1916 Catalog Femlnln*. NEW PERKINS HOTEL nrifc m»4 Wx.Uin.Un HU, P n tlu l, Or. Thu homelike «topping place for those W'ni appreciate the dollar'« full worth. "There 1« one K*x>d thing «bout bay­ ing a really handsome and «•xpermlve tire*«,” «aid Mr«. Hunting to Mr«. Lar kin "W lu t 1« that?” "W hy, you fuel h « though you really 1 ought to buy another not rpdte no good | to nave your heat one."- I'urk. Plants, Bulbs, Garden, Orchard and Poultry Supplies, Fertilizers, Etc. rpllmhl« W*«t«rn Catalog 1or Wo atari* h*y-r«. OCR Even the Children. "An emhusque In French, a «lacker ¡In Lnglaiul, mean« a man who shirk» Roo« « l.i Iklh, • 1.60 the (lutiKerouM duties of war, and U o o « « il k Ib t o r h o l lU th 1.00 among thu warring nation« the pur «nit of emhusque* and slacker« goe« l l m k h a oiui I .a » r h * o a . 71 * on relentlessly." IHaaor . . . . The speaker wan Edna Wallace Hop­ per, who has Just returned from France. Hhe continued: "E ven the little children take their A $M),000 <'iir|K»r» • «m all part in thin relentless pursuit. tlon «ri*m-« unnnn»ary. Cuaraii that 1s (Jen Joffre.’ toad Innmm to right party, [»apt. H, 628 “ Thu little girl looked at the vener­ httofk lllork. Portland. Oregon able comma ruler tn-chlef and frowned. "'M am m a,' she said severely, 'why Isn't he in the trenches V “ "H la H a a t Q u a lity " S t «Ü ra c t t a b u y e r s • n l y — M • «writ«. Y ai nave tim* and none/ by buying of o*. N e w C a ta log No* 64 f r e e . ROUTLEDGE SEED & FLORAL CO. 169-171 2nd St. HELP I'honoo Main?*«. Ifoa 'laU rM I W Ilo l.k ’.d A l K P R O D U C E Wheat. 0»U, Hurliiiik |‘ol*0»wi. Onion*, and Ohloti in Car U l » WarRlitniiwa at Hub- bard. Aurora, i anbr Oregon. Hi|ke»i Ibrt« Prat PxU hr Ail KiaJi at Pi War. f ------------ ------- -------------------------- \ Portland Y. M. C. A. Auto School Day and night rlaaaaa. K«i*ert training In repairing, driving and machin« work. Inrludlt g forgw, Ia»h«*. *hsi»cr. drill pr»** (rartor*. etc Tima unlimited COMI’K> iK N i • H A r m r i c i a n d m k c iia n WHITE US. will fit any ambitious jroa*itf Man or Wo»« an for h;ffh~claan position in Bookkeeping, Stenography, Salesmanship To mon thla include* valuable athletic, asiuatic and rwmb^rRhip trrmletfes, al­ though tuition coat is 1 cm than eiaerwhenr. Valuable cf;un*‘t ran also be had in Grammar irradc ami C o 11** k « Preparatory Subject*. WRITS FOR CATALOG. Budding. 2*/.' AWIrr Ht.. Portland. Or«». 1CB HUPI’UEl) PORTLAND Y. M. C. A. Ice le Used In Orchards to Retard W . S . H U R S T & CO. PORTLAND. OREGON * HAWTHORNE AITO SCHOOL ' Near Lullng. Texas, a number of or­ chard Ista are trying out a rather In­ teresting plaan of retarding the bud­ ding of their fruit trees until all dan­ ger of damage by late frosts ha« passed. The experiment consists of burying about fifty pounds of Ice around the base of a tree when the weather becomes mild early In the season. The supply Is replenished at intervals o f two weeks until It Is safe to allow the trees to burgeon. Ice Is being supplied to severnl growers by a local producer to encourage the test with a few trees. Although a consid­ erable expenditure would be repre­ sented were the scheme carried out on a really large scale. It might not prove excessive If successful in pre­ venting crop losses. I^ate frosts are a source o f much anxiety to growers of early fruits, not alone in the South, but elsewhere as well.