WORLD’S DOINGS OF CURRENT WEEK SINKING Of SUSSEX TO BE PROBED; DDITICH CFAPIANK PRESIDENT MAY ASK OPEN RUPTURE U N I 11 J l I J L H I L n , , L J ENTENTE ALLIES CONfERENCE IN PARIS Of GREAT IMPORT BROUGHT DOWN ALLIES DEODU DISARM Paris The most important confer­ Washington, D. C — President Wil- ! ence of the entente allies since the out- son’s patience has reached the point j break of the war begun in Paris Mon­ of exhaustion in connection with the i day under the presidency of Premier destruction of passenger-carrying ves-1 Briand. The premiers of Great sels in the European war zone. He is tain, Italy, Belgium and Serbia ticipating. „. gathering all the facts in relation to The British foreign secretary, bir the sinking of the Sussex. When Edward Grey; secretary of war, Field these are in his possession he will de­ Marshal Earl Kitchener, and comman- cide whether to advise congress that ------------ I der of the continental forces, General a situation has arisen which necessi­ Sir Douglas Haigh; the French com- tates a rupture of diplomatic negotia­ tions with Germany. _______ _ ! seats at the council table. Russia is So far as the state department has 1 represented by the foreign minister, been advised the circumstances thus M. Iswolsky, and General Gilensky, Alleged Disregard of far developed: Berlin Claims No Damage Done by aide-de-camp to the emperor; Japan Uve News Items ot All Nations and First—That the quartermaster of Treaties Basis of Reject«] by the Japanese ambassador at Paris, Bombs— Crews of Fliers Made ♦he Sussex saw the torpedo coming Pacific Northwest Condensed and Serbia by Prince Alexander. and sheered away in the hope of es­ Case of Belgium Is Cite! Probably nothing will be disclosed Prisoner — Patrol Sunk. for Our Busy Readers. caping. concerning the questions under discus­ Second—That the three American sion or the decision reached, but it is expected that the allied powers will passengers swear they distinctly saw Washington, D. C.—All of Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, N. come to an agreement concerning com­ tente powers through their Columbus, Ohio, residents are fleeing the wake of the torpedo. Y.—Not fewer than three British hy­ Third—That a bronze fragment was droplanes, among them a fighting aero- j mon military and political actions. th^ lowlands because of the high water here have handed to Secretary' in the Scioto. found on board the Sussex which a plane, were brought down Sunday by j formal responses rejecting the The rainfall at Portland for March French officer says was a part of a German guns on and about the island property DeStfOyCd aild TfaffiC al made by the State dep_ j of Sylt, during an air raid on North-1 r ' — .......... reached 10.91 inches, 1.85 inches less German torpedo. its circular memorandum that'll than March, 1873, the highest figure Lieutenant Smith, the American ern Schleswig, according to a German ter into a modus vivendi and a official communication. The crews on record. naval attache in Paris, has been di­ all of their merchant Bhips were taken prisoner. Chicago — Blizzards, abnormally understanding that the United! Villa is fleeing southward hoping rected to examine the fragment. If Bombs dropped in the district of to reach the Sierras, where, it is his opinion should coincide with that the Hoyer water gate did no damage, warm weather, rain and snow much government would endeavor to I colder weather, all crowded into a few from the central powers a claimed, it will take many months to of the French officer President Wil­ says the statement, which follows : capture him. son will conclude that the circumstan­ “ From two ships, which were ac _ | days, have combined to cause much to attack such unarmed ships sickness distress algo in are Middle squadron and ern 8tates and ploodg now West- u k _ warning and without provi* Failure of senate Republicans to tial evidence is sufficient for action. companied by a cruiser souadron°and the safety of the passengers tg a flotilla of destroyers, five English take any action at a conference on the The German embassy does not be­ Soon after the proposition Mexican situation leaves the adminis­ lieve that a German submarine was hydroplanes started for an attack I ing a toll in human life and destroying broached, through interviews tration unhampered in dealing with responsible for this catastrophe. It is against the German aeronautic estab­ ! property. Northern Illinois cities report many press and otherwise, responsibk the problem. pointed out that there w as no military lishments in Northern Schleswig. ; streets submerged and light and power cials of the entente powers ir1 “ Not fewer than three of them, The senate bill designed to increase advantage to be gained by the sinking stations out of commission. Warnings their decided opposition to such of the Sussex. In case of the improb­ among which was a fighting aeroplane, the number of cadets at West Point able, however, it is declared positively are issued