i )Y MUSIC EASIEST WAY IN PRIMITIVE RUSSIA SOENTIFIC HOME STUDY METHOD Quick results. Succe33 euar»n- Costs leas then h »lf A or»! inatruc- I Piano. Organ, R E G IO N W H IC H C IV IL IZ A T IO N H A S NOT REACHED. Violin. Banjo. Mandolin. Guitar and Cornet ; taught. I today for Catalog and 4 free lessons. American School of Music, -ealth BU<. POaiUND. OREGON In h a b it e d by N o m a d i c Race, W h o L iv e a t T h e i r F o r e f a t h e r s L iv e d T h r o u g h ­ ou t the C e n t u r i e s — H a v e M a n y P e c u l i a r C u s to m s. ALL "GO To Cleanse and Heal Deep Cuts Money Back If It F a il* Havt it on hand H A N F O R D ’S Balsam of Myrrh Shipments are w h a t HAZELW OOD CO. 1846 the! FJ Jfr* ficai - nto| Enel on, I ed. < is i l herí andj J no| irai* la °L A be sp the ä tel the cJ and j aoverta :hfuli mat iter il jy thel iil ;iot[ er, I eti| rite atei H e W a s C au tio u s. SOME TIME Fred Thompson, night clerk at the T o E v e r y I n m a t e of P r i s o n the P e r i o d Laclede hotel, St. Louis, is asking his o f F r e e d o m A r r i v e s , E i t h e r In friends to believe this one: L i f e o r Death. “ About 8 o'clock the other night.” Thompson says, "a tall, rangy ruralite Some day— If we live, and there entered the lobby of the hotel and ap­ doesn't seem to be much chance of proached the desk. After I had fixed dying around here— we are going out him up with a room he asked me It [ and going home, says a writer in the would take care of some money for him. I told him I would be glad to New Era, Federal penitentiary. Leav­ put it In the safe. He fished down In enworth. his trousers pocket and produced a Even the man who happens to die $2 bill. here is going home, for that matter. “ ‘Just put that away,' he said, ‘I It may seem slow, but the time am going out for a little while and I comes eventually for the last “ get-up” [ don't want to take any chances with In prison for every man here. Then these city slickers. " I kept my face straight and as- It s hike! I sured him it would be safe on his It's over to the tailor shop for new j return. He started to leave and then clothes from head to foot—and then | turned around and asked how late we ont and away. No bird will be freer kept open. than you and I, but we'll not fly high “ ‘Oh, I ’ll be here when you get any mare. One will start In one direc­ i back,’ I told him. “ ‘ Well, 1 don't know,' he replied, 'I tion and one In another. What's the Most 10 difference? Any road leads to free­ calculate I’ll be pretty late. | o'clock, likely.’ dom and the main chance. “ I assured him I would be on deck, We shall have the right to work and but he did not seem satisfied. A fter to carry our wages in our pockets 1 pondering a few moments he asked: again or put the money In the bank. “ ‘Could I see Mr. Laclede?' W e shall drtnk freedom from every “ That had me going for a few min- water cup, and breathe in liberty from l utes. but when I recovered I told him the air itself. We can get off a dis­ Mr. Laclede had gone to bed.” Pierre Laclede, the founder o f St. tance and yell out loud without fear [ Louis, for whom the hotel was named, of a calldown. died in 1878. We can sit and talk it all over at the dinner table with friends and rel­ To B real 1 n N ew Shoes. atives. No more hands out for pota­ A lw ays sh ak e In A l l e n ' « Foot Ease, a powder, cures hot, s w e a t i n g , a c h i n g , sw o lle n feel, toes. Some of these days we will tuck ft -'ures corns, i n g r o w i n g nails an d bunions. At a napkin under our chin again and ill dr u g g i s ts and shoe steres, Zoo, Dont accept i n v substitute. S a m p le m a il e d F R E E . A d d resi make merry over our pudding. We Allen S .O lm st ed , Le Hoy N. Y. shall go to bed at night with lights out and know the balm of darkness E le c t r i c D o o r B e ll M a d e F o r H o u s e Cat. to the eyes and enjoy the rest it gives the optic nerve. When a cat