The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 30, 1916, Image 4

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'T it
island of retrogression in a sea of
modern progress.
i . ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
T H U R S D A Y , M AR C H 30, 1916
H o u s e -C le a n in g
An Endorsement for Fernsworth
Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postoffice at Forest Grove,
Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879
Keep in Your Mind the Dates
o f the
izxpt £ 0 B , of Washington county alone on an
Published every Wednf«day at Forest Grove,
W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher.
This leaves the officials
Sweet April-time
to sell magazines on Sunday. A t
April-time! Sweet April-time! t b a t v e ry m';nute boys COuld be
Birds, bees and buds, belong to thee ; ht>ard in ,oud a n d ra u c o u s voices,
And, for the far off harvest-time,
, ..
Thy smile makes pledge of what
crying daily papers for sale. The
“ Sweet
Am ong tiie many endor.-ements
received by L. A . Fernsworth ot
Banks, who is a candidate for the
republican nomination for t h e
i legislature, is one from Mrs. Sarah
A . Evans of Portland, president
o f t h e Oregon Federation o f
om en’s c l u b s .
Mrs. Evans
i W
. . j wag mjRhty glad when I
heard you had got into politic-,
regretting only that I was not a
v o t e r in Washington county,
where I would be able to use, in
i your interest, the privilege you so
a y y helped me to get ”
o f the
Forest Grove Shoe Store
April, May
and June
boys were noisy, but lawful, while
newsdealer was quiet, but not
allowed by law to sell reading
And would we reap, then we must I matter.
F u n n y law, isn’ t it?
Dig deep the soil prepare with care— And it waspiobably drawn u p by
Sun, dew and rain will do their share, a lawyer.
Let us send a few ed-
The precious seed we hide away
¡tors and farmers to the legislature j M r. Fernsworth covered th e
Shall make our sheaves another day.” t|lis fa |]; th,.y can’t do any worse, 1
various woman suffrage activities
-T h e Royal Neighbor.
and they m igh t do better. T o o l;
in the campaign of 1912 for the
Get the habit of buying and often the legal mind loses track of Oregonian and Mrs. Evans evi­
consuming Oregon products.
common horse sense.
dently considers that he did the
cause some good.
Registration books close April W E A R M E D ’ EM
shall be.
springtime, seeds spring up
and the
Villa’s men are using American
bullets, it is said. Our
Eat Oregon products next week,
going to meet with a
even if you haven’t been very
y unpleasant things
loyal in the past.
bearing the trade mark, “ M ade
For business reasons, the man- ¡n the U. S. A .” before Villa is
agement has decided to issue the taken. There has been a stream
Express on rl hursdays, beginning 0f war munitions flowing from
with this issue.
j this country into Mexico for four
are bargain months with us, especially
in Odds and Ends, in which w e save
you 50c to $1.50 on shoes that will
A special line o f LO W SH O E S for
Women, Misses and Children, as long
as they last, 65c to $1.85. B etter get
in early for a choice o f sizes.
Our Dollar Day w ill be e ve ry day
from A p ril 1st to July 5th.
Come and have a look.
C. V. B. Russell
Washington County Transfers
Have you registeret ?
The following real estate trans­
fers were recorded with the regis­
ter of deeds at Hillsboro during
the past week:
at the
Forest Grove Shoe Store
John Reinke etux to Frank E. Braga,
SE quar of N E quar of sec 32, 3 N 3,
had our first and only snow­ mighty good to eat, but lots
fun as well, for we cook it all
on February 6th.
Martha J. Whitney et vir to Harvey
w Em merson, W half of S half of lot
in a sort of frying pan o’
“ Today is a national holiday
N i“Xt Week is Oregon products years> But, of course, the manu- 1 , blk 8, Naylor’s add to Forest Grove, and a rather wonderful one it a glowing charcoal fire. It
week. W hat are you going to do ,J<'iuieis anc the dealers who ! $200.
seems to me. It commemorates composed of very thin slices
b e e f a n d various vegetabl
to help the good work along?
