WORLD’S DOINGS OF CURRENT WEEK SEAPlANf LOST III RAID OVtR ENGLAND— NINE KIIUD IN ATTACH EUROPE ASKS BIDS ON TRENCH STAKES CARRANZA FORCES NOW MAKING SUPREME EFFORT TO CAPTURE VIllA ENGLAND PHIS ON MANY 111 VA ashington, D. C. — While there I London— Nine persons were killed were indications in official dispatches ! : and 31 wounded in a raid o f four Ger- ■ from Mexico Wednesday that the de 1 I man aeroplanes over the East coast of facto government was making a s u -, Kent Sunday, it was announced offi­ preme effort to capture Villa and his , cially here. A British airman brought bandits with its own forces, there was ( down one raider over the sea, the Ger- I no sign that General Funston’s orders j man observer being killed. The official statement on the raid to proceed on the same errand had i reads: been modified in any way. i “ Four German seaplanes flew over Word that American troops had | Kent Sunday. The first pair appeared crossed the border was still lacking, j over Dover at a height o f 5000 to 6000 the War department itself not having feet, one at 1:57 p. m .— the second at 2 :02 p. m. six bombs in tne t j been advised as to when the movement j “ The first dropped six bombs in the northward, drop- would begin. harbor; then weni; Live congress took active notice o f the ping bombs on the town. The other _... , . border situation for the first time. The j raider, after passing over Dover, ap­ peared over Deal. rilled house adopted a resolution late in the “ The second pair appeared over day authorizing the recruiting o f the ' Ramsgate at 2:10. They dropped mobile regular army to full strength. bomb 3 on the town. One o f this pair This means the addition of approxi­ London— A far-reaching orde Portland— Lumber mills have been went west, the other north, pursued American troops in M exico are re­ by a British aeroplane. One bomb is asked to bid on an order for 8,000,000 mately 20,000 fighting men to the in- council, which will totally prohibi: portation into the United King ported to have suffered from an i [»era. feet o f trench posts and pickets for a large number o f articles wh.„ PABLO The Chicago Tribune strongly ad­ use by the allied powers in the war under the general heading of 1 vises mobilization o f the National will be issued by the British zone. Guard. ment at an early date. The posts are to be 2x4 inches and Brief Resume of General News from All Around the fa rà Allies Want 8,000,000 feet fir From Portland Mills. Strict Council Order D« to Relieve Shinn;. (MVBtSAl HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHQ1 SEEK SPRUCE TO BUILD AEROPLANES IMPORTS FROM 0. S. 10 BE I Railroads Buy Materia! for Thousand Freight Cars— Order Must Be All Space in Vessels Now N; Necessities— Autos, Mu? Instruments, Cutlery, Hit News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. in Three Months. GEN. HEAR ADM IR AL FISKE GONZALES Am ong the things which four feet long, sharpened at one end, placed under the ban will be ; and will be used for stringing barbed biles for private use, musical wire along the trenches. They are to ments, cutlery o f all kinds, be used on the fighting front in The people o f Belgrade are suffering yarns, chinaware, fancy France, and delivery will have to be from a shortage o f provisions and sani­ made from Portland within 90 days. soaps. The order will apply“eqm tary conditions are bad. [ This will insure them reaching Europe, all countries, including the A 15,000 ton Dutch liner was sunk barring marine accidents, by Septem­ dominions and colonies. * o ff the coast o f Holland, either by a ber. The order may be for all or part This forecast o f the coming mine or torpedo, the captain claiming o f the 8,000,000 feet. council was given to the As: the latter. A large domestic order for lumber Press Saturday by Walter Runs for railroad cars has been placed with president o f the board of trade. The cannery tender Alpha sunk near the Douglas Fir Lumber company, o f Runciman admitted that articles ^ Kachel ¡Bland, on the British Columbia Portland. The order calls for 2,000,- dition to those named would be coast, and six o f her crew o f seven are ■ 000 feet o f fir. believed to be lost. on the list o f prohibited importa The European governments are also declared it was absolutely necess % The name o f Clarence True Wilson, i in the Portland market for as much limit the shipment o f bulky 1® o f Kansas, was filed with