Miss Gladys Bloomer is visit­ Mr. David Marsh spent Thurs­ ing the family of her uncle, Dan day in Portland. W e have ju st R eceiv ed a C arload of We will insure your auto against Gunsolus, in Portland. New arrivals in fancy blouses, fire, theft and collision. Hancock waists and neckwear at Mrs. & Wiles. 9-tf Richards', two doors west of post- Ralph Oglesby was in from the office. including a couple o f n ew sty le s. W e have a Seavy-Johnson hop yard Satur­ sam ple o f each set up and in v ite inspection. The Sunday schools of Wash­ day. ington county will hold their an- Roy and Cliff Thompson were n u a 1 convention at Sherwood in your home! A bank ac­ among the Hillsiders in town Sat-| March 31 and April 1. count makes for Home E f­ ficiency and Economy. urday The Portland Oregonian six When you pay the bills o f R. C. and C. L . Walker played days a week and the Forest Grove Use L ily ’s S olu b le S u lp h u r S p r a y . W e have the grocer, the butcher, the for a big K. of P. dance at Y am ­ Express once a week for only sold tw en ty barrels o f this the p ast week. We $6.00 a year. baker and all other bills by hill Saturday night. check, you know just how also have a n y th in g fro m a h an d -p ow er bucket Miss Grace Thomas and Mr. Orders taken f o r whipping much it costs to run your Alva Patten, former students of sprayer to a p o w e r m achine. G ive us a call, cream, by pint or quart, at Shear­ home ; besides, a check is a P . U. but now teachers in the if you w ant only in form a tion . er’s Confectionery. 8-4 receipt. Hillsboro High School, visited Miss Elizabeth Beach, of Port­ friends in Forest Grove Sunday. If you haven’ t a bank ac­ land, visited with her sister, Mrs. O ur new line o f B a seb a ll G o o d s and Fish­ count. start one without de­ Mrs. Gfenn Potwin went up to S. L. Carlyle Sunday. in g T a ck le is in. C om e and see them . lay. Schofield yesterday to keep house A free lecture on “ Landscape for her husband and brother-in- Gardening” at the Star Theater law, who are employed at the next Monday afternoon, at 2:30. Standard camp. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Littler vis­ Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hancock ited in Portland Sunday with the F orest G rov e, O re. and Dr. and Mrs. Crowthers of latter’s mother, Mrs. Mary Salt- Cornelius visited at the home of P h o n e 683 marsh. Member Federal Reserve Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Hancock Mrs. Emil Carlson, who lives in this city Sunday. at the home of Mrs. L. S. Phillips, Clarence Ortman, who was in­ Record-Breaking Lemon DILLEY NEWS NOTES spent Saturday with friends in CONDENSED NEWS NOTES jured two weeks ago today, when The first o f the week Roy Portland. The matrons o f Riverside his horse fell with him, is report­ Thomas brought us a record Job printing— phone 821 Prof. G. E. Murphy went to meets with Mrs. Mel Hiatt of ed considerably improved, being town, Wednesday, March 22. Hancock & Wiles carry Life, Portland Saturday and delivered able to walk about on crutches. ! breaking lemon received f r o m Earl Tupper will move his fu. Harry Gordon Russell, of Santa Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf to a Portland customer a large Johns where he has bought I am paying the highest market Cruz, Cal. Mr. Russell was for­ St. shoe store. Found— Gold cuff link. Gan order of Dr. Bishop’s early flowers, price for butter and eggs and am merly a prominent farmer of this be recovered at Express office. Mrs. J. W. Kyle and son, H „ . .. i , , The public is invited to the selling from my wagon fresh fish and Miss Edna Lilly of Gales ! locality, but is now engaged in were visiting at the Sutford home Get y»ur lime and sulphur d £ be iven b the Knights sprays at Littler s Pharmacy. and Ladies of Security next Wed- every day. Oscar Burnworth, I fruit growing in California. He Sunday. The Misses Riley of Dilley vis- nesday evening, March 22. Tick- the Grove fish man; phone 62. has practically made himself in -; The play “ Uncle Rube” gr the students o f the Dilley school Mrs. G. H. Garrett and son, dependent, raising record-break­ night at the Artisan hall, was c ited at the George Hancock home ets 50c. 10-It Sunday. Mrs. L. S. Phillips left Thurs- George, of Portland, were visiting ing lemons of the Panderosa vari­ some class for amateurs, and the was crowded which was very We will insure your auto against day to spend a few weeks with with friends in this city the first ety. This lemon grows almost to ing to those that helped with the fire, theft