— From the April Popular Mechanics Magazine. Monamobile Oils and Greases and FEDERAL TIRES AND TUBES F m « T ir« S e r v i« .. * THE HOUSE OF SERVICE. “ M OTOR C A R S U P P L Y CO . Inc. 33 B roa d w a y No. Portland, Ore. HIDES, PELTS, GASGARA BARK We want all you have. Write for prices and shipping tag«. Tilt h. f. NORTON CO. S3 North front St., Portland. Ore. Everyone to know about DAD’S ELECTRIC HAND LIGHT. A real, great big light, »afe. handy and cheaper than oil; wind and storm-proof. Fully illustrated cir­ cular. t o o l S m 4 k Flani Cs.. 169 2i S l . Patiat WANTED S toppino amd Q uav O atjjquloonc ROM Dover, Folkstone, Brigh- | Mediterranean to convey them to tht NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. ton and Portsmouth, all war Island battlefields. r‘ he units t f these We will move to our new quarters on or about lane« across tho English chan­ fleets had been In tbe course of con­ MARCH 15th to 20th, from First street, where we been located many years. AU eld customer* nel load to Boulogne, the „reat struction for severe 1 years >r the ex­ have arid new ones are invited to inspect our new store Economy In Hanford's fialsam. ¡port for the wi-stoi n entente battle press purpose o f aiding in thu de­ at 266 Morrison st.. Portland, Ore. STAPLES» large sizes. Adv. . line. safe behind the long rows of cision against England; for the lit- THE JEWELER j trenches in the north and made the tl i corporal, willing to divide the Hopeless Remedies- principal point for Import from Eng- world with Alexander of Russia, knew I WANTXD-Agrnu. live « * « . in «wry loeaiityii» . .. . . . .. . „ the state. Only Day.ight Egg Tester in the coun- J. P. Morgan said at a dinner In New j land o f vast stores o f munitions and from the beginning that his Interests j try. No competition. Money-back proposition. York: ja steady stream o f troops, says a bul­ and those o f Britain could never be Send $1.50 for tester and explanatory master and get busy in your neighborhood. Address X-Ray "T h e German financial position is Hifhii'f« four Prod««* fee d Prlff« desperate. The remedies proposed for letin o f the National Geographic so­ reconciled. The French fleets never Kgg Tester. 50b Railway Kxcbanga. Portland. Or. W# want Cnam. K«n. Poultry. OrnMxl ciety. Boulogne Is a vitally important assembled at Boulogne, and the vic­ K m I i , Makf u r year neat shipment. j It reminds me of the horse-thief. "T w o men were sentenced by a vlgi point In the line opposing the Ger­ tory ot Nelson at Trafalgar, In 1805, Safety First. lance committee to be banged for mans In the W est; lt Is the funnel forever shattered Napoleons hopes Portland, Oregon. They were watching the boys coast­ horse stealing, and the rope was through which the British empire Is for the Invasion. The column of vic­ ing do An the snow-covered streets swung from a bridge over a river. pouring its contribution to the ener­ tory, however, was finished In 1841, on their sleds. "Hut the first horse-thief got off. gies expended on the first of the war and lt Is crowned by a fine statue of "Ah,’’ said the elder of the two men, The noose slipped, he fell Into the the emperor. “ that’s the sport! Doeesn’t It make water and swam down stream to safe­ theaters. The French port, always very Eng Boulogne was an Important com­ you think of your happy childhood Mail* frem »our "Id on.* l ut Urns ty u llran N-w Tire, WK Also BUY "W hen they came to deal with the llsh and now almc.it as cosmopolitan mercial harbor before tbe present days?” OLD TIKKK. W. pa» aa hi«h a. 10c second horse-thief, he said anxiously. aa Paris, lies upon the narrowest “ No,” replied the other, " It m ake« war. It ranked fourth among the sea- l.r lb. fur ,uch a. •• ran iim In Double I us they tied the rope ‘round his neck: me think bow slippery that street la stretch o f the channel. 