the secretary ' high-grade spruce as can be obtained, to provide room on ships for nee MM o f state as a prohibition candidate for it was learned on good authority here. ies. the vice presidential nomination. This spruce brings $30 to $100 a thou­ “ But please remember,” said A siatic cholera has broken out at sand, and is for building areoplanes. Runciman, “ that the issuance of; The allies’ agents for trench posts B elgrade according to an Athens dis­ order is forced on the country- have been authorized to ask for bids in patch. F ifty cases have been reported a matter o f policy, but entirely daily and 30 deaths have occurred. i Portland and British Columbia. It is j cause o f shortage in tonnage, presumed by local lumbermen, ship Tom Swanson, o f Vancouver, B. C., want exports from the United S» owners and agents in Portland that was shot and killed near A tlin by his we want your wheat, cotton and i about 4,000,000 feet will be taken partner, Charles Petit, who mistook and we need other things whi from Portland. The posts would be him for a moose while ihe tw o were cannot get if the space aboard cut from Douglas fir and tied in bun­ hunting. is taken up with luxuries. dles o f 10 to 20. The cost would be _______ “ Everything possible is being The senate has passed Senator Poin­ around $15 to $16 a thousand feet, General Gonzales is a Carranza lead- rel'eve The shortage in ships, d ex ter’s bill appropriating $2,065,000 bringing to Portland, if the order is shiP fly‘ nK the British flag is no. to equip the Puget Sound navy yard placed here, between $50,000 and $75,- er who is active in capturing Villa. trolled by the government. 1 fo r construction o f battleships. It now 000 for the 4,000,000 feet. a goes to the house. The local river mills could turn out fantry, cavalry and field artillery. The numbers o f them have been I the order within less time than the senate is expected to concur, and the tioned. Others are subject to Captain the Hon. W. J. Shaughnessy, by way o f license. Whv specifications now in Portland hands necessary orders will be issued imme- tion eldest son o f Lord Shaughnessy, o f & EWIN6 wU1 be nece to requisition require. The lumber posts could be (iiately to fill up regiments on border 1 Montreal, Canada, enlisted for over­ vessels I cannot say, but for my ' handled easily by two o f the large duty. seas service. He will go as an adju­ hope that this will not be done.” steamers, and the canal route could be tant, an office he has filled for more The step was suggested by the army He^r A dm iral Bradley A. Fiske, VJ. S. Mr. Runciman said the im; l taken. than a year. general staff. It is urgently desired N „ now retired and attached to the o f some fresh fru its probably The domestic order which has been now, because of the weakening o f the The National Woman SutFrage asso­ staff of the naval w a r college at N e w ­ placed with the Douglas Fir Lumber prohibited later, but he point« ciation offered prizes aggregating $500 port, Is the inventor of a flying torpedo company o f Portland calls for 2,000,- border force by the expedition after that this would affect the U to artists for the best 10 |>osters for boat on which patents have been grant­ <•00 feet o f Douglas fir to be used in Villa, but ever since the patrol o f the States only slightly. Turning suffrage window display and billboard* ed. It is equipped with apparatus to the construction o f 1000 automobile border began the army has been great­ the matter o f imports to the in a competition to end October 1. A ca rry and launch from the air the reg­ cars and 500 stock car for the Chicago ly handicapped by the skeleton organ­ industrial situation in the ization of regiments, companies, prize o f $25 was offered for a slogan ulation Whitehead torpedo, the pro­ The order troops and batteries. The force that Isles, Mr. Runciman said there pelling mechanism of which is started & Northwestern railroad. o f not more than five words. was placed by the Western Steel occupied Vera Cruz had similar diffi- had been greater activity in the by the impact with the water. Car & Foundry company, o f Chicago. culties, some of the companies there industries, that wages were Count Von Bernstorff, the German than ever before, and that the ambassador, under instructions from It will take 80 cars to carry it East. being less than 40 men strong. age of unemployment never had his government, formally