# WORLD’S DOINGS Of CURRtNT WEEK MILITIA CALLED OUT TO QUELL 5000 IN ANTI-CATHOLIC RIOT CARRANZA COLONEL WENTY-EIGHT ElEET RUED RAID IN OVER AIR- ENGLAND VIllAISIAS FLAYED IN RUNNING BATTLE REPORTED IN REVOLT Haverhill, M ass.—The local com­ London — Two squadrons of Zep|»e- pany of state m ilitia was enlied upon II ns, Hying over England Sunday night by Mayor A lbert L. B artlett Tuesday in the moat extensive air raid of the night to assist the police in controlling war, killed 28 persons and wounded 34 a crowd of 6000 persons concerned in others in the discharge of at least 90 a riotous dem onstration in the vicinity bombs. of the city hall. Many windows were One detached ship, m aking a raid broken by missiles. over the northeast coast, was disabled The crowd assembled as the result by the fire of the an ti-a irera ft guns, of an attem pt to hold the m eeting in which followed the searchlights play­ the city hall for discussion of state aid ing on the raider. The cruft was for sectarian schools. The m eeting brought to earth and its crew, nuitiiier- was regarded as anti-Catholic. Thom­ ing 17, was raptured by a B ritish pa­ as E. Leyden, of Somerville, who was trol boat in the estuary of the Thames. announced as a form er Roman Catholic The members of the captured crew re­ priest, had been advertised as the ported th at they had drawn lots to de­ Live News Items of Ail Nations and speaker. When the hour for the m eet­ Pershing Now Thought Deceived As term ine who should rem ain with the Villa, With Hip Shattered, Escapes in ing arrived the crowd in front of the disabled aircraft and destroy it a fte r Wagon — End of Gang Seems hall was so dense th at the police decid­ to Villa’s Injury — Systematic the others had been safely landed. The Pacific Northwest Condensed ed th at the m eeting could not be held task fell to the junior officer, to whom Near — 4 Americans Hit! Search to Be Continued. for Our Busy Readers. and the doors w ere closed. it m eant practically certain death. For several hours the crowd, in­ When the patrol ixiat approached the creased in size by curious citizens, Zeppelin an explosion occurred, it is niarfhed jp and down the stree t shout­ El Paso — Four hundred Am erican E1 Paso, T ex.—The question of the thought, in the motor room. The air- Two more dreadnaughts and four ing and com m itting various acts of afterw ard crumphxl up. cavalrym en, under th e command of loyaty of the Carranza troops has b attle cruisers are to be provided by Colonel George A. Dodd, w hirling again come very near to the fore here congress at this session. HOW ARD H. GROSS ARCHDUKE FREDERICK down from the g ra n ite slopes of the folliowing persistent reports th at Col. The rapid advance in the price of great continental divide, have fallen Cano, the Carranza commander at gasoline spurs congress to push its in­ vestigations as to the cause. like a thunderbolt on the main Ixxly Namiquipa, has joined Villa. 'V C * 'w í y of Francisco V illa’s bandits at the San Andres Garcia, the Carranza consul Six thousand out of 10,383 signa­ *«• n * here, has refused to credit these re­ tu res on a recall petition in San F ran­ Geronimo ranch, scatterin g them like ports on the ground th at Cano is a b it­ cisco have been declared fraudulent. chaff in the wind, and driving the ter personal enemy of Villa, but he Chang Chow Fu, one of the largest bandit chief, wounded and crippled, to I adm its th a t nothing has been heard cities in China, has declared its inde- ! seek a hiding place in the m ountains ' from the Namiquipa commander ror pendence of the governm ent of Yuan ; more than a week. over which lie has ruled for so many Shi Kai. The only direct inform ation th at has /}■ V i years. Villa was hurried from danger come from Numiquipa since then has A 12, JOO-ton Russian transport w ith | in a carriage. been a paragraph in a dispatch from troops and w ar m aterials aboard was j The b attle opened a t 6 o ’clock in Gen. Pershing in which it was stated sunk by a Turkish subm arine in the I the m orning of March 29. th at half the garrison at the town hail Black sea on March 30. The news of the brillian t exploit of disappeared and it was suspected some A Salem, Ore., woman alighting the Am erican troopers was flashed of them had joined Villa. from a buggy, tripped on the laprobe, j over the Mexican w ires into Juarez Americans who arrived here from which caused her to fall head first on ! Saturday and sent a thrill along the Chihuahua City Sunday asserted that th e curbing, killing her instantly. border. For 17 hours the veteran Col. Cano was with the V illistas de­ Colonel Dodd and his picked riders of U niversity