The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 15, 1916, Image 5

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    hour, then returned to the hotel,
they built and adopted
Mrs. K. B. Penfield, Editor
mday, M a r c h 13th, t h e 'their bylaws S. H Davis was
n ’s Club held a business made a member of the executive,
g in the Congregational committee, to serve with Presi-: We call attention again this
parlors Miss Myers act- dent Fernsworth and Secretary week to the observance of Neal
secretary durtag the absence
day «n Monday, the 20th, at
Gus Gardner
Resolutions were passed thank- the Methodist vestry. The pro-
r the reading of the minutes in« Editor BIod&ett and the other gram having been completed ad-
last business meeting the business men of the town for their dresses by local pastors and others
ir routine business meeting hospitality; also the hotel people are expected. These will include
.ports of chairman of com fo^ he use of a m^ i n g room.
some personal recollections by
.s as follows: Mrs White,
The secretary was instructed to | those who heard him. There will
Mrs. West, moving pictures;: corresPond with the president of be special music and everybody
M rsi Bushnell, peace; Mrs. M il-. I the state
. association with a view is welcome.
"Carl,” said the teacher, "can
ler.lfcrary; Mrs. Thornburgh, re- to having the \\ ashington county
freshmt nts; Miss Thatcher, rose. ass0Clatien represented in the state you tell me what an inebriate is?”
“ Yes, ma’am ,” replied Carl. It
Roll call-current events was the or^ nization.
next in order. The ladies gave in-
Tj'e next meeting will be held is an animal that does not have a
,tion regarding many impor- at ^ oraelins on April 29th
ta n t issues from the Mexican
The sale of * near beer” will be
trouble to the political aspirants progressive people and the town prohibited in Crook county, ac­
I is being built up in artistic and cording to a letter written to
. Craft was elected a new ! durable fashion- There are very Mayor Eastes, of Bend, by Dis­
_r of the club. A letter on ^evv emPty houses and the stores trict Attorney Wirtz. Mr. Wirtz
welfare was read before the , are wed stocked and all report takes the position th at the various
ive committee, asking that business g ° od and improving, "near beers” are ali malt liquors
Wc n’s club co-operate with the ; ^ be business men appeared to be and therefore are prohibited by
t-Teacher meeting and lend pleaseci that the editors c ’.me to the Oregon dry law. The city
brt during a meeting to be their town and so expressed them­ council already has decided to for­
(here by the Child Welfare selves.
bid the sale of these drinks in
lission of Portland. More NOTES AND PERSONALS Bend, and will pass an ordinance
heard of it in the future.
as soon as it can be prepared.
Ronsumer’s week was fixed
W. R. Ives had business in
A Home Thrust
le last week in April, more of Portland Saturday.
in Richmond, Va .was
appears elsewhere in home
Miss Emma Penfield was a sitting at his breakfast table with
fs. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Abbott, Portland visitor Saturday.
his family when his son, who had
¡Hesseltine, Miss Myers, Mrs.
The Express prints butter wrap­ just arrived at the age of 21,
rning and Mrs. Hines were
pers with non-poisonous ink.
said: "Father, how do you expect
by the president to man-
to vote?” “ Son, I will vote for
|his as it was voted to co-op-
self-governm ent.” “ Well,
with the business men’s club.
Miss Jeanie Baxter spent Sun­ father, the practical effect of that
Rose committee has plans
visiting friends in Newberg, vote is to continue the saloons in
and expect to give the
will insure your auto against Richmond, is it not?” "Yes, son
ty a first-class show.
I t V i n f t i r i l l V-vrx f V in n f f n n f **
* * I ? n f V in o
Reder appeared before the fire, theft and collision. Hancock that will be the effect.” “ Father,
I am 21. Some of my associates
and urged their support & Wiles.
and frequently they have
rds the purchasing of Lyceum
Lorin Watkins and W. W. Mc-
me to go with them into
Its for next winter’s entertain- Eldowney were in Portland Sun-
saloons. I can truthfully say
The hostesses, Mrs. H an-| day afternoon.
to you and mother this morning
and M rs.Littler, had a pretty
Mrs. Esther Mathews visited
I have never darkened the
r niece on the President’s
her daaghter, Mrs. Geo. Skilcs, in door Gf a saloon, but, if the saloon
made of violets, in a basket
Beaverton Saturday.
