»TECTION 1916 Catalog T> Questions the auto buyer should understand. HSEEDS— S 'k O S 1 Plants, Bulbs, Garden, Orchard and Poultry Supplies, Fertilizers, Etc. long has a model been on the market? k new model requires three to five years o f selling to eliminate the experiments. i is the transmission located? , hen ii Is on the rear axle the owner finds it expensive even tho it reduces the first •t o f the car. ! is the size and stability o f the manufacturer? a t y ^Vhen concerns are run by directors dividends must be forthcoming, otherwise the ki&n in charge o f the production loses his job. R. E. Olds is responsible to no mao ■ o r the permanent success o f the Reo. ¿ s ['The car you buy must be distributed by a concern that is morally and financially able f to carry and replace parts without delay. jThese are a few o f the main reasons why we were selected and why we accepted tha obligation to represent—thru our agents—the makers c f VOGLER, President. C. M. F ree. PORTLAND, OREGON m m iÎH P S è ^ B w PORTLAND Y. M. C. A. M l will fit any ambitious young Man or Wom­ an for high-class position in Bookkeeping, Stenography, Salesmanship To men this includes valuable athletic, aquatic ami membership grivileges. al­ though tuition cost is less than elsewhere. Valuable courses can also be had in Grammar grade and College Preparatory Subjects. W RITE FOR CATALOG. mm MENZIES, Salesmanager. - . . . . . . . . . . r in M > w v a w .w .- .w \ w iV ivy.wi . SANTA j “|" T ' v A $50,000 Corpora- I I—^ tion desires to secure iJ -J J L within next ten days ---------- the services o f High epresentative in each town. No ng, soliciting or selling; refer- xperience unnecessary. Guaran- ome to right party. Dept. 8, 628 Block, Portland, Oregon. N e w C a ta lo g N o . i t 169-171 2nd St. :.* V 'M REO The ____________ Incomparable Car. PORTLAND, ORE. agents. You save time and money by buying of us. RC JTLED 6E SEED & FLORAL CO. f about service? NORTHWEST AUTO CO., reliable Western Catalog r f o r W e s t e r n b u y e r s . O l'R “ M ls b e s t Q u a lity " S t o c k s d ir e c t t o b u y e r s o n ly — n o roscA D r. E lo f T . H e d lu n d D E N T IS T HEN Attila and his Huns mately connected with the Eastern Dental Offices and invaded Italy in A. D. 453 empire as she w-as, felt the impulse of N o . I f at 3 3 Cents. No 2 fat 3 0 Cents they destroyed Altinum this strong artistic life. The rebuild­ Laboratoiy. ^ S w eet C h u rn in g Cream 3 5 Cents, among other cities. The ing of St. Mark’s In the local Italian r . O . B . P o rtla n d . Send fo r S h ip ping Ta g s Estimates cheerfully given folk of Altinum took refuge on an is­ style by Doge Orseolo had only Just for gold and porcelain bridges; rubber, cast aluminum and land in the lagoon and founded Tor- been completed. Hence It was not gold plates. My laboratory *• PORTLAND. OREGON cello. In the pressure of those miser­ there but at Torcello that the new equipped to make these appli­ ances in one or two days’ time. able days, when the German invaders style made Its first notable appear­ almost succeeded In destroying the ance In the lagoons, and the sugges­ [his Work Is Absolutely Guaranteed. civilization which Greece and Rome tion is at least plausible that the work T E L E P H O N E S FOR T O U R IS T S . had slowly built up during a thousand done on the cathedral in that island 156-459 Morgan Building. 4th Floor. Washington To Be Installed One Mile Apart on years of wise labor, the lagoon islands stimulated the people of Venice itself S’ear Broadway, Phone Mar. 9ti, Portland. Oregon. only Automobili School on the Pa- became a place of retreat for various again to overthrow and more splendid­ the Lincoln Highway. Coast maintaining a Gas Tractor KlJsing Holt Catterpillar, C. L. Best harried peoples, who fled to them for ly rebuild the Basilica Marclana in the The Lincoln highway tourist across Itayer and Wheel Tractors, both in the |and operating field, Nevada is to have another conven­ shelter, as in our days so many dis­ form which, with later additions, it vthorne Ave., Portland, Ore. ience at his service. It is plannned to tressed Belgians have fled to Holland retains today. Now also the church was To be an run a double copper telephone wire and England, writes Sir Martin equipped with a noble marble screen, OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST. along the Lincoln highway from Salt Conway in Country life. That or Iconostasis, and a well carved