of Oregon s.udents of feated near Guerrero by Col. Dodd. the Seventh and T enth Cavalry drove journalism take entire charge of the j down th e valley of the S anta M aria San Antonio, Tex. — Gen. Funston editorial and reportorial departm ents A river. At the end of a 55-mile ride Sunday was in receipt of S tate depart­ of the Eugene Daily Guard for one j they burst ujion th e unsuspecting camp m ent inform ation in regard to condi­ week. where 500 bandits were celeEirating tions in Chihuahua and other parts of Lloyds reports th a t the B ritish bark ! the m assacre of 172 C arranza soldiers Mexico, but refused to make it public. B engairn has been sunk by a s u b -' two days previously at Guerrero. It was stated at his headquarters, how­ m arine. P a rt of the crew w ere picked 1 Villa, siiot through the leg and with ever, th a t there appeared to be reason up. I t is said the vessel was not one hip shattered, was hurried from to believe th at Col. Cano, who was armed. th e scene barely in tim e to csca|>e the leading one of the heavier forces onslaught of the soldiers of the North. Constantinople dispatches say th at against Villa, had revolted against The bandits made a brief but hojie- the Turkish troops on the Caucasian Carranza and had joined Villa. less stand before the fierce churge of fro n t have received considerable rein- ; San Antonio, Tex. -U nless Francis- Colonel Dodd ami his troopers. Then forcem ents and th a t the Russian j Howard H. Gross Is the president of they broke and fled, leaving 31 dead offensive has t>een checked. Recently the Tariff Commission league and for co^Villa is definitely located within the on the field, including th eir command­ th e only fighting has been among small years has been a foremost worker In next day or two it is believed here This I» the most recent of the few er, General Eliaeo Hernandez. the cause represented by that organi­ thut Gen. Pershing will begin a dogged Two detachm ents. zation, the reasonable adjustment of search for him in the mountains west photograph* that have reached Amer­ machine guns, several horses, rifles, President Wilson plans to occupy the tariff on a business basis. and south of Guerrero. Since the ica of Archduke Frederick, commin am m unition and equipm ent fell into “ Shadow L aw n,” the sum m er home in the hands of the victors. defeat of V illa’s forces March 29, in der In chief of the armlet of Austria. New Jersey offered him by the people minor mischief. and near Guerrero, Gen. Pershing has Among the known wounded is Pablo o f the state, as soon as congress ad­ Eleven false alarm s of fire were had lightly equipped mobile detach­ Ixipez, Villa lieutenant in the Colum­ journs. In case congress is in session rung in as if by a preconcerted plan, ments of cavalry sweeping w hirling In addition to the 17 unwounded pris­ The A m erican casualties oners there were others rap tu red who bus raid. d uring the summer he probably will from all parts of the city. fashion through the d istrict aboift the were suffering from injuries. were four privates wounded. spend week-ends there before adjourn­ Finding the police powerless, the headw aters of the Santa M aria river, The Am erican soldiers did not linger The Zeppelins remained at a great m ent. mayor decided about 11 o ’clock to seek in efforts to locate the elusive bandit height in the raid, and th e ir m arks­ on the field of victory. For five hours A clash between H aitien bandits and the aid of the m ilitia. The sounding reported to have gone in th a t direction manship, consequently, was floor. In they drove the enemy before them into police in N ortheast H aiti is reported j of the m ilitia signal on the fire alarm afte r being desperately wounded. one town 11 bombs were dropped w ith ­ the wilderness of m ountain peak, des­ Gen. Pershing did not get a report out dam age being done. Crowds on e rt and canyon, where roada, or even to th e Navy departm ent by Admiral had the effect of bringing to the scene C aperton. U nited States forces were more thousands, curious as to w hat ac­ through to Gen. Funston Sunday, but the streets watched the b attle w ith the trails, are unknown and where a mis- not involved in the fighting. One po­ tion the citizen soldiers would take. his chief of staff reported, indicating raiders and applaueded the lund bat- 1 HteP means death to horse and rider. One section of the crowd around the th at the line of communication was teries. licem an was killed and three wounded, i They halted only a fte r the chase had led them ten miles from the battlefield while the outlaw s lost several killed building went to the residence of Dr. m aintained