¡s gOOCj enough for you to vote
with lavender ribbon. The
Mrs. C. L. Mocroft has been for, it is good enough for me to
presented Mrs. Todd with
quite seriously ill at her home on support, and the next invitation
■ ¡basket and flowers a t the
Fifth street, but is better now.
th at comes to me I will accept
i of the meeting.
go in and drink ” The father
The Express is prepared to meet
Ijourned to meet again in two
the prices of traveling calendar lost his appetite, his eyes filled
with tears, a lump came in his
in lots of 100 or more.
C lub C o r r e spo n d e n t .
Mrs. L. E. Howard and little throat, and he said: “ My son, I
daughter of North Yamhill visited will vote for Prohibition.”—Kan­
over Sunday in this city with Mrs. sas Issue.
G. B. Sage and family
J. W. Potwin left Saturday for
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Maury leave
e editors of seven Washing- i
the camp of the Standard Box & for th eir home in Lewistown, Montana,
ounty publications met at
, Lumber company, at Scofield, today, a fte r an extended visit with rel­
ood last Saturday to adopt ,
, f n r f h o W TtT
where he joins a half dozen other atives in this section.
fsfor the Washington County
Forest Grove men at lumbering. Riverside Grange held its regular
rial association, organized at
m eeting in A rtisan hall on the 10th,
Albert Sargeant of Gales City, ^ 7 ^ usua?‘rou“tine" of business ’ was
rton February 26th. Those
endance were Roy Blodgett who has been very sick for the attended to, three candidates were
Tualatin Valley News, Sher- past six weeks, is getting be ter i given the first and second d eg rees,after
daily and his Forest Grove friends which dinner was served and a social
S. H. and Leon Davis of
to see him time 8Pent; In
“fter,noon the work
avert on Times; Roy King . need not be surprised
, . ,
was turned over to the lecturer, and a
North Plains Optimist; H. in town one of these bright days. j-ne program wa9 r e n d e r e d . The
There was another b ig turnout m atrons of the Grange will m eet with
ade of the W alnut Book,
ladies at the M. E. Aid society Mrs- Mal- Hiatt on March 22nd-
■o; L. A. Fernsworth of the
The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Chard
Herald; A. E. Scott of the meeting at the home of Mrs. died a t the home of its grandfather,
ngton County News-Times Wehrley last Wednesday and an Mr. Sw ift, on Saturday, March 11th of
. C. Benfer of the Forest innovation in the way of male pneumonia, was buried on Monday at
waiters was introduced at the Hillside.
A very pleasant surprise party g ath ­
editors arrived in Sherwood luncb hour.
ered a t the Wolf home, on last Friday
n 1 and 2 o’clock and a t
George Van Ortwick, a we 1- night with the expectation of surpris­
t-named hour were piloted known resident of this section, ing Ernest, but nothing doing, it was
Hotel Sherwood, where Ed- came to town the other day and the bunch th a t was surprised. The
little birds had whispered to Ernest,
lodgett and
other v enterpris-
purchased - of Gordon & Gordon
u k i ! « «
____ a but a fine tjme was had ju st the same.
tisiness men were hosts a t a fine sewing machine. There would Mr.
Mr and
onH Mrs.
Mra N„u
Nels Jnhniuin
Johnson , enter'
luncheon. Mr. Blodget was be nothing strange in this pro- tained with cards on Saturday night,
laster a n d s t a t e d the ceedure, were it not for the fact eight tables being played. A royal
n the editors were present, th at the machine is for the use of good tim e was enjoyed. A fter the
a very dainty luncheon was served
were welcomed to Sherwood Mrs. Van Ortwick, who is 80 years game
and at a late hour the guests returned
’. J. Dotson and both Mr. of age. The husband is 87.
t and M r. Fernsworth re-
Mr. and Mrs. John VanKough- Mr. and Mrs. Ray M artin of San
ded to the address. (These net and daughter, M ary—father, Diego. Calif., is visiting with Mrs.
rs were allowed by their col- mother and sister to Chas. Van- M artin’s father, F M. Sutford.
