The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 15, 1916, Image 8

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    _ I
Fred Wilcox has opened a real
estate office on lower Main street.
We will insure your auto against
fire, theft and collision. Hancock
ft Wiles.
Mrs. Jessie Covert returned yes­
on a checking a c c o u n t .
terday from a visit at Portland
The Millionaire is not the
and She wood.
only one who can have a i Orders taken f o r whipping
checking account.
cream, by pint or quart, at Shear­
The little man, the big
er’s Confectionery.
man and the middle man
Mr. and Mr?. John Heisler and
are welcome to our service.
daughter, Katie, were in from
None are too large, or none
Gales City today.
to o small to receive t h e
The first appearance of the P.
U. Glee Club w i l l be in Marsh
best in service and protec­
Hall Thursday e v e n i n g Ad­
mission 35c and 25c. Seats re­
Let us help you make
served at Littler’s.
your receipts go further by
Mrs. A. L. Sexton Tuesday ev­
catching the pennies and
ening entertained at dinner Mrs.
giving you a complete check
Milo Kelsey of Mt. Angel. Mrs.
on your expenditures.
Kelsey left for home this morning.
The public is invited to the
dance to l.e given by the Knights
and Ladies of Security next Wed­
nesday evening, March 22. Tick­
ets 50c.
Goff Bros, are offering every
F o r e st G ro v e, O re.
reader of the Express a hand­
some reduction on an aluminum
Member f ederal Reserve Rank.
kettle. See particulars in their
big a d .
Archie Bryant, who has bet n
laid up with sore eyes for several
weeks, is sufficiently improved to
Job printing phone 821.
permit him to visit his studio
Miss Chattie Chapman is a be­ today.
lated grip victim.
I am paying the highest market
J. S Buxton was a business price for butter an I eggs and am
selling from my wagon fresh fish
visitor to Portland today.
day. Oscar Burnworth
Hancock & V'iles carry Life,
Accident & Fire Insurance.
1-tf the Grove fish man; phone 62.
Marriage licenses were issued
Found—Gold cuff link. Can
yesterday to Frank Blum ant.
be recovered at Express office.
Get your lime and sulphur Lillian Gillaspy of Gaston and to
Elmer J. Handy and Iva Good­
sprays at Littler’s Pharmacy.
rich, residing near Cornelius.
We will insure your auto against
Rubber is cheaper now than
fire, theft and collision. Hancock some months ago and those med-
ft Wiles.
9-tf , i ig rubber tires for their buggies
Just Arrived—A fresh supply of should get them now. Stribich &
Whitman’s Chocolates, the best Son do that kind of work right;
made, at Littler’s Pharmacy.
also all kinds of blacksn.ithing and
For Sale—W h i t e Wyandotte wood w ork/
hens, cheap. Ringhous»* ¡.train.
Ladies—I have just received
Mrs. J. E. Pogue, phone 0145.
the finest and mo t up-to-the-
The Portland Oregonian six minute line of flounces, overlaces
days a week and the Forest Grove and beaded and spangled edging
Express once a week for only ever brought to Forest Grove—
ju t what you’ll want for your
$0.00 a year.
new spring dresses. Mrs. Blanche
Mrs. J. S. Buxton left this Richards, two doors west of post-
morning for Newport, having >e- office.
ceived word that her brother, Ira
Hampton, is very ill.
started over the mountains Mon­
Thomas Grove, from the sec­ day for Tillamook, where they
tion above Gales City, was in were to visit relatives. A slide
town on Friday transacting busi­ was encountered in the midst of
ness and visiting his son, Burt.
the mountains and, after spend­
Irene Voget, who has been ing most of the day at the spot.
spending two weeks with her th<> train returned to Hillsboro
grandmother, Mrs. L. S. Phillips, with a load of disappointed pas­
in this city, returned to her home sengers. The trains will probably
in Hubbard Saturday.
be running again in a day or two.