and no mention of the H erbert E. W ales and attacked the news of Villa was made. There is in­ and a num ber captured. and the fugitives were scattered far | house. creasing belief th at Gen. Pershing and wide in little bands of half a dozen A Havas dispatch from Athens says Dr. W ales was interested in Ley­ may have been deceived in regard to men each. th e B ulgarian governm ent has notified den's coming here. The residence of V illa’s career has ended. His power U reece th a t it has giv< n orders for Rev. F ranklin Babb, anotiier of the the direction taken by Gen. Villa and even concerning his injuries. Some j -------- has been broken. His death or cap­ evacuation of points on Greek territo ry prom oters of the m eeting was treated occupied by B ulgarian troops. Bul­ in sim ilar fashion. P art of the crowd reports indicated th at he was not in- | W ashington, D. C. — The German ture is a question only of days, per­ at all and instead of going north- \ _ . , , haps only hours. Such is th e inevit­ g aria assured Greece of the intention went to the home of Alderman Charles jured . i - . . u t h n ° governm ent has informed Ambassador o u u f r \ r f .i l o r r o p f ■ h o h u i l m m r n / l i n r to do everything possible to m aintain Hoyt, commissioner of public safety, east of Guerrero he had moved into the ; Gerard th a t it is w ithout official con- able conclusion reached here as little hills to the south and east, a direction by little the details of “ Dodd's rid e ” friendly relations between the two na­ and made a dem onstration. American officers had expected him to j firmation concerning th e explosions seep across the border. It seems im­ tions. I which damaged the B ritish channel possible th a t the crippled, defeated The rooms of the National Club take. steam er Sussex and sunk th e B ritish bandit can rem ain hidden long even in Owing to a strik e among the dairy­ were attacked and the furnishings horse ship Englishman, both of which the mountainous w astes in which he men who supply Chicago w ith milk, it wrecked. Squads of police were sent were carrying American citizens. is said there is only a three-day supply to guard the res ¡^jfcr.ces of the mayor has sought refuge. In a dispatch dated Thursday and o f milk for the babies. The dairymen and other mem' hers of the city govern- The scene of Colonel Dodd’s victory reaching the S tate departm ent Monday is a broad valley lying a t th e head of are endeavoring to force the distrib- ment. Mr. Gerard said the German govern­ the Rio S anta Mara. utors to pay more for th e ir product, On th e w est by holding back 1,000,000 quarts a Salem, Ore.—In a pitched battle on ment hail only new spaper reports on there are barren foothills of th e con­ the streets of Ti m e r Saturday night the two cases and was m aking an in­ tin en tal divide and to the east is a day, and of this 500,000 quarts are .being fed to the pigs. between members of the Turner band vestigation which m ight be concluded trail, made famous by Villa, which and members of the city council assist- within three or four days. The Berlin leads through the Laguna do C astilla An account of the torpedoing of the Paso— Francisco Vila, unwounded i ed by partisans of each faction, three foreign office promised to inform Mr. d istrict to the ill-fam ed S anta Ysabel. El Franco-Russian hospital ship Portugal men were str.bbed, one probably fa ta l­ Gerard when the inquiry is completed. It was at the la tte r place th a t Villa and accompanied by only eight men, in the Black Sea March 30, w ith the It is realized here it may be a week killed 18 Am erican m ining men, a ly- loss of many ~lives7including"those’of was, at Satevo> 50,mile8 80uth of Chi­ H alf a score other residents of T ur­ Eiefore all the German subm arine com­ crim e which sent a th rill of horror huahua city, two days ago, according Red Cross officials and Sisters of Char ner suffered from bruised heads as a manders who m ight have been con- throughout the U nited S tates and ity, was cabled from Petrograd to the j to inform ation received here Tuesday result of being struck by clubs and 1 cerned have had opportunity to rejiort. marked the lai/in n in g of w hat many from Mexican sources. Russian embassy at W ashington and rocks which were used freely in the If th is inform ation is correct it believe to be the c-nd of his blood­ probably will be filed w ith the S tate 38 Ships Sunk in March stained career. It was tow ard S anta departm ent for its inform ation. The bears out previous reports th a t the melee. The trouble arose luring a perform ­ London—The Board of T rade’s sum- Ysabel th a t he was believe«! to have