AND PERSONALS All-Star Basketballers W. C. T. U. COLUMN We Will Fix It! ---------- Ralph Yakel, coach at Pacific k & Wiles have $25,000 University, has selected an all- Mrs. K. B. Penfield, Editor n farms. 1-tf star team among t h e Oregon If you break an axle or casting on your auto or any of your Thanks, very much, Mr. Editor, machinery, bring it to us ; w e’ll weld the break with our xpress prints butter wrap- Physical Education council, com- for the generous space given us in new Oxy-Acetylene welding machine. We weld steel, cast non-poisonous ink. ; prising Pacific l nhersity, Philo­ iron, brass or aluminum. the W. C. T. U. column of last Margaret Jones made a math College, Albany College, week. And that leader on the If your wagon or buggy needs repairs, either in wood, trip to Portland Friday, McMinnville College and Pacific editorial page “ God Give Us Men” iron or rubber, come to us. Prices reasonable. College: st price paid for Mohair Goodman, Pacific University, and signed J. G. Holland! Why, A. G. Hoffman & Co. forward. we felt like making a long reach Phone 504 Forest Grove, Ore , Sam Short of Dilley, was Mardis, McMinnville College, to your sanctum and, taking you st Grove on business Mon- forward. by the hand, for it carried us back For Circuit Judge parlors Wednesday night of last week. to our old home in Springfield, Games Replogle, Pacific College, center. and the usual fine lunch round­ To the Republican Voters of Washing­ County: Mra. Fore of Portland spent Irle, Pacific University, guard. Mass., near one of its beautiful ed out the evening and all spent a very ton I am a candidate for the Republican cemeteries, where we have spent pleasant time. Monday calling upon friends in Colcord, Pacific College, guard. nomination for Circuit Judge of the Mrs. J. W. Hughes and Mrs. C. A. Nineteenth Judicial District, compris­ ForanGrove. He says that Simpson, captain hours of a quiet Sunday afternoon, Brodersen were Forest Grove visitors ing Washington and Tillamook Counties, orest Grove Orchesta will and center of McMinnville, is a passing by on leaving and always Saturday. at the May 19th, 1916, primaries. G eo . R. B agley . Jance a t David’s Hill hall fast player, but too rough and lingering by a large block of gran­ Marguerite McBride gave a party ^ ^ I t u r d a y evening. crude for an all-star cast. Here ite with a bronze medallion, that Saturday to a number of her little For Sheriff R o ^F air and George Hopkins >n Mac, Simpson is held to be a marks the last resting place of Dr. friends, the occasion being her 4th To the Voters of Washington County, Oregon: ^^™ H h Plains were business strong, aggressive, center notwith- J. G. Holland. He was Spring­ birthday. I hereby announce myself as a candi­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack of Portland were field’s son and she loved him well, standing Mr. Yakel’s criticism. date for the nomination on the Repub­ I in town Saturday, visiting relatives in Dilley last week. lican ticket for sheriff in the primaries Mardis, of McMinnville, is a the beloved physician, the great Sunday and Monday the water reached of nd Mrs. Harlan LaMont May 19th, 1916, If 1 am nominated journalist (on the staff of the and elected I will, during my term of ts visited with Mrs. La- young player, clean and a good Springfield Republican.) He was the highest mark and school children office, conduct the said office honestly, living across the river were compelled parents in this city Sun- shot. Replogle, of Pacific Col­ a man, God-given, a man who to stay with friends in order to be in impartially, efficiently and economically lege, is the high scorer of the and for the best interests of the tax­ school. of the county. league. Irle, of Pacific University lived and wrought for the people. The matrons of Riverside Grange, payers Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 28th and Mrs. J. M. Barber is the best running guard of the In one of the m o s t beautiful No. 526, met with Mrs. Mel. Hiatt of day of February, 1916. i Portland Monday to at- league.— McMinnville News-Re­ locations in the city stands the Stringtown on Wednesday of last week J. W. C onnell . 1 meeting of the Prison Aid porter. memorial (an undem minational) and everybody had such a good time church, founded by him. It was that they all were hearty in their wish B“ jtion. Missionaries Returning his pride and joy, and it was some­ that it came more often. After a most rd Judd of White Bluff, On Friday of this week the thing to stand in the vestibule of bounteous dinner, the ladies were Present Deputy Sheriff Announces was in the city Friday, Misses Mary and Nellie Cole are that church and have Dr. Holland weighed and it was remarkable how his Candidacy for much some of them had gained in 3 arrangements to t a k e expected to arrive in Forest Grove. there to greet you. weight in such a short time. County Sheriff ion of a Washington county Miss Nellie has been in the mission It was the first church to place Joe Vermilyea and son, Hiram, came j Before the electors at the Republican work in Trebizond, Turkey, for upon its calendar one month in in from Tillamook to be with the family Prim aries to be held May 19, 1916 pupils of the Dilley schools some years. Miss Mary