22 miles south port, o f France, after Marseilles. Le ; Traad work, and lha hl«h«rt market ^ l i t e r Xw Tile « d V o w easy " ‘ Make sure o’ t ia t noose this time, west o f Calais and only 28 miles by fa Junk dblM »our Tlraa at onca or write ua. Havre and Bordeaux. It Imported j WOtild be for you or me to fall and won't you. gents? I can't sw im .'" I J t . fatim i. On OtUM rUUSUSK CO. i » «a sea southeast o f :be busy English jute, wool, skins, thread, coal, timber, break an arm or a leg while trying to Paris, with Iron and steel for the factories of cross it. Every man should provide Better than a plaster— Hanford's harbor o f Folkstone. Balsura when thoroughly applied. Adv. which the city is connected by a bril­ highly industrial northern France; against such contingencies by carry­ A Cartoon Jab From India. liant express service over the tracks and it exported woven goods, skins, ing an accident policy. I happen to Many nations have expressed their c f the Northern railway, lies 157 motorcars, forage, cement and ivlnes. have an application blank in my Fall Enough. hdttcrness against Uncle Bam for miles to the south-eoutheast Ports- It also assembled tho fancy vegetables pocket. You'd better sign it now be­ "making money out of the war.” We "Ixxik here, Hiram ," said SI, "when fore It's too late.” have been held up to ridicule Impar­ be you goln' to pay me them |8 for mouth-BouIogne is the most direct and fine table fruits for the Iondon tially by Knglai.I. Germany, Greece, pasturin' your heifer? I've had her line o f communication between the hotels for export. The average an­ Cleanses the Wounds. groat British arsenal and the firing nual value o f Its exports was $50,000,- France, Italy and Japan. Now India now for nbout 10 weeka.” For injuries from rusty nails or any may be added to the list. In a cartoon "W hy, SI, tber critter ain’t worth line through Flanders. Artois. Picardy 000, and that of Its imports, $30,000,- other external hurts, apply Hanford’s from Hindi Punch, of Bombay, repro­ mor'n $10." and Champagne. T b e R iver Llano di­ 000. It was the first fishing port of Balsam. It should kill aDy germs, duced by Cartoons Magazine, Uncle "W ell, s'posin’ I keep her fer what vides the town and the Improvements France, receiving and preparing great «tleanse the wound and remove sore­ Bam and Japan are seen, each with you owe me?“ at Its mouth provide excellent harbors quantities of herring and mackerel. ness. Then quick healing will follow. large money bags under his arms. The "N o t by a Jugful! T e ll you what Adv. caption reads "M ake Hay While the I'll do: keep her two weeks more and for the unusual stress o f shipping A large proportion of tho best grades that the war has brought about. o f Spanish mackerel sold In the Sun Shines," and underneath we read: you can have her.” The Soft Pedal. Alwaya Closely Related to England. world's markets bear the trademark Jap: "I'm filling my bag with In ' A stoiy is told of a certain weir Boulogne has always had more or o f Boulogne. dlan silver while the Austrians and ' » t o w ar d E. BURTON—A «w »n «ml C Oi The most Important henu bit. known theatrical manager, who has a HiPftftB m : Gold. Germans are busy with the war. And L—drilU. Colorado^8i>«etniaa_pria**; less close relations with England, manufacture of this great war port habit of. by book or crook, getting his Kilver. ln-a.1. K: lè.W. Silver. 