The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 06, 1916, Image 7

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    We Will Fix It!
The Royal Neighbors
Royal Entertainers
liverer! a very hospitable Address the R. N. A.
of welcome, during the delivery
lone Baldwin and Anna McKay
of which she paid glowing tribute closed the program with a vocal
If you break an axle or casting on your auto or any o f your
The entertainment given for to the excellencies of the order 1 duet and drill,
bring it to u s ; we'll weld the break with our
their families and friends at I. O.
new Oxy-Acetylene welding machine. We weld steel, cast
good one, as all in the habit of
(). P. hull last Friday evening by
iron, br3t.a or aluminum.
the members of Rosewood camp eight of the women of the order, attending Royal Neighbor suppers
If your wagon or buggy needs repairs, either in wood,
No. 3835, Royal Neighbors of the same being well received.
¡expected. And if anybody left
iron or rubber, come to us. Prices reasonable.
Little Anna McKay did so well the table hungry it was their own
America, demonstrated th a t'p ie
her recitation of “ Join the Roy­ fault.
ladies know how to arrange and
Phone 504
Forest Grove, Ore
pull off a program, as well as how al Neighbors" that she was re­
The function no doubt won for
to feed the hungry.
the Neighbors many new friendi
Paul Jackson and liste r Em- among the guests who are not
For Circuit Judge
The hall was comfortably filled
To the Republican Voters o f Washing­
with happy men, women and nufrion also made a hit in their already members.
ton County:
children when the program was singing of “ When Father Rode the
1 am a candidate for the Republican
Hancock & W’iles have $25,000
Alonzo Clapshaw and son, Bob, to loan on farms.
nomination for Circuit Judge of the
opened by Miss Evelyn Patton Goat."
Nineteenth Judicial District, compris­
Twelve boys then put on a of Hillside came to town Saturday
with a piano solo that won her
ing Washington and Tillamook Counties,
well-merited applause.
very pretty drill and wing, the and drove home a Chevrolet car, pers with non-poisonous ink.
at the May 19th, 1916, primaries.
G eo . R. B agley .
Mrs. L. M . Graham then de­ words being admonitions to join purchased from Hancock & Wiles.
Highest price paid for Mohair
For Sheriff
and Wool. A. G. Hoffman & Co. To the Voters o f Washington County,
L. L. Langley, the Portland
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
attorney, visited his sister, Miss
date for the nomination on the Repub­
Manche, and old Forest Grove lican ticket for sheriff in the primaries
friends Saturday.
of May 19th, 1916. If 1 am nominated
e! -eted I will, during my term of
William Hoehne and t h r e e and
office, conduct the said office honestly,
children left Monday morning for impartially, efficiently and economically
Central Oregon, where they will and for the best interests o f the tax­
reside in future. Mr. Hoehne, payers o f the county.
O utdoor * 1
Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 28th
who is a good printer, has worked day
of February, 1916.
on various Forest Grove news­
J. W. C onnell .
papers for the past twelve years,
but has tired of working for wages
and will go into business for him­
Pretest Depot) Sheriff Announces
D. M. Mclnnis, of Grenco. one
his Candidacy fsr
of the candidates for the republi­
427 East Morrison S t., Portland, Oregon
County Sheriff
can nomination for sheriff, was in
the electors it the Republics*
the city Monday, calling on one
to be beM May 19, 1916
of his most formidable rivals, Geo.
If nominated a n d elected h e
G. Hancock. Mr. Mclnnis has
pledges a strict observance of his
, been for many years a re-ident of
duties and an economical admini­
Washington county and has had
A short time ago Scott & Hurley, publishers o f the News-Times, made
experience on the Portland police
some false statements regarding my business. The facts are as follows:
force, which fact, he thinks, will ^ s sTr v» i s s s i s s s » « f » s s s ^ | a r t
stand him in good stead if he gets
Mr. Watkins recently purchased property originally leased by us from
Notice to Taxpayers
Mr. Dilley, the former owner. On March first Mr. Watkins wrote us that, as
the office.