left For­ and take charge of the blacksmith shop 5 If nominated a n d elected h e each year an offering for the W. here. *y “ Uncle Rube” at Hen- est Grove for Turkey just before C. T. U. and its commodious par­ Ray Martin of San Diego has taken a •i pledges a 3trict observance of hi? 1 duties and an economics1 admini- hall, Cornelius, tomorrow the outbreak of the European war. ish house was always open !o us position with an auto company in Port­ ■ stratum. y ) night. Admission, 15c When she got to Scotland she land and Mrs. Martin will visit with (free) for any of our meetings. ' - a sr* x. could go no farther because of Other churches fol owed its ex­ her father, Mr. Sutford, for a short Notice to Taxpayers IT upperand family of Dil- war having been declared. She ample, but this one is v*»ry dear time and then join her husband in Port­ land. Notice is hereby given that on Tues­ ited at the Brady Chown- was met in Glasgow by her sister, to W. C. T. U. hearts. The little Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeShazer were day, February 15, 1916, the tax rolls pie last Thursday, being en- Nellie, and the two spent some group of seven in 1876 organized Forest Grove visitors Tuesday. for the year 1915 will be opened for the o St. Johns, where they months there, m a k i n g various until the first W. C. T . U. of that collection of taxes. The first half of We will insure your auto against all taxes should be paid on or before ide in the future. articles of clothing for the war city now numbers nearly 400, di­ fire, theft and collision. Hancock April 5th following, and the second iay Gales Creek was high- sufferers Later they went into vided into two large Unions and & Wiles. 9-tf half on or before October 5th following. a t any time this spring, | the interior of England, and about the National W. C. T. U. which Interest shall be charged and collected the heavy rains of last | a month ago set sail for New in that year numbered 50,000, Political Announcements at the rate of 1 per cent per month or a frac tion of a month until paid. “ In­ (Paid Advertisements) Some of the autoists who York. They came on the Cunard now enrolls 500.000 in its mem­ terest at said rate applies to the first line and since their arrival in bership. So, when we hear some uth Sunday report heavy half if not paid by April 5th, and to the For Circuit Judge of the Nineteenth America have been visiting friends one say, “ What does theW . C. T. second half if not paid by October 5th.” Judicial District ! and relatives on their way west- U. amount to, anyway? It isn’t do­ All taxes remaining unpaid on October W. H. HOLLIS editor of the Express was war(j Their arrival in Forest ing anything h e r e i n Forest 5th, shall become delinquent, and on lay informed that Bruce F. Grove has been anxiously awaited Grove,” we remember one thing— I am a candidate for nomination to November 5th a penalty of 5 per cent of this city was being their parents and many friends we are here in this city a link in | the office of Circuit Judge of the Nine- will be charged and collected thereon i teenth Judicial District, composed of in addition to the interest provided «d by his friends as a can- here the great chain which binds the the Counties of Tillamook and Wash­ herein. Any day after the expiration for one of the places on the . . ~ ~— white ribbon hosts all around the ington, subject to the Republican Pri­ of six months after the taxes charged ^jjCan legislative ticket« Christian Endeavor Convention world—and we are not ashamed. mary election to be held May 19th, against real property are delinquent, „ , nL i , 1 The annual convention of the 1916. the Sheriff shall have the right, and it Frances A. Phelps, of ~ '. Washington County Christian En­ Neither do we forget “That the If nominated and elected I will ad­ shall be his duty upon demand to make fi, Ore., and Elizabeth . Jane r ip , iiv o r U IT n io . n w ill ... , hp , ru*ln . , in . race is not always to the swift, minister the business of the courts of deavor Union will be held in out and issue certificates of delinquency of Salem, were married at I this district justly, promptly and with against such property. Certificates of B averton on Saturday and Sun- nor the battle to the strong.” the least possible expense to the tax » u rt house, Salem, Ore., K. B. Penfield. delinquency shall bear interest at the day. April 1 and 2, 1916. T h e j payers. 20, at 11 a. m. Rev. G .| Forest Grove, March 27. rate of 15 per cent. On or as soon as i , ™ convention motto “Strive to be Less litigation; less expense; less de­ practicable after October 5th, the tax The entertainment given at the lay and more justice shall be my aim. collector shall proceed to collect all ______ Efficient, has been well developed bridegroom, officiated. Your support is respectfully solicited. taxes levied against personal property, in the various addresses. Among Star Theater last Friday night by and which shall have been unpaid, and w. H. H a m burning out of a chimney the speakers are Rev. James El- the DeMoss family was of a high Hhail levy upon sufficient goods and chattels of delinquent taxpayers and e Mike Wyrak home, on vin, pastor First Congregational order and those who braved the For State