7be; «old Sor; Zlne you ?" or CupiMir. tl Mailing envelope« »nil full price li-t friendly and unfriendly. It has even during peace tiroes, strange to say, Is own way. pent on anelirat ion. Control and Umpire work ao- Yankee: "Ditto, ditto. And some­ been suggested that lt was the Portus that of steel pens, w hich Industry was “ That's too loud,” he called out one thing more. I'm filling mine with the liciUxi. iU-ferunce: Carbonata National bank. Itlus where Julius Caesar assembled introduced from England In 184C. It day, as the orchestra started at a re­ gold of the allies, besides." Von Jagow as a Cartoonist. his fle e t In modern times, Boulogne Is the chief city in France for this hearsal. “ I can’t help it. sir,” replied the con­ has been the Englishman's favorite manufacture, and. cherefore, probably “ Like Ills distinguished superior Welsh Product. Emperor W ilhelm ," says Cartoons way Into France, and, before tho war. its greatest fame should be that of ductor, “ it’s marked ‘forte.’ ” E. O. Grace, president of the Bethle­ •Magazine, "H err Gottlieb von Jagow, "W e ll,” went on the man of power, hem Steel company. Bald In Washing­ ¡German secretary for foreign affairs, the passengers from Folkstone to pointing the most brilliant pens In imperturbably, "just make it 35». Boulogne totaled about 300.000 annual­ the world's most brilliant country ton: j please." j is a cartoonist and designer. When "Though we can get any price we I not engaged in writing notes to Secre­ ly. The trans-Atlantic lfnero o f the ask for our munition products from tary Lansing ho is busy with his pen- Hamburg-Ameriean and the Holland- Anesthetic for the Teeth. Very Interesting. Europe, we haven't increased our price i companies also made There is no local anesthetic that "Th at emotional actress says she As you enter his office you w ill American to the American government one cent. English will penetrate dentine, which forms cannot descend to anything like gross observe a large clean blotter on his Boulogne a calling point. "Y e t there are people who. In the desk, anil this, as he talks, he gradual­ business Interests In France were the principal part of a tooth. That business details." face of this, accuse us of overcharging “ Humph! She's interested enough ly covers with sketches. His servant largely represented at this port, and Is why dentists hurt teeth so much Uncle Sam. These people are as ludi­ brings him a new blotter for every vis­ the English colony at the outbreak of when drilling holes In them for fill­ in the gross receipts.”— Baltimore crously ignorant as the schoolboy who itor." American. ¡the war numbered more than 1,600. ings or when grinding them down for was asked: It has long been said that Boulogne gold crowns. Anyone who will In­ " ‘ What do we get from W ales?’ H elp! H elp! Willing to Change. “ 'Jonahs,’ the schoolboy answered." , Is the most English city on the con- vent something that can be put on a “ Do you know, Miss Peaches, I "Th ere Is a very excellent reason . tlnent. and, before the war was many tooth to render it Insensitive for ten think you must be egotistical.” why a girl shouldn’t smoko." A Fireside Grouch. , rnrnths old. the Enclish language and minutes, without Injuring it, has a . "W hy, Mr. Synipe! H ot .’ can you “ W hat?" she demanded. imagine such a thing?" "Charley, dear,” paid young Mrs 1 "Makes her less agreeable to kiss.” I English ways became the accepted fortune awaiting him. currency o f the place. Cocaine and novocaine. which are i " ‘Because you have such capital Torklns, "you can never complain that! "W ell, I ’ll wait till somebody wants I am a frivolous society woman." used as local anesthetics in other j eyes.” In 1804 Napoleon I selected Boulogne to kiss mo," she said, "when they do "No. Your Idea of a pleasant even­ parts o f the body, have no effect upon j as the starting point for an Invasion I'll give up clgaret8— and take to a And Never Will. ing Is to ilt down and ask me to ex­ o f England. He assembled an army the teeth, as they cannot penetrate pipe."