am- The De Keys« Institute of Optometry, Lake to Ely, and thence to Reno. was how Venice and Malamocco bo, both thoroughly eastern in type, Columbia Bids:., Portland. Or. Cut-in stations will be established one were called Into being; but Torcello whereof notable fragments remain to­ mile apart along the way, and by was the first of these cities of refuge. day. The six columns and four panels • ■'D ay and evrninir clnwea. also inatmetion* by correspondence. Write for information. means of these stations no traveler It was likewise for a long time the between tho outer pairs of the screen f and night classes. Expert training could ever become stranded at a great­ airing, driving and machine work, er distance than a half mile from a chief city of the lagoons; the first are still In place, but the marble archi­ lin g forge, lathe, shaper, drill press, telephone station, from which he could Doge whose name Is remembered had trave or beam that lay on the capitals irs. etc. Time unlimited. COMPE- Almost At That. Jr CHAUFFEURS AND MECHAN- and doubtless supported precious call for relief. A traveler will be able his seat of government there. “ Pa," said little Jimmie, "I was very ■UPPLIED. WRITE US. to procure an instrument at either end Venice, for all Its antiquity, throbs lamps and other ornaments Is gone, near getting to the head of my class of tli 3 route by paying a small deposit with contemporary life. To go from its place being taken by an inferior today.” on it, just sufficient to insure its re­ it to Torcello Is to plunge Into the row of painted panels. “ How was that, Jimmie?” r n Everyone to know about DAD’S turn in proper condition when he past. Beautiful Byzantine Sculpture. The very transit by gondola “ Why, a big word came all the way C. KJ ELECTRIC H AND LIGHT. A reaches the station at the other end That the four great sculptured slabs down to me, and if I only could have matches also that transition. From l big light, safe, handy and cheaper than of his journey. Certainly the so-called tnd storm-proof. Fully illustrated cir- spelt it I should have gone clear up."— terrors of desert travel are rapidly I the city of the living you float past should be so perfectly preserved Is Philadelphia Record. ■Hedge Seed & Floral Co., 169 2d St.. Portland | the city of the dead, and so over the matter for great satisfaction, no moro becoming shorn of their terrors. wide lagoon to llurano. Then come finely decorative work of a Byzantine Two Peace Cities. [Anti-Rust Preparation. devious channels among sand banks chisel being in our day anywhere dls- ^ “ Speaking of the Hague, it’s a pity Caip’s Favorite. and low lying islands, inhabited, if at coverable. On the best of them a pair that we haven't some special place for \nce of camphor dissolved In a To understand the force of this} kf lard is a good anti rust prep- all, by malaria stricken folk. At last of peacocks, facing one another, are > promoting peace in this country.” : story one must first know that Cain's jthat farmers may use to cover "Guess you’ve forgotten Reno, Torcello rises before you with Its im­ pecking at the contents of a bowl Jght parts of their machines. storehouse is the place in New York posing group of churches and its in­ which Is raised on a column between j havn’t you?”— Boston Transcript. |m that forms in making this j where the scenery and properties of them. The rest of the space is filled should be taken off. If it is most of the theatrical productions significant cluster of houses. There Lots of Fun. with whorls of tendrils, and the whole I ; that meet an untimely fate are sent stands the cathedral with Its Ro­ to have the preparation the "Society in Plunkvllle is so hollow.” for storage. is framed within a border, adorned manesque campanile and near by the Dior of the machine, lead may A group of members sat in the snug­ arcaded octagon of Santa Fosca. Gone with a series of those charming ro- 1 “ Still, a lei of folks seem to enjoy fcd. The mixture should be ap- gery of the Lamb’s Club on an after- Is all else of importance that once settes within circles which decorated themselves rattling around."