notified the reported to have been dfopped on Mar­ E. B. Hazen, vice president o f the so small in the history o f the State department that no German sub­ gate. Douglas Fir Lumber company, said that « T ...... u , , “ The second machine appieared over the order has been put in the hands U. S. IfOOpS Will M3ITn 1(110 marine was concerned in the sinking Here several o f o f local and Bridal Veil mills and o f the Norwegian bark Silius, from Weatgate at 2:20. which seven American members o f the our aeroplanes went up in pursuit. would be finished in about a week. No bombs were dropped on W estgate. The order represents about $50,000. crew were rescued. The total casualties so far as report­ The European powers, it was estab­ W ith 13 Democrats and the one So­ ed : Killed, three men, one woman Columbus, N. M.— The commanding lished beyond reasonable doubt, are ac­ cia list member opposing, the house, by and five children. Injure*!, 15 men, tually seeking large spruce orders in officers o f the exp*ditionary force El Paso, Tex.— The United a vote o f 346 to 14, passed the admin­ five women, nine children. As far as orders Wednesday that the „ gave ---- ---------- .. VM..VV7wiicxw i-iic men pursuit o f Villa, under preset1 istration bill to retain the present ascertained 18 bombs were dropped al­ the Pacific Northwest, principally Ore- should take with them only such equip- rangements, is costing the govei gon. Local lumbermen admit t h a t ----- - tariff o f 1 cent a pound on sugar in- together. ment as they could carry on their $40,000 a day, according to «- they were unable to fill the orders as stead o f perm itting the free clause of “ One bomb fell on the Canadian hos­ fast as they were being received. The backs or saddles. Extra clothing and made here Saturday by army of- the Underwood-Simmons tariff act to pital at Ramsgate, causing damage the equipment known in the army as Carranza officials, it wi* -- spruce required is o f a fine grade and l(n into effect May 1. but no casualties. Several houses, the brings from $30 to $100 a thousand the "surplus k it” will lie left behind. have been discussing with some These orders were intended to lim it cem whether American troops The Navy department has installed homes o f artisans and cottagers, were feet. In the last tw o years about 10,- carrying facilities to the essentials o f the Villa pursuit would have to - a wireless direction finder at the naval wrecked. 000,000 feet has been taken out o f the the expedition— food and drink for any Mexican cities and the «i radio station at North Truro, Mass. Northwest for the construction o f the men and horses and ammunition such occupation on Mexican | The finder was perfected by Frederick aeroplanes for the European powers. for the guns. Keister, wireless expert in the United timent. The Carranza office1* This confirmation lends considerable Large quantities o f ammunition for frankly expressed the hope tl* State« bureau o f standards, and is de- credence to the report from Marshfiled the mountain howitzers and field guns garrisoning o f the cities canD»- aigned to indicate the direction and that the Russian government was seek­ has been distributed. Cabmat wa­ their own troop». distance from which a message comes. ing 50,000,000 o f spruce in the Coos Paris— The French torpedo boat de­ Bay country. gons, which carry ammunition for the Teats have shown the instrument's The American arm y’ s choice® soldiers’ rifles, were loaded and the en­ Chihuahua desert as its placed bearings within two degrees o f correct. stroyer Renaudin has been sunk in the gineers, signal and hospital corps were Three offi­ precludes for the present such * - Blame Denied by Berlin. V ice President Marshall celebrated Adriatic by a submarine. supplied with the final details o f their lem as city garrison duty. his 62nd birthday Tuesday, March 14. j cers and 44 o i the crew were lost. Berlin— No German submarine could equipment. Two officers and 34 o f the crew were have been in the vicinity o f the spot The Germans again attack the forts saved. Stolen Bill Used in Sps* where the Dutch liner Tubantia was near Verdun with the hope o f gaining New Hands Lika Claws. The ministry o f marine made the sunk, and no German mines had been New Y ork— A United StattSi the city. Paris— Two new types o f artificial ment $10,000 gold note, one & following official announcement regard- laid in this region, the