and collision. Hancock her son in Tillamook City. She of the week. The Garretts for­ the size of a grapefruit and is It was surprising, the talent the youngsters displayed. & V. iles. 9-tf will also visit her daughter who merly were residents of Forest very juicy. We certainly have to 1 Ernest W o lf was a Portland Just Arrived— A fresh supply of resides at Hemlock. Grove. hand it to Mr. Russell when it ■ Saturday. Whitmans Chocolates, the best Mrs. C. A. Brodersen will en Mr. and Mrs David Martin comes to raising lemons. If you would know more about made, at Littler’s Pharmacy. the G. L. R. club at her home have moved to Willamina, where It is reported to the Express day. Walter Roswurm left Saturday how to beautify your lawns and the former is employed. Mrs. that one certain Dilleyite, name \ Clifford Boyd and Ernest Wolf I grounds, hear Prof Peck at the for a business trip through the a business trip to Gaston Monday Star theatre Monday afternoon, Martin, before her marriage. wa> not learned, has come to the c o n -: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin are state of Washington. Miss Rosale Garrett and lived elusion that the next time he ing with relatives at Gales C: at 2:30. The lecture is free. For Sale— W h i t e Wyandotte week. here. carried bottled goods in one cer­ Rubber is cheaper now than It is reported that Fred P hens, cheap. Ringhouse strain. A. Berg, who closed his grocery Lelah Stew art went to Portia« some months ago and those need­ tain suit case he will see that the Mrs. J. E. Pogue, phone 0145. week and were married. Well, we ing rubber tires for their buggies store a month ago and moved the The Express is prepared to meet should get them now. Stribich & stock to Portland, was in the city fastenings are secure. Last Sat­ you luck, youngsters. urday evening, on arriving a t ! Mr. and Mrs. Albert tail* the prices of traveling calendar Son do that kind of work right; Monday, packing and loading the Stringtown attended the perf salesmen in lots of 100 or more. also all kinds of blacksmithing and fixtures for shipment. He is lo­ Dilley from the east, this certain o f “ Uncle R u be” at Dilley party alighted rather abruptly night. 10-tf A daughter was born last Fri­ wood work. cated in Kenton-Portland and is and his suit case became u n -: Mrs. Frank Maury and day to Mrs Lawrence Burke, a F. L. Armentrout, who is giving doing nicely. W olf were shopping in the Grove fastened, spilling out a quart bot­ urday. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. L. G. moving picture shows at the var­ Mrs. Martha Sutford was up tle containing an amber-colored Morley. Mr. Vanderbrook is expec ious towns in Washington county, from Dilley Monday and reports liquid. His enemies are sure he move to the Earl Tupper homes Miss Angie Harrington and lit- has arranged to be at Dilley every that the school pupils realized has been carrying whiskey and his as it is vacated. tie niece, Esther Barber, of Hills- Tue day night and at Gaston friends are afraid he has. better than $30 from their play, If Price and Quality Are boro, visited with the former’s every Wednesday night. He is The Woman’s Club has secured ‘ Uncle Rube,” given at Artisan I Can Sell You S sister, Mrs. W. F Stockman, in said to be giving excellent enter- hall Friday evening. She says all Prof. A. L. Peck, head of the de­ this city Sunday. tainments. Come and see the the youngsters did well with their partment of Horticultural, O. A. boys’ shoes just receiv C., to give an illustrated lecture parts. and 60 styles, in blacl Mrs. A. G Hoffmap entertained on “ Landscape Gardening, as Ap­ most all eastern-mat Mrs. Dr A. K. Higgs and Mrs. plied to Local Conditions,” at the prices, $2.25 to $3.5( that we are exclusive selling agents in Forest Grove for Clapsidell of Portland at dinner Star theatre, March 27th, at 2.30 $3.00 to $5.00 for m Friday evening. The l a d i e s p. m. 1 here will be no admission call and let me sho were also in attendance at the charged, and we urge everyon e above shoes. This implement can be used as a cultivator in six lunch their hostess gave during to come to this most instructive! lecture. L. A. FLET< different ways and as a seeder as w ell: absolutely the afternoon for the benefit of the best garden tool we have ever seen. Jacob Huber, prominent farmer 11‘ tf Forest the M . E. Aid Society fund. and old resident of Beaverton, All Kinds of Miss Margaret Jom was laid at rest Saturday in the Rebekahs Plan Good Time Portland Friday with F A R M A N D G A K D K N IM P L E M E N T S At the la