14.42 acres in Wm. Jolly D L C, 1 N 3, the coming of the first Emperor
together in a sauce soi
Get your mind to working.
a ^ l‘ ^ ^ 'n substitutes it a gener 1 ^1()
to the throne of Japan, and from
war with Mexico comes. It is the
A. C. Carstens to W . H. EcclesLum-
the first Emperor to the present
Postmaster Robert U irlz says p ()0r devils w h o uphold t h e ber Co., 4.982 acres sec 25, 2 N 4,
with the foum
one the Japanese have had an un­
he II sell as many 2c stamps for a “ honor of the flag” for $15 a $1992.80.
broken line of rulers. Theirs is
dollar as any Washington county month who pay wit h their lives.
w - H- Brown et ux to Ben F-
We go t o a regular gyui
postmaster, just to help along M exico’s boast that it is better ^ 6 " ^ 12 acres and roadway in sec 14, today the oldest dynasty in the
world. And I think it may well restaurant, where the little tal
Dollar Day.
provided with the sinews of war
g. C. Brown et al to A. V. Brown,
make us Americans pause a n d ! have the brazier for the fire si
The weather sharps‘■'ay Oregon * Han this country might well 28.175 acres in A. C. Brown claim,
think a moment, when we realize in the middle of them, and evi
has had, since Jan. 1st, as much weiKh heavily on the conscience 1 N 3 $1750
thing is prepared— w just do
G. M.
M. Lock
Lock et
et ux
ux to
to Anna
Anna C.
C. Speri, that Jimmee Tenns, the first Em­
precipitation a s she usually ; ets of some American kinds of finance
cooking. Te; and f
lot 6, W est Park add to Forest Grove, peror of Japan, ascended the
in a year. But they don’ t say — if they had a conscience.— $ 1 .
finishes the meal, and one
throne in 660 B. C !
Portland News.
when the prccip. will cease.
Anna C. Steri to J. E. May, lot 6,
only to try it to find out
“ How do you think you would
Yes, it’s the same ole story. West Park add to Forest Grove, $10.
good it is and how much one
It ns told the writer tha. shortly , Embalm, d be< f killed more men
H. J. Jackson et ux to G. H. Baldwin like a ‘gyunabe,’ and what do you
e a t! I promise you each a
al, parts of lots 1 and 2, blk 3, For­ guess it is?
It is one of the nabe treat when you come to
before the primary election th ere! (luring the Spanish-American war
Japanese meals which we foreign­ me. Loyally,
is .able to be a letup on blue-law than s - n is h bullets. And the est Grove, $10.
W hat sthe matter?, men who
t rich seIHnfi the
M erriwethtr L. Nicholas, f o r ers like best, and it is not only
Ruth N . Emerson
Somebody p layln gp
nations war supplies, including thirty-live years a resident of
-v * - -
The pressure of competition on rotten food, are always clamoring Portland, who died at his home
people accustomed to a monop-
oly sometimes makes them forget
there is a principle denominated
as “ ethics.” I t ’s hard to teach
an old dog new tricks, anyway.
The prohibitionists of Yamhill
county met at M cM in nville Fri­
day last and nominated a full
county and legislative ticket. It
was the sentiment of the prohibs
t h a t a n aggressive campaign
should I k * made toelect the ticket.
for war, talking of “ avenging the
nation’s insulted honor,” etc., but
they never go to war themselves
and seldom send their sons. I t ’s
the sons of the working people
who eat the rotten food and, if
they are strong enough, stand up
to be shot by bullets sold the
enemy by profit-hungry American
manufacturers. T h in k t h e s e
hings over, brother, before you
join the jingoes and clamor tor
Uncle Sam to enter a war.
$ 10 .
*n that city last Wednesday, came
across t h e plains with J. T.
Hetcher of this city and visited
al the Hetcher home two years
a®P* He came to Oregon in 1864,
being eighteen years of age and
vvas* consequently, i0 years of
a* e when he died
The family
resided for a time in Washington
county. M r. Nicholas is survived
by a widow and one son, Harold,
both of Portland. F ifiy-tw o years
ago last winter, while Sir. Fletcher
was teaching school in Harrison
county, Mo., M r. Nicholas was
one of his pupils.