There’s No
- The -
First .National Bank
that we are exclusive selling agents in Forest Grove for
Iron Age Cultivators and Seeders?
This implement can be used as a cultivator in six
different ways and as a seeder as well ; absolutely
the best garden tool we have ever seen.
All Kinds of
Garden Hose and Sprinklers
Phone 66.1
fZ-yj l
We’ve Said Before
anti we now repeat the assertion that we can
and will sell you as Much and as Good Meat
for a dollar, a quarter or a dime as you can
get anywhere in the county.
The Green Trading Stamps are free, but
valuable, to you. Ask for them.
The Pacific Market
Phone 0.101
Lord & Gignore
G et This $1.80 <M
Kettle—For Only
Without Grease and Without W ater
A Delicious P^t Roast From the
TRADE mark ,
A lum inum
Windsor Kettle
(N o te A d j u s t a b l e B all.)
Place the kettle empty over a low flame.
In the heated kettle, sear the roast on all
sides; then turn the fire down to a mere
flicker. When half done turn the meat
over. Thus cheaper cuts of meat may be
made as palatable as more expensive cuts.
The ‘W e a r-E v e r” Windsor Kettle may
be used for many purposes every day in
the year.
Clip th e C o u p o n —get
your Kettle today for only
T he fo u r-q u a rt W indsor K ettle—
w h i c h r e g u l a r l y s e l l s f o r $1.80— is
o ffe re d for a lim ite d tim e a t th e
s p e c i a l p r i c e so y o u c a n se e f o r
y o u rse lf, if y o u d o n o t a lre a d y
know , the d i f f e r e n c e
betw een
“ W ear-Ever** a n d o t h e r k i n d s of
a lu m in u m an d en am eled uten sils.
G et th e k e t t l e a t th e s p e c ia l price,
o n o r b e f o r e M a r c h 21, 1916, a n d
you w ill u n d e r s ta n d w h y so m a n y
w o m e n p r e f e r “W ear-E ver** t o o t h e r
co o k in g w ares.
W ---
1 u
f ill
J i
$ 1 . 0 7 1
“ W ear-E ver” C ou p on
W e w i l l a c c e p t t h i s c o u p o n a n d $1.07 I n p aym ent
f o r o n e " W e a r - E v e r " f o u r - q u a r t W i n d s o r Kettle,
w h i c h s e l l s r e g u l a r l y f o r $1.80, p r o v i d e d y o u pre­
s e n t t h e c o u p o n i n p e r s o n a t s t o r e o n o r before
.M arch 21. 1916, a n d w r i t e o n t h e c o u p o n your
n a m e , a d d r e s s a n d d a t e o f p u r c h a s e . O n l y one
k e t t l e Is t o b e s o l d t o a c u s t o m e r .
rrjuoE habit
Fill out the coupon
bring it to us today!
P. U. Giee Club
Class games were played between
to Make Tour
the Seniors and Freshmen and Sopho­
mores and Juniors last Wednesday ev­
ening, the Seniors winning over the
Freshmen, and the Juniors over the
Max Ricker of Pacific University, de­
livered his oration entitled “ Shall
America follow in the footsteps of
Rome” in the High school auditorium
last Thursday.
The Juniors have invited the Senior
class to the annual banquet which will
be given at the High school. Mar. 18th.
The basket ball season is now over
and the boys are beginning big plans
for the base ball season. They are
starting out with good spirit and inter­
est and it is hoped that they will be
successful and win a good name for F.
I G. H. S.
Lloyd Kirry is going to quit school
and run his grandfather’s farm near
Tillamook. Mr. Kirry has taken an
active part in school spirit and ath­
letics and the school is sorry to see
him leave. He has won two monograms
this year, one in football and one in
basket hall.
Miss Ruth Willis spent Saturday and
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. F. Willis of Ranks.
Joseph Loomis entertained the basket
hall boys at a very enjoyable dinner at
six o’clock Saturday evening.