in Chicago and all the It was generally believed was ordered favorably reported by the that the German government will dis­ were forced down by the defensive I Northern Illinois territory of immi­ the unanimous expression of d service on and about the island of Sylt. house military committee, with a few avow the act of the submarine com­ Eastern Iowa al inspired the German gov The occupants of the machines, who nent peril of typhoid. minor changes. mander, punish him, offer reparation were made prisoners, are four English and Southern Michigan, Northern In- i ; to promulgate the new order Turkey has informed the United and satisfy the American government officers and one non-commissioned offi­ diana and Ohio are also facing typhoid now is in force for attacks conditions. States it was not a submarine of the that the outrage was in direct viola­ cer. warning by submarine comrr tion of the instructions issued by the Dispatches from Southwestern Wis­ any armed belligerent merchi: Ottoman government which sank the German “ Bombs were thrown only in the admiralty. liner Persia in the Mediterranean last But the president is at the point district of the Hoyer water gate. No consin accentuate recent reports of j While Secretary Lansing said flood damage. Seven have been | not had any opportunity as yet it winter with loss of American life. where such steps are of no conse- * damage was done.” drowned, with many districts entirely sjder the formal replies, it quence. The fact is that Germany gave I The British infantry storms and London — Three British aeroplanes \ inaccessible. Almost one-eighth of | that, though based on different assurances that passenger take the first and second line German explicit would not be torpedoed without which took part in a raid on German the state is affected. Reports tell of of reasoning, each of the trenches along a front of 600 yards at ships warning, nor sunk until passengers [ St. Eloi. The British official com­ and crew had had an opportunity to I airships in Schleswig-Holstein Sunday one drowned in Rock county, one in powers has with polite exp are missing. Richland county and one in Grant munication gives this information. escape. If Germany should deny that ; A dispatch says that two German county. Two perished when a bridge regret declined to accept the The nature of their objections : R. C. Stoddard, of Vancouver, B. C., any of her submarines committed the! armed trawlers acting as patrols were gave way. Others were drowned try­ dicated in the unofficial stats outrage, which is regarded as extreme­ and two other passengers were seri­ probable, the administration will | sunk by the British outside Sylt har­ ing to get through flooded streams by various officials when the ously injured when the Wolverine ly fording. have to rely upon circumstantial evi-1 bor. memorandum was submitted, Flyer, on the Michigan Central rail­ dence. Such evidence, it is pointed I The admirality also reports that a One in Grant county died trying to understood that they7 have simp!; way, jumped the track near Kalama­ out, is stronger than a denial. torpedo-boat may have been in collis­ lead his cattle from the stable to the elaborated in the communicati: zoo, Mich. The administration knows further j ion with another of its own fleet in the hills, when they became so freightened fore the State department English submarines were op-1 venture. No fears for the crew are that they trampled him^to death The British steamer Manchester En­ that no in It was contended in the the channel and it scouts entertained. gineer, from Philadelphia March 11 orating discussions that Germany’s as impossible the suggestion that one for Manchester, has been sunk, accord­ of these vessels fired the fatal tor­ The following official statement was for treaties and other formal ing to information received by I.loyds. pedo. In the first place the British issued: tions as evinced by her tri “ An attack by British seaplanes was j The members of the crew were taken government would hardly jeopardize Belgium had made it unsafe to aboard a tug. the lives of its own subjects as well delivered Sunday morning on German | any German pledge. The fi _____ airship sheds in Schleswig-Holstein I as those of its ally. Again the British M îhs Catherine Prehm, editor and Washintgon, D. C.