The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 22, 1916, Image 7

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lung and Army Start
Ui After Bandits.
Litter Obtained Later Than Au*
State Capitol, Salem—Another ses­
Portland— Wheat — Bluestem, 98c;
sion of the state credits conference
gust Seldom Is Profitable.
doubtless will be called within the forty fold, 90c; club, 90c; red fife, 90c;
next few months to adopt the form in (
Hay—Eastern Oregon t’mothy, $20 Brood Sow Should Be Fed Liberally
which the proposed constitutional
amendments indorsed by the conven­ @21 per ton; valley timothy, $16; al-1 Until Tim e for Parturition Ap­
tion, which closed here Saturday, falfa, $20.
proaches— Wean the Pigs at
Millfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $23@ l
shall be submitted to the people.
About Eight Weeks.
Meanwhile two committees will
work in conjunction with the attorney rolled barley, $31.50@32.50.
The best m o n th s for b reed in g swine
Corn—Whole, $37 per ton; cracked.
general on the drafts of the proposed
are April, Ju ly or A ugust. A litte r of
measures that are to place the pro­ $38.
V eg etab les— A rtichokes, 75@90e p er I pigs o btained la te r th a n A ugust has
posed amendments in operation.
If a m a jo rity of th e com m itteem en dozen; tom atoes, $4@ 4.25 per c r a te ; | m uch to contend w ith and seldom
d e term in e s th a t th e ir w ork should be cabbage, $1.25 @ 2.25 per hundred; proves profitable. It is n o t a good pol­
Excellent Jelly, Marmalade and Paste
Prepared From a Mixture of Cran­
berries and Apples— Economy
in the Scheme.
It is often a decided advantage to
th e h o u se k ee p er to make Jelly out of a
co m bination of fruits—sometimes be­
cau se th e com bined flavor may be
p referab le to e ith e r a lo n e and some­
review ed by th e w hole conference be­ garlic, 10c p er pound; peppers, 17 J@ ! icy, how ever, to throw an y th in g aw ay. ' tim es b ecau se it m ay be m o re eco­
fore it goes before th e people, th e con­ 20c; eg g p lan t, 22 Jc; sprouts, 8@ 9c; If you should a t any tim e have a la te [ nom ical, as, fo r In stan ce, w h en sh e
re to “ Wipe Out Villa and feren
ce w ill be called to g e th e r again. horseradish, 8 Jc; cauliflow er, $1.15@ litte r leave th em w ith th e sow, feed h as too little of e ith e r fru it to use fo r
e etin g adjourned a m a­ 2.25; celery, $4.50 per c ra te ; lettu ce, both h e r an d th em w ith w arm , stim u- ! th is purpose, or, to c ite a n o th e r in ­
Organization"— Other En- jo r ity of th e th m
e d eleg a tes seemed to ex ­ $2.25; cucum bers, $ 1.25@ 1.50; sp in ­ latin g food an d you can by so doing stan ce, w hen sh e w ish es to extend
ach, $ 1@1.15 per box; asp arag u s, 15 (it have good pork, w ith w hich to m eet ; th e flavor of som e sp ecial fru it as
pect a fu tu re m eeting.
^ ^ je m e n t s Are Expected.
Since th e convention now has d e te r­ 17Jc per pound; rh ubarb, $2.25@ 2.75j
quince th ro u g h a c o n sid erab le amount
m ined th a t i t w an ts tw o sep arate per box; peas, 12Jc per pound.
of m ateria l less highly flavored, as
P o tato es — Oregon, $ 1.40@ 1.50 per
m easu res— one providing a system of
Smn 4ixitonio, T e x .— G eneral John J . ru ra l c re d its and th e o th e r providing sack ; Y akim as, $1.50@ 1.75; sw eets,
An ex c ellen t co m b in atio n for home­
w ith m ore than 4000 troops,
s ta te aid fo r irrig a tio n and d rain a g e— $3.25@ 3.50 per hundred.
m ade jelly, acco rd in g to th e hom e eco­
p u rsu it into M exico T hurs-
th e com m ittees have th e ir work defi­
nom ics e x p e rts of th e d e p a rtm e n t who
'rancisco V illa.
