The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 06, 1916, Image 5

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    (Ihr Ifnrrtìt (ßrmtr Sxyrrfig j Pacific
l'uhliithril *v**ry Wedni'Mjtty ut Forest Grove, Oregon.
W. C. lianfer, Editor unii Publisher.
Keep Your Money
The last and m o st popular num­
ber on the L y ceu m Course was
second riss* matter Jan. 12, 1‘Mfl, ut the poMtofflce ut Forent Grove, pp<i
^resented last Thursday evening
Orett»». under the Art of March 3, 1879
|>«*fore a full hous«-. Owing to a
spend it in Forest Grove, and you have a very good chance
train wrirk on the Tillamook line
THURSDAY, AI’ltlI. «, 191«
of seeing it again ; you may even handle it again. Even if
the entertainment could not l>e
you never see it again, some of your neighbors will get it
given on Wednesday evening as
N O T E S A N I) C O M M K N T S
and use it to build up Forest Grove and Washington county.
advertised. Totten & Company,
No m atter whether you need groceries, clothing, shoes,
celebrated magicians, kept the
automobiles or
NOTES AM ) PERSONA! j S other Rex Reach story and deals house in a continual uproar of
with an exciting adventure in the j laughter as chickens, pigeons, eggs,
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. I’anama canal zone. Prices 15c bottles, handkerchiefs and other
Amos Lallaie Monday
and 25c. Nine reels of excite* thing appeared from the most un-
I), Kauffman made a business ™-nt.
thinkbfc source». Other even
A party of thirteen members of more baffling t r i c k s were p**r-
trip to Salem last Saturday.
this advice is worth considering, for many • ; wn has been
P. K. O . to-wit: Mewlames A formed The audience was spell-
25 per cent off on all jewelry •he
to the city class hy the patriotism of its citizens in
K. Scott., II. (¡»ff. John Hailey, H bound throughout the entire pro-
send away for things they could get at home.
sold on Dollar Day. The Hook K.
White, Mary McKenzie, Hean. Rram liecause of the marvelous
I¿eonard, Littler, Olmstead, Sey- cleverness of the program,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones of mour, Dott and Clark and Miss
The new officers of the Y. W.
the Kern Cove are the proud par- Cora Milt more, went to Mc.M inn- C. A. are as follow*: President,
en s of a son born Monday.
villi* yi terday and spent the af- Ruth Haines; vice president, Al-
plant is fully equipped for all classes of job printing, printers
See “The Wai ning," a five r e I ternoon with Mrs. William Hanna, vena Howard; secretary. Helen
of tasUi and judgem ent are employed and you can get almost
masterpiece, at the Star tomorrow The ladits returned last evening Rrunner; treasurer, Leone Gra­
any kin«l of stationery the most exacting fancy might crave.
and Saturday nights; 5e and H)c. and report an enjoyable time.
Come and see.
Mrs. S. I. Show entertained the
The Y. M. “stag" party held in
Or. if you think you have some reason for not patron­
( hristian Endeavor ('«invention
M. K Aid society yesterday after
the gymna-seum Saturday evening
izing the Express, take your work to the other local office.
The annual convention of the was gr«*atly enjoyed by the young
noon in a very pleasant manner.
Either wifi do more for Forest Grove than some printing
The social
Sam Smith of Portland visited Washington
, County Christian men of the college.
concern outside the city or county.
with Hut t Grove in this city Fri- Endeavor Knion, held in Heaver- committee headed by “ Hap” Mor-
day on his way to his former home ton Saturday ami Sunday was gan did good work in planning
an unusually inspiring and inte- the entertainment. The evening
in Wilson river.
Miss Eliza h< th Weitzel of Port* resting session. The program, as passed only too quickly in play-
W e a t o f tli«* N e w I . O . O . F . l i l o c k
lar.d spent Saturday and Sunday planned, was carried out with ing volley ball, indoor baseball,
here with In r brother, Will Weit­ only a few slight changes. Every and in runningrelay races. St/aw-
Phon«* S 2 l
ForPNt G ro v e , Oregon
part of the convention lasting berry and pineapple sherbet, sand-
zel, and family.
through the two days was alive niches and co »kies were then
Shadeland ( lirnax seed oat and ami worth whi!«*, and the d«*le- served. While the attendance was
lie w Ode bun ker pedigreed bar-
Washington County Transfers
gates came back with much en- not what if should have l>een, all
ley. Kdward Naylor; phone ORSo, thusiasm ai.d a determination to pres« nt had a grand time,
The following real estate trans­ Earl Boyd and wife have moved to
Forest Grove, Ore.
13 2*
carry on more efficient work in
o n pr)('ay evening at Herrick fers were recorded with the regis­ the Spencer place where Mr. Boyd is
The library committc«* of the their local societies.
Hull the Kappa Delta society en ter of deeds at Hillsboro during employed for the summer.
