his wi" ' in Well-Known Citizen W E SELL THE Smallpox has broken out in the Caiied by Death Mountainside schools near Scholls. S p r in g W ork Spring work is now occupy­ ing the Farmer’s attention. Everyone is making an e f­ fort to make lt)16 produce a “ bumper” crop. In busy seasons, do not hesitate to mail or phone us your busi­ ness needs. You will find an account with this bank a great convenience. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams spent Sunday in Portland with Mrs. Williams’ mother. Mrs. Laura Griebler of Gaston, vidted at the home of her mother Vr t o i J 111 Mrs. LeFrene last week. The Rose Show committee' is T. J. 0 . Thacher, a well-known a n d highly-respected citizen of Forest Grove, passed to his re­ ward at the home of his son, W. Oregon _ ,,, “ Stay Round’’ nww E fG^ Thache^’ at Eu« ene’ ,ast “ S ta y R o u n d S IL O Saturday, aged 71 years, appo-| * plexy being the cause of his death. There are lots o f Silas in Washington county Deceased was l>orn at Hornell, now and there will be as many more built Any good silo paid for itself lust you raise any other feed to equal 3.00 t>er ton? Does your pas- a finger while playing ball recently, i state of his birth.* When he first tun* dry up in the summer time? Can you Miss Joan Pierce visited Sun- came to Forest Grove he engaged afford to pasture high-priced land? Build a day and Monday at the home of in the flour and feed business and Silo and make it a good one. Whether you buy it from us or from Mrs. Chris Peterson near Hills- bandied real estate as a sale line, someone else, build one. If you are going to build one, let us give boro. He was an alumnus of Union Mail us your checks and you a figure on an "Oregon Stay Round” and we will show you it New arrivals in fancy blouses, College, Schenectady, N. Y., was drafts, no matter upon what can be built for the same money you would pay for the ordinary waists and neckwear at Mrs. well educated and was of a very place they are drawn. mill silo. W’e sell the ironing complete, with the doors, and you Richards’, two doors west of post- amiable disposition, which fact office. won f°r him many friends during buy the lumber w’here you like. The first train over the Wil- ¡\is ¡irie[ residence in this section. W’ rite for catalogue or call. lamette-Pacific between Marsh- Rar, y . l^ e m b e r, accompa- lield and Eugene made its trip by Mrs. 1 hacher, he went vestprdav to Eugene fo ra visit with his son, ' n ‘' ! , . | . , hoping the change would benefit Carpenters have just completed his ’faffing health* bul he never re- Forest Grove, Ore. a good job of bracing, le\filing and cov em | sufficiently to justify him repairing the floor of tne King & in attempting to return to his L „ . . home in this city, and the end - Mcmtwr Federal Reserve Bank. This morning sOregoman carries Came on the first day of the Sunday School Convention pleasant weather and was in all a dispatch from Oyster Bay, N. month. The twenty - seventh annual ways interesting and successful. Y., stating will be i Deceased is survived by his . . . . that Roosevelt .. .. ... .. t „ O n e W ho W as T h e r e . a candidate for president. widow and son, both of whom me*‘Bng of the Washington County CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Mrs. Will Sparks, Mrs. E. A. were at the bedside when the end Sunday School association, held at An Appreciation Hanna, and Mrs W. A . Billenger came. J Sherwood last Friday and Satur- To the Commercial Club, Ladies’ Job printing— phone 821. The body was brought to this day, was one of the best conven- Civic Club and Citizens of For­ Arthur Reeher and his mother visned at the home of W. H. Ir- win, in Hillsboro. Saturday. city Monday,accompanied by the .¡on’s t,ver est Grove: were in Portland Tuesday. Miss Joy Aydelott, Ogden Asi- widow and son and wife and at In behalf of the Grand Army of ... ly and and Sadie Sadie McCoy McCoy attended attended the the 10:30 Tuesday morning funeral lh ,h a tliMh«-d later. This Hoar Is I reasurer heipfui hints dunug the pr pm- The Express is prepared to meet f ,S o- , and th( pub,ic j , moet cor- the prices of traveling calendar at the home of her mother Mrs Enoch Moore, who was appoint- * . . . . .. ; dially invited to attend, salesmen in lots of 100 or more. C. Wright on south Fourth street, ed city treasurer and light and * hv April..?()th a larK(‘ ,cIa£s of We will insure your auto against and spent the evening with her! | water collector March 28th by f t w a or » ' W,n First . . .>r . man . . . °r Holy Communion in St. Anthony’s ap- e. theft and collision. Hancock After the excitement of greetings, Mayor Paterson and whose an- “ • °.r* . 1.“ e Holy Communion in bt. Anti fire, theft and collision. games were plaved until a late pointment was confirmed the same woman I admire and the kind of church of Forest Grove at 9:00. & Wiles. 