Gilje 3 F n rra t (S rm i? fexp vtss W. C. T. 1. COLUMN Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oreirou. W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. Mrs. K. B. Penfield, Editor STAR ★ THEATER J U S T O N E N IG H T There came into our bunds re­ cently a copy of "The Other Side of Prohibition,” an organ of the THURSDAY, APRIL 6. 1916 National Brewers’ association and edited by one Winton Wunder, in N O T E S AND C O MME N T S Cincinnati, Ohio. It was a won­ Only T E N more registration Sounds like a chapter from the der. for after reading the first page ; days. You better hurry. ! feud disricts of Kentucky, doesn’t on “ W hat’s the matter with Poor Kansas?” we found so many lies Villa may not be much of a it? to the square inch that, fearful of tighter, but he would sure stack PATRIOTISM AT becoming innoculated, we read no THE POLLS up well in a Marathon. more. Every district deserves its Con­ As we chance to have from re­ Don’t kick about the hot days ; gressman. Wherever an incom­ liable sources some vital facts as remember how you longed for petent has been delegated to rep­ to Kansas, we give them here: them about thirty days a g a resent his fellows, more capable Kansas women have had municipal And j u s t see how vegetation men are either profiting through suffrage since 1887, and full suf­ thrives under the warming influ­ his weakness or are too intent on frage since 1912; Kansas has only ence of the sun’s rays. t h e i r private advantages “ to two per cent of illiterates. It has When you see an editor who is waste time on outside affairs.” a prison population of only 740, of If a community is ignorant of whom 40 per cent are non-resi­ continually suggesting that his town is not big enough for two its best interests, it is only because dents of the state; 28 counties did newspapers, you have a right to those who know better are lazy or not have a jail prisoner during 1914; 12 counties have not called assume that he wants his compet­ too selfish to alter conditions. Therefore, a misfit legislator a jury case for many years; 48 itor to get out. Isn’t that atti­ tude a little porkish? Of course, typifies the territory from which counties did not send a person to people who have had things their he is elected and his constituents the penitentiary in 1914 and eight counties have nc poor farms, be- own way for a long time are liable must share his opprobrium. Every voice is equal in a Re- cause they did not have any in­ to be like spoiled children—when they can’t have the moon they public. One man’s vote is as digent*; Kansas had but 14 child­ are inclined to become peevish. powerful as another’s ; and be­ ren paupers cared for by the state But they all manage to get over cause this is so, America can in 1914. There has just reached never be greater than its judge­ us one more item of interest re­ their peevishness in time. ment at the polls. garding “ poor" Kansas which we MORE GRIEF A carelessly cast ballot is civic append: The members of the National treason. Bad citizens menace a “The general officers of the Kan­ Association of Merchant Tailors, country as much as foreign foes. sas Woman's Christian Temper­ in session at St. Louis during Feb­ Nations die at the heart, not in ance Union, representing the e x -1 ruary, passed resolutions c o n ­ the trenches. ecutive committee, met recently! demning legislators and city coun- It is just as important to extend in a commodious and convenient! cilmer who appear at meetings of the power of America in times of room of the beautiful library at | their respective bodies in any- peace as to defend it in hours of Wichita to receive from the ex- Present REX BEACH’S Masterpiece thing less stylish than frock coats, peril. Congress makes the laws, ecu tors, Hon. C. Q. Chandler of This will go hard on some of the but we make Congress : a product Wichita and Hon T. L. Lind ley of aspirants for legislative honors in never excels the capacity of the Medicine Lodge, with their attor- . this county, if they get past the machine. ney, Chester I. Long, ex-senator, first barrier, commonly called the W’e have no occasion to fear the residue of the estate be- Nine Reels of Gripping, Thrilling Adventure in the Panama Canal primary election. for tomorrow if we fulfill our re­ queathed to the organization by Zone, said by many critics to be far Superior to that other Beach sponsibilities today. W h e n we the late Dr. Henry Wisner of production, “The Spoilers.” The “Ne'er-Do-Well” ran two we**ks at SEND 'EM AFTER VILLA begin to fail in ourselves we have Two factions of the town of fought the invader’s battle for Medicine L*>dge. Barber county, the Heileg, Portland, at 50c, 75c and $1 00, but you can see it at the Kansas. All details connected Star for only Turner, Marion county, indulged him. with the settling of the estate had ! ^ in a pitched battle Saturday night Armies, fleets and forts cannot ' ■ ■ 1 3 , 11(1 . ..... A f ) (* and when quiet had been restored protect the state that do«s not been so thoroughly and carefully , 1 ! considered that little time was r e - 1 _ ___________________________ three men were found to have respect itself.