P ^ fT O M D T lil WOMAN wííoram Author of T 5 heAMAIEUR CRACKSMAN, RAFFLE 5 . Etc. tlUISTRATlON? fev O . IRW UN A tV E R S coo~wi JI h t 4 > ni> ».«»Pj cowM^y*- CH APTER made me leave before the shearing." “T e meet me when 1 came ou t!" Scruton explained In a hoaraa whlaper, “ To— to keep me from going straight t# that man. as I'd told hlta I should In my flret letter! But you can't hit the«# things off to tha day or the week; he'd told me where to write to him on hie voyage, and I wrote to Naplea. but that letter did not get smuggled out. My warder friend had got the aaok. I bad to put What I'd got to aay so that you could read it two waya So I told you. Caialet, 1 waa going straight up the river for a row —and you cau pronounce that two waye. And I said 1 hoped 1 shouldn't break a eouil but there's another way of spelling that, and It waa the other way I m eant!” He chuckled grimly “ I wanted you to lta low and let ine lie low If ths* happened. I wanted juat one man tn the world to know I'd done I t But that's how we came to miss each other, for you timed It to a tick, if you hailu't misread me about tha river." 11a drank again, stood stralghter and found a fuller voice “ Tet 1 never meant to do It unlees he mad# me. and at the back of my brain I never thought he would. I thought he'd do something for me, after all he'd dona before! Shall 1 tell you what he did?" "Got out hla revolver!” cried Caza­ let In a voice that was his own juatlfl cation as well "Pretending It waa going to be hla check b o o k "' auld Scruton. through hla teeth. "But 1 heard him trying to cock It lnalde bla drawer. There waa hla apeclal constable'« truncheon hanging on the wall—stiver mounted, for all the world to know how he'd etood up for law and order In the sight of men! I tell you It was a Joy to feel the weight of that truucheon, and XIV—Continued. ends, and gimlets, too. by Jove! The — 13— worst part was getting out at the Toy* cocked hie head at both quee- other end. Into the cellars; there were tion and answer, but Inclined It quick­ heaps of empty bottles to move, one ly as Cazalet turned to him before by one, before there was room to open the manhole door and to squirm out proceeding. "I went In and found Henry Craven over the slab; and I thought they rang lying In hla blood. That's gospel— It like a peal of bells, but I put them was so I found him—lying just where all bock again, and apparently . . he had fallen in a heap out of the nobody overheard In the scullery. leather chair at his desk. The top "The big dog barked at ms like right-hand drawer of his deek was biaaea he did again the other day— open, the key In It and the r-'st of the but nobody seemed to hear httn either. bunch still swinging! A revolver lay I got to my boat, tipped a fellow ou as It had dropped upon the desk— it the towtng path to take It back and had upset the Ink— and there were pay for It— why haven’t the police got cartridges lying loose In the open hold of him?—and ran down to the drawer, and the revolver was loaded bridge over the weir. I stopped a big I swept It back Into the drawer. turned car with a smart shaver smoking his the key and removed It with the bunch pipe at the wheel. I should have But there was something else on the thought he'd have come forward for desk— that silver-mounted truncheon the reward that was put up; but I pre­ —and a man's cap was lying on the tended I w&s late for dinner I had In floor. I picked them both up. My tewn. and I let him drop me at the first Instinct, I confess It. was to re­ Grand Hotel. He cost me a liver, but move every sign of manslaughter and 1 had on a waistcoat lined with notes, to leave the scene to be reconstructed and I'd more than five minutes In hand Into one of accident—seizure— any­ at Charing Crosa If you want to thin* h-.t what It w as!" know. It was the time In hand that He paused as If waiting for a ques­ gave me the whole Idea of doubling tion. None was asked. Toye's mouth back to Genoa; I must have been half­ might have been sewn up. his eves way up to town before I thought of 1 were like hatpins driven Into his head i t !" The other two simply stared. He had told the whole thing as he "It was a mad Idea, but 1 had gone always could tell an actual expert- j mad,” continued Cazalet. "I had hat­ ence; that was one reason why It rang ed the victim alive, and It couldn’t so true to one listener at every point change me that he was dead or dytng; But the sick man's sunken eyes had that didn't make him a white man. advanced from their sockets In cumu­ and neither did It necessarily blacken lative amazement And Hilton Toys the poor devil who had probably suf­ laughed shortly when the end was fered from him like the rest of ns reached. “ Tou figure some on our credulity!" and only struck him down In self- defense. The revolver on the desk was hla first comment made that pretty plain. It was out "I don't figure on anything from o f the way. but now I saw blood all you. Toye. except a pair of handcuffs over the desk as well; it was soaking as a first Installment!" Into the blotter, and it knocked the Toye rose in prompt acceptance of bottom out of my Idea. What w as to the challenge. “ Seriously. Cazalet be done? I had meddled already; how you ask us to believe that you did all could I give the alarm without giving this to screen a man you didn't have myself away to that extent, and God time to recognize?*' knows how much further? The most “ I ’ve told you the facte.” awful moment of the lot came as f “ Well, I guess you'd better tell hesitated— the dinner-gong went off in them to the police." Toye took his the hall outside the door! I remem- 1 hat and stick. Scruton was struggling | her watching the thing on the floor from his obalr. Blanche stood petri­ to see if it would move. fied, a dove under a serpent’s spell, as “ You Broke Your Side of the Con­ tra ct Mias Blanche " “ Then I lost my head—absolutely. I Toye made her a sardonic bow from yarned the key in the door, to give the landing door. “ Ton broke your myself a few seconds’ grace or start; side of the contract Miss Blanche! I to see the hero of Trafalgar Square fumbling with a thing he didn't un­ H reminded me of the keys In my guess It's up to me to complete." derstand! 