¿Forest (iron? ^Express an Vol. 1, No. 13 in d e p e n d e n t w eekly n ew spaper FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1916 OREGON PRODUCTS The County Seat SERVED AT FEAST Wnahirurton C ounty Editorial Aaaorlatlon N ew s H u rttu $1.50 per Year Mrs. Clark a splendid hostess. Those present were Mesdames Shrock, Conger, Woodcock, Jack- son, Knox, Sparks, Tumbleson, Fox and Clark. Y. W. C. A. CONFERENCE The e hi« i > ik feature of “ Home Pro­ The Azalea Club met with Mrs. . Ihe Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Con- Edward Schulmerich has filed ducts Week,” so far as Forest U. Male Quartet he introduced suit against R. L. Sears for the Winnifred Aldrich Saturday even- ^erence for the Colleges of North­ Grove is concerned, was the fine one of the most enjoyable features ing. After a business session, a ern Oregon will meet here thi3 h iiiciuet served to sixty Couples St of the evening. Before the aud­ satisfaction of a note dated in social time was held and refresh­ week-end, beginning with Friday the First Congregational church ience would allow Messrs. Stanley, March, 1911. Plaintiff demands ments served. T h o s e present night and continuing through till ig I by the ladies of Morgan, Webb and Livesay to judgment for the sum of $443 50. were : Anna Togue, Miss Newell, Sunday Tuesday evening - afternoon. . .... _ The , _ schools ., the Woman's Club. While th» cease, they had sung four numbers Miss Mary WoelI, Violet Glaysier, reprwented wdl be Reed College, In the case filed by Rudolph members of the Commercial Club one of which was in honor of Hoffarber vs. Emma J. Derrick, Belle Darling, rimer. Dee Grace Pacific College, Go.lege, Oregon State Dee Darlincr. Darling, Grace Normal, McMinnville College, had a small finger in the arrange­ Judge Hollis and his candidacy for Newton, Mrs. Z o a Hartrampf, plaintifr alleges that a contract ments, practically all the work circuit judge. Mrs. Maud Buxton, Mrs. Inger- Newberg High, Dallas High, Pa­ Toastmaster Hurley made a was made with the defendent in­ soll, Mrs. Hazel Carmack, Mrs. cific University and Forest Grove and planning fell to the lot of the club women and that they did nice little speech, in which he in­ volving certain lots in an acre­ M. E. O'Neil. Mrs. Lulu Bayne, High. Friday evening will be the re­ their part well was attested by troduced Senator W . H. Hollis as age tract southeast of Tigard, for Mrs. Mabel Giltner, Mrs. John the variety and quality of the “ our next circuit judge," and the the sum of $1100, which the de­ Stewart, Mildred Carmack and ception for delegates and local high school girls in Mar-h Hall. viands served It was a real ban­ judge proceeded to boost Oregon, fendent still owes. PlaintifT asks Mrs. Hill. Saturday morning, hible study quet, well cooked and admirably its people and products in his in­ for payment of remainder of con­ Mrs. F. A. Moore gave a party hour and technical addresses and served, and, what is more to the imitable way. He considered Ore­ tract and costs of suit. Monday afternoon in honor of technical conferences. At noon point, practically every article on gon a much greater country than its neighbor on the south and Forest Grove Planing Mill vs. the second anniversary of the the Conference luncheon for del­ the table was from the soil and E. M . »Sober and Mary R. Sober, thought all it lacked was adver­ birth of her little daughter, Thel­ egates and Y. W. C. A. members, waters of Oregon. The tables tising. He kept out of politics. suit for judgment on note given ma Lueen, entertaining six little will be served at the high school were beautifully decorated with After another speech by the in 1912. girls and one little boy, between by the Domestic Science class. white and yellow flowers. While First National Bank of Forest one and four years of age. The Plates, 25 cents. the banquet was being eaten. toastmaster. Professor H. E. In low made a very nice talk on Grove vs. Duncan M. Macleod; little ones were accompanied by Walker’s Orchestra played. Saturday afternoon a series of school matters, saying that, in his judgment on note for sum of their mothers, who a ct«! as chap­ short addresse will be given a. The banquet was followed by an opinion, the most important pro­ erones, and each guest brought a the Methodist church. excellent program of music and duct of a state was its intelligent $ 1000 . present for the guest of honor, E. J. McAlear vs. Anna Ber- short talks, with Presklent Hur­ citizenship. Saturday evening an address The public school rile, satisfaction on tax lein. who reciprocated by giving each ley of the Commerci d Club as was the birthplace of this citizen­ will be delivered at the Methodist guest a picture of herself. The toastmaster. Dan Cupid seems to have fared little folks spent two hours play­ church at 7 :30, to which all towns­ ship. He deplores! that Oregon L. M . Graham was the first had not more money to spend on very well the past week, as only The ing with dolls and other toys. people are cordially invited speaker called by Toastmaster its schools and mad” several sug­ one suit for divorce was filed. In Saturday afternoon meeting is The guests were Misses Roma Hurley. Mr. Graham represent­ gestions for remedying the defect. this case it was the man instead also open to all. Gardner, Mildred Carmack, Ad­ ed the city administration and Sunday morning the delegates In an ther speech, Toastmaster o f the woman who complains of eline Meiesse, Cornelia L o r d , told of a few of the things done Hurley t h e n i n t r o d u c e d Dr. cruel and inhuman treatment. Helen Hartrampf a n d Norma will attend the Congregational by the present and previous ad­ Il