G eneral
n ite ly outlin ed fo r them , and th e re st $1.50 f. o. b. ship p in g point.
have been stu d y in g th e u ses of differ­
re p o rt th a t he and his corn-
A pples— S pitzen b erg s, e x tr a fancy,
of th e d eleg a tes are hopeful th a t h a r­
en t fru its, is c ra n b e rry w ltt apple.
crossed the in te rn a tio n a l
m ony a t a fu tu re m eetin g w ill rep lace
Equal q u a n titie s of c ra n b e rrie s a n d of
line ju s t south of Columbus
th e fric tio n th a t w as so ap p a ren t in $ 1.25@ 1.50; Yellow N ew tow ns, e x tra
cu t up Into sm all p ieces should
G eneral Funston here. Re-
th e sessions of th e last few days, ca r­ fancy, $2; fancy, $1.75; choice, $1.35
be Ju st covered w ith w a te r and boiled
ro g ress in the country w here
ry in g both issues to a successful con­
until th e fru it Is s o f t S tra in th e juice
ih has been begun w ill be clusion a t th e polls.
1.60; W inesaps, choice, $ 1.15@ 1.35;
th ro u g h cheesecloth. Add to th e pulp
eneral P ersh in g to G eneral
T he convention, so fa r as ca rry in g S taym an, choice, $1.25@ 1.35.
th e sam e am o u n t of w a te r as a t first,
but it is not expected th ese
E g g s — Jo b b in g p rice s:
O regon
out th e purposes for w hich i t w as
boll th e pulp a second tim e, s tra in as
equent or deal w ith any but
called to g e th er, v irtu ally concluded its
before, and com bine th e tw o lots of
im p o rta n t developm ents.
w ork F rid a y night. By rem a in in g in uncandled, 18c per dozen.
juice. Add th ree -fo u rth s as much su­
G eorge A. Dodd, heading a
P o u ltry — H ens, 16@17c per pound; !
session u n til 1 o’clock in th e m orning
g ar by m e a su re to th e Juice, and boil
lumn th a t en tered M exico
th e resolutions ex p ressin g th e policy
again. T h e Jelly Is done w hen a few
an c e w est of Columbus, also
of th e conference finally w ere adopted. 25c; tu rk ey s, live, 18@ 20c; tu rk ey s, j
drops ta k e n up w ith a m ixing spoon
in a southerly d irectio n and
T he session w as devoted to th e de­ dressed, choice, 24@ 25c; ducks, 13@ !
will flake on th e spoon as It cools in­
forces should be w ith in
ta il of c re atin g tw o co m m ittees th a t
stead of dropping off of iL P our the
each o th e r before m any days,
B u tte r — P ric es fro m w holesaler to |
shall have charge of th e p relim in ary
jelly Into g la sses w hich h av e ju s t been
im e it is expected an in fa n try
le g isla tiv e work. I t also w as intended
sterilized in boiling w a te r and th o r­
ill hold th e line of commun-
as so rt of a harm ony m eetin g , b ut prin ts, 60-pound case lots, stan d ard ’
oughly d rained. Seal th e g la sses in
ng w hich m otor tru c k s fo r
th e re w as harm ony only in th e seem ­ grades, 35c; low er grades, 32c; O re- ;
H ealthy T rio of P orkers.
th e o rd in ary way.
p o rtatio n of am m unition and
in g a tte m p t of both fa c tio n s to d r ift
T he pulp w hich rem ain s a fte r the
jwill be operated.
lots, stan d ard m akes, 32@ 3 4 c; low er th e m a rk e t w hen th a t a rtic le Is at
f a r th e r ap a rt.
Juice h a s been d rain ed off for jelly oau
P e rsh in g ’s re p o rt of his en-
So th e belief is p re tty g en e ral th a t,
bo used to m ake ex cellen t "m arm a­
ito M exico served to dispel to
a f te r an in terim of a few m onths, th e i less. P rices paid by jo b b e rs to pro- i quently profitable.
lade,” o r “fru it cheese," as old-tim e
x te n t fe a rs th a t had been en-
d eleg ates w ill have had tim e to fo rg e t I d u cers: Cubes, e x tra s, 30@ 31c; firsts, ! T h e period cf g estatio n in th e sow
h o u sek eep ers called it.
T he pulp
in some q u a rte rs th a t re sis t-
th e ir m inor differences and th a t th e y j
varies. T he m ost usual period d u rin g I should be p assed th ro u g h n sieve, an
id be offered by th e troops of
w ill be ready to u n ite in th e ir d e te r- j
w hich she c a rrie s h e r young is four equal w eight of su g a r added to It,
cto governm ent. Colonel Ber-
V eal— Fancy, 9J@ 10c per pound.
m ination to conduct an ag g re ssiv e and
n ar m onths, o r 16 w eeks, o r about and boiled un til It Is th ick an d firm.
com m anding officer of th e
P o rk — Fancy, lO Jc per pound.
co-operative effort to e n a c t th e p ro ­
113 days.
g arriso n a t Palom as, on th e
It m u st be s tirre d fre q u en tly so that
posed am endm ents into law .
