I NE It 'S ITEMS WORLD' S DOINGS ESIDENT WINS IN HOUSE AbouTorcgon Of CURRtNT WfEK emore Warning Resolution Laid on Table, 276 to 142. Big Lumber Order Received for Freight Car Building flNORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS Portland—W heat—Bluestem, $1.01; J fortyfold, 94c; club, 92c; red fife, :92c; Russian, 92c. Hay— E astern Oregon timothy, 18.50 Brief Resume of General News § M T illfeed—Spot ° : ^ ,in" thi' p u ces: Bran, $23(q) per ton; shorts, $25.50 (gi 26; From All Around the Earth. 23.50 rolled barley, $31.50(8)32.50. Eugene—The Booth-Kelly Lumber I company has just closed a contract Corn—Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, ' which is said to be the largest ob­ $38. tained by a W illam ette valley mill in Vegetables— Artichokes, 85c(