—Herbert Kaufman. quired to sign the necessary pap­ been seriously stabbed and two ers. The total amount of the be­ First in Field dozen citizens were bruised and The socialist party is ihe first quest is $23,165. the major part bleeding. Knives, c l u b s a n d which is in real estate securities bricks were freely used in the to place in nomination its candi- _ in Barber county, where Dr. Wis­ scrap. One faction was led by dates for president and vice-pres ner lived for many years. Hon the mayor and city council and ¡dent. This was done by means T. L. Lindley Lind ley has consented to the other by the members of the of a referendum vote of mem- act as agent for mem. bers of that party, being in fact a act a sa ?ent f°r the Woman's Turner brass band. The Christian Temperance Union. bers of the band had engaged a primary. T h o s e selected a r e “This munificent gift wifi enable carnival company to give a carni­ Allen L. Benson, of Yonkers, New the women of Kansas to enlarge val for the benefit of the band York for president, and George R. their work and to realize some of and when the city recorder de­ Kirkpatrick o f Newark, N ew the visions and hopes which for manded the usual license ($3.00 Jersey for vice president. Ot-4-t-»-» ♦ * ♦ » *■ ***■ +* ♦ * ♦ » *-* » » » » + »» »p years have been fondly cherished, Oregon socialists met in Port­ per day) the bandmen refused to but which could not be brought to It isn't necessary to read stars to know that TOWN dig up. Then the mayor and land Friday and, after a three-day fulfillment because of lack of BOOSTING P A Y S IF EVERYBODY BOOSTS. THIS some of the councilmen tried to convention,nominated the follow­ funds.” TOWN WILL BE ONE OF THE BEST PLACES IN ing state ticket: stop the show and the fun started. WHICH TO LIVE Secretary of State—E . L. Can­ Councilman Lee Jeans spent Sun­ 0 4 » » » 4 » » » 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 - ». »♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ 4 » ♦ » ♦ non, of Salem. day in the city jail, charged with Supreme Court Justices, two to stabbing R o b e r t Hunsaker, a The boat wmy to boost is to PATRONIZE HOME member of the band; but w is elect—J. E. Hosmer, of Silverton; In common with a number of TRADE and READ THE HOME PAPER , other loca) busines8 men the man. later released on bail. Mayor R, C J. Anderson, of Portland. Dairy and Food Commissioner ager of the Express has deci(led O. Thomas could not be found D. McKinnon, of Eugene. to customers a bar­ Sunday and it was believed he Next Saturday is DOLLAR DAY in Forest was hiding out in fear of bodily Presidential Electors, five to gain offering next Saturday April of Eu- Grove and you can get a year’s subscription harm. There has been bad blood elect—Max Burgholzer, 8th, designated by the Commer- between these factions for two gene;F. C. Ramp, of Roseburg; cjai Club and Woman’s Club a s , to the Express for $1. Regular price $1.50 years and it has crept into the William Tipton, of Hillsboro; C. “ Dollar Day.’ On that date one schools and churches to such a.i F\ Johnson and August Nikula, of ! little old dollar wifi be accepted at I extent that their efficiency is al- A sto ria._____________ the Express office as the price of most annulled. At last, accounts We will insure your auto against a year's subscription to the E x-! the sheriff of Marion county was fire, theft and collision. Hancock press, an eight-page weekly news­ in c harge of the town of Turner. & Wiles. 9-tf paper. This price is for old as For a short time only, in order to get my stock before the well as new, subscribers. Those public, I am offering eggs from my heavy-laying strain of Trap- subscribers who have entered nested Rose-Comb RHODE ISLAND REDS, at their names, but not yet paid, can on anything in the line of get a receipt Saturday for a year’s subscription for just one dollar, You CAN buy eggs for less, but are they from trap-nested stock? making a saving of 50c, or 33 As this rate holds but a short time, I would advise you to hurry. White River Flour - $1.50 Bananas, doz 30c ! per cent. - - - j Pure White Flour - 1.50 Big Oranges, doz dOc Call at Forest Grove Express Have a good second-hand cam­ Brown Beans, V /i lbs - .25 Other lines at reasonable prices era that will take 8x10 or 5x7 COME AND SEE OUR BARGAINS pictures. What have you to offer Com er Third St. and Pacific Ave as a trade ? Value of complete P. O. Box I) - Phone 821 - Forest Grove, Ore. Phone 41 x outfit is $25. Reply to B. W.j box 643, City. — Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postofflce a t Forest Grove, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1679 Wednesday, April 12 The Selig Players, headed by KATHLYN WILLIAMS and WHEELER OAKMAN ‘The Ne’er-Do-Well’ An Astrologer Reads the Stars A Live Newspaper for One Dollar EGGS FOR HATCHING We’ll Save You Money $1.00 per Setting or $3.00 for 50 Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions W . L. Benfer F. A. MOORE