T he ru n of litte rs, as to num bers, is it will n o t burn. T he th ick m a rm a­
e o f th e line, joined G eneral
Sum m arized, th e w ork of th e con- j 1916 co n tracts, llj@ 1 2 e .
Wool— E a ste rn Oregon, 20@30c per ! from eig h t to 12 pigs, though they lade should be poured in to freshly-
vention is about as fo llo w s:
xce w as only some 400 men,
valley, 27@ 28c; m ohair, O re- | som etim es exceed th e m axim um n um ­ scalded g lasses o r Jars. W hile the
An am endm ent to th e co n stitu tio n
ber nam ed. T h e sow, how ever, c a n ­ color Is not quite so good as Jelly,
w ere rep o rted to have dis-
en ab in g th e sta te to lend its c re d it to gon, 28@29e.
not give n o u rish m e n t to m ore pigs th e flavor Is d istin ctiv e and good, and
illin g n ess and even eag ern ess
a ru ra l cre d its system w as proposed.
th an she h as te a ts ; and as th e n u m b er such "fru it ch e ese” Is delicious when
th e chase.
An am endm ent to th e co n stitu tio n j
of te a ts is 12, w hen a th irte e n th pig sp read on bread and b u tte r o r when
dy th e M exican troops w ill
en a b lin g th e s ta te to use its cre d it fo r I C a ttle — P rim e steers, $7.50@ 8.10;
is litte re d one of th e 13 does n o t fare used fo r filling bread-and-butter sand­
nder th e ir own com m ander,
irrig a tio n and d rain ag e w as proposed. choice, $6.50@ 7.50; good, $6.75@ 7;
very well, as h e o r sh e h a s to w ait w iches. If less su g ar Is added In m ak ­
al of th em a re bein g em ploy-
T he bonds to be sold u nder e ith e r or !
u n til som eone of th e m o re fo rtu n a te ing m arm alade, It can be used In place
u ts by G eneral P ersh in g .
both of th ese plans are n o t to exceed $6.50@ 6.75; m edium , $5.25@ 6; h e if­
b ro th e rs or s is te rs sh all h av e had th e ir of fresh or dried apples for Brown
1 P e rsh in g has gone into Mex-
in th e a g g re g a te 2 per cent of th e ers, $4@ 7; bulls, $2.50@ 5; stag s, $3!
fill. T he su fferer u n d er such condi­ B etty an d sim ila r fru it puddings.
orders to w ipe o u t V illa and assessed valu atio n of th e sta te .
@ 5.25.
ization. U nless orders to th e
H ogs — L ig h t, $8.50 @ 9 ; heavy, tio n s is, of course, th e sm allest and
A com m ittee co n sistin g of J . D.
are received fro m those high- Brow n,
w eakest.
A too nu m ero u s litte r is
On Ironing Day.
p resid e n t of th e F a rm e rs ’ j $7.50@8.
h o rity th an G eneral Funston,
S heep—Y earlin g s, $7@ 8; ew es, $6; g en erally u n d ersized and w eakly and
One will find It a g re a t help on Iron­
U nion; C. E. Spence, m a ste r of th e !
aig n th a t has now begun w ill
seldom or n ev e r profitable. A litte r in g day to have a goodly su p p ly of
S ta te G range, and T. H. B urchard, @ 7; lam bs, $8@ 9.25.
u n til V illa is captured or
n ot exceeding te n will usually be clo th es h an g e rs a t hand. As soon as
p resid en t of th e S ta te F ed era tio n of j
No lim its have been placed on Labor, w as appointed to w ork w ith th e i
found to tu rn o ut m ost advantageously. a g arm e n t Is Ironed, slip It over a
Wool Season Opens.
of operations.
So long as th e sow is carry in g h er hanger. E ach h an g e r will hold a n u m ­
a tto rn e y gen eral in d r a f tin g th e pro- j
wool season is g e ttin g un- j young feed h e r ab u n d an tly , and in­ b e r of th e sam e kind of g arm e n ts, and
a, A riz.— N um erous rep o rts
d er w ay in th e Y ak im a country, w here j cre ase th e q u an tity u n til p artu ritio n in p u ttin g th e clo th es aw ay all that Is
th e ru ra l cre d its plan.
th e U n ited
S ta te s
m ili- i
sh e a rin g has sta rte d .
