs. More dairyman, living near Gaston. Claude Terwilliger o f Calgary, attend council meeting, as there stock. He is a young man of sterling land of Salem. was danger of catching malaria or Both stocks and the building character and enjoys the confi Alberta, Canada; Mrs. N. P. M c The above took until 6 o ’clock, some other disease. He singled Lean of Pendleton, Ore., a n d were insured. at which t i m e t h e ladies of dence and respect of all his neigh Dudley Knapp of this city. All out a newspaper office on lower The members of the fire depart the local society served a very bors. f Main street as one of the thief of the children, with the exception ment handled the situation most A sumptuous wedding supper of Mrs. Fink, were at the bed bountiful and appetizing chicken fenders. (The newspaper which followed the ceremony, and the side when the end came. dinner. has been making so much fuss admirably. At 7 :30 the session was resumed, bride and groom received from about billboards being allowed in The family came to Forest opening with the Standard Bear- their friends many pretty and the city). Grove from Iowa in 1911 and The street committee reported p n m n T U L W o ir ers' R a"y S0" « . hy a chorus of valued tokens of the esteem in j during their brief residence here tom e I ms Vvay girls. Rev. Dunlap I led | dev otional which they are held by their having borrowed a grader from have made many friends who will exercises, after which there was acquaintances. the county and that it was being Two of the best young Jersey extend their sympathy to the used improving the streets. The bulls in the entire Northwest were more music by the chorus and Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell will be widow and children. Mr. Knapp street commissioner complained purchaser! at the Harry West sale then an interesting address on at home to their friends at Gaston was a member of the Congrega that people were filling the gut at Scappoose last Thursday by missionary work in India by Mrs. after April 20th. tional church and of James B. ters with leaves and trash from A. T. Buxton of Gales Creek and A. E. Ogg of Salem, returned mis- _ Mathews Post No. 6, Grand Army their lawns and he was instructed John Vandervelden of Roy. sionary Miss Whitney of Ta- L O g a n b e r iT JuiCC of the Republic; was a kind father, ° •' to notify the offenders to cease Mr. Buxton's animal is Sancy’s coma, branch treasurer, followed a devoted h u s b a n d and good their work along that line. Raleigh, out of Eurydice’s Sancy, with an address telling of the neighbor. Ex-Treasurer Wirtz stated that imported from the Isle of Jersey great need of more teachers and J. N. Hoffman and James Nich Funeral services were held at many people thought they should in 1913, and was sired by I^ack- money for foreign missions. Little the family residence at 10:30 have interest on money deposited land. who is still in Jersey, the Leonard Dunlap, son of Rev. and ols returned y e s t e r d a y from Tuesday morning. Rev. O. H. for light meters and the matter . calf having been born after the Mrs. Dunlap, was made a life Seattle, where they succeeded in Holmes of the Congregational member of the society, a ladies' w ; ls referred to the water and light reached America. He was disposing of 62,000 pounds of church preaching the sermon. In quartet sang a song in a very committee. entered at many shows in the evaporated loganberries, to be tel ment was in Forest View ceme W. F. Schultz asked for some nor^w est last year, including the creditable manner and the services shipped to Seattle for conversion tery, and a large circle of friends alterations m a water mam in or- 'prisro Fair, aru] took all cham- came to a close with the benedic into juice. and neighbors witnessed the last der that he might install a public pjonsbjps for bulls of his age. tion by Rev. Dunlap. The most important result of rites of the G. A. R. at the gravej drinking fountain in front of his • - cost Mr. Buxton $360.00 and This morning’s program was their trip, however, is the fact He place of business. Water and light the new owner thinks he is worth opened with devotional exercises, that they have received enough side. committee instructed to look into the money. led by Mrs. Erskine of Halsey, encouragement in the way of a Frank Maury Called the kind of fountain to be installed, Mr Vandervelden’s animal is followed by roll call of auxiliaries market for juice to justify them The many Forest Grove friends as the council has decided onlv called Combination Premier, is of and reports. Miss Whitney of Ta- in installing a plant here with a of Frank Alaury, one of Washing the shut-off type will be tolerated. equal high breeding and cost his coma made an interesting talk or. capacity of 1,500 gallons per day ton county’s best-known and most ^ ) i i »• T i t n r n f i i m ^ r» ,1 / t r t n f . >•••. J I ^ J' L „ I ^ . ‘ 11 Our Literature” o and conferred Water commissioner was in owner $-105.00. of juice. The plant will cost popular citizens, were shocked the M. O. G. H. degree on a num structed to build a fence around $2.000 and will be erected in time Alonday to learn that Air. Maury The bringing of such high-grade the city water reservoir and to breeding animals to Washington. ber of ladies. The noontide prayer to take care of the 1916 crop had been found dead in bed that build a burglar-proof dog pound, county means more to the dairy \ was made by Mrs. Upmeyer. morning at his home in Dilley. To Boost Judge Hollis somebody having taken out a industry than may at first be ap This was followed by dinner in the Deceased had not been sick and canine prisoner confined in the parent and Messrs. Buxton and i church parlors. The Express learns today that had retired Sunday night in his The afternoon will be taken up steps have already been taken to usual health. By his side when old pound. He was also instruct Vandervelden are to be congratu with miscellaneous business, nom ed to continue his war on dogs, lated on their enterprise. organize a “ Hollis Club,” with found Alonday morning was a flat ination and election of officers, the purchasing