. ,
| About 30 young people surprised
jes to do the talking for the T-
Koughnet, the local d ru g g ist-a r- \
^ Parson9 Tuesday evenin(f M#rch
s because both are running rived S a t u r d a y from Sturgis, 7th, on her sixteenth birthday. Games
the legislature and it was South Dakota, to make Forest were played and lunch was served and
ght best to let them get into Grove their home. They have the youngsters report a good time.
purchased a home on Third ave­ Mr. and Mrs. J . S. Pierpont returned
ter lunch the editors attend- nue south and will go to house­ Friday a fte r a short viait in Salem.
Mrs. Sadie Hoskins returned S atu r­
cannery meeting (mentioned keeping as soon as their household day from a visit with her father, Mr.
here in this issue) for half an goods arrive.
Crowthers, a t Gales Creek.
'OMAN'S ___________
County Editors
Met at Sherwood
Woman Found Guilty
At McMinnville last Saturday
a jury found Mrs. Anna Booth
guilty of second degree murder.
She was charged with having as­
sisted William Branson in the
killing of her husband, William
Booth, near Willamina, Yamhill
county, last October. Branson
was convicted of the same charge
a few weeks ago and has appealed
to the supreme c o u rt.'
New Millinery Store
M rs. E. F. Watson, late of
Denver, Colo., arrived'in the city
last week and rented the room in
the Caples block (between the
King and Caples stores) for a mil­
linery store. Mrs. Watson will
hold an opening reception Friday
and Saturday of this week and
invites all the ladies of Washing­
ton county to call and get ac
quainted and inspect her goods.
For Circuit Judge
To the Republican Voters of W ashing­
ton County:
I am a candidate for the Republican
nomination fo r Circuit Judge of the
N ineteenth Judicial District, compris­
ing W ashington and Tillamook Counties,
a t the May 19ih, 1916, primaries.
G eo . R . B agley .
To the V oters of the Republican Party
for W ashington County
I am a candidate for the nomination
fo r County Clerk, fo r the Primary
Election to be held May 19th, 1916;
have been chief deputy Couuty Clerk
for the past two term s, was born in
W ashington County, am fam iliar with
the work of the office, and if nominated
and elected will during my term of of­
fice attend to the duties thereof, exer­
cising economy, and courtesy to the
H enry A. K uratli .
For Sheriff
To the Voters of W ashington County,
Oregon :
I hereby announce m yself as a candi­
date tor the nomination on the Repub­
lican ticket for sheriff in the prim aries
of May 19th, 1916. If 1 am nominated
and elected I will, during my term of
office, conduct the said office honestly,
im partially, efficiently and economically
and for the best interests of the ta x ­
payers of the county.
Dated a t Hillsboro, Ore., this 28th
day of February, 1916.
J. W. C onnell .
Rev Edward A. Harris of Hills­
boro will exhibit his beautifully-
colored pictures of the Columbia
River Highway at the Congrega­ m '-on»™ »» » ™
tional church this evening, under ll
the auspices of the Brotherhood.
The ladies of the Working Society
Present Deputy Sheriff Announces
will serve a supper in connection
his Candidacy for
with the lecture, supper tickets
County Sheriff
(35c) to admit to lecture. Both
Before the electors at the Republican
Prim aries to be held May 19, 1916
men and women are invited to
If nominated a n d elected h e
both lecture and supper.