owned by the keeper of The day will roll 'round for us to the Platte Kougere lighthouse on the say good-by and go, with heads up— Island of Guernsey wishes to enter Its master's dwelling it rings an elec­ not down. No more will wo feel the weight of tric bell to summon a member of the bondage or know the pinch of confine­ household to the door. This has been made possible by the construction, ment. Everything we do, it will be near the bottom of a door, of a shelf our pleasure to do, and not our task. which actuates a switch when a 'light We will cast off fetters, not put them weight is placed upon it. Thus, when on. the cat jumps onto this smull ledge, We shall despise and feel a horror which is supported by a bracket, the for anything that curtails our liberties. circuit is closed.— From the March Habits that make slaves of men will Popular Mechanics Magazine. Interest Is still kept up in Great | ! Britain in other things besides the war. The other day, for instance, a Mr. F . A. Holiday, a traveler, gave -t and appeal to >ou for yours. Ship r next can of Cream. an address before the Society of Arts A L I N I M E NT in London on the Uralak, a province in Aslan mid-Russia, northeast of the For Cut», Burns, POR TLAND. OREGON Caspian sea. Bruises, Sprains, Valuable oil fields exist here, and also deposits of sulphur and other Strains, Stiff Neck, Chilblains, Lame Back, minerals useful in peace and war. \T " T i A *50,000 C orpora- Mr. Holiday said that the land was Old Sores, Open Wounds, I y - ' tion desires to secure i 1 A A. within next ten days very flat, and there was almost an and ail External Injuries. — the services o f H igh absence of trees, which caused the {R e p resen ta tive in each town. N o . ‘ •¡¿ ¡ft * fuel problem to be somewhat acute. M a d e S i n c e sing, soliciting or selling; re fe r- I experience unnecessary. G uaran- The advent of western civilization fur­ Price 25c, 50c end $1.00 Bcome to right party. Dept. 8, 628 nished the Inhabitants with a certain - . OR W R IT E t Block. Portland, Oregon. amount of firewood in the shape of tel­ egraph poles and stakes used to mark out claims. The Cossacks, had, however, taught them to respect the former, though ^ Dr Isaac Thompson’s not in some cases the latter. The I i only Automobile School on the Pa- F Coast maintaining a Gas Tractor original inhabitants were the Kirghiz, L Using Holt Catterpillar, C. L. an essentially nomadic race, who [layer and Wheel Tractors, both in the |1 and operating field, lived in dome-shaped tents made of a awthorne Are., Portland, Or*. is b o th a rem edy f o r w e a k , in flam ed light wooden frame covered with eyes an d a n id eal eye w a sh . K eep ,our ryes well end they will h e lp keep you. camel skins. 9 C , . el ell Drarctsb or sent by The tents had no furniture, b u t j Meil upon receipt of price sometimes beautiful oriental rugs or W R IT E F O R F R E E B O O K L E T J O H N L . T H O M P S O N S O N S & CO . carpets were placed on the floor, a , 143 R iv e r St.. T ro y , N . Y. and other beautiful space being left on which a fire was j Illustrated catalogue offering made. the finest and largest stock in When the Kirghiz used the tele­ ; Northwest free upon request. graph poles as firewood, they did not Then He Left. \CLARKE BROS., Florists, take the whole pole away, but each | He was telling about all the things Portland. Oregon. man chipped off a piece until at last he owned, his prize bulldog, his bunga­ the whole pole gave way. low, his touring car. A prince was a man with 100 or “ But you don’t seem interested,” he 200 sheep, and a prince in winter complained. and “ Yes, I am,” responded the other generally lived in a house built of FEDERAL TIRES AND TUBES bricks made out of the sand and chap, “ but I ’m rather occupied today. Tell you what. You just mail me a Free Tire Service. baked in the sun. statement of your assets and I ’ll read " THE HOUSE OF SERVICE. " The houses were sunk in the it with all the admiration and aw’e be cast aside, for w’hile serving a I l a r f H e u lt liy , S t r o n g , I l e a n t lf a l F t # » ¡TOR CAR S U P P L Y CO., Inc. Oeu lints and Phy aiumna used M urine Eye ground for warmth in the winter. you could possibly desire.”