committee lieing iron and it is believed that he had Anna E. Whitaker reading of constitution and by the object in view of seeing to it been overcome by a sinking spell instructed to secure for the dog- Mrs. Anna E. Whitaker, aged laws,, a solo by Mrs. Paterson, an that Air. Hollis is elected to the during the night and had heated catcher a net, to lie use^j in snar 62 years, died at the home of her I address by Airs. Ogg, resolutions judgeship of the circuit court for the iron to restore his vitality. ing homeless canines. The bond of City Treasurer sister, Mrs. Finzel, in Cedar and reports and consecration ser Washington and Tillamook coun The recovery was made by Mrs. ties. Alembership lists are being Hoar ($5,000) was accepted by the Canyon Thursday, April .6. Mrs. vices. circulated and it gives the Express Alaury when she awoke in th e . Whitaker was formerly a resident: Rev. Bristol of Banks, Rev. council. morning. City Engineer Kirkwood was of Portland, but had been making Fields of McMinnville and Rev. pleasure to report that party lines Deceased was born in New York authorized to have a test made of her home with Mrs. Finzel for Parounagain of Salem arrived this are not being drawn by Forest city on June 11th, 1850, and in Grove people in their support of the cement being used on the over four months. She had been morning and are interested spec Air. Hollis— few are refusing to 1876 was united in marriage with sewer and a councilman report- afflicted with dropsy for some tators at the convention. Aliss Lily Fergus of Helena, Mon sign. ed that the sewer con tractors were time. Three brothers and three At Monday’s meeting of the This speaks highly for Judge tana. With his wife he came to laying pipe in the absence of an sisters are living. Except a brother Oregon twenty-nine years ago, inspector, which is contrary to at Klamath Falls, all are in the Woman’s club, the officers were Hollis’ standing in the community '¡settling in Wa-hington county. instructed to wire Oregon’s rep and if other sections of the nine agreement. T h e m a y o r was East. He is survived by his widow and authorized to notify the contract resentatives in congress to protest teenth judicial district are a s four children— Alarion and Claude Funeral services were conducted ors this sort of thing would not at the Finzel home Friday fore against cutting the school fund’s strong for the Judge as Forest Maury of Lewistown, Alont., be tolerated. noon by Rev J. Francis Ashley. share of the receipts from rail Grove, then it’s all over but fig and Airs. Albert LaAIont and uring the majority. After allowing the usual grist of Burial at Forest View cemetery, Airs. Walter Wolf of Dilley. Of road grant lands to less than bills, council adjourned at 11 this city. Democrats to Hate Ticket a home-loving disposition. M r. forty percent, i t having been, o ’clock. learned that such a move was The democratic county central M » » rv never cared much for pub- A Musical Treat Promised .... ,. , . he life, but, in spite of this fact, contemplated. T h e ladies a r e ' Greek Restaurant Scorched After having toured a portion properly championing the cause committee of Washington county f is neighbors have, year after About 12:30 Sunday morning of Washington and become more j held a meeting at Hillsboro >es- year> elected him as a school of the schools smoke was discovered pouring out proficient in their parts, the mem i j p W-— terday and decided to circulate director 0f his district for the past Messrs. Lord & Giguere of the petitions to place the following twenty years and he was a mem- of the Commercial Restaurant, bers of the Pacific University Glee Pacific Market will next Monday names on the primary ballot, the u e t „ d «-he u;, owned by John Constantino, and club have concluded to give an other concert in this city, in order replace their horse-propelled meat candidates named having con- deatb. He was a kind hnsband. the Empress Candy Kitchen, (one that those who failed to hear this wagon with a hord auto truck to sented to run. an indulgent father and a good door west), located on Pacific excellent organization may do so Like care of their country trade. State Senator Dr. R. M. Er- neighbor, possessing innumerable ’ Hillsboro. ' — 1 good qualities - that go to endear Avenue. The alarm was sounded before it is d i s b a n d e d and The Schultz market has also put win, on a truck for this work. and the fire department and many scattered. Representatives — Wm. Schul- a man to his neighbors. The concert will be given at the H. W. Farrington of Portland 1 merich, Hillsboro; A l a n c h e 1. Dr. H. R. Kauffmann of this private citizens responded in short, Star Theater on Wednesday even city performed an autopsy M on Langley, Forest Grove; H. V. was in the city today, looking af order. When the firemen first ing, April 26th. Admission will be ter the business of the Durable Aleade, Orenco. day forenoon and found death du<- arrived, no blaze was seen, but at only 25c, with reserved seats at Roofing Manufacturing Co. The County Clerk— F. E. McBride, to acute dilatation of the heart short intervals flashes like sheet Littler’s Pharmacy without extra Forest Grove Planing Mill com Dilley. probably brought on by hard lightning were observed inside the charge. pany handles these goods. Commissioner— Chas. E. Han work after a winter of ease. The funeral services were held restaurant, which was hot as an Notice Some very fine strings of trout ley, Hillsboro. at the family residence at 1 o ’clock oven. After w a t e r had been Treasurer— D. B. Burkhalter, this afternoon. Rev. O. H. Holmes The Sunday Oregonian can be .have been taken out of Gales . . i— in front of xr— thrown into the room to cool it, obtained Sundays Van rcreek during the past week, but Farmington. of the First Congregational church Assessor— C. E . Hedge, Beaver officiating. Interment was in For the firemen succeeded in entering ! Koughnet & Reder Drug store. the water is still a trifle high for good fishing. H. R. Bernard, Agt. ton. and subduing the fire, which was 1 14-tf est View cemetery, this city. Some Fine Jerseys Plant Is Assured