Woman’s club will give an enter­
Mrs. DeBord has moved back to
Those going down from hereon tertained their guests at their an-
tainment at the Star Theatre Saiurday were: Ogden Ashley, nual party. The large parlor and the past week:
Dilley, a fte r an absence of a year or
'I u«*sduy of next week.
Lulu Holmes, Elizabeth Potwin, the dining hall were beautifully 12.03 acres in W. McLin D L C secs 34 more.
A. Keily and family, who have Annals- F. Taylor, Joy Aydelott, decorated with ivy, it-rn and flow- and
The dance given by the United A rti­
35. I N 3, $10.
sans a t th eir hall S aturday night was
be< n living in Eastern Oregon for Helen Phillips, Evelyn Patton, yrs for the big event. A most en-
well attended, the Dilley concert band
tb«* past ten months, have re­ Sadie McCoy, Kate Roe, Eliza- joyable entertainment was pro- D. P. Corrieri et ux to John Alge- furnishing
the music. A good crowd,
sheimer. 5« acres in D L C Wheelock
turned to this city to reside.
bet h Seymour, Ernest Dye, Edna vided in which al II could take part Simmons claim «5«, l S 2, claim 42, l S3, good rr.usic, and a good floor; w hat
Miss Marcella Richards left Crosley. Bernice Miller, Liola M. The merry party formed in couples claim 70, l N 3, p art of sec 6, l S2, $10. more could you ask?
Saturday for Monmouth where House, \\ inston Ashley Charles and marched to the dining hall for
Mr. Sutford was a Portland visitor
Charles Knapp e t ux to Dudley Knapp,
she will take the teachers’ short R Roe, Ruth Haines. Rev. 0. H. the banquet feast to the march 41.66 acres in D L C of E. Walk’er, sec Tuesday.
course at the Oregon Normal.
A num ber of people from Forest
Holmes, Thomas R. Roe, Claude played by the orchestra. The 36, l N 4. $10.
attended the “ Uncle Rube” play
J. W. Potwin sustained an in­
Max Behling to Charles Krahm er, given by the Dilley students a t Cor­
jury to one of his feet at 'he Kdwy Dibble, Oval Hutchens, wings p r o t r u d i n g fcom their 38.80 acres in sec 10, 1 S 3. $1000.
nelius Friday night.
..... r, ......
Standard .. camp,
near ........
ten Clarence Lcnneville, Frank Rur- shoulders.
Wm. McPherson to Alva H. Scofield,
John Ellis and m other, Mrs. Graves,
days ago an*l is visiting friends in lingham and Julian Ryan-
Prospects are good fora success- tra c t in sec 4, 2 N 4, $300.
were Grove visitors Monday.
Oliver G. Carnahan et ux to Mary J .
this eity.
The newly elected officers are ful lia.seball season, but the track
Frank C row thers was trad in g in the
1 1-2 acres in sec 5, 2 S 3,
See tho e $1 60 fountain pens •* follow : Liola M House, pres- team doss not look soprom i ing. $ 200 .
Grove Tuesday.
to lie sold at $1.00 on Dollar Day ¡dent; Ernest Dye. first vice pres- The most of the baseball players
Mai H iatt, the road supervisor in the
E. G rant Mills e t ux to A. H. Need­
id en t; Elva Head, second vice j of last year are back and some ham,
at the Rook Store.
18.22 acres in sec 36, 1 N 4, $10. Dilley district, is m aking a g re a t im­
provem ent in the roads this good
A bunch of Commercial club president, Ruth Haines, t h i r d very promising material is being
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Freeman of w eather.
members will go to Hillsboro tliis vice presid* :it ; Ix*«me Graham, j developed from the n«-w men. Harrisburg
to Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans of Salem
evening to attend a “smo. er” to secretary ; Kenneth Robb, treas- ( The only serious los es are “Art” Saturday to came
a few days with are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Pier-
be given by the Commercial club
and looking pont for a few days.
The superintendents tire Ernest per in the outfield. Rernard and
The Ladies’ Aid held an all-day ses­
of that town.
Dye. efficiency : Elva Head, quiet Fowler are both good catchers, so after their property a little way sion Wednesday and served luncheon for
M o r e apprentices want*d at hour; Ruth Haines, junior and that place will be cared for. There out of town.
the school children.
once ; will start class in millinery intermediate. R o n n i e Wcisen- are a number of good men wurk-
A p r i I 2 5 t h . All applications bach is chairman of th«1 Lookout - ing for positions in the outfield, so
should be in by the lHLh. The committc«* a n d Hannah Rerg- it is hoped that a strong team will
Elva Millinery Shop.