— Washing­ prison sentence we are freed of habits Remedy many y e a r» before it w a s offered as a padway N o . Portland, Ore. that bind us more than any privilege They had window frames and doors, ton Star. ! Domestic Eye Medicine. M uriue is Htill Cura* withdrawn here. W e will not be but the firewood question was so acute I pounded by O u r Physicians and g uaran teed slaves to strong drink. We will go out I by them aH a R eliable Relief for Eyes that Need IC Q Start a Business of Your that when the people went on trek I CO Own. Employ Others. free from its awful bondage. Its Care. Try it in your Eyes and In B a b y ’s Eyes — than *5.00. Dignified, Pleasant and In the summer they took the window No Sm arting — Just Eye Comfort. Buy M urine curse is removed far from us. Ktituble. Send stamp today for information frames and doors out and packed them of your D ruggist — accept no Substitute, and If »<■ Laboratory, 214 Slock Ei. bid*., Portland, Or. interested w rite for Book of the Eve Free. We shall not be tempted to profane on the backs of camels for fear the A H U 1 M K E V E l i L M K U Y CO., C H I C A G O our lives with evil deeds so long re­ people who did not trek would steal ED— Agents, live ones, in every locality in moved from their commitment. We Only Daylight E gg Tester in the coun­ them. It W i l l B e A l l R i g h t T h e n . will go out more free from shackles competition. Money-back proposition. The Ural river was a great source |5' for tester and explanatory matter and Edith— I shouldn't think you’d want than wo have been in years, for bad i in your neighborhood. Address X-Ray of wealth to the Cossacks, for It was to marry such a forgetful man as habits are the hardest shackles to iter, 50ti Railway Exchange. Portland, Or. well stocked with fish. At one time Jack. strike from us. a barge crossed the river, but the Ethel— But ho says the reason he IT C fl Everyone to know about DAD’S Cossacks would not allow it to cross forgets things is because lie’s thinking I I C C J ELECTRIC HAND LIGHT. A M a d e B a c h e lo r P a y f o r W if e . so constantly of me that he cannot re- feat big light, s a f e , handy and cheaper than after dark, as they said that the fish Id and storm-proof. Fuily illustrated cir- wanted to sleep as well as anybody A delicate question was recently de­ ! member anything else. I Ruuiledge Seed & Floral Co., 169 2d Si., Portland. Edith— Oh, I see. You don't expect else. cided by an alderman of Wilkes-Barre, The outbreak of war put a great Pa., when he was called upon to ad­ to have any trouble after you're mar- [ ried.— Boston Transcript. pel B o il e r of G r e a t E ff ic ie n c y . cueck on the developments of the judicate as to how much it is worth to I f you, too, are embarrassed by find a wife for a bachelor, who Is anx­ A pntion of marine engineers has Uralsk and of other oil fields. N o S u c h A s p e r s i o n A llo w e d . a pimply, blotchy, unsightly com­ ious to step from bachelorhood Into “ Isn't there a grent deal of esprit du ¡drawn to a new type of boiler great deal of prospecting and pr^>- plexion, just try limlnary work was necessarily stopped, the bliss of married life. Opportunity corps in that organization?” put forth by an English inven- and companies which were already "N o t a bit of It. Every man Jack In to determine this question came when The curious device makes use well established met with fresh diffi­ a woman brought suit against a man it Is on the water wagon.” — Baltimore flues nor of coils of pipe to se- culties. to recover $100 which she alleged was American. ¡uick steaming, but of hollow con- regultirly