• Notice is hereby given that on Tues­
ü J. C. Applegate
To Citizens of Forest Grove:
he wished to improve the projierty he woukl like us to remove the boards as soon
as possible. We Hent two men up to do this within a week without making any
objections or waiting for further notice. Any statements to the effect that we
objected to removing the board, that we received more than one notice or that
we claimed a five-year lease, or that we we^y informed that in case we did not
remove the board it woukl be torn down, am# absolutely false—no matter where
they came from. When 1 wrote the News-Times, calling attention to the false
statements made, they came hack with practically two more columns of uncalled
for abuse.
Scott & Hurley have a different brand o f eye-sight from the kind I possess
if t.:ey can show a single instance o f our hill boards not improving the appear­
ance o f the property used. Do they think that the appearance o f Mr. Watkins’
lot. for instance, looks better now with the fence on it than it did when the hill
hoard was there?
Our poster hoards in si* months had carried only one advertisement for
merchandise not sold in Forest Grove: that order came to us unsolicited; not
a single mail order or patent medicine advertisement in the list. Can the News
Times say as much?
We are building the finest type of bill boards that are built anywhere and
we make no apologies to th^.Ngwa:Tioies fyr their appearance.
If Scott & Hurley’ »yish to pose as benefactors o f Forest Grove they
would do well to come with clean hands. For their own good 1 will state that I
have been informed by several Forest Grove men that Scott & Hurley took
money from the local hardware dealers for advertising, alao published articles
urging all the people to buy at home,— yet when they had a house to build they
felt it necessary to go to Portland to buy the hardware and plumbing material.
I was also inform «! that ^Jien one'.of. the dealers upbraided Mr. Scott about
this he claimed to have bought from another dealer hut every dealer in town
atnted that they did not make the sale. I am staging here wiiat is common talk
in Forest Grove and for the good of Scott & Hifriey. If it is false, they should
make a public statement to that effect at once, as such a report is certainly not
helpful to anyone o f political aspirations.-
* *
I am further informed by Forest Grove people that, although the News-
Times has vigorously fought permitting the local theatres to keep open on Sundays,
claiming that it is wrong, yet Mr. S^ott was seen by Fore*t Grove people in at­
tendance’ at a Sunday evening performance Ht a Portland theatre. If this report
is false, Mr. Scott will d o ’well to make a public denial of it.
I believe that all who have read the News-Times articles will agree with
me that Scott & Hurley are making a grand-stand -play-for popularity at my
expense, doing their best to create the impression that ! am not a man to be
trusted. In thr.t connection I wish to make the following statement: I have
been engaged in business in Portland for the past five» years and I will pay
Scott & Hurley $10.00 for evidence o f a single instance ip my record where I
have ever wronged anyone or even taken an unfair advantage. I have had
dealings with practically every large'wholesale house in Portland and I will give
Scott & Hurley another $10.00 if they can find a single house that I have ever
dealt with that has ever had any occasion to question my honesty in any
Many Forest Grove people have complimented me on the manner in which
I have built the billboards. One hank official made the statement that he would
like to Bee them on every vacant piece of business property in the place. Sup­
pose Scott & Hurley were given absolute power to sfty what might he built in
Forest Grove. Whenever a house or other structure or alteration o f any kind
might be planned, it wbuld be necessary to submit details to them for approval
o f the location, design and color. Property owners might consider it a serious
invasion o f their rights, but it would remove the possibility of anyone building
contrary to the ideaH o f Scott & Hurley and having to submit to misrepresenta­
tion, mud-slinging and abuse, such as is being hurled at me.
If Scott & Hurley object to billboards, they are certainly free to say so,
hut I will not tolerate anyone trying to tear down niy reputation for honesty
and fair dealing under any pretext. I do not wish to be drawn into further
discussion with the News-Times and will not enter it if they adhere to facts.
Yours very truly,
day, February 15, 1916, the tax rolls
for the year 1915 will be opened for the
o f taxes. The first half of
(Paid Advertisements)
all taxes should be paid on or before
For Circuit Judge o f the Nineteenth April 5th following, and the second
half on or before October 5th following.
