Curiously enough, h was over Mar­ T d try to «tick tha that she felt least able to forglvs ■imply. •Then you're the thousandth worn him. Martha would say nothing, but an." said Cazalet "Cod bless you. her unspoken denunciations of Caza­ let would be only less Intolerable than Blanchie!" He turned on his heel in the bal her unspoken sympathy with Blanche cony, and a minute later found the Martha had been perfectly awful about room behind him empty. He entered, the whole thing And Martha had com­ stood thinking, and suddenly began mitted the final outrage of being per­ The tablet form of this looking all over for the photograph of fectly right, from her Idiotic point of reliable remedy makes it k J himself, with a beard, which he had view. Now among all these meditations of ble for you to check any ¿ Z seen there a week before. a long night, and of a still longer day. at the very onset. It is a s i in which nobody even troubled to send CHAPTER XII. guard against coughs, c»lds»i her word of the case at Kingston, It other catarrhal conditions,^ would be too much to say that no Quid pro Quo. matter what symptoms * t o O - .n w iN .^ w g R S thought of Hilton Toye ever entered ILLUSTRATIONS It was his blessing that had done manifest. Catarrh is an ing.Jy COeWtOHT the mind of Blanche. She could not tion of thé mucous membraneZ it; up to then she had controlled her her also in a way, for it was the natu­ feelings in a fashion worthy of the help liking him; he amused her im­ lines the breathing appaiat«*, CHAPTER XI—Continued. the digestive apparatus. PERp* ral man back again on her balcony. title Just bestowed upon her. If only mensely; and he had proposed to her —-10— relieves catarrh. In tablet form a, The trusty, sisterly, sensible yolce. But he had set Blanche off thinking on he had stopped at that, and kept his twice, and warned her he would again half bantering but altogether kind, other lines than he Intended. blessing to himself! It sounded so She felt the force of his warning, be­ EVER-READY-TO-T "I’m thinking of what he must have very much more like a knell that cause she felt his force of character genuinely Interested if the least bit Its prompt action makes it felt he owed Mr. Craven and— and and will. She literally felt these inquisitive, too. would have gone to a Blanche had begun first to laugh, and valuable for men and women w forces, as actual emanations from the Ethel!” she owned. harder or more hardened heart than then to make such a fool of herself posed to sudden changes is m l "I don't bother my head over either (as she herself reiterated) that she strongest personality that had ever weather or compelled to be out fig beat on Blanche's balcony that night. slush and rain. s< Tet as Cazalet lighted bis pipe he of them,” returned Cazalet harshly. was obliged to run away In the worst Impinged upon her own. “ He was never a white man in his In the day of reaction, such consid­ It will also be found most saù H looked old enough to be her father. possible order. lifetime, and she was every inch his factory as a tonic following a n * A ‘‘I ’ll tell you gome time." he puffed. But that was not the end of those erations were bound to steal in as tack of illness. daughter. Scruton's the one I pity— "It's only a case of two heads." said four superfluous words of final bene­ single spies, each with a certain con­ because I've suffered so much from Blanche. "I know you're bothered, diction; before the night was out they solation. not altogether Innocent of CARRY A BOX that man myself." But the battalion of and I should like to help, that’s all." had solved, to Blanche's satisfaction, comparisons. wherever you go. Travelers and otheisoa "But you don t think he did l t l ” pelled to take long drives In the coldù "You couldn’t." the hitherto impenetrable mystery of Toye’s virtues only marched on anyone whose oecspation subjects hlaii Blanche was sharp enough to inter­ Blanche when Martha came to her. on "How do you know? I believe you’re Cazalet's conduct the danger of sudden colds may use it a il rupt preventive with the assurance thst a,, the little green rug of a lawn behind going to devote yourself to this poor He had done something In Austra­ tablets made are from the same iurndirl "No—no—but if he had!" the house, to say that Mr. Toye him­ man—if you can get him off—1 mean, asthe liquid medicine with its 44 yesnii lia. something that fixed a gulf be­ "You'd still Btand by him?" success before the American Public. ' self had called and was in the draw­ when you do.’’ tween him and her. Blanche did not “ I've told you so before. I meant The Pérou» Compear, Coleahu, Ob ing-room. ’’ Well?’’ he said. to take him back to Australia with me mean something wrong, much less a Blanche stole up past the door, and "Surely I could help you there! crime, least of all any sort of com —I never told you that— but 1 meant quickly