for a week and see if it In some places “gas holes,’’ around promised her for finding a wife for de­ does not make a blessed difference cones. Accord'ng to tests which there was often a deposit of fendant after he had failed in his hunt in your skin. In severe cases a l a boiler of this type, the size of sulphur, were met with. for a life partner. She claimed that Some of ¡shead, will generate as much these spots were venerated by the little R esinol Ointment should also he had expressed great disgust with and has as high a horsepower Kirghiz, who prayed round them and be used. Rcsinol Soap helps to his condition of bachelorhood and en­ as the ordinary boiler many make red, rough hands and arms gaged her to hunt him a wife. She lo­ f larger. This compactness and then erected little sticks, to which soft and white, and to keep the cated a woman, introduced her to him they tied little pieces of cloth, as was rating make the boiler particu- hair healthy and free from dan­ and their marriage resulted. Follow­ Ldapted to marine service, where the manner of simple peoples. druff. Contains no free alkali. ing the marriage the husband refused On one occasion his driver stopped [is valuable, besides which, its R esinol Soap and Ointment heal eczema and simi­ fend comparative cleanliness of and prayed by one of these “ gas to pay the $100 he had promised. The lar skin-eruptions an d usually stop itching instantly. ¡ion result in quite a substantial holes,'’ and threw a few kopeks on alderman, who Is a bachelor, ruled that Of labor. Several views of the the ground, which, he said, were for it was well worth $100 to find a wife j appear in the March Popular the religious authorities when they for a bachelor, and he gave judgment Is no more necessary pics Magazine. than S m a l l p o x . Army for the full amount of the claim. came along. Asked if there was not experience b *s demonstrated S cott’ Emulsion the almost miraculous e ffi­ danger of someone stealing them, the F in e S c r u p l e s . cacy, and h..rmle??nfss, of An tityphoid Vaccination. Ancient Greek Had Wisdom. driver replied that if he prayed for vaccinated N O W by your physician, you and pr— I want to tell you this, my relief from sickness and trouble, and fo u Be r fam ily. It is more vital than bouse Insurance. The earliest writer to conceive of |he secret of success is hard then someone stole the money, the A sk your physician, druggist, or »end for “ H ave the idea of a rotating earth was Philo- you had Typhoid?” telling of T y p h o i d Vaccine, Scott‘t Emuhion la a food, a medi­ results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. thief would get tho trouble and sick­ laus, a Greek, who lived in the fifth -If it's a secret, dad, you cine and a tonic to Keep the IH C CUTTPR L A B O R A T O R Y , B E tB F L F Y , C A L ! century before Christ. The same man. U't have told it. Fortunately, ness, so there was no danger. blood rich, avoid rheumatism PBOOUCIHe VACCINCS a SCRUMS u n d e r u . r . g o v l i c e m s s ! on purely philosophical principles, also much of a gentleman to take and thwart nervous conditions. hit upon the idea of the sun as the W h a t I t ’s For. ige of information gained in It is free from alcohol or harm­ lay.— Boston Transcript. center of our system an Idea that If you wish to get ahead and stay ful drugs. The best physicians D e d u c tio n . prescribe it. 14 -JO j ahead, use a head.— Boston Tran “ What conclusions did you draw had to wait 2,000 years for confirma­ — w '.Ji'.'jy wi r -uitum-w i script. from your study of the ancient Egypt­ tion, until Copernicus came In 1040. ian Inscription?” asked the professor of archaeology. In c r e a s e d U s e of Q u inin e. S ta te C o n tr o l in E n g l a n d . BLET! “ Why,” replied the superficial stu­ That the use of quinine Is rising In A remarkable scheme of state con NTKC D OR M O NEY RC FU N O C O Ì A » m #1 *** * * * * * «»4 » • • lo rd Irrmt trol has been Inaugurated at a cen dent, " I decided that the old Egypt­ popularity Is amply borne out In a |Fn4 u 4 M wm feaadl. .