Roy Dennis, a merchant of r* i Gaston, was in this city Tuesday.; ^ C O U Ilty b e a t We have just Received a Carload of Orders taken f o r whipping Washington County Editorial Association N ew s Bureau cream, by pint or quart, at Shear­ er's Confectionery. 8-4 Marriage licenses have been Misses Neoma Conger and Mar-j issued during the past week to including a couple of new styles. We have cella Richards made a trip to Henry Gregerson and Miss Agnes sample of each set up and invite inspection. Partland Saturday. 1. Spend less than you earn M. Head and to Frank Cati and Mrs. Harry Nauffts is spending Miss Rose Steffer of Orenco. 2. Pay as you go-never run a few days with her daughter, The State of Oregon vs. M. D. in debt. Mrs. J. Teagarden, in Yamhill. O’Brien is the title of a suit filed 3. Never anticipate uncer­ Mr. and Mrs. B. Ortman were1 in district court recently. The de- tain profits by expend­ Use Lily’s Soluble Sulphur Spray. We have in town Monday night attending fendent, an inmate of the county The r ing them before they are the I. 0 . 0 . F. and Eastern Star sold twenty barrels of this the past week. W e people of poor house, is charged with hav­ actually received. lodges. “ Baby-W also have anything from a hand-power bucket ing written Clarence Harper, a 4. Keep a regula- account Clinton McGill has finished his former inmate, suggesting that he of your earnings and ex­ sprayer to a power machine. Give us a call, w indow work at Vancouver and left Mon­ waylay and shoot Clarence Young, baby toil' penses. if you want only information. day for Eugene, after a Sunday cesBorit s : the superintendent. O’Brien was 5. Start and keep up a bank visit in this city. dlera,. A indicted by the grand jury for the account. Mrs. Stowell a n d daughters, Our new line of Baseball Goods and Fish­ man'sclui No other bank can better who have been visiting in Texas offense, was examined as to his White Sr: ing Tackle is in. Come and see them. serve you than this one. for some time, have returned t o ! mental condition and found sane, er, >' so he will have to stand a criminal their home in this city. has 1*1-1 Hi Gill was Tuesday re-elected trial. mayor of Seattle by a majority of and Mary Lyon Friday filed suit for more than 5,000. His opponent divorce from Edward Lyon. In .re ’ m enfaH was Austin E. Griffith, chief of ;o c who s - her complaint, plaintiff charges police. Forest Grove, Ore. thelr 6 ugg cruel and i n h u m a n treatment. I am paying the highest market P h o n e 6 83 ter for a t price for butter and eggs and am She asks for the custody of a Member relierai Reserve Bank. H t. in selling from my wagon fresh fish minor child and alimony in the every day. Oscar Burnworth, sum of $40 per month, alleging ' Soule played the part of phone 62. 8-t4* that defendant is well able to pay von Stern in a charming m; NOTES AND PERSONALS Mrs. Blanche Richards went to that amount. Glenn Morgan made an ext Portland Tuesday morning to see John L. Carlson has brought Baron von Roden and Leslie Miss Ada Taylor was here for a ; Job printing—phone 821. her new grandson and to attend suit against J. N. Hoffman and visit last week. She is teach- j if° u thefi’anl' Mrs. John Allen is quite ill this {),ne the sessions of the W. C Ernest Wiese, charging that short • • ,, ,. . . , ! young lover, Alfeld, with pi ing in the high school at Castle-, sincerity. Miss Newman they hold property belonging to week. i ' . Get your lime and sulphur Will Morley and family and the Peterson-Weise Grocery com­ rock, Wash. the part of “Charlotte,” the sprays at Littler’s Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kelsey left pany, defunct, of which all were George Wilcox received word with skill, L. Gordon of Gales Creek was Tuesday for the Standard box stockholders. last Saturday morning that his Between the two plays a Petition has been filed in county brother was very low, and he left ber of songs were sung in G in Forest Grove on business Mon-1 factory, at Buxton, where the court praying that Agnes Knox be for his home in Sherman county. The second play was “EinK (lay- men are employed. • t , . . , This was put on by Ra Guy Stockman and Miss Hazel- Mp and Mrs R T