The Express has been informed
that early next month the sewer IT IS N ’T F A IR
The editor of the Express be-
contractors will in rtase their force
in law enforcement, but he
und push the work to am early
that a “ sia'e law” should
completion. Also that there will
I k * no more bickering and quarj b e what its name implies— it
should apply to all parts of the
railing. G ihk I!
. .
1 state. Si* far as the writer has
M, ' hy " : , ,hat *>ys w ! r can b f » * « > ab!o to learn, there are just
pu tt
ittlc gentlemen around two counties in the state where
home, become noisy ruffians when the old “ blue law” on Sunday
u \ go to a picture sh o w or other closing is enforced
In the past,
place of am usem ent. A number quite a number of auto tourists
of people who were at the DeMoss have visited Forest Grove on Sun-
concert b nday evening are askmg days, the writer is informed, but
M iss Ruth Emerson, who is
known here and who sailed to
Japan last July, writes the follow-
ing letter to the Young Women’s
C h r i s t i a n Association of the
Northwest, of which she is a rep-
resentative in T ok yo :
“ Japan, Feb. 11
“ It is ‘ plum blossom tim e’ in
** tf> 10,1 ’
Dispatches from Washington
under date of March 24 announce
that George R. Mokel has been
nominated as postmaster at North
Portland. Mokel was support'd
by Frank Stott Myers, postmaster
at Portland, and those newspapers
which have been poking fun at
M r. M yers will have to admit he
hasn't lost all his punch.
Japan now, and soon it will be
‘cherry blossom tim e,’ then there
will be the iris and the lotus, one
beautiful succession o f flower
right through to the chrysanthe-
mums and the maples, while dur-
ing the winter we have the bright
caneliu w i t h its shining leaf,
Theoretically spring is supposed to
begin February 4th and in certain
places on the day before. The
them will come this year if
d becomes known that we are too
st'11 lhl m Rasoline or
rvPa*r their cars in cast* o f break-
downs- T h ey will go to places
"h e re they are sure of getting
accomodations. If our sherilT and
count>' attorney are trying to
dr‘ ve business out of Washington
county, they couldn t do it more
effectively than it is now being
A Uw Sundays bxk. M U «
something to read, the editor o t' j uj ” '
the Express went to a local news
An Oregon (iirl
Writes From Japan
?r emoni esJt o fri* hten aw* Y the
a propituous
.. .
, J action, restraining
the attorney
attorney springtime.
springtime. ‘ ‘ In
In reality
reality, however
stund for a magazine. He found und sh. rllT of l.l„„
,m„ .¡„.A . u
w hat he wanted, but was informed interfering with th * ? , U ?- ^ ” 1 sPr*"8
elusive lady
n . unlawful
"oX Zn‘ a
LT , f *
“ wtth “ * a" d < W ‘ P « W in
| comecuoner* and cigar stores on her appearance for awhile.
kor a short time only, in order to get my stock before fitl
public, I am offering eggs from my heavy-laying strain of Trap!
nested Rose-Comb R H O D E IS L A N D R E D S , at
$1.00 per Setting or $3.00 for 50
You C A N buy eggs for less, but ?re they from trap-nested stock'l
As this rate holds but a short time, I would advise you to hurry.]
C all at Forest Grove Express
P. 0. Box D
— --- - -
W . L. Benfer
Phone 821
Forest Grove, Ore.
~ viv^*a4Avvv n
We’ll Make Good
on any promise we make to deliver work on
a given date. The Express has one of the
best equipped little printing plants in the
W illamette valley, having added several
hundred dollars’ worth of material to the
Williams plant for
. . . JOB PRINTING . . .
purposes and more good material is on the
way. The management would very much
nppreciate it if those in need of stationery,
office blanks, or any other kind of printing
would call at the office for samples and
pnees. If you re too busy to come to the
0 ...ct *j1' e ^u‘ Ph°nc and a representative
will call on you.