T urkish governm ent has officially de bandit chief is headed tow ard Parral his Am erican pursuers ance of a carnival company, which had j m ary of casualties to B ritish shipping been heading when th e troopers of the nied th a t any of its subm arines made anc* ' 8 af least 60 miles. The nearest been secured by the T urner band to reported in March shows th a t 19 Unite»! S tates sw ept down from the th e attack, and it is assumed in allied allied give a benefit entertainm ent. The steam ers aggregating 44,609 tons and North on his camp. diplomatic’ quarters“ h c r e th a t the P o r t- I P°in t Stf vo which the American8 band assisted but was stopped by the eig h t sailing vessels of 1865 tons were reached is From the meagr«» details which have of an A ustrian ' trooP8 are known to have ugal was the victim or an A ustrian ; ^ Antonio> 60 mjleg to the north- city marshal on order of the council, sunk by enemy w arships. Ten steam ­ reached here from Mexican and Amer­ craft. because the carnival company had not ers of 13,532 tons were sunk by mines. ican m ilitary s«»urces, it appears th a t i west. The municipal woodyard of Portland The route said to have been taken paid the $3 license which is required One steam er of 2131 tons was sunk Colonel Dodd’s men ma«le th eir way is short one thousand cords of wood, 1 by V illa is one w ith which he is thor- of traveling shows. The bandmen pro­ eith er by an enemy w arship or a mine. unnoticed through the arroyos, or deep and no one seems to know w hat be- oughly fam iliar and which, indeed, is tested the council’s action and the Forty-three lives were lost in the case gulches, which split the foothills in all came of it. known among the peons as “ Pancho’s b itte r feelings resulted in a clash in of the steam ers sunk by warships and directions, and were alm ost in the front of the show grounds. 81 in steam ers sunk by mines. camp before the alarm was given. Two masked robbers attem pted to road.” hold up a S aattle bank, but a young Smyrna Fort* Destroyed. G erm ans Repulse French N ear Vaux. Canal Found Favorable. Q uake S ho ck s Victoria. lady student of the U niversity of London—F orts St. George and San Panam a— M ajor General George W. Berlin, via London—The German Victoria, B. C. — Two earthquake W ashington, who was the only cus­ tom er in the bank a t the tim e, argued Goethals, governor of the Canal zone, Jak, as well as the other coastal de­ official statem en t issued Monday an­ shocks which t«>ok place within a com­ and protested w ith the men until they made an exam ination Tuesday of the fenses of Smyrna, were destroyed F ri­ nounces th a t Teuton troops have paratively short distance of V ictoria slide area in the Gaillard cut. He said day In a three hours’ bombardment by cleared 1000 yards of French trenches were recorded on th e seism ograph of had to flee or be captured. th a t the situation looked even more a B ritish warship, says a dispatch to northeast of Haucourt, in addition to the observatory a t Gonzales Hill S at­ C aptain H ans Tauscher, husband of favorable to him than he had expected, the Times from Saloniki. The Turks the positiona taken March 30. urday morning. The first, which F. Johanna Gadski, th e opera singer, and and th a t April 15 would rem ain un­ did not reply to the fire of the w ar­ The only mention of fighting around N apier Denison, th e superintendent, said to be an officer in the Germany changed as the date for re-opening the ships. Verdun Sunday tells of the repulse of estim ates to have occurred about 300 navy, was arrested in New York on a waterw ay. San Ja k is the chief work command­ a French counter attack a fte r a te r­ miles away, took place a t 3:12, and General Goethals ex­ w arran t charging him w ith being con­ pressed the belief th a t the canal would ing the entrance to Smyrna harbor. rific artillery bombardment near Vaux. appears to have been a well-defined cerned in an alleged conspiracy to blow not again be closed to traffic on ac­ St. Geroge is about three miles to the The Germ ans took 731 prisoners In quake, w ith a pronounced vertical «up the Welland canal in Canada. southeast. this battle. count of slides in the cut. movement. Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. American Officers Credit Rumor That Cano Has Joined Villas II. S. Troopers, Under Colonel Dodd, Attack 500 Bandits. UNIVERSA! HAPPENINGS IN A N U O T I IRAI! Of BANDIT EEADER IS LOST IIEIRIY-ONE DEAD IN SURPRISE EIGNE m % Berlin Without Submarine Data; Washington Waits Investigation a Band Members and Councilmen Mix Over License; Three Slabbed Villa, Unwounded, With Only 8 Men, Making Haste to Parral «5