The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 15, 1916, Image 2

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    VILLA IN U. S.
El Paso, Tex.— Eighteen P « * ° ner!
Columbus, N. M.— V illa made his |
were burned to death and probably 10
hiding place known Monday for the
others seriously injured, many fata y,
first time since the fires o f looted Co­
, ¡n a fire late Tuesday at the city jail
lumbus lighted his escape into the
The blaze started from a
gray Mexican hills south o f town, j
flash of flame from a large tub of gas-
With 3000 men at his back the bandit
oline and kerusene solution used to de-
chief tore up the track o f the North- |
I stroy germ-carrying lice.
In their
western o f Mexico railroad at Corral-
first reports officials attributed the or­
itos and swept toward the Mormon set­
igin to the deliberate action of one of
tlements in the San Miguel valley.
the prisoners in throwing a lighted
This bold stroke has cut off from es­
I match into the container.
cape into the United States 500 Mor­
More than a score o f prisoners, who
mons who had planned to make their ,
I were thoroughly saturated with the
way to safety across the border. The
; solution, were enveloped in flames.
ruthless raider has announced that he
Jail attendants immediately opened
w ill put to death every man, woman
two exits, allowing a number of the
and child in the settlement.
Mexicans IO IO n e Will r i g ' l l
in the bath room to escape,
The Mormons are all that revolution ,
He Will Surrender Dignity and
although seriously burned.
has le ft in the fertile country around
Surgeons said that the death list
Casas Grandes in the Guerrero district [
would probably reach 25 and that
Honor of Mexican Nation.
o f Chihuahua.
There were form erly |
many o f the injured would not live
20,000 Mormons from the United
more than a few hours.
States settled at a dozen colonies in
Surrounding the bath quarters are
Mexico City— General Carranza Sun­
the San Miguel valley. They had es­
rows of cells, mostly filled with pris­
tablished prosperous settlements at day night issued a manifesto to the
Those adjacent to the bath
Columbus, N. M.— Francisco Villa, Dublan, Casas Grandes, Colonia Gar­ nation declaring that under no circum­ were caught in the flames.
cia, Colonia Guarez, Colonia Juarez, stances would the Mexican government
of these were slow and dangerous and
outlawed Mexican badnit, raided Unit­
Colonia Chuichupa and other garden grant to the United States a right to
it was in these that most of the fatal­
ed States territory Thursday. W ith spots.
I violate
______ her sovereignty
_ _ by sending an ities occurred.
Volunteer rescuers
1600 men he attacked Columbus, killed
They have been planning since the . armed force in pursuit of Villa with-
aided in dragging out the victims,
at least 16 Americans and fired many raid on Columbus to return to the j out the consent snd reciprocal privil- many unconscious and badly burned.
United States.
V illa was informed. j eg e being first obtained and admitted.
buildings before he was driven back
H. M. Cross, an American, who died
A fter his raid into New Mexico he ] General Carranza said in his mani-
of injuries, was named as the man
across the international border.
hurried to Guzman to await the Mor- festo:
A t least 250 troopers of the Thir­ mons on their passage to El Paso. I “ I am sure that I interpret in this who struck the match that caused the
fire, in a statement made by H. G.
teenth United States cavalry followed Learning he was lying in ambush for j matter the national sentiment and that
Baby, one of the trusties on guard.
the V illa band into Mexico. Reports their destruction, the Mormons delayed the Mexican people w ill comply in a Cross was under arrest as a vagrant.
their attempt to escape. V illa struck dignified manner with their duty, be
to Colonel H. J. Slocum late in the day
His home is said to have been in Dav­
outhward and cut the railroad at Cor- the sacrifices what they may, to sus-
Haid that Villa had made a stand five ralitos.
tain their rights and sovereignty, if
miles south of the border, where spir­
- —“
j unfortunately this drags us into war The disinfection tubs were placed
which the United States can never near the doorway leading to the police
ited fighting ensued. In this engage­
W e will not be responsible hospital. The burst of flames blew
ment an unnamed private waB killed
for the disasterous consequences. Up­ out doors and windows and the blaze
and Captain-Adjutant George Williams
on the heads o f the traitorous Mexi­ swept the hospital, rendering it un­
was wounded.
cans who, within and without this tenable and useless for the press of
The small detachment of troopers
Washington, D. C. — The State de­ country, have labored to produce this emergency work which followed.