mado herself smarter than she Especially if he’s ill,” cried Blanche, to take him. and not a soul out there pllcity in the great crime which had had ever done by day for Walter Caza­ encouraged by his silence. “ I’m not He Sure Knew Him. to know who he was.” He sighed aloud been committed while he was on his let; at least she put on a "dressy" half a bad nurse, really!" way home. But she believed the over the tragic stopper on that plan. “ Where are you going, all di blouse, her calling skirt (which al­ "I’m certain you're not.” “ And would you still?" she asked. worst he had done was to emulate ap?” ways looked new), and did what she his friend. Mr. Potts, and to get en­ "Docs be look very ill?" " If I could get him off.” “ Over to Danville to a wedding] gaged or perhaps actually married to could to her hair. All this was only She had been trying to avoid the "Guilty or not guilty?” "Who's getting married?” because Mr. Toye always came down somebody In the bush. direct question as far as possible, but "R ather!” as If It were Mayfair, and it was rotten "Old Bill Onions Know him!" There was no reason why he should this one seemed so harmless. Yet it There was neither shame, pose, nor wag received In a stony silence unlike hesitation about that. Blanche went not; there never had been any sort to make people feel awkward If you “ Sure I know him. Bill Onions any that had gone before, it was as through Into the room without a word, or kind of understanding between her could help it. So in sailed Blanche, lives on the Henshaw place.” in her very best for the light of day, though Cazalet neither moved nor but her eyes shone finely in the lamp­ "No, he rents the Jones farm." to be followed as soon as possible by breathed, whereas he had been all light. Then she returned with a book, “ Big stout fellow ?” the silver teapot, though she had Just ■ sighs atid fidgets Just before. His pipe and stood half In the balcony, framed “ I ’d call him rather slim." had tea herself. And there stood Hll- j "I don’t think so. Had lots ofl was out already—that was the one as In a panel, looking for a place. ton Toye. chin blue and collar black, the last time I saw him." merit of bush tobacco, it required “ You remind me of ‘The Thousandth “ Cross-eyed like?" his trousers all knees and creases, ex­ constant attention—and he did not Man,’ " she told him as she found I t "Not so you could notice." actly as he had Jumped out of the boat- look like lighting it again. “ Who was he?" “ Got a son by his first wife, train. Until tonight they had not men­ "H e's every man who does a thou­ "I guess I'm not fit to speak to you,” 13 years old— tall, skinny boy tioned Scruton since the motoring be­ sandth part of what you’re doing!” funny teeth?’’ he said, ''but that’s just what I've gan. That had been a tacit rule of the said Blanche with confidence. And “ No. B ill’s never been married come to do— for tho third time! road, of wayside talk and Indoor orgy. then she read, rather shyly and not | fore." But Blanche had always assumed that too wells "Oh, Mr. T o y e !" cried Blanche, " I guess I know him, thoni Cazalet had been to see him in tho really frightened by the face that wouldn't be sure. W ho’s he marryigl "Tom Garden’s widow. Know if prison; and now he told her that he "On* man In a thousand,” Solomon says, made his meaning clear. It relaxed "W ill stick mors close than a brother. maybe?” never had. a little as she shrank Involuntarily, And It's worth while seeking him half “ Little bit o f a woman with ” 1 can’t face him,” he cried under but the compassion in his eyes and your days hair?” I f you find him before the other. his breath, "and that's the truth! Let mouth did not lessen their steady de­ "Gosh, no; she weighs 200 and me get him out of this hole, and I’m Nine hundred and ninety-nine depend termination. hair's black as coal.” On what ttie world sees In you, his man forever; but until 1 do, while But the Thousandth Man will stand your "I didn't have time to make myself “ Drives a car, doesn't she?” there's a chance of failing, I simply friend presentable.” he explained. “ I thought "I reckon not I reckon she With the whole round world agin you." can't face the fellow. It isn't as if you wouldn't have me waste a moment rode in an automobile in her life.’ he’d asked to see me. Why should I "W ell, give ’em my regards. T1 if you understood the situation. I "I should hope he would," said Caza­ force myself upon him?" remember me.”