Buxton appointed guardian of seven Knox rp, teen Stockman were Portland vis­ spent Sunday in McMinnville children. Also petition praying This was most unfortunate for the playing the part of Doktor d that F. G. Mann and Phely I. basket ball game with Willamette en, Miss Keep acting Gabri itors Saturday. visiting at the home of Mrs. Mann be appointed administrator University S a t u r d a y evening, j seine Frau; Willis Cady Just Arrived—A fresh supply of Buxton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. and administratrix of the estate of Wilcox is one of the best players Doktor Blatt, and Miss Whitman's Chocolates, the best M. H. Miller. Joseph Mann. P. U. ever had in basket ball. acting Bertha Mailer. Th made, at Littler’s Pharmacy. Mrs. A. E. Dixon, the milliner, The sentiment around Hillsboro parts were well acted. Ini In the game with Willamette Mis. Dr. Kinney of Astoria is is giving green trading stamps | is not very strong for the removal the entertainment was a su visiting in this city with her sis- with cash purchases, the same as j of Judge Reasoner from the University at Salem Saturday ev­ and much credit is due all ter, Mrs. Arthur Caples. the other trading stamp business county judgeship. ening P. U.’s basket ball tossers taking part. house. Bills paid every thirty Registration for candidacy is met their first defeat of the Oscar K. Brown, John Temple- j The Freshman play that L days considered as cash. 9-21 1 still coming in slowdy although season. Unfortunately, Wilcox, be postponed, will be given ton and W. C. Benfer had busi­ Mrs. 3ertha Howard, who un­ several candidates are already out P. U.’s star player, was called Tuesday evening in Marsh ness in the county seat Saturday. derwent a serious surgical opera­ for each of the offices. The latest Admission free. Miss Norma Coucher arrived tion last Friday at the Forest to throw his hat into the ring is away to his brother’s bedside at Saturday from McMinnville for a Grove hospital, is improving now, D. M. Mclnnis of Orenco, who the last minute. This crippled the A Great Meeting visit with the H. R. Bernard and her many fiiends hope for j has filed for the office of sheriff. team very materially. John Ire­ There was a layman’s raUl family. This makes a total of four as­ land was put in his place, but he the league rooms of the M. her complete recovery. It is quite probable that Judge Blain Hoskins, a student of the pirants for that one position. was hurt in the early part of the church last Thursday eveni J. H. Stevenson of Portland will Northwest Dental college in Port­ |of food game. While they were unable to hear the reports of the dele HIGH SCHOOL NOTES deliver the graduation address to land, has returned from Chicago poisoni play together with their former who attended the Laymen’s high school graduates on May where he attended the meeting of Joseph Loomis was awarded the ! doc ton 29th. the national dental fraternity. high school pennant Monday for selling skill on account of the changes in ference in Portland last m Hawki Rev. J. W. Leavitt of Center­ While there he visited the two the largest number of tickets to the the team formation, yet the P. U. Delegates Littler, Starrett, Sseases c ville, Wash., a graduate of the dental schools of Chicago and Junior-Senior play. men held the Methodists down to Hoffman and Dunlap told of th a t sta Eugene Bible university, was in although those are larger, he came The reception given by Prof. Thomas 30 to 19, which is indeed a credit impressions at the convention b00 child this city visiting friends Sunday, back better satisfied than ever and his bride Thursday evening to the et. Mo and delivered an address before the with the P o r t l a n d school. In Junior-Senior actors and actresses was to our men considering the un- all agreed that it was one of iring th' greatest boosts for missionary young people of the Christian equipment and methods the Ore- one of the social events of the school usual handicap. Can do r church in the evening. gon dental school is unexcelled. The last big game of the basket church work ever held any | year. are a < lioned dc Many tin cans and dish pans rattled ball season will be played here