(Eijt Ifarvat dirnuf lExpreaa Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C B enfer, Editor and Publisher. Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postoffice at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the A c t o f March 3, 1879 W E D N E SD A Y , MARCH NOTES AND Judge Hollis is to be congratu- lated, for a Washington county newspaper which has never be- fore expressed a political opinion has come right out from behind the bush and ALM OST endorsed the judge as a good man for cir- cuit judge. Canada wants Uncle Sam 15, 1916 COMMENTS THE RECALL What of the recall of Judge Reasoner? This is a question asked on all sides, and one that requires a calm and unimpassion- ed answer. We must lay aside our own personal likes or dislikes of the man, and look at it from a PROSPERITY STRAWS Salem , March 13— Port of Umpqua Commission votes $200,000 bonds to construct je tty . Coos County Commissioners plan $25,- 000 addition to court house. Tw enty-five out o f 30 sawmills locat­ ed on Columbia and Willamette rivers Forest Grove Cash Shoe Store uncovered in Carroll B. mine. Portland— Union stock yards to have We have given you a bit o f history about our store in the last tw o issues. Now we want you to know and get some o f the advantage in our a new building, cost $ 1 50 , 000 . Plans are being drawn for $100,000 Bargain House-Cleaning Sales in operation. Baker— Gold running $500 to the ton hotel at Gearheart. Southern Pacific electrification o f company begins W est side line from W hiteson to Corvallis, cost $800,000. North Bend— Oregon Wood Products company grows from six men to 23 men payroll in a month. Heppner is to have a creamery. Eugene— Ralston Steel Car company to »tandpoint of justice, not only to Mr. Reasoner, but to the public. stop the hatching of plots against The recall should be invoked o f Ohio lets contract to Booth-Kelly Canada in this country. Hless mill for 9,000,000 fe et o f lumber with only for extreme reasons, such as which to build 2,000 freight cars for S. your dear heart, Miss Canada, flagrant abuse of public trust, ex­ P. company. Uncle Sam has all he can do treme extravagance, or absolute Bend— Lang & Co. o f Portland buys breaking up the trouble incubators unfitness for the office. We be­ site for wholesale grocery warehouse. who are trying to get him involved Medford now expects to get a beet \ lieve M . Reasom r has not been in the European war, without sugar factory. guilty of any charge that would worrying about your troubles. Portland estimated population at ] come under these heads. He, present 281,000. Henrv Ford, the auto king, has however, has succeeded in getting Baker— Portland concern will operate ! announced that he is getting himself pretty generally disliked $15,000 gold dredge on Burnt river. Oregon C i t y — C r o w n Willam ette ready to spend several million as a public official, because he has Paper company plans to build homes dollars with the newspapers to been arrogant and overbearing in T * j for those o f 850 employes who wish it. educate the public to the evils of his contact with C itize n s o th e A creamery is planned for Stanfield. militarism. Now note how many county. He has failed ignomin- Brickettes m a y be manufactured newspapers will discover t h a t jously as a pacifici-t in neighbor- from waste at Florence mills. Carload o f peppermint roots shipped Henry is a patriot and not a fool, hood differences that have led to as some of them have heretofore cessation of load work in many from surroundiug country to Albany last week. suggested. parts of the county. In taking U . S. National Bank plans which will be in full blast during spring and summer. In several lines you can save from 60c to $1.50 a pair. When you can get shoes that are worth from $3 50 to $5.00 a pair for $1.85, it is worth investigating. They are Oxfords, in tans and blacks. Watch our Baskets and Cheap Table goods. Children’ s Shoes and Slippers at 65c One lot at 85c, 95c and $1.10. Forget the style and use a little economy. We have it at The Forest Grove Shoe Store C . V . B . R u s s e ll EG G S For Hatching to build The editor of the Express fears! sides unnecessarily in these squab- $ 250,000 structure in Portland. some of Forest Grove’s pretended bles the Reeling has been intensi- j Cold storage plant for handling deep moralists are not as consistent as fied and consequently a great sea fish proposed for Coos Bay. they should be Several of those ! deal of harm h a s resulted. Peti-1 Refinin* Plant to handIe Silica de- .. , .1 1 1 l posits, discovered near Oregon City, to who worked and voted against aj- tions of the people have been 1U , Petitions are out for $700,000 bond lowing the local picture show to ' gnoredand the delegates bearing operate on Sunday have since th e 1 them have returned to their homes issue to construct 40 miles o f hard sur- election gone to Portland and at­ with a feeling of c h a g r i n and face road north and south through Lane tended shows on Sunday, Oh Ve ' humiliaron. All these things have county- ’ J 1 i_#4 __ . |. Plans are being drawn for many Ore- left smarting sores on the public. . .. 