—Ne' want you to promise to marry me probably let, "if he's a man at all.” News. "He hasn’t asked to see you because right now!” "But this Is the bit for you," said i he doesn't know what you're doing for Blanche: Blanche began to breathe again. “ A Lot of Influence." him!” Blanche leaned forward as ea­ Evidently he was on the eve of yet an­ gerly as she was speaking, all her re­ "H ie wrong’s your wrong, and his right's Sir W ilfrid Laurier, the fon other of bis journeys, probably back your right. pressed feelings comlug to their own prime minister of Canada, was i In season or out of season. to America, and he wanted to go over in her for Just a moment. ‘‘ lie doesn't Stand up and back It In all men's sight— engaged; at first she had thought he mensely populai with all classes I “ Look Here, Blanche! If You Had a know because 1 do believe you With that for your only reason! had bad news to break to her, but this I Canadians, and many went so far! Friend, Wouldn’t You Do It?” wouldn’t have him told that you’d ar­ Nine hundred and ninety-nine can't bide The shame or mocking or laughter. was no worse than she had heard be- j to credit him with authority far if rived. lest he should suspect! You But the Thousandth Man will stand by self and him; It was only as lifelong fore. Only it was more difficult to y0nd the limits of the dominion, are a brick. Sweep, you really a re!" your side friends that they had written to each cope with him; everything was differ-, it is related that some years ago J To the gallowe-foot—and a fte r!” He was too much of one to sit still other, and that only once a year. Life ent, and he so much more pressing j illiterate old Canadian visited f under the name. He sprang up, beat­ The last words were Italics In long friendships are traditionally fatal and precipitate. She had never met j from his home in the country, and! ing his hands. “ Why shouldn't I be— Blanche's voice, and it trembled, but to romance. They had both been this Hilton Toye before. Yes; she into conversation with a friend*)] to him—to a poor devil who's been so did Cazalet's as he cried out In his free as air; and If he was free no was distinctly frightened by him. But i *le mei there. In the course of through all he's been through? Ten formula: longer, she bad absolutely no cause in a minute she had ceased to be talk the name of Queen Victoria« years! Just think of It; no, it’s un­ "That's the finest thing I ever heard for complaint, even If she was fool frightened of herself; she knew her mentioned, and the old country thinkable to you or me. And it all In all my life! But it's true, and so enough to feel It. was astounded to hear that her i own mind once more, and spoke it : jest.v was dead. started In our office; we were to blame It should be. 1 don't take any credit All this she saw quite clearly tn her much as he had spoken his, quite com­ "Dead!" he exclaimed “Them for not keeping our eyes open; things for It " very honest heart. And yet. he might passionately. but just as tersely to has taken her place?" couldn't have come to such a pass if "Then you're all the more the thou­ have told her; he need not have flown the point. "The l’ rince of Wales has now we'd done our part, my poor old father sandth man!” to see her. the lnstnnt he landed, or “ One moment,” he interrupted. “ 1 come King Edward V II.” he wari for one— I can't help saying It—and I He caught her suddenly by the seemed so overjoyed, and such a boy said nothing about my feelings, be­ "By George!" cried the counti myself for another. Talk about con­ shoulders. His rough hands trembled; again, or made so much of her and cause they're a kind of stale proposi­ with a sharp whistle. "The tributory negligence! We were neg­ his Jaw worked. “ Look here, Blanche! their common memories! He need not tion by this time; but for form's sake must have had a lot of influence« ligent, as well as blind We didn't If you had a friend, wouldn't you do have begun begging her. In a minute, I may state there's no change there, Sir W ilfrid Laurier to get a bi* I know a villain when we saw one. and the same?” to go out to Australia, and then never except in the only direction I guess a like that!”— I’earson's Weekly. we let him make another villain un “ Yes, If I’d such a friend as all have mentioned it again; he might person's feelings are liable to change der our noses; and the second one that.” she faltered. Natural Fatality. Just as well have told her If he had or toward you. Miss Blanche! I’m a worse was the only one we could see In his ' Panae died, didn’t she, when) "You'd stand by his side 'to the gal hoped to have a wife to welcome her! case than ever, if that makes any dif­ ter showered her with gold?” true colors, even then Do you think lows foot'— if he was swine euougb to Of course he saw it afterward, him­ ference.” Well do you know many we owe him nothing now? Don't you let you?" self; that was why the whole subject Blanche shook her yellow head. wouldn’t drop dead of the shockj think I owe him something, as the "1 dare say I might." of Australia had been dropped so sud­ "Nothing can." she said. “ There must their husbands started throwing* only mau left to pay?" "However bad a thing it was— mur­ denly and for good at them."