« N ^ ians had their comic artists the same A U I « k w à lr t N # I. " C O P H E * C U M f mmd -M E N statement laid before the legislative ter In the north of England where 20,- as we have.”— Washington Star. •R O ftlS O T TC M F C C O • C O O M r iF L C X N J L council of India, recently. This state­ 000 men are expected to be at work i n about GOPHER & SQUIRREL CURES. ment shows that In 1913 the sales of shortly on munitions. To provide fox R e s p o n s i b i li t y . this medicine were just over forty-five them the government has acquired all “ Does your w ife let you carry the and a quarter million grains, whereas shops In the district, and will elthei latchkey?” allow the late proprietors to sell good« “ She compels me to carry It,” re­ In 1914 the sales had Increased to close \ under license only or will in mosl plied Mr. Mekton. “ I have to be sit­ on seventy-two and a half million j cases run them under direct control ting on the front steps waiting to open grains and Tor the first eleven months \ The government will thus be butchers the door for her when she gets home.” of last year the sales exceed seventy- ! Successful Homs three and three-quarter million grains. Remedies bakers, grocers and milkmen to tht — Washington Star. inhabitants. The main object Is tc His successful h«rb- t! remedies cure all W i f e ’s S e r v i c e s V a lu ed. regulate prices and prevent extortion 1916 Catalog kinds of ailments of The Missouri court o f appeals has 1 The liquor control board has already men and women with­ out operation. used held In a suit before It that It Is not bought all the public houses—about from the wonderful ?Le t>s necessary to make definite proof of I thirty in number— and has thus a Chinese herbs, roots, P la n ts, B u lb s, id v e p imbiea. which are unknown to In the district a w ife’s services, “ as any Intelligent monopoly In some tht C a rd e n , O rc h a rd dicai Alienee of this country. citizen might be presumed to know sale of Intoxicants will continue undei and P o u ltry [fo r blank *r*l -irculara. Send stamp. U L T A T IO N FREE. Address their reasonable value as a matter of Su p p lie s, close restrictions; In others It hai At Drvjrglntt0 and jV«d S'oren, Fertilizers, Etc. common knowledge.” Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. been suspended, and some have beer Mr and li ^ /.\ reliable» W. v»»*m Catak« turned Into lodging houses for work 16? Vs First St.. Portland. Ora. DAIRY association CO. f fo r W e s te rn b u y s rt. O L K LrMMViU*. ft. Mention Paper. A n d the T r o u b l e Sta rted. men. " M lg H s s t Q « s N t y " S t o c k s ;EAM the I denti HOME” Ail Dealers THORNE AUTO SCHOOL The Old and Reliable “ eye wa Y er \EGON ROSES vers. imobile Oils and Greases The girl with a clear skin wins R^sinol Soap teil Strength Past Fifty Years can be maintained by adapting tbe right nourish­ ment, and Nature's own oil- food in » has strengthened thousands of men and women to continue their work and usefulness for many years. TYPHOID RAT CURE" TA T O F iL L ? TH tf C. Gee Wo -SEED! J d ir e c t t o bu jrsrs o n ty ---n o a g e n t s . You «a v e tim e ami D i d n ’t W o r r y . N. U. w 1 N o . I I , 1918 v r lt ia c to Bárertiom L So# thio popo,. "What has become of that ’Don’l Worry club’ you once helped to or ganlze?" “ Everybody refused to worry. Th* club got In debt and bad to disband.* money by buyir.g of us. R 0 UTLED 6 E SEEO&FLORAL CO. N e w C a ta lo g N o . 6 4 Free. 169-171 2nd St. FORT LAND. OREGON W ife— "In order that I may get the money on this check, do the people at the hank have to know m e?" Hua- band—"Yes. they have to know you, hut not as well aa I do; otherwise they wouldn't give you a c e n t”— Judge. NORTHW ESTERN AGENTS P o r t la n d S eed C o., Portland, • Oregon