13-11 strand of the missionary com- be developed. A schedule of seven
Ed. Allen, who left Forest Grove m it tee.
games has been arranged, two
about five years ago to make his
each with Pacific College Mc­
home near Yamhill, has traded
Minnville and Mount Angel, and
for a fruit farm n* ar this city and
Against Further Restrictions
one with Willamette University.
will come back to make th*- Grove
^ delightful party was gi\en
his home.
more Kntflinh classes last Friday ni^ht Tuesday evening in honor of Miss
When looking for bargains on was well attended. The question wee— T Ucker, who left yesterday to a* •
Dollar Day, don’t forget the “ Resolved, T hat Im m igration Should
in Portland. Miss
Book Store. Some extra fine F urther Be R estricted in the United T Ucker position
many7 good
bargains in the window; others on StHt(iU ••
| friends here and she will be missed
the tables.
Those on the a fl rotative wen K»m- •*>’ the entire student body,
Mr. and Mrs. L. L Hollinger, eat Dye, ClAra Nelson end William The concert given last evening
former residents of Forest Grove, Martin, while those on the negative at Marsh Hall by Prof. Chapman
but now living in Portland, drove were Kvelyn McFeetera, I.yla Short and Miss Van Dyke was greatly
out in their auto Sunday to visit an*l Mablw P atton. Frank Burlingham enjoyed by those attending,though
at the Thompson and Weitzel coached the affirmative and Ruth Pat- the attendance was not what it
ton the negative. Mr. Inlow and Mr. should have been. Prof. Frank
Miss Nettie Davis, who, with Murphy coached in delivery.
Thoma* Chapman has devoted
her little niece, lias been sp tiding The judges were, Prof. Lennard, the greater part of his time to
a week at the home of Sir. and Miss Penfk-ld and Mr. Duyck. The de­ teaching for the past few years,
John Anderson and visiting friends cision of the judges was two to one in but he is one of the most accom-
in th** city, returned to her home favor of the negative.
pfished violinists on the coast.
near Heppner, Saturday.
He was ably assisted by Miss
Miss Charlotte Cat-hart of Mit­ Tuesday afternoon, March 28, Dr. Van Dyke,a pianist of rare ability.
on any promise we make to deliver work on
DeBusk talked to the pupils of the
chell, South Dakota, who has high
given date. The Express has one of the
school. His subject was based
been spending the winter in Cali-
best equipped little printing plants in the
fornia, stopped over here S unday »»*."* th‘j ‘■•••«bon of the physical con-
The school rally held a t the Gaston
and M onday on her w ay home- < >tion of the individual to his mental ef-
Willamette valley, having added several
ficiency, with special reference to school last Friday was well attended.
ward, and was a guest at the school
hundred dollars’ worth of material to the
Miss Emma Morgan has left for
work. Dr. DeBusk was brought
home of her cousin, Mrs. Burton here under
Williams plant for
the auspices of the Parent- Hillsboro, where she will make her
fu tu re home.
Teacher Association.
A wonderful prohibition feature, The boys are beginning track work Gaston will have a new w ater sys­
“Th<* Warning,” at the Star Fri­ and it is hoped th a t they will soon be tem . We tap the Hillsboro pipe line at
day and Saturday; 5c and 10c.
purposes and more good material is on the
the mouth of Scoggins’ valley.
able to have some good meets.
Shearer & Son are nicely located The
___ boys
H. D. Tallman, our new barber, is
are r planning for
way. The management would very much
in their new room, south of the big results this season and have begun doing a good business.
appreciate it if those in need of stationery,
P a c ific Drug store and Mrs. A. E. work on the grounds, S O th a t they will Guy Smith made a business trip to
office blanks, or any other kind of printing
Dixon, who h a s occupied one soon I,t. Hfo|e P, ^-et in and practice and Hillsboro Saturday,
would call at the office for samples and
room for millinery business for 23 I |,HVe some good games.
I Moving picture show in Gaston every
prices. If you’re too busy to come to the
y e a rs , will take the room V rated
Ruth Patton substituted at the (’en- Wednesday night,
b y the Shearer jew elry store. Ot- tral school in Miss N orton’s place last
Roy Dennis made a business trip to
office use the phone and a representative
Forest Grove Monday.
tice Shearer* will take the Dixon Friday.
will call on you.
Russell Morgan of Hillsboro, was
T. E. A rm strong expects to pasture
room, in a d d itio n to the one he visiting
the high school Monday.
now occupies.
The Misses Rachel and M l* Epling
“The Warning,” a smashing attended
Every person who lik«'s moving
the Dilley dance Saturday
. t t r
I . »
«' i .
vs i l
__ 1
_____ J ______I
D o - Well” at the Star next Wed- the Star Friday and Saturday;
The card party at the H. H. Hall
nesday, April 12th. This is an- 5c and 1 0 c.
was the hit of the season.
Job Printing
Mister Merchant:
Before you place your order for
1917 Calendars, see our line of
sam ples; we may save you some
The Forest Grove Express
We’ll Make Good
I 1. ...........
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.. I
t o t f .te.inrtik
. . . JOB PRINTING . . .