— Woman’s Home Companion. "T h ere goes old Tightwad, the mil­ plain al* »bout preparedness, the bal­ 1 tissue of which these are tho ha_ o f 180,000 men and a vast assortment lionaire. They say he landed in this ance of trade, orders In council, anil o f war stores here for this purpose. composed. town 15 years ago with just 67 cents I la » « Healthy, Strong, Itoantlfnl Kyas tho submarine controversy all In two aliti rtijxiciHus used Muriue Kj a The grent general was so certain that in his pockets.” hours aiul a half."— Washington Star. He Oculists «n iy many years before It v u offered an a Phrase Traced to Dickens. “ Yes, and he hasn't spent it yet.” Donirrtlo Rye Medicine. Murine Ik Still Cum- England was fated to fa,! before his “ You are a daisy" is used by Dick­ puunded by Our PUyelclane and guaranteed genius that he had coins struck with Time to Beware. by them a* a Reliable ilellef fur Eyen that Need which to pay his soldiers on the oth­ ens ln “ David Copperfield," in the P. N. U. No. 14, .1916 Care. Try it In yonr Ryeeand la Baby'« Ryes — “ A man dot shows off too much sense o f calling a person a daisy to No Smarting — Junt Eye Comfort. Buy Murine er side o f tho channel and Inscribed smartness,” said Uncle Eben, ‘“ gets of your Druggist — am-rpt no Substitute, and if them "mtnttx'. In London.” Ho also express admiration, and at the same so he enjoys about as much confi­ t l'R fN irritine I« mivrrtlwv*, I * u— «.i. pausa» inlermted write tor linolt of the Eie Erre. begAn a column o f victory here to time to laugh at one's credulity. Steer- dence as a sleight o’ hand man in a Mt HI N IC E tti lt KM KUY CO., CtlICAUO c mmoniorate tho conquest about to forth says to young Copperfield: "Da­ poker game.”— Washington Star. be realized o f his most troublesome vid, m y daisy, you are so innocent Let mo call you my opponent. Marshals Sonlt, Ney, Da- of tho world IV ycust and Victor were to lead the In­ daisy, as lt Is so refreshing to find vaders. Tho harbors o f Boulogne one In these corrupt days so innocent My dear Cop­ w ere com pletely hidden under the and unsophisticated. CUR SCIENTIFIC HOME STUDY METHOD hulks o f the many vessels uponnLich perfield, the daisies of the field are You can do it witfi onr new I*/»ilk* 6 Speed Rrinjrs quick result*. Success iruaran- KIRSTIN. Move and operate if alone. Outputs 1001 teed. Costs less than half of oral instruc­ the expedition was to bo transported. not fresher than you." tion. ! horse*. Absolute Mtjsiactio.i guaranteed or A flotilla o f 2,413 craft of all sizes Piano. Organ. Violin, Banjo, money back. 7 model* to choose from. Mandolin, Gvitar and Cornet Dress for a Chicken. had been gathered at the port. -Hf KTWTTIM Oitoallk a « IR T^mt'a (Vwruttai Harr." m t « ». R. taught. » • »t r i ‘ nt «W Al*r* Al 0 •a. NfcW l A TAU X. T U l.'i WHY Butcher— And now, ma'am, how Napoleon's Invasion Failed. Writ* tap ft I Write today for Catalog and 4 free leuaona. ou* tow notes wiu. simntiai vet) Preparations for the invasion were w ill you have this chicken dressed? American School of Mns-c Bride o f a Day— Er— ah, I hardly admirably made, and tho troops watt­ Sfifl E . M 0TT11O«_ M0 C— iwu* Bid«, POITIAJID. OtECOR ed only for the coming o f the protect­ know. Would lt be too much trouhla [ Pcttltnd.lFa ing French war fleets from Antwerp, to show me what thoy are wearing B rw t. Cadiz and the harbor« o f the Ibis season ?— Judge. T h * a n l . A u tom n M ). flrhnn! .ratin g (UUi M i H a w th o rn . A n a , P o rtlan d . Ora. F 600D MONEY lor BUTTERFAT H A Z E L W O O D CO . Double Tread, Puncture Proof Tires 30 teS « » x K îr a f ln STUDY MUSIC EASIEST WAY