German ad- arms with hands are shown at the Michael Damphoffer, agni 101 years, ing the lose o f the destroyer: the same denomination stolen i miralty announces. The official state- Academy o f Sciences. One is for dies in the Home for the Aged at Van­ The squadron torpedo boat Renau­ mail in September 1912, on the ment says: “ A German submarine is heavy work, with finders lik T clà w s of couver, Wash. din was sunk in the Adriatic by an en­ out o f the question New York from Havana, CzK estion in connection with a lobster. lobster. The The n.h - 5 h has ____ other artificial fin­ The report that Germany has offered emy submarine on the morning o f the sinking o f the Tubantia, as the gers, enabling the hand to reproduce received Saturday by a bank Three officers, among place where the sceident took place is city, from the American Bank d- to buy the Danish West Indies for March 18. whom were the commandant and sec­ less than 30 miles from the Dutch closely the action o f natural fingers. rid, Spain. It was the ninth ® f 20,000,000, is denied. Successful experiments were made in ond officer, and 44 seamen were lost. coast, which means that this place is stolen notes to reappiear d®* _____ __ U1 lIle ac the presence o f mem tiers o f the acad- Villa and his followers have taken a Two officers and 34 seamen were res­ l--* two men, theft. As the notes appiear tli. within the territory declared to be not emy by each o f whom lost atutden twist eastward and are declared cue*! by a French torpedo boat which dangerous for shipping by the m a n i - ----- given to the insurance com pa®? arm. One sawed through a beam to be seeking a new goal. accompanied the Renaudin.” j festo o f February 4, 1915.” paid insurance covering the wood and the other played a violin. the theft. The Aero Club o f America has of- J Raiders Put Outside Law, Auto Kills Bridal Pair. fere*! services of men and machines to Army of 120,000 Proposed. M exico C ity — General Obregon is­ •id the U. S. capture Villa. _ _ ^ ^ H e n Lays IOOO Egg*- Dubuque. Iowa — T. J. Fitzpatrick. . . .— Chairman ...... ........ tl«y, Washington, . D. C Hay, sued a decree Sunday declaring all par­ Corvallis, O re.— “ Oregon*. * General Carransa's army is gather­ an attorney, and his bride o f two of the house military committee, Wed- ticipants in the Columbus raid outside Leghorn hen at the Agricult®* in g in Northern Mexico to aid the months, were killed, and * Mrs. Marga- nesday nesday prepared prepared for for im m /j«■*»♦- intro* a w * _____ s---- ------ * immediate the law. The decree givea the right ___ ret Morrison, mother o f the lege, has laid her thousand® U nited States ir. capturing Villa. to any citizen to apprehend and kill, if man. and Mrs. uner oi ine young wo-1 duction o f the resolution to permit the “ This, ” said Professor Dryd®- David Hack, daughter President to raise the fighting General Alvaro Obregon has been necessary, the follow ers o f Villa who o f President Gorman, o f the the greatest long-distance appointed Minister o f war o f Mexico, crossed the American frontier. Island railroad, -------- were injured Rock strength o f the standing army to 120,- record ever known to the worli when 000 men at once. and General Candido Aguilar miniatsr The first victim o f this decree was their automobile left the road and fell the end o f her fifth year the k® o f foreign affairs. Many foreigners summarily executed Monday in the ' Republicans and Democrats worked down a 10-foot embankment near here. laid 987 eggs. She has now 1** leaving the city and there is an city o f Hermosillo, near which place he ------------------ The occupant» were in pwrfect harmony for the adoption of -------J . . . H I« * pined under the the beginning o f her sixth y***- undercurrent o f excitement among ail waa capture*! by men who denounced the , resolution, that fact tbat — depeite j — - car. Mr. Fitzpatrick is believed to necessary to make her a 10004P him as one o f the raiding party. their learders on the m ilitaij tuinmii- have lost control o f the mschine. Formerly it was believed the tee disagreed as to the meaning o f iL hen could not lay-over 600 egf*- Paris avers the German attack on Verdun has failed, and believes the w orst is over. mm m Û] A W W k \ Mexico in Light Order $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 a Day Is Cost of Pursuit of Mexican Bani french Destroyer Sunk by Torpedo in Adriatic Sea