T he few sales ; approaches w ith in a w eek o r so, when n ecessary Is to p lace th e h an g e rs In
h o ritie s h ere T h ursday th a t
e in price up it is well to dim inish both th e quan­ th e c lo s e t in th is w ay m any pieces
llion has broken o u t am ong tion, w as au thorized to ap p o in t a com- ! to 27 cents, are in line w ith q u o tatio n s tity and th e quality, le st th e acquisi­ do n o t h av e to be handled tw ice, and
m itte e of th ree m em bers— one d ra in ­
nza troops a t Cabullona, 18
elsew h ere fo r th is class of wool.
tion of fa t should be productive of w rinkled clo th es a re avoided.
th of here.
A m ericans here age m an and tw o irrig a tio n m en—to I S h earin g w ill not begin in E astern d an g er; but w hile she is giving suck
usly distu rb ed .
Deviled Onions.
d r a ftin g th e proposed co n stitu tio n al O regon u n til ab o u t th e m iddle of n ex t th e sow can n o t be fed too well. T he
M ince six cold boiled onions fine,
am endm ent fo r s ta te aid to irrig a tio n m onth, and in th e m ean tim e i t is n o t : pigs m ay be w eaned a t eig h t w eeks,
th o u g h t th a t m uch business can be p u t | rem oving them for th a t pu rp o se from m ake a th ic k sau ce of one teasp o o n fu l
and d rain ag e.
T he com m ittees also w ill have pow­ th ro u g h , as buyers and sellers are th e sow. T hey should be fed well, flour, ono tablespoonful b u tte r and
e r to d r a f t th e proposed in itia tiv e a p a rt in m ost sections. Isidor Kosh- frequently, ab u n d an tly and sufficiently tw o -th ird s of a cupful of m ilk. To th is
m easures th a t w ill ca rry th e proposed land, of P o rtlan d , has co n tracted for —n ot m ore—on m oist, n u tritio u s add th e m inced onion and finely
am endm ents in to effect, and to call 50,000 fleeces in B ak er county a t 20 to foods, and p a rtic u la r a tte n tio n should m ashed yolks of tw o hard-boiled eggs,
21 cents, and also secured 10,000 be paid to th e ir lodgm ent. A warm, one tablespoonful chopped p arsley and
ngton, D. C .— T hom as A. Edi- an o th er convention if necessary.
fleeces a t Condon. T his and th e S tan ­ dry com fortable bed is of fully as a seaso n in g of s a lt and p ap rik a. B ut­
th e house naval com m ittee
“ So f a r as p o ssib le” th e com m ittees
field sale alread y rep o rted is th e ex ­ m uch consequence as feeding, if not te r scallop sh ells, fill w ith th e mixture,
r th a t w ith a fu lly equipped are authorized to co-operate.
esearch la b o ra to ry w ith facil-
i sp rin k le w ith b read cru m b s and brown.
The convention closed as it had pro­ te n t of th e business done in O regon to even more.
sta n d ard iz atio n ,
m achine ceeded from th e s ta r t—divided de­ d ate. T h ere has n o t been as much
sub m arin es and aeroplanes cisively on one issue, th a t of lin k in g | co n tra c tin g to d ate in W e ste rn Idaho.
Hygienic Soup.
P runing Helps.
T he London m a rk e t continues irre g ­
> b u ilt in 15 days.
H e said ru ra l cre d its w ith s ta te aid.
Don’t expect to do in one y e a r w h at ! U se stock In which fowl h as been
;d S ta te s should a p p ro p ria te
cooked, ab o u t five cu p fu ls; add one-
The delegates from the State ular, and fo r th is reason th e fee lin g in has been neglected for ten .
fo r such a la b o ra to ry as rec- Grange, the Farmers’ Union, the Ag­ th e trad e is s till r a th e r nervous.
q u a rte r cupful fine o atm eal an d cook
D on't let a tre e be lopsided.
by th e naval advisory board ricultural College, the State Univer- ' Fine reports are received from the
Don’t fall to cu t th e u n d s r side of one hour; rub th ro u g h a stra in e r, add
one p in t m ilk and th ic k en w ith one ta­
sity and many from Western Oregon \ first lambings east of the mountains, large b ran ch es f ir s t
vernment could distribute were firmly united in their determina­ there being practically no loss.
Don’t clim b th e trees. U se a lad ­ blespoonful each b u tte r and flour
¡zed parts to manufacturers, tion not to permit the state aid plan | More than 80 per cent of the wool der.
cooked to g e th e r; add s a lt and pepper
'tor said. The Federal lab- to be linked with the rural credits clip cf Utah has been contracted by
Don’t fail to cu t th e h ig h est to ta s te ; se rv e w ith Inch cubes of
e said, could be put in full , plan. They were proponents of rural
b read brow ned In th e oven.