1 hit him as hard as God hands One of them was one of thoee “ W a lt!" would let me— and the rest you know little round bramah keys. It seemed It was Scruton'e raven croak; he —except that 1 nearly did trip over familiar to me even after so many had tottered to his feet. the man who swore It waa broad day­ years. 1 looked up. and there was my “ Sure," said Toye, “ if you’ve any­ father’s Michael Angelo closet, with ! thing you want to say as an Interested light at tbe tim e!" He tottered to the folding-doors, and its little, round bramah keyhole, party.” ■ stood there a moment, pointing to opened It as the outer door was “ Only this— he's told the truth!" Cazalet with a hand that twitched as knocked at and then tried. But my “ Well, can he prove It?" terribly aa his dreadful fao*. mad instinct of altering every pos­ " I don't know," aid Scruton. “ But "N o— the rest you did— the reet you sible appearance, to mislead the po­ did to save what wasn't worth sav­ lice, stuck to me to the last And I I can !" "You ?" Blanche chimed In there. ing! But— I think— I ’ll hold out long took the man's watch and chain Into “ Yee. I'd like that drink first. If you enough to thank you— Juat a little !” the closet with me, as well as the cap and truncheon that I had picked don't mind, C azalet" It was Blanche He was gone with a gibbering smile. Cazalet turned straight to Toye at who got It for him, in an Instant up before. "I don't know how long I was above "Thank you! I ’d say more If my bless­ the other door. "W ell? Aren't you ground, so to speak, but one of mv ing was worth having— but here's going too? You were near enough, father's objects had been to make his something that Is Listen to this, you you see! I'm an accessory all right”— retreat sound tight, and 1 could scarce­ American gentleman: 1 was the man he dropped hla voice—"but I’d be prln ly hear what was going on la the room. who wrote to him In Naples. Leave elpal If I could Instead of him !" But Toye had corne back Into the That encouraged me; and two of you It at that a minute; It was my second don’t need telling how I got out letter to him; the first was to Austra­ room, twinkling with triumph, even through the foundations, because you lia, In answer to one from him. It rubbing hla hands. “ You didn’t see? know all about the hole I made my­ was the full history of my downfall. I You didn’t see? 1 never meant to go self as a boy In the floor under the got a warder to smuggle it out That at all; it was a bit of bluff to make him own up. and It did, too, bully!" oilcloth. It took some finding with letter was my one chance." single matches; but the fear of your “ I know It by heart,” said Cazalet Tbe couple gasped. neck gives you eyes In your finger- “ It was that and nothing else that “ You mean to tell me,” cried Caza- strange peoples and conditions hark­ ing back to far centuries, hard by a Phrasv “ South of Panama" Means new civilization, modern skyscrapers and boulevards In growing commercial Much More Than Merely s Geo­ entrepots and ambitious capitals with graphical Location. progressive peoples and conditions “ South of Panama” la a phrase which rival the best that the old Rant which has a mighty significance. It and the new West of North America means not merely geographical loca­ can show. tion. It signifies vast virgin areas of Trapping Partridges. lowland and upland contrasted with fallow valleys and lofty plateaus pop­ How partridges are trapped In Vir­ ulated and cultivated through centu­ ginia and North Carolina, In the win­ ter, Is described as follows; A net ries. It means barren and burned moun­ measuring from 15 to 30 feet, and tains and dreary deserts mingled with j about eight inches high, Is put down forested and watered slopes, grassy i with stanchions; horizontally in the llanos and pampas and Cowering sa­ ceuter Is an opening similar to the vannas. hoop nets to . fishing; tbe opening It means the mixing of almost for In the net is cone-shaped, diminishing gotten aboriginal races and surviving In size. The netter mounts a.horse Indian types with the Intellectual and and starts at the distant aids of the refined descendants of early Spaniards field, riding In a walk backward and and Portuguese and the later sprin­ forward, his objective point being the kling of adventuresome Germans. net. If be encounters a bunch of Italians, English and Americans. birds they will run before the horse. It means an ancient civilization, fas He then begins to no direct his horse clnating Incan ruins, old fashioned as to drive them to the net. being Moorish and Spanish architecture In always careful not o flush them. the sleeping cities and towns with When he reaches the net the birds die TERM OF MUCH SIGNIFICANCE ir ln¡{ through the Change o f L ife I hud » tu­ mor as largu ea a child’s head The doctor said It was three years corning and gave run medi­ cine for it until i was celled a w a y from tho city for some time. Of course 1 could not V to him then, so y sister In law told e that she thought I.ydia F. f'iakham s Vegetable t'o you see this watch?” “ Yea.” "D o you hear It tlsk?” ‘'C ertainly; quite plainly." "Stand further back." Candidate retires three paces. "I>o you hear It now?” "Y e s.” “ W ell, you must bo smart, for the watch has not been going for a week.” —Chicago Herald. HOW WONDERFULLY RESINOL SOOTHES ITCHING SKINS! If you have eczema, ringworm or other Itching, burning, sleep destroy­ ing ikJn-cniptlon. try R w ls o l O int­ ment and Kealnol Soap ami see how quickly the Itching stops and the trou­ ble disappears. Reslnol Ointment Is also an excellent household remedy for dandruff, sores, burns, wounds, rhnflngn nnd for a score of other uses where n soothing, healing application Is needed. Hesluol contains nothing of a harsh or Injurious nature and - an he