Judicial District
Interest shall be charged and collected
I am a candidate for nomination to at the rate o f 1 per cent per month or
the office of Circuit Judge of the Nine­ a fraction o f a month until paid. “ In­
teenth Judicial District, composed of terest at said rate applies to the first
’ the Counties of Tillamook and 'Wash­
ington, subject to the Republican Pri- half if not paid by April 5th, and to the
mary election to be held May 19th, second half if not paid by October 5th. ”
All taxes remaining unpaid on October
If nominated and elected 1 will ad- ■ 5th, shall become delinquent, and on
minister the business o f the courts of ! November 5th a penalty o f 5 per cent
this district justly, promptly and with
the least possible expense to the tax ! will be charged and collected thereon
in addition to the interest provided
I^ss litigation; less expense; less de­ herein. Any day after the expiration
lay and more justice shall be my aim. of six months after the taxes charged
Your support is respectfully solicited. against real property are delinquent,
W. H. H ollis .
the Sheriff shall have the right, and it
shall be his duty upon demand to make
For State Representative
out and issue certificates o f delinquency
agsinst such property. Certificates of
To the members o f the Republican
delinquency shall hear interest at the
Party in Washington County:
rate o f 15 per cent. On or as soon as
I beg respectfully to solicit your con­
practicable after October 5th, the tax
sideration at the Republican Primaries | collector shall proceed to collect all
May 19, for the office o f state Repre­ taxes levied against personal property,
1 favor uncompromising j and wtoch shall have been unpaid, and
economy, clean-cut, fewer laws, and I shall levy upon sufficient goods and
shall place the public interests ahead chattels of delinquent taxpayers and
o f politics. I shall work against un­ sell same to satisfy said tax, or said
necessary, frivolous a n d conflicting Sheriff shall charge said personal prop­
laws, ana I shall give my best efforts erty tax against real property and said
to lightening the ever-increasing bur­ tax shall become a lien upon said prop­
den o f taxation created by expenditures erty, and shall be enforced in the same
out o f proportion to increase in wealth manner as other real estate tax liens.
and actual needs.
L. A. Fernsworth.
Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon.
For Sheriff
By J. C. Applegate, Deputy.
To the Vote'•s of Washington county:
1 am a candidate for the Republican
Notice is hereby given t h a t the
nomination for the office o f sheriff at
County Court for Washington County,
the Primary Election to be held May Oregon, has appointed the undersigned
19th, 1916.
as executors of the last Will and Test­
If nominated and elected, I will give ament of Rosanna Anderson, deceased,
the protection o f my office to all per­ and all persons having claims against
said estate will present them to the ex­
sons and all classes alike ; I will con­ ecutors at the office o f Manche Lang­
duct my office in an economical way, as ley, in Forest Grove, on or before the
near as possible ; with fair and court­ expiration o f six months from the date
eous treatment to the public.
o f this notice.
Geo. G. Hancock.
Dated this 23rd day o f March, 1916.
For Sheriff
To the Republican voters: I am a
candidate for sheriff o f Washington LANGLEY & LANGLEY, Attorneys.
Connty, and if nominated and elected,
pledge an economical administration of
the office in ail departments, and will
endeavor at all times to give the posi- T T __
Irin rr
L ' n
tion attention in the interests or the ; U II U
1 Ld K 1II IT
D. M. Mclnnis. i
Political Announcements
J. S. BUXTON, Prop.
To the Voters o f the Republican Party 1
for Washington County
I am a candidate for the nomination Funeral Directors and Embalmers
for County Clerk, for the Primary i
Election to be held May 19th, 1916; Forest Grove,
have been chief deputy Couuty Clerk I
for the past two terms, was born in |
Washington County, am familiar with J N .H O F F M A N
the work o f the office, and if nominated
and elected will during my term of of- j
Attorney At Law
fioe attend to the duties thereof, exer-1
cising economy, and courtesy to the i Patent Office Business Solicited
H enry A. K uratli . 1 ForestGrove,