9-tf hour when dainty refreshment!; j evening by the city council, last Sunday school I like. On that morning Mass will be in Mrs Lou Laughlin is sick with were served and the evening was 1 hursday notified Mayor Pater- The central address oi the con- Cornelius at t :00. There will I k * heart trouble at the home of her delightfully spent Those there ; son that he had decided not to vention was by Rev. C A Phipps Mass in Gaston next Sunday were Mrs. Wright Misses Joan qualify for the office and that ev- on ‘ he Sunday School as a morning, April 9th, at 8:00o’clock. daughter, Mrs. Lota Hocking. Pierce, Margaret Curtis, Christine fining the mayor called a special S World Power.” A packed church J. R. BUCK. The Portland Oregonian six Mackr’odt7 Mary C'orlT'CIara and ! meeting of the city council and heard this practical setting forth „ rountv Veteran A v iatio n days a week and the Forest Grove Alma Sage Jeanie Baxter Theresa 1 appointed Councilman Hoar to of the greatness of Sunday school "«««g teii toiinty Veteran Association Express once a week for only Beahen and Vesta Greer and 'the place refused by M r. Moore, work and every one went away will assemble in (»rand Army $6.00 a year. Hall, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on the The appointment was confirmed more than pleased. Master Wayne Wright. by the council and a successor to A feature of the entertainment ! 4th day of May, 1916. at 10 Mr. Hoar on the council will was that two dinners and one j o ’clock a . M. sharp. Memorial probably be elected at the next supper were given to the conven- council meeting. sion in a body and the amount of service's and business meeting in provision supplied as well as that forenoon. D i n n e r a t 12 that we are exclusive selling agents in Forest Grove for Orators Are Coming consumed was wonderful. , o ’clock. A week from tomorrow night— The president of the associa- The afternoon will be devoted April 14'h—representatives of Pa­ tion had finished four years of to program. cific College, McMinnville College, service and felt justified in resign This implement can be used as a cultivator in six We have ordered a crowd for Eugene Bible University, Wil­ ing and the secretary who had different ways and as a seeder as well ; absolutely this occasion ; better come early lamette University and Pacific taken the work temporarily felt the best garden tool we have ever seen. and avoid the crush. University will meet in debate in she could not give the time to J. T . Butler, Pres. All Kinds of oratorical contest in Marsh Hall, continue in the office. W. J. R. Beach, Sec’y. I in this city. The contest is under FARM A N D G AR D E N IM P L E M E N T S The new president is an old the auspices of the Inter Collegiate Garden Hose and Sprinklers J. W. Ethington, late cashier at Prohibition associations of the pioneer in service, Mr. E. X. Harding of Gaston. The secre­ the First National Bank, has sold colleges mentioned. The public is tary and treasurer elected is Rev. his stock to A. T. and Earle O. invited. Admission 25c. H. L. Bates of Forest Grove. Buxton and will soon retire from GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. A Big Class Rev. J. F. Ashley and Professor, the bank to engage in other busi- The 1916 graduation class of F. C. Taylor were also asked to ness. Earle Buxton has been Phone 663 FO REST G R O VE, ORE. the Forest Grove High will lik ly take minor offices, j elected cashier in Mr. Ethington’s be the largest ever graduated by , The convention had the most ¡stead. this school, numbering between twenty-eight and t h i r t y - f i v e . The graduation address will be delivered at the Congregational Phone Phone church May 26th by Judge Stev­ enson < f Portland and on Sunday, May 28t.h, Rev. J. F. Ashley will S a tu rd a y , A p r il 8 061 061 ^ ‘ THE PURE FOOD STORE ’ preach the baccalaureate sermon at the Christian church. Moore Resigns and an(1 ARE YOU A W A R E Iron Age Cultivators and Seeders? SCHULTZ' MARKET is Dollar Day 10 pounds boiling beef, regular price 121 jc, for ........................................ $1.00 Six pounds good C offee............................ 1.00 (Only one each o f above to a customer) The Pacific Market Phone 0301 Lord & Giguere Grangers in Session At a meeting of Gales Grange last Saturday two very instructive talks were made by experts in their respestive l i n e s . C. W. ; Creel, chief of the Forest Grove Entomological station, talked on ‘ Clover Pests” and G. W. Pome­ roy of Scappoose told the farmers a few things about potato pests. There was also a good musical program, several initiations and a good dinner at noon. OFFERS 2 2 P o u n d s S u g a r fo r $ 1 .0 0 On Dollar Day See our list o f Bargains for full particulars. Dollar Day signifies a Cash Sacrifice.