— Louis­ the well cleaned parts and al­ ville Courier Journal. , noon not long ago. A sombre gentle- io remain about twenty hours, nrose here In pride. A ruined bap­ every Byzantine lady’s Ivory Jewel- \ man, wearing his hair long and wide cess may be rubbed off. The tistery can still be traced. The small casket of that time. As for the ambo, forms a coating that will take rubber rims on his eyeglasses, passed piazza retains an unlmposing medi­ or pulpit, that was pulled to pieces at LOOK! RESINOL HAS polish when rubbed with a soft through. CLEARED TH A T AW FUL “ Who is that?” asked one of the par­ eval town hall and the loggia where a later date and set up again in an ÍA xle grease is also excellent altered position and a blundering fash- ! ty, addressing Hap Ward, the comed­ laws were proclaimed. That is all. A |ping plow bottoms from rust- ian. SKIN-ERUPTION AWAY few fishing boats alone represent the Ion, so that the parts are all wrongly may be used for the bright Ward looked up and recognized In arranged and many are missing. fleet of merchant vessels that In tue [Paint is a good rust prevents- Every day thousands of skin-suffer­ is hard to get off.—O. A. C. the passer a playwright who whote no tenth century filled the great haven About the time whon tho ambo was less than three pronounced failures ers find that the moment that Resinol on Care of Farm Machines. being pulled to pieces the cathedral whereof Constantine Porphyrogenetos last season. Ointment touches their tortured skin "Oh, that,” said Ward—“ that’s wrote: Moreover, the whole aspect of underwent a further restoration, its the itching stops and healing begins. jry of the Lazy Servant. Cain’s favorite author."—Saturday the place is ono of abandonment. inlaid floor was then put down and , That is why doctors have prescribed j there was a lazy servant who Evening Post. Grass grows In the streets. There Is mosaic pictures were affixed all over It so successfully for over 20 years In [she was rich. nothing going on. The only modern Its west wall and In some other , even ihe severest cases of eczema, TTave H e a lth y « S tr o n g , B e a u t ifu l E y e s pairy appeared and gave her a life Is that brought by the visitors places. But by that date the best age j ringworm, rashes, and many other tor­ O cu lists and P h ysician s used M urine Eye of Byzantine art was passed, and the ! menting, disfiguring skin diseases. Remedy m any years before it vras offered a s a who come to see the dead city. that lamp,” explained the D om estic Eye M edicine. Murine is Still Com­ west wall mosaics, though still highly Aided by warm baths with Resinol Churches are Restorations. [and you can have what you pounded by Our P h y sician s and guaranteed interesting In spite of much radical Soap, Resinol Ointment usually makes It follows that he who would taste by them as a R eliable R elief for Eyes th^t Need a sick skin or scalp healthy, quickly, lie lazy servant was not im- Care. Try it in your Eyes and in B aby 's Eyes — the abiding and most rare charm of restoration, are not very beautiful. easily and at little cost. No S m a rtin g — Just Eye C om fort. Buy Murine Torcello must not visit It In a crowd. Torcello had lost its importance and Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap f your D ruggist — a c c e p t no S ubstitute, and if no longer could command the re­ also greatly help to clear away pirn- lust a scheme to get the brass j o interested w rite for B ook o f the Eye Free. He must come alone, or at most with |lished,” she yawned, ■ L K IN U K 1 E R E M E D Y CO-» C H IC A G O one or two sympathetic companions, sources of more prosperous days. plea and dandruff. Sold by all drug­ ko her fortunes remained as It was, however, at this time that j gists.—Adv. and he must have plenty of time to spare, for such visions as these can­ the little church of Santa Fosca re- | Durable. Bang. The admiration which Bob felt for not be apprehended In a few hurried ceived the form which It still retains. I “ Pretty handkerchief you [H anford’s Balsam in the sta- have Originally It was a small three aisled moments. They do not strike a hasty his aunt Margaret Included all her at­ |v there. May.” basilica, with a little apse at the end ' ■ beholder; they creep Into the con­ tributes. Yes, I value It very highly. It was “ I don’t care much for plain teeth sciousness of one who yields himself of each aisle. For what reason and made 40 years ago.” Skipped The Worst, like mine. Aunt Margaret,” said Bob by whom the church was rebuilt In Its entirely to their slow, insidious pene­ "You don’t say! Make it yourself?” lave a good time at the ban- one day, after a long silence, during tration. Neither the cathedral nor present octagonal, portlcoed shape is j night? which he had watched her in laugh­ Splendid! I drank myself into Santa Fosca are In fact nearly so old. not recorded. Nothing of the original llity before the speaking be- ing conversation with his mother. In their preesnt condition, as they church remains except two of the lit­ "I wish I had some copper-toed ones Sston Transcript. seem to be. One would willingly tle apses. The rest Is all built on 1 like yours.”