—President Wil- object urged, however, was that government does not use the bronze j eastward of the island of Sylt. The publisher of the Merrill, Ore., Record, torpedoes employed by the Gormans. | seaplanes were conveyed to their ren_ ' son has issued a warning that “ sinis­ should be no change in the pro was arrested in Klamath Falls on a Nor could Germany shift the blame to ! dezvous close to the Greman coast by j ter and unscrupulous influences” are of international law during the charge of disturbing the |>eace by at­ one of her allies—Austro-Hungary or an escorting force of light cruisers and spreading alarmist reports about the ress of hostilities such as would tempting to horsewhip George Brad- Bulgaria. Neither of these powers has destroyers under Commodore Tyrwhitt. Mexican situation with the object of volved in the acceptance of the nark, editor and publisher of the Mer­ submarines in the Atlantic. “ Three of the seaplanes which took forcing intervention by the United vivendi at this time. rill Times. I part in the attack are missing. The States “ in the interests of certain destroyer Medusa was in collision with American owners of Mexican proper­ Twelve men at Kelly's Butte, a 1 the destroyer Lavrock and it is feared ties.” workhouse for Portland prisoners, es­ _____ which ____ pre- __ 1 In a formal statement the President that in the stormy weather caped by sawing the bars of a cell. vailed the Medusa may have been lost, I the people of the United States to Douglas, Ariz. — Three The exit was only 7 inches Hquare, therefore a large number of heavy­ Spokane, Wash.—Shortly after the but no misgivings are felt as to the be on their guard and not credit such two women and one man, wen weight prisoners were detained. The Northwest preparedness conference safety of the crew. Two German stories. He urged those who dissem­ near Gibson’s line ranch on the break was not discovered until day­ began here Tuesday a telegram was armed patrol vessels were sunk by our inate news to test the source and au­ Mexico-Mexico boundary, eight thenticity of every report from the west of Columbus, N. M., destroyers. light. j received from the war department at “ No detailed report has yet been re- border, and called attention again to and 5 o’clock Wednesday, The most sensational of the Mann i Washington instructing army officers ceived, but from Danish press dis- the government’s announcement that by Mexicans, according to the: act cases in Chicago since the passage not to take part In the conference. The patches it would appear that this sole object of the punitive expedi brought here by a party of fiw of that law, involving William Rufus on now >n Mexico was to punish las people, who said they «ra­ Edwards, a wealthy St. Paul lumber­ telegram was received too late to af­ \ operation, which was carried out with- ‘* Villa and his followers. in the enemy’s waters, achieved its the scene shortly after the fect the appearance of Lieutenant-Col- man, as defendant and Miss Ada Cox The news services supplying news- been removed by soldiers. ms complaining witness, was begun be­ I onci David J. Baker, Jr., of Vancouver ¡ °bject. ! papers had been asked, the President A command of United State fore United States District Judge An­ ITarracks. who spoke on the necessity said, to assist in keeping this view diers stationed at the Gib*« derson. j of adequate protection for the north­ constantly before the Mexican and was said to have crossed the American people, to the end that the pursuit of the slayers. The literacy test, barring, with a ern Pacific states. Preparedness questions affecting the j expedition should take on the color of few exceptions, all aliens over 16 years The automobilists were on •. Pacific Northwest from the viewpoint 1 war. old, physically capable of reading, who j of ure trip. Near the ranch the? and naval officers featured San Antonio, Tex.—Six persons lost j cannot read the English language or the military stopped by a Twelfth Czvih? addresses despite the telegram some other language or dialect, was , from the war department. Under the their lives early Sunday in the burning i who advised them to go to th of the fashionable San Antonio Coun- > approved by the house working as the circumstances pains were taken by the house immediately so that the - Portland—After striking a 30-foot ment there could afford them committee of the whole, by a vote of officers to say nothing that could be try club. Five of the victims were guests at „ having „» „u s a I. political effect, , ... ... .. - , sunken log, which tore a huge hole in tion. They were guarded st the 225 to 82. This presaged the passage construed as of the bill by an overwhelming major­ or bearing on the measures now be- the club, which was the scene of sev- j her hull at the port bow, the steamer all night by Beven trooper« «* ; eral week-end parties, bringing to- Twin ‘ Cities, ---- of The Dalles-Columbia arrived there from Hachita, >’• - ity despite the record of Presidential fore congress Delegates were present from Wash -1 gather a large number of persons , l>ne. began to sink near the mouth of response to the alarm given d* vetoes of several similar measures on ington. Oregon, Montana. Idaho and prominent in social and business cir- North Portland harbor Saturday night. account of the literacy test. three bodies had been found, Wyoming. The conference elected N. cles to the Southwest. She was successfully beached after £ Villa is reported to have held up a W. Durham, of Spokane, chairman: ! The dead are: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. struggle. Quick work on the part of civilians passed a sleeples« n train and