3 hypocrites! * gon bridges. le w h ic h ^ UI a( v,ce *° the people of the Reports say that an electric line will About o v e r l y v a a r tic lic it men rt~ j county is to not be too hasty in ! be built from Salem to Bend via Mill quires coloring matter in (he mak- this malter ; or a change might City and Minto Pass. mg h a s advanced s o in price that not be beneficial at this time. A Astoria is opening bids for much the Express suggests our inventive recall would sm;ick too much of street improvement work. .. . Hillsboro creamery company enlarges geniuses get busy and concoct a personalities. | to manufacture butter. few new dyes. This would be Ibis trouble would have been Roseburg— Association f o r m e d to worth more to humanity than the overlooked had the term of county promote interests o f fruit growers in invention of more deadly guns and judge been four years, instead of Garden Valley, bombs. This European war has six. Four years is long enough Sawmifis active near Sandy made our chemists devise way; of lerm for this office or even too ill 000 for Coquille River fisherman-8 getting along with quite a number long for an unsatisfactory official. co-operative cannery. of domestic articles, in place of Milwaukee council votes to buy out — Beaverton Times. imported ones, and dyes should Wi 1 somebody kindly tell us local water company. be added to the list. How about whether Editor Davis of the Times the cigaret stain for one of the intends the above as a defense or shades of yellow? an indictment of the judge? Annually Uncle Sam furnishes Washington County Transfers j While the editors were meeting the people with free garden and The following real estate trans- at Sherwnod last Saturday, the flower seeds. The seeds are fur­ fers were recorded with the regis- business men and farmers of the nished, ostensibly, to learn which ter of deeds at Hillsboro during district were aho holding a meet- varities are best suited to certain the past week: ing. at which they discussed the sections of the country, but not Curtiss B Livingston to Surah B advisability of putting up a can- one man in a hundred takes the Livingaton, 4 acres and roadway in E nery to take care of the perish­ trouble to inform the secretary of W alker D L C, 1 N 4. $1. able fruits and vegetables. John Kingalev Livingston to Sarah B agriculture what success he has W. J. Dotson p r e s i d e d and had with a given variety of s*>ed. Livingston, same as above, $1. Archie Cambell was secretary and, W illiam K Livingston et ux to Sarah With thinking people, it is under­ B Livingston, same as above. $1. on suggestion o f Editor R o y stood that congressmen merely F E Morrill et ux to F R Spaulding Blodgett, several of the visiting use the free seed package as a et ux, tract in Harvey Clarke D L C, editors were asked what they means of bribing the support of sec 6, 1 S 3. $10. knew of the canning business. A . F L Koberstein et ux to J E Bates, their constituents. And we’re a 80x100 feet in I) McLeod and w ife D L E. Scott told of the experience of cheap bunch, if a few ounces of C. $10. Washington county a n d Forest radish seed will induce us to vote M T Bates et ux to J E Bate», 40.24 Grove people with a cannery and for a man who has no especial acres D McLeod D I. C. *10- told the Sherwoodites if they were Thomas Talbot et ux to J W Moore- qualifications for office, o t h e r willing to run a year or two with house, E 1-2 o f tract 38, Springhill than a big mouth. out profit or at a small loss, they farm. $10. would come out winners in the The Shaw Fear Company to C F N ei- It is considered by the manage­ pert et ux. W 1-2 o f lot 170, Beaver- end. S. H. Davis of Beaverton, ment of the Express a mighty ton-Reedville Acreage, $620. Roy King of North Plains, L. A. lucky day that news is not re­ W illiam H Ruthruff et ux to C A ceived of an advance in price of Dickison et ux, 25 acres in sec 1, 3 S 2, Fern>worth of Banks and H. V. Meade of Orenco also made re­ some kind, eharaeter of color of $ 10 . marks along the same line. After paper or card board. There have In company with T. C. Lord, the local people had thoroughly been not less than six advances in j r., the editor of the Exprwi had e prue ° ''" ''red Pa P''r and the pleasure last Friday of taking discussed the matter, it was de­ bounds since the first of the year, dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John cided to ask some cannery expert 1 his has caused many consumers Heisler. Sr., at Gales City. These to come to a future meeting and o use w i t papt r on johs jo >s that p io n ^ ^ are extremely hospitable tell the people more about the were formerly printed on colored , „ , i . ... subject. If shey can be convinced „ » a .u ~ li , „ . and al»a y s have something good and then white paper began to to eat for the hungry wanderer. that there is the least chance of advance in price. D on’t be sur- Mr. Heisler is 70 years of age. a cannery paying, the people of prised if your printer has t o I18® worked hard all his life, but if Sherwood and vicinity will put up charge you more for your next !l *»>r** not for his failing eyesight, the money to build and equip one jo b of printing He’ll either have 5 « c o u ,d « a,>y p a » for a man of - V J? , ; 1 ‘ ^ e,ther haVe fifty, as he gets about better than Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 that to do or make you a present many men of that age. |oan on farms Sherwood People Want a Cannery 1 -tf I'll Fine Strain of R ose p«nb n r n o ight Color ilEiU O $ 2 .0 0 F or Fifteen Cheaper in Quantity B A B Y CHICKS Call at Forest Grove Express W. L. Benfer P. 0. Box D Phone 821 - Forest Grove, Ore. Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel «1 Do YOUR part in the UPBUILDING of this town. <1 READ THE HOME PAPER <1 S tu d y th e ads. •I Patronize home trade When you HELP THE MERCHANTS you HELP THE TOWN. When y o u HELP THE TOWN y o u HELP YOURSELF — We’ll Make Good on any promise we make to deliver work on a given date. The Express has one of the best equipped little printing plants in the Willamette valley, having added several hundred dollars’ worth of material to the Williams plant for . . . JOB PRINTING . . . purposes and more good material is on the way. The management would very much appreciate it if those in need of stationery, office blanks, or any other kind of printing would call at the office for samples and pnees. If you’re too busy to com e to the office use the phone and representative will call on you. PH O N E 821