Representative sell same to satisfy said tax, or said L. A. FEKNSWORTH First street, near midnight church, Salem: Dr. George Darsie, rain to come to the I heater were Sheriff shall charge said personal prop­ ay caused somebody t o pastor First C h r i s t i a n church well paid for their time and To the members of the Republican erty tax against real property ami said Party in Washington County: tax shall become a lien upon said prop­ a fire alarm and the mem- Portland. Some of the county money. A f t e r the concert, a I beg respectfully to solicit your con­ erty, and shall be enforced in the same f the department came out pastors and several state C. E. number of trends of the DeMoss sideration at the Republican Primaries manner as other real estate tax liens. J. E. REEVES, ’renching rain, but found workers will also assist in making people went forward and visited May 19, for the office of state Repre­ sentative. 1 favor uncompromising Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. ig to do. this convention worth while. One with them a few moments. economy, clean-cut, fewer laws, and 1 6-tf By J. C. Applegate, Deputy. shall place the public interests ahead Manche Langley was in of the big features of Saturday is D. G. Lilly, one of Hillside’s of politics. I shall work against un­ jd Monday to attend a the banquet at 6:30, an annual af­ progressive and prosperous farm­ necessary, frivolous a n d conflicting laws, and I shall give my best efforts g of the Prison Aid associa- fair, which is very attractive. As ers, was trading with local merch­ to lightening the ever-increasing bur­ den of taxation created by expenditures id while there took occasion a whole .the convention is replete ants Friday. out of proportion to increase in wealth with good things and will be a pect her first nephew, a and actual needs. DILLEY NEWS NOTES L. A. Fernsworth. ter who recently came to source of inspiration to every one Steam and Hot W ater Heating )me of L. L. Langley and who attends. All Endeavorers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock and little For Sheriff First Class Work Guaranteed. daughter, Erma, of Carlton are visit­ members of the Epworth League To the Voters of Washington county: STRIBICH & SON I J. C. Applegate f ’ (1. H. L iis lim n P lum bing ing Mr. and Mrs. Frank McBride. dance given a t K. of F. ° r Bj Y' P ' U - or " 7 , Mrs. John Forbis and daughter went last Friday night by th e : « te d m young peoples work are to Portland Saturday. ts and Ladies ot Security urgetl not tu mlss tlm ™Portant Mrs. C. A. Brodersen was hostess to the G. L. R. club Thursday. Those one of the most enjoyable event* _____________ present, beside the club members, fog parties given in the city At Monday night’s meeting of were: Mrs. Roy Brock of Carlton, Mrs. ^ent months and, while the the local Odd Fellows, they elect- Geo. Hoar and Mrs. Earl Boyd. A de­ was not very profitable, ed H. T. Giltner, E. W. Haines licious luncheon was served, after a financial standpoint, it was and S. A. Walker as delegates to which prizes were presented to those having the highest score, as follows: d advertisement f o r the the grand lodge, which meets in Mrs. Walter Wolf, first; Mrs. Frank Roseburg next May. Harry Gilt- Maury, second, and Mrs. Herman Sal- students of Pacific Univer- ner was recommended to the ing, third. are p l a n n i n g to produce master as deputy for b orest Mrs. McNama and Mrs. Freund were business visitors to Forest Grove Satur­ peare’s “As You Like I t ” Grove, day. e campus during commence- IrvingS. Phillips of Tillamook Mrs. Wolf's mother from Beaverton week and the parts will be spent Friday night at the home of was visiting her Thursday. The Dilley students will present the ed in a short time. The hi« mother and sisters in this city, play entitled “ Uncle Rube” at Cor­ peare class numbers thirty- on her Way ^ philomath to at- nelius Friday, March 31. which should give ample op- tend the funeral of his wife’s Another one of the popular “get-to­ nity for an excellent cast. gether” socials was given in the church mother. I am a candidate for the Republican nomination for the office of sheriff at the Primary Election to be held May 19th, 1916. If nominated and elected, I will give the protection of my office to all per­ sons and all classes alike ; 1 will con­ duct my office in an economical way, as near as possible ; with fair and court­ eous treatment to the public. Geo. G. Hancock. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. S h o p will, G o n i o n nod G o r d o n ! /o r * * « t ( i r o v r , O r e i i o n D l i o n c llll.'l FOREST GROVE Undertaking Co. J. S. BUXTON, Prop. To the Voters of the Republican Party for Washington County -Lam a candidate for the nomination Funeral Directors and Embaimers for County Clerk, for the Primary PHONE 642 Election to be held May 19th, 1916; Forest Grove, Oregon have been chief deputy Couuty Clerk for the past two terms, was born in Washington County, am familiar with N . HOFFMAN the work of the office, and if nominated and elected will during my term of of­ Attorney At Law fice attend to the duties thereof, exer­ cising economy, and courtesy to the Patent Office Business Solicited public. H enrt A. K lratli . ForestGrove, * Oregon J