On fire from head to foot, the nude
under Majors Tompkins and Lindsley, partment received Monday a cable­ result will fall the inexorabe justice of
victims dashed into the streets and al­
fighting dismounted, made a deter­ gram from Consul Osburn at Havre, the people.
mined stand against the renewed Villa France, saying that the Norwegian
“ The cause of the assault which leys surrounding the prison. Several,
attack and at last reports were holding bark Silius had been torpedoed in FranciBco Villa and the bandits who maddened by the pain, outdistanced all
Only one
their ground.
Havre [roads, without warning, ac­ accompanied him made on the town of pursuers and disappeared.
The raid to American territory cording to members of the crew, but Columbus,
in American territory, of these had been found several hours
proved costly to the bandit chieftain. that seven Americans on board h»^ burning houses and killing some of after the disaster.
One of the victims, a veritable
The bodies o f 18 Mexican bandits, in­ been rescued.
the inhabitants, soldiers, as well as
cluding Pablo Lopez, second in com­
So far dispatches to the State de­ citizens, the international situation in torch, plunged through the jagged re­
mand, had been gathered and buried partment simply have said the vessel these moments is very delicate, as the mains of a window pane and clambered
before noon and troopers reported an was tori>edoed without warning. No North American press have incited to the roof of the jail, where he was
undetermined number of dead still ly­ mention was made o f the nationality their people against Mexico and the rescued by firmen, only to die a few
ing in the brush.
o f the submarine.
government of that country has dis­ minutes later.
Edward McGowan, of Warder, Ida­
It is estimated that Villa has lost
The Americans on board were mem­ cussed the situation in the American
100 in killed and more than twice as bers of the crew.
congress, members of which have ad­ ho, and John Campbell, of Camern, of
many wounded, including his losses in
Eugene, Oregon, were among the
Secretary Lansing has instructed vised intevention.
the pursuit by the American troopers. Consul Osborn to secure and forward
“ The
government Americans seriously burned in the jail
Led to the attack under the slogan, immediately all available details of which I have the honor to represent is fire.
“ Death to the Am ericans!” V illa's fol­ the sinking of the bark Silius.
also occupied diligently in an effort to
lowers fought with desperation.
I f a torpedo did destroy the bark, solve this delicate situation, trying at
before dawn they crept along ditches which was bound to Havre from New all costs to maintain the dignity and
ekirting the United States cavalry York with grain, the government re­ sovereignty of Mexico, and we yet
camp and rushed the sleeping town, sponsible w ill be held to strict ac­ hope that this lamentable incident may
tiring heavily.
Washington, D. C.— Newton D. Bak­
countability. Such an act would be be decorously arranged and that there
The first volley brought American contrary to all the assurances which w ill be no reason for conflict.
er, former mayor of Cleveland, has
troopers into almost instant action. the United States has secured.
“ I have addressed the government been selected by President Wilson for
While a portion o f the raiders engaged
His nomination
Officials seemed inclined, however, o f the United States, through the for­ secretary of war.
the cavalrymen, others, detailed by the to refrain from forming an opinion eign office, stating that the invasion will go to the senate immediately and
bandit chieftain, began applying the until it was known positively that a o f Villa has historical precedents, as administration leaders expect quick
torch and shooting American civilians torpedo, and not a mine, sunk the ship. in the years 1880 and 1886, two par­ confirmation so the new secretary may
ventured from the buildings.
Should Consul Osburn’ s investiga­ ties o f Indians, coming from the Unit­ take active charge of the W ar depart­
Lights in homes and public buildings tion establish that a torpedo actually ed States, invaded Sonora and Chi­ ment’s plans for army increases and
immediately became targets for snip­ was responsible, the United States huahua, committing crimes and depre­ reorganization.
ers posted at Villa's direction. Other officials indicated they w ill view the dations on the lives and properties of
Mr. Baker is 44 years old, a lawyer,
bandits, creeping close to American matter even more serious than i f a Mexicans.
and as a leader among Ohio Democrats
homes, enticed several civilians into passenger carrying vessel was in­
“ It was agreed then between the has been a warm supporter of the W il­
the open with English-spoken invita- volved. The American seamen have governments o f the two countries to son policies since the pre-convention
tions. Several fatalities are attributed ; ! even a greater claim to protection permit the
He has been a
respective passage of campaign in 1912.
to this ruse.
than passengers. A passenger travels armed forces, resulting in the exterm­ close personal friend of Mr. Wilson
I at his discretion, while a seaman is ination o f the Indians. I have asked since the latter was instructor years
Washington, I). C. — Washington i compelled to do so by his occupation,
the American government to pursue a ago at Johns Hopkins University, and
stands squarely behind Colonel Slocum
like course, in order to solve future was offered the post of secretary of
difficulties, should they arise, noting the Interior in the original Wilson
in sending his cavalrymen into Mexico
that Villa and his companions are a cabinet, but declined because he then
in pursuit o f Francisco Villa and his
group of bandits whose acts the Mexi­ was mayor. He is understood to be in
band o f outlaws who raided Columbus,
Washington, D. C.— The attention can government or people would not thorough accord with the President on
N. M., murdering American soldiers
of the department o f Commerce is be responsible for, and that his re- the preparedness program and foreign
and citizens and firing the town.