— Baltimore i Most likely he bi no possible mistake about It this money But Blanche made no attempt to der. if you like—and how-over much had married beneath him; If so. she time, because 1 want you to be very lean. answer his passionate questions He he was mixed up In It—not like poor was very sorry, but he might have said good and never ask me again. had let himself go at last; It relieved Scruton?*' that he was married. (TO BE C O N TIN U E D .» pTTOOSWiïï M AN WtWTC J Author o f “G he AMATEUR CRACKSMAN, RAFFLES. Etc. ft* I J » •*$ HAD ORIGIN IN DIPLOMACY Strength of Hemlock, The strength of a hemlock stick a Famoi s Phrase Which It Often Used foot square that had beeu In water for Has Been Ascribed to a almost 40 years, was recently tested lu Bishop of Milan. the 600,000-pound testing machine at Rensselaer Polytechnic institute at "When you are In Rome do as Rome Troy, N. Y. The timber. which was does," Is one of the proverbs that are 16 feet 9 Inches long, had formed part so old that .heir origin la lost In the of one of the piers of the Congress mists of antiquity. treet bridge at Troy. When the pier It Is generally asserted, however, broke down after the flood in the thst It arose trom the following Inch spring of 1913, the timber was turned dent, gtven In one of 8u Augustine ■ over to one of the material-testing epistles: "Augustine was tn the habit laboratories of the Institute. It was of dining upon Saturday as upon Sun­ kept in the open air for three months, day. but being puzzled with the dif­ and then placed It a dryroom for a ferent practices then prevailing (for little more than nine month*. When they had begun to fast at Home on placed tn the testing machine, the col­ Saturday) be consulted St. Ambrose, umn failed under a load of 384.000 the bishop of Milan, on the subject ! pounds; that Is. the long submerged The answer of the Milan saint was this: When I am hero 1 do not (aat I wood showed an ultimate strength of on Saturday, but when at Rome I do I I.6T0 pounds to the square Inch, in the opinion o f Prof. T. R. Lawson, fast on Saturday ’ ” who conducted the test the remarka­ Burton, tn tua "Anatomy of Melan- j ble strength of this piece of hemlock choly." speak* of those persons who seem* to show that being Immersed •re always swayed In mind and action tn water for a long time does not de­ by their surrounding* "When they crease the column strength of timber are at Home." he say* "they do there that ts subsequently permitted to dry as they see done " * [ Verbal Economy. l.lttle Johnny s mother asked him the other day how he liked some new n l a v - f fellows, f» lln w u a whose h n o o f family a m l l . . I had ---- 1 lately play settled in the village. "They play all right, mummy; but they use awful naughty swear words sometimes ’ "Oh. Johnny! "^ou needn't mind, mum my. 1 don't use swear-words back. I only say to them D it t o !'" —Stray Sto­ ries. . ! Coa, Mtnmg ln 1842 Maryland and the adjointng coun- ties ln West Virginia which make un 1 Z_ ■______ ., ** what is known as the Cumberland region constitute the only districts outside of the anthracite region of Pennsylvania whose records of coal production have been kept from rhe earliest years Those districts have been commonly known as the George* Creek (or Cumberland) and the Pled mont regions The Cumberland re ' His Accustomed Place. Sion was opened In 1SI2. and the Pied­ Seven-year-old Frances was watch­ mont region began shipping in 1S53 ing her papa start for the office and reporting his progress to mamma, His Translation. who was a little near-sighted "I understood. Cuddyhump. that your "The car s stoprlng for him." said whe is convalescent?" said kindly Mrs Frances hit©. “ Has he got on?" asked mamma. No. mom. If yo' please, and t ank» "Yes, mamma. He has Jumped on for de 'terrogatlon.” politely replied and taken hts place on a strap ”— the colored man: “ but stldder wh|0g Puck. she* gittln' better, mom!"—Judge. Liberty and John. Striking Home. “ Oh Liberty, what crimes are com­ Of course flax I. contraband of war mitted tn thy nam e'" quoted the mor v\Lo want* nis enemy t0 bav e the allier. "But not half so many a» In the name of John Doe. rejoined the comfort of a flaxseed poultlc e wOeu the tummy ache fets unbea demoralizer unbearable.— Memphis Commercial Appeal GOOD a p p e t it e GOOD HEALTH SPLENDID IDf The appetite is an cellent barometer of t condition of the man.” Watch it, when it loses its tom ed keenness, H O S T E T T E R ’! Stomach Bitti It is an excellent tonic sS appetizer. Get the genu ‘ shingt( nore |»y prea esolved Lives of State , requ nericai« the t ns, or « ing on o f th( wh guns, avow Tof the |1 be ca rise, ar other • or * can citi bellige heir ow hat whe nited St | shall co memo nment, nilies of iirect t nent for nffensive re arman I be manm |Four Die nnellsvilh ned and o by when t rater in shops religious i nbled to who is I o f the ( to the Si) kpt action <