searched it for Americans, iTank W. Hammond, of Seattle, sec Waltham, Judge J. E. Webb, Homer the officers in charge, and the coolness ting in the car, while the ■ rotary, and P. N. Bernard, of Kalispeli, j Jones, San Antonio; Mrs. Maco Stew­ crouched around them in the. but found none. of the members of the crew, prevented rain on guard. Peals of thunfc Mont., assistant secretary. art. Galveston; Helen Cockrell, maid loss of life. intermittent flashes of Iightra« tine of the American columns pene­ Colonel Baker was not in uniform, at the club. in the preamble of his address re­ The 10 passengers aboard, and the trated 50 miles into Mexico before it and The fire had its origin in a collection livestock which formed part of the creased the apprehension of th* ferred to the fact that he spoke only i en. was discovered by the natives. as a private citizen. In speaking of I of paint stored in the basement of the cargo, were landed in safety before The soldiers told them that * the Japanese question. Colonel Baker three-story frame clubhouse. It spread the vessel settled in the shallower Congress avoids any unnecessary said; ies of the two women and a B* quickly to a stairway leading to the discussion of the Mexican question, "l think there is danger of trouble 1 first floor and rapidly communicated water near the bank. The steamer lay been found in an automobile "*■ but is ready to authorize war measures with partially submerged at the south bank, ranch, but they did not know *!*’, Japan through the Ignorance, ar -1 to the other two floors above. at a moment's notice. rogance and narrowness of our own I About 15 guests asleep in the build­ | near ‘he mouth of the North Portland position had been made of thet people on this coast who lack knowl-1 ing had narrow escapes, many jumping harbor. A portion of the rail around ter daylight they were allowed A dispatch to the Balkan agency edge the upper deck was awash and the of the Japanese and therefore They ' from Bucharest says the chief clerk of misunderstand and misjudge them.’’ from the second story windows, so water, which was rising rapidly, was ceed toward Hachita. stop there, they said, to make quick was the spread of flames. the American legation at Sofia is re­ expected to flood the passenger cabins. about the affair. ported to have been arrested by the Wilhelm Honors Sultan. Bulgarian authorities, accused of giv- j Villa General Is Killed. Fires Worst In Oregon. Steamer Englishman Su”*- ing a present to an employe for using Berlin. (By wireless to Sayville. N. Queretaro, Mexico — General Pedro Washington. D. C— More than 72 greater haste than ordinary in issuing V.) The semi-official Overseas News Gozman ami 22 others, all members of London—The steamer Engli^ pass |x>rts. agency has received advices from Con­ Villa’s band, were killed in battle in per cent of all the damage done by of the Dominion line, has bee« forest fires in government forest re­ stantinople confirming reports that Men of the Hungarian landsturm Field Marshal von Maok.nsen had the neighborhood of Laguna and Dina­ serves during 1915 was in Oregon, ac­ according to Lloyd’s. It is ** born in 1868 and 1869 and also the reached that city on a mission, given mita Sunday. In this action between cording to a bulletin just issued by the thus far 68 survivors have men E»elonging to the classes of 1865 him by Emperor William, to pre­ government forces and bandits 10 pris­ Forest service. During the past year counted for. The last record * ami 1897, who hitherto have been em­ sent to the Sultan the Field Marshal's oners also were taken and summarily Torest fires burned over 300,000 acres steamer Englishman shows vf sailed from Portland, Me.. F* ployed in making war materials, now baton which the emperor had bestowed executed. This information came in a land*7 and destroyed 17, for St. Nazaire and Av< . are dismissed from this service and upon the Turkish ruler. The dispatch message to the minister of war. Gen­ eral Obregon. who was informed that $190 °f timber’ Valued at The Englishman was a vess«* ordered to join the army on April 5, describes the Field Marshal’s reeep- the campaign against the Villistas was $190,000 The report says that 87 per tons and was owned by the Mi«**; according to a Reuter dispatch. cent of the total loas was confined to & Dominion Steamship tion as moat enthusiastic. being waged with the utmoet vigor Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Liverpool She was built» 18,1 Secretary Lansing’s Dismantle Guns Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. German Aviators Defeat Three of fleet of five Raiders. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS ¡N A NUISUEU LONDON ADMITS 10SS Of DESTROYER " ENTENTE POWERS Pflffl , ' Blocked by Middle West Floods President Wilson Warns Public Against Mexican War Rumors Delegates Talk Preparedness; Gag Order Comes Too late Three Americans Killed on Six Lose lives in Exclusive Country Club Conflagration Steamer Hits log; Sinks.