Secretary Lansing informed the de «■ailed by the president o f a large pa­ proachable conduct is due to instiga- questions.
An offer of the War secretaryship
fa eto government o f Mexico through per manufacturing company to the tion o f the reactionary element that,
Kliaeo Arredondo, its ambassador des­ fact that there is a serious shortage of lacking in patriotism and convinced o f was made to Mr. Baker by telegraph
ignate here, that he trusted no objec- i raw material for the manufacture of its defeat, is trying by all means to several days ago, after the President
had spent more than three weeks care­
tion would be made to the action of paper, including rags and old papers. bring on armed intervention.
the American troops, they having fol­ He urges that the department should
“ I have not yet received the answer fully going over a long list o f those
lowed what is known in m ilitary cir- m*ke it known that the collecting and o f the American government, and 8uftgested to succeed Secretary Gar­
eles as a "h o t tra il.” No orders have saving o f rags and old papers would from the reports o f my chiefs along rison. Mr. Baker accepted, and upon
been issued for the return of the sold- greatly better existing conditions for the frontier learn that the American being notified, that he would be nom­
iera, and it ia not probable any will be American manufacturers,
forces are mobilizing to pursue and inated at once, telegraphed that he
iaaued for the present.
j Something like 15,000 tons o f differ- capture and deliver him to the Mexi- would come to Washington,
Keporta that the American troopers ent kinds of paper and paperboard are can authortiies; that the expedition is
Spanish Steamship Hits Rock.
were in action probably 15 miles south manufactured every day in the United in the nature of a punitive campaign
Santos, Brazil— The Spanish steam­
o f the border against a much larger States and a large proportion o f this and that the sovereignty o f Mexico
ship Principe de Asturias has been
force o f bandits were heard with anx­ after it has serve»! its purpose could w ill be respected.
She went to
be used over again in some class o f
ious interest in official circles.
“ The constitutional government has sunk by striking a rock.
Five troops of cavalry crossed the paper. A large part o f it, however, is given instructions to its confidential the bottom in five minutes.
boundary early in the day. At a late either burned or otherwise wasted. agent at Washington immediately to six members of the crew and 57 pas-
hour it was not known officially juat This, of course, has to be replaced by 1 make representations that under no ®*n* * r8 h“ ve been brought to Satoe by
where they were or juat what account new materials. It the early history o f j circumstances, with any motive, be the French steamer V iga.
the paper industry publicity was given the reasons or
they had given o f themaelvea.
explanations of the
Rio J a n e iro -It is feared here that
While no formal won! o f the policy to the importani'e o f saving rags. It Unite»! States what they may. will it 406 lives have been'lost by the sinking
I p v i i 'Q n
/ »#
O ______ ! _ L
o f the adminiatration wan given out, it is o f scarcely less importance now. A ju stify the armed inva.« ion of Mexican
of the Spanish steamship Principe de
was reliably stated that free rein little attention to the saving o f rags territory without recipiocal rights be­
would be given the army to catch the and old papers will mean genuine re­ ing granted to the Mexicans and that
afloat only a short time after striking
bandita If possible. It was not consid­ lie f to our industry ami a diminished not for an instant will the invasion of
a shoal off San Sabastiao, and there
ere»! in administration circles that drain upon our sources of supply for Mexican territory or an outrage to its
was little time for the escape of pas­
Colonel Slocum's act in any sense con­ new materials.
dignity to tolerated.”
and the crew in the boats.
stitute»! an invasion of Mexico, a pol­
Columbus, N. M., Attacked by
1500 Mexican Bandits.
Privilege of Crossing Border
Sought by Mexico.
Washington Determined bj
Border Raids at Any
United States Troopers Have Brisk
Engagement few Miles South of
Border. Villa’ s losses Big
and Capture Imminent.