J . C. Applegate
pledges a stric t observance of his
Mrs. A. E. Dixon, the milliner,
duties and an economical admini­
is giving green trading stamps
with cash purchases, the same as ■¡tmsrr:'sr!:rm mwwv a? wm « » n n p ii
the other trading stamp business
Notice to Taxpayers
house. Bills paid every thirty
Notice is hereby given th a t on Tues­
day, February 15, 1916, the tax rolls
days considered as cash.
for the year 1915 will be opened for the
collection of taxes. The first half of
all taxes should be paid on or before
(Paid A dvertisem ents)
April 5th following, and the second
on or before October 5th following.
For Circuit Judge of the Nineteenth
Interest shall be charged and collected
Judicial District
at the rate of 1 per cent per month or
a fraction of a month until paid. " I n ­
I am a candidate for nomination to terest ut said rate applies to the first
the office of Circuit Judge of the Nine­ half if not paid by April 5th, and to the
teenth Judicial D istrict, composed of second half if not paid by October 5 th .’’
the Counties of Tillamook and Wash­ All taxes remaining unpaid on October
ington, subject to the Republican P ri­ 5th, shall become delinquent, and on
mary election to be held May 19th, November 5th a penalty of 5 per cent
will be charged and collected thereon
I am a resident of Forest Grove, in in addition to the interest provided
said W ashington County, and have herein. Any day a fte r the expiration
been an attorney for thirty years, am of six months a fte r the taxes charged
adm itted to practice in all the courts of against real property are delinquent,
this sta te and of the Federal Courts of the Sheriff shall have the right, and it
the United S tates for the district of shull be his duty upon demand to make
out and issue certificates of delinquency
I have been a lifelong republican, but against such property. Certificates of
in the discharge of public duties have delinquency shall bear in terest a t the
always held the interest of the people rate o f 15 per cent. On or as soon as
above th a t of party or politics, and th at practicable a fte r October 5th, the tax
the judiciary should never be swayed collector shall proceed to collect all
by partisan influence or party predju- taxes levied against personal property,
and which shall have been unpaid, and
I have ever stood for rigid economy shall levy upon sufficient goods and
in the expenditure of the people’s chattels of delinquent taxpayers and
money. The burden of taxation is in­ sell same to Batisfy said tax, or said
creasing out of all proportion to the Sheriff shall charge said personal prop­
benefits received, increased w ealth or erty tax against real property and said
tax shall become a lien upon said prop­
ability to pay.
erty, and shall be enforced in the same
If nominated and elected I will ad­ ( m anner us other real estate tax liens.
m inister the business of the courts of
this district justly, promptly and with Sheriff of W ashington County, Oregon.
the least possible expense to the tax 6-tf
By J. C. Applegate, Deputy.
Less litigation; less expense; less de­
lay and more justice shall be my aim.
Your support is respectfully solicited.
W. H. H o llis .
Political Announcements
For S tate Representative
To the members of the Republican
Party in W ashington County:
I beg respectfully to solicit your con­
sideration a t the Republican Prim aries
May 19. for the office of sta te Repre­
I favor uncompromising
economy, clean-cut. few er laws, and I
shall place the public interests ahead
of politics. I shall work against un­
necessary, frivolous a n d conflicting
laws, and I shall give my best efforts
to lightening the ever-increasing bur­
den of taxation created by expenditures
out of proportion to increase in wealth
and actual il n*
L. A. Fernsw orth.
C . R . L a s lin m
P lu m b in g
Steam and Hot W ater Heating
F irst Class Work Guaranteed.
Estim ates Cheerfully Furnished.
Kliop w ith G o r d o n mid G o r d o n
Format Grave, Oreion 0 6 3
Undertaking Co.
J. S. BUXTON, Prop.
For Sheriff
To the Voters of W ashington county:
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
I am a candidate for the Republican
nomination for the office of sheriff a t
the Prim ary Election to be held May Forest Grove,
19th, 1916.
If nominated and elected, I will give I N .H O F F M A N
the protection of my office to all per­
sons and all classes alik e; I will con­
Attorney At Law
duct my office in an economical way, as
near as possible ; with fair and court­ Patent Office Business Solicited
eous treatm en t to the public.
Forest Grove,
Geo. G. Hancock.