« and Aeroplanes
Within 15 Days, Says Edison
paid for 11,200,000 pounds under con­
operation for $1,500,000.
credits but did not want to “ swallow” !
tract range from 21 to 28 cents, ac­
Mr. Edison concluded, the irrigation in order to get it.
formally expressed i t s ; On the other hand, the irrigationists cording to Dr. S. W. McClure, secre­
and remained standing as and most of the drainage people, to­ tary of the National Woolgrowers’
association, says the Salt Lake Herald-
gether with a large proportion of the
E. Coffin, of Detroit, a Portland delegation, stuck together in Republican.
of the naval advisory E>oard, support of the plan to combine the
wed Mr. Edison, said that three issues.
Apple Storage Stocks Declining.
ion of industries to help in
This division was plain throughout ' Portland—The office of markets has
ar was of greater impor- the meetings. One break came when issued its report of apple holdings on
buiding ships or recruiting Mr. Stack, of the Labor Federation, March 1, showing that on that date
joined with Asa B. Thomson, Oswald there were 2529,238 barrels in 411
ffin opposed secrecy in work- West and W. Lair Thompson in sign­ storage houses in the country. The
'eparedness plans,
ing the original majority report of the same storages reported 1,767,214 boxes
get this secrecy bunk out of
resolutions committee providing for a of apples on the first of this month.
” he said.
“ There proba- combination of the three measures. On February 1, 407 storages reported
a foreign country which does
Mr. Stack explained that he did this 3,457,999 barrels and 2,651,908 boxes,
all about our resources.”
to permit this plan to come before the or a reduction of 928,761 barrels and
convention on its merits.
On subse­ 883,994 boxes during the past month.
Priest Settles Strike.
quent ballots he voted with the faction The holdings of barrel and box stock
City, la .—Accepting the ad- supporting the separation o f issues.
are about 750,000 barrels more than
ev. George J. Jonaitis, pastor
Present hold­
When the morning’s meeting tried this time a year ago.
nthony’s Catholic church, of to organize a committee to draft the ings of actual barrels are more than
and Strike Leader Edward proposed legislation. Senator I. N. last year, while the stock of boxes is
rikers of the Cudahy packing Day. C. C. Chapman and others of some less.
to return to work at once, those who had supported the omnibus
Total exports of apples to March 4
sion marked the settlement of plan proposed a single committee “ in were 223,958 barrels, against 97,924
strike within three weeks, the interests of harmony.”
barrels the same week last year. To­
discharged employes of the
But the other side objected even to tal exports for the season up to Satur­
plant, who caused the last this. They even went farther and in­ day of last week were 1,196,838 bar­
rill be taken back by the sisted on naming their own committee rels, against 2,431,902 barrels the
same period a year ago.
to draw the rural credits bill.
Use Standard
For packing small fruit only stand­
ard quarts, pints, half-pints or mul­
tiples of a quart should be used, pack­
ing them In slatted crates or boxes.
Strawberries and blackberries are
usually packed In quart baskets and
raspberries in pints as the former are
firm enough to stand the greater bulk,
the latter because of tbelr hollow cen­
ter mashing more easily under pres­
Feeding Value of Corn.
Approximately 40 per cent of the
feeding value of a crop of corn la tn
the stalks and leaves, and when a crop
of corn is put into the silo, hardly a
dollar’s worth of this value Is wasted.
Life of Grain Binder.
A grain binder lasts, on the average,
between 60 and 60 days of service,
spread over 16 years at the rate of
less than four days per year.
Caring for Corn Seed.
Bee that the sweet corn saved for
next year’s planting Is stored tn a
well aired place where it will not
Stewed Kumquata and Prunea.
Six kumquata, one cupful soaked,
pitted prune«, sugar to taste, half cup­
ful water.
Prepare the prunea by
soaking them until plump In cold wa­
ter to cover. Then drain and pit them.
To the cupful add the kumquata sliced
thin and one-half cupful of water tn
which the prunes have been aoaked.
Simmer gently for a few momenta and
then add the sugar, ; generoua third-
cupful if liked sweet. Cook alowly
until the kumquata are tender. Un-
lesa cooked very gently they will go
to plecea
Gruel for Dyspeptics.
Soak a handful of oatmeal over night
In water In order that the acid gaaea
which oatmeal contains may be with­
drawn; pour off the water and add
a pint of fresh; stir it welL add salt
and boll one and one-half bourn.
Cornmeal Grual.
Two tableapoonfula cornmeal. onn-
quarter teaspoonful salt, one-half cup­
ful milk, two cupfuls bo'ilng water;
mix cornmeal. salt and milk, add boil­
ing water and cook In double boUar
two boura