Miss Ervin of Dilley visited the High
school last week.
Forest Grove High wants the "ads"
of the different business men in their
"Optim ist.“ If they give them to us
they will get our patronage. There
are IB."» pupils enrolled and the business
men surely cannot afford to lose their
Don’t forget the debate and the play
given by Miss Cole’s drama class at the
High school building next Friday night.
No admission.
The Junior-Senior banquet is this
coming Friday, and big preparations
are being made. The Juniors say they
are going to give the Seniors the best
banquet they have ever had.
The English History class, under Mr.
Abraham, is taking up American Colonial
History along with it and it is thought
in that way it will be much better and
maybe the Senior class next year will
have no "flunkies."
Lloyd Richey is going to leave High
school soon and work on a ranch in
Eastern Oregon.
William Hoehne. who has been
employed on the News-Times for
almost a dozen years, has resided
and expects to leave the city soon.
An Enterprising Firm
With a desire to give their i
tomers as good service as caul
secured in the big cities, Strf
The Pacific University Glee & Son of this city have sp
Club will give a concert at Marsh nice wad of coin in the purci
Hall tomorrow evening, offering a of an Oxy-Acetylene Weidi|
program that will be a treat to
T h i s machine
music lovers. Curtain at 8 sharp. machine.
parts of i
Next Monday the club will de­ iron, steel, brass, bronze
part for Camas, Wash., where they
give a concert in the evening; oth­
er dates so far secured are: Wash- as strong as before being
ouga!, M a r c h 21; Vancouver, a n d , in some cases, str
March 22; St. Helens, March 23. This will permit owners of
mobiles, threshers, engines!
Those making the trip will be; Prof.
Frank Thomas Chapman, Director; other machines to have
First Sopranos, Misses Mary Westa- made quickly, saving much I
way, Wilma Young, Beth Crandall, and money over the old wayl
Dorothy Brent, Edith Thorley; Second sending their broken castings
Sopranos, Misses Alvena Howard, Hel­
en Bartlett, Alice Smith, Maude En­ factory or foundry for rep
glish; Altos, Misses Elida Loynes, Mar­ Those interested should call
garet Keep, Zola Kirry, Helen Brun­ the Stribich shop and M
ner; Violinists, Misses Emma Craft and
Catherine Davis; Pianist, Mary Anna : over with John.
Brobst; Reader, Herbert Butler Deuell-
The general committee off
Male Quartet, Messrs. Verle Stanley,’
Glenn Morgan, Leslie Webb and Thayne Home and School league mdt
“ Uncle Rule” at Dilley
Friday evening of this week, at
Artisan Hall, the pupils of the
Dil ey schools will present the
four-act comedy, “Uncle Rube.’’
Doors open at 7 :30 and curtain
goes up at 8:15 sharp.
1 he players are Gladys Hund-
hy, Kffie Sage, Elva B o r g e n ,
Ralph Hiatt, Berris Tupper. Clif­
ford Boyd, Leslie Hoar, Earl Lam-
brecht. Lawrence Anderson, Har­
old Hiatt and Ernest Wolf.
week at the home of Mrs. AJ
Hoffman to discuss the
suggested by the Child W
League. A committee, cons'
of Superintendent H. E. -
and Mrs. G. A. Bryant, wasi
pointed to see if a suitableJ
could be found for an
from the National Child Wi
League. Another important*
of the Home and School I*
was to consolidate the three i.
organizations holding meetinpj
the three school buildings, r
one general league.
Please Read!
We ha\e three private phones ever at your service"
under the one number 061, hence “ Central” ‘ seldom says:
Li nes busy.
We answer promptly. E n tru st us wtf
joiir daily wants Our deliveries are sure and prompt. An
order given by phone will receive the same careful attention
and selection as one given in person. We make a spec*
t .tort to remember your particular tastes when filling
orders left in our care. Thank you.
N ours for Service and Quality,
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