Prior to the meeting, the amour last week at Prof. Thomas’ new home. : next Saturday evening, when Me- served a nice hot dinn jlicago Frank Doane was absent from school Minnville plays the return game was highly appreciated. hntine r Monday on account of illness. with P. U. This will be a hard- „ r . ,----------------- - severe that we are exclusive selling agents in Forest Grove for Class games were played between Wednesday night of last [from st the Juniors and Seniors and Sophomores fought game and well worth see­ the Congregational church not b< and Freshmen last Monday night. The ing. If P. U wins over “ Me,” serenaded Prof. Thomas ithers f( result was a score of 10 to 17 in favor the championship of the non­ bride a t t h e i r h o m e at This implement can be used as a cultivator in six The of the Sophomores. The Juniors seem conference league will be ours. Wendt’s. The “newlyweds’ different ways and ¡is a seeder as well; absolutely erum to to have a pretty husky bunch of play­ The tw’o German plays given presented with a picture of I the best garden tool we have ever seen. sing cc ers and they are working hard for the ! by the Modern Language Club zart by the members of the a school championship. three wi All Kinds of They were also the recipients! Beth Sexton was absent from school last evening were certainly' amus­ set of sterling silver teaspoons« kst, thi FARM AND GARDEN IMPLEMENTS last Monday. en unde ing to those not able to under­ desert spoons, presented by j |ied, am The Optimist staff is beginning its Garden Hose and Sprinklers stand what was said. A good Junior and Senior classes oil work on the “ Annual” which they hope Bix week to have out in a couple of months. crowd enjoyed the interesting en- high school. i Kauffm They are working hard and the school t e r t a i n m e n t . ------ The program Mrs. I. S. Phillips and ■ “ Let y hopes that it will be much better and larger than the one last year. Our Fmmi "r hri ViS - SoIOxty Miss Ler' HilmaT'oV Tillamook, if your manager is Joseph Loomis. Emma Craft; M i s s Margaret Tuesday night at the ho»I pat the I Phono 663 FOREST GROVE, ORE. Arthur Seelve. one of the Seniors, Jones then sang a solo in German. Mrs. L. S. Phillips, on her«? for it has quit school and the class is sorry to I where p nEini me;V kan- PhiIomath "here her motif’ see him leave. Mr. Seelye helped us in i.cnes Duell followed. M i s s very ill. Bad flies our Junior-Senior play, he being the stage manager, and we appreciated sters fi his work very much. for thi Miss Edna Her was absent from fleas a i school Friday. Id be cleai Windsor Moore «jv»nt S atu rd ay and „lildren mi Sunday at home with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore of Banks. tyle, allow With trading stamps when purchasing food for your family. Miss Marie Raffetv of Mountaindale i air and r; Look hrst for Quality and Purity, just as you would if y< # spent Saturday ana Sunday at home ture of fro with her parents. were engaging a physician or purchasing medicine. For next Saturday, March 11, w^ offer being The pupils are all working hard to one dozen bottles assorted of Sweet earn their curricular credits and there | them to F O n n ^ T n w p 2 ,uF° ° P for your fami,y from the PURE will be a debate between the two lit­ Relishes, Sweet Gherkins, Mexican Bot omit . r TP R.E' !hat they may remain well. Our store ¡» » erary societies soon in the assembly. doctor cl model of Sanitation and your family is worthy of our good style Relish, Mustard and (P I a a The drama class is also preparing sonie lis just as c work to be given soon under the direc­ service and protection. Salads for rd & (• ¡guère and Vancouver high. The score was 27 SUCCESS- shot ra to 22 in favor of \ ancouver.J Fleishman's White handlix We will insure your auto against Comprest Mountain The mo Yeast. fire, theft and collision. Hancock FLOUR & Wiles. 9 -tf Practical Rules for SUCCESS-- i .John Deere Wagon Spraying Time is Here -The - First National Bank i] Goff Brothers Pacific University . ? • 1 ARE YOU AWARE \ Iron Age Cultivators and Seeders? GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. h mu The Home of Good Meat The Pacific Market Don’t Be Confused