— Youth's Companion. enough accept them as of early Chris­ rather an ambitious Byzantine model, | tian date, for both the basilica and and was evidently Intended to be sur­ Diplomacy. BREAK-UP-A-COLD TABLETS the round church are built on ancient mounted by a dome. nteed remedy for Colds and I Three times had King Canute order­ lines and conform to early architec­ Price 25c of your druggist. ed the waves to recede. Those Awful Reporter*. And three times had the waves paid tural forms. The first cathedral on Take nothing else.—Adv. The young reporter meant well, but no attention whatever to his com ­ this spot was that built In mid-seventh century by Altinum refugees; possi­ he was not posted up In the mysteri­ -Airents. live ones, in every locality in j mands. "The only thing to do in a case like ! bly one carved stone from that may ous details of feminine fashion, and, [ Only Dayliirht K ick Tester in the coun- npetition. Money-back proportion. I this,” said the king, “ is to break off j survive. In 864 and again In 1008 the being unexpectedly sent In an emer­ [f o r tester and explanatory matter ami The Stomach, Liver and Bow­ I ycur neiirhborhorid. Address X-Rsy diplomatic relations with Father Nep­ building was seriously dealt with, and gency to chronicle a fashionable wed­ , 506 Railway Eachange. Portland. Or. tune." ding, he was very glad to avail himself the first restoration amounted to a els are real factors in health And It was so ordered. rebuilding, though, to some extent, on of the good-natured hints of a lady matters, and it is a wise TJOWARDE. BURTON— Acwayer and Chemist. the old lines and preserving the orig­ journalist who stood beside him and 11 Lead villa, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold. inal apse. took pity upon his masculine Ignor­ Silver. Lead. $1: Gold. Silver. 75c; Gold. 50c: Zinc plan to watch them care­ In tha year 1008 a further restora­ ance of chlffona. or Copper. Jl. Mailing envelopes and full price list SOEMTinC HOME SU'D? METHOD sent on application, . Control and Umpire work so- tion was taken In hand, this time un­ “That Is Lady Betty Blank, with a licited. Reference: Carbonate National bank. quick result*. Success uruarmn- fully. As soon as the der strong Byzantine Influence and pink plastron," was one of her hints. J Costs less than half o f oral instruc- probably with the co-operation of Next morning she read with horror, Mere Important. appetite wanes, or the ^ ia n o . O rra n . V iolin. B anjo, fa n d o lin . G u ita r an d C ornet Hub— I’m trying to invent a new Greek craftsmen. This was during the "Lady Betty Blank looked very charm­ nght flood tide of the Byzantine Renais­ ing, and, by 4 tasteful arrangement of r a n g e - fiD d e r . digestion becomes i today for Catalog and 4 free lessons. Wife—For mercy's sake make It a sance, when the Eastern empire was lace and silk, effectually concealed the cook-finder. We have a range and strong once more and revived and pink porous plaster which her lady­ impaired, recourse Amentia School of Music. can’t find a cook to run It.— Boston even surpassed the glories of the great ship’s delicate health compels her to k roanAxn. OftECM Transcript should be had to days of Justinian. Then It was that all the arts flourished lu CumUuii- Like Oio Friends. 8uic!de Statistics. [N. U. "My books are to me like old nople and that from It the courts and No. 12. 1916 wealthy shrines of all the West w e n According to sn Italian scientist who friends.’ "Yes, I not1 ."# you make a practice enriched with the priceless and superb has classified 4 000 cases of sclf de- w r ltia c t . i h i f t e i . not to cut them."— Baltimore Ameri­ work of Greek goldsmiths, weavers, structlon. more suicides occur between tkto yip«. ______ can embroiderers, and skilled craftsmen the ages of fifteen and twenty-six than of every m i l Venice, of course, lntf- st sny other period In Ilfs. Butter Fat Higher W HAZELWOOD CO. [HORNE AUTO SCHOOL You Can Learn Iland Y.M . C. A. Auto School A Watchful Guard )Y MUSIC EASIEST WAY H O S T E T T E R ’S Stomach Bitters