Americans Rescued From
Torpedoed Norwegian Vessel
President Names N. D. Baker
Secretary of War; He Accepts
Serious Shortage in Paper Material.
icy which the administration has op.
posed in the past and will continue to
The State department at first had
planned to ask permission of the Car­
rañas government to send troops across
the border in pursuit of the outlaw
bandit. Then came official won! that
the cavalry already had i*ro«aed. Later
Mr. Arredimdo called on Secretary
I .a rising, expressed regret for the Villa
raid, and was informed o f the attitude
o f the United States.
War in Albania Renewed.
Er.iploye* Ordered Out.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, N.
Laredo, Tex. — American concerns
Y . — Fighting between Italian and operating in the Monterey district ant!
Austrian troops in Albania has been in the vicinity o f Mapimi, state of
1 Durango, have ordered their employes
Austrian forces advancing along to leave Mexico at once, owing to un-
the coast between Duraxzo encoun­
tered Italian soldiers who, after a few ! cans, according to American passerv
skirmishes, fell back in the direction gers from that section, 250 of whom
° f Avion*. their principal position reach*,! the border here Monday. T h e *
in Albania, according to an offi­ i. no apparent ill-feeling
a g a in «
cial statement received here from V i­ Americana in Nuevo Laredo and the
order in this vicinity i. normal.
Taylor’* Comet Split*.
Cambridge, Mass.— A split in Tay­
lor s comet, with one of the parts
from two to two and a half magnitudes
fainter than the main comet, was an-
nounced Tuesday in a message
Whether General Occupation I
Will Depend Upon Attitude j
Carranza’s Government.
Washintgon, D. C. — A«
troops were ordered across the
can border Friday by President
son to take Francisco Villa
bandits dead or alive.
Under the direction, if not the
ership, o f Major General f J
who ended the Philippine insuitj
by taking Aguinaldo, America!
umns are expected to move into |
ico at once.
They go to meet 3000 g j
troops in a mountainous region/]
which Carranza troops have fled. I
Whether this long-deferred
action, which begins purely as »1
tive measure, to clear Norther!
ico of menacing bandit bands*
which General Carranza has noj
trol, shall grow into a general/
intervention or occupation in y
depends, in a large measure, on T
eral Carranza and the Mexican pi
“ An adequate force will besJ
once in pursuit o f Villa with the J
object o f capturing him and puttl
stop to his forays.
“ This can be done and will be I
in entirely friendly aid of the
tuted authorities in Mexico and!
scrupulous respect for the sovera|
o f that republic.”
That statement was prepared b|
President himself.
President W ilson’s intention a
part from the policy of watchful]
ing, ended by the Columbus
of Friday, was announced after i;
been una. imously approved by thtl
inet and administration leaders ill
gress. The president’s position!
explained fu lly to the latter, f
agreed that he should not be
rassed at this time by discussioe
minority which might arouse
in Mexico.
A fte r a b rie f cabinet meeti]
which the President was describ«
being as determined to eliminate]
as he was to eliminate Huerta, S
tary Baker hurried to the Ward
ment and sent orders to the h
Allies Refuse lo Disarm Vessels;
Notice Is TxpecW|
Washington, D. C.— The enti
lies have agreed to inform the ll
States that they cannot accept thej
posal in Secretary Lansing’s i
circular memorandum that a i
vivendi be entered into for the d
ament of belligerent-owned
ships. Conferences between the!
on this subject have ended and f]
replies are expected in thenearfi
Advices to the State depi
from the embassies at London, 1
and Rome some time ago m«M
parent that the disarmament p®
met with no favor, and the (
has been proceeding on the
that it would be rejected.
The United States does not 1
the right and international 1»*^'
chantmen to arm for defenst i
armament by agreement wasp
purely as a humanitarian ex
account of the development of ■
rine warfare.
Packing Case* SettM.
Washington, D. C.— From
but reliable sources it w*i
here that the long-standing
the American packers have 1
tied. The case* involved th«J
by the British government of ^
quantités of meat product! i
from the United States to th*
countries of North Europe,
details of the settlement ar*
it is known the British go«
has undertaken to secure the
against loss by a system of
Gen. Carranza “ Sorry.
Douglas, A riz. — " I am
conditions are such that th*
States deems it necessary to®*1
action o f which you have
This answer was made by Gene**
Observatnrv t v « 2
tne ierke9 ranza to a telegram sent te r
made bv P ro f*«n r 2le“ u" ment* were General P. Eliaa Calles, mili«*J
renor o f Sonora, asking the ft*
T « /, O k I
o f the de facto Mexican (ToT®iT
ported In J L
fur an expression o f his o p in i*.
comet d
•ct o f President Wilson in a « * 8
punitive expedition into Msxi<*