The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 08, 1916, Image 6

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    after the first day* sh* looked ao
too, now I think of It. But I’d glva n led and Blanche had followed, and bonny that for a time Martha real J
bit to know what he was doing, mess-
believed that Mr. Cazalet had spo­
Ing about down here at the last mo­ even then. etc. Severely snubbed on ken." and allowed herself to »^m lre
that subject, she took to peering at him also as he drove off l” ter w th b
Blanche liked this as little as any­ her mistress, once her bairn, with fur­ wicked lamps alight. But
thing that Cazalet had said yet, and he tive eagerness and Impatience; for would only go on and on about her
had said nothing that she did like this Blanche, on her side, looked as though day. the glories of the Rlpl«> road and
morning. But there were allowance* she had something on her mind. and. the grandeur of Hindhead. She a
to be made for him, she knew. And Indeed, had made one or two attempts brought back heaps of heather an
yet to strengthen her knowledge, or to get tt off. She had to force It even bunches of leaves Just beginning to
rather to let him confirm It for her, In the end.
turn; they were all over the Utt e
"Th ere’s just one thing I want to house before Cazalet had been gone
either by word or by his silence, ah*
say before I go. Martha. You know ten minutes. But Blanche hadn't for­
staled a certain case for him aloud.
"Poor old Sweep!” she laughed. when Mr. Toye called yesterday. 1 was gotten her poor old Martha; she was
" It ’a a shame that you should have out?"
not one to forget people, especially
"Oh, Mr. Toye; yes, 1 remember, when she loved and yet had to snub
come heme to be worried like this."
"I am worried," he said simply.
Miss Blanche.”
them. Martha’s portion was picture
A u th o r o f
"I think It's Just splendid, all you're
"W ell, I don’t want you to say that postcards of the Gibbet anil other land­
“ T h é A m ateur C ra ck sm a n .’
doing for that poor man, 'out especially he came In and waited half an hour marks of the day.
the way you're doing It."
“ R a ffle s.” etc.
In vain; In fact, not that he came
“ And If you're good,” said Blanche,
"I wish to God you wouldn't say In at all, or that you're even sure you “ you shall have some every day, an
saw him, unless, of course, you re an album to keep them in forever and
that, Blanche!"
He paid her the compliment of asked.”
ever. And won't that be nice when
speaking exactly as he would have
"Who should ask me, I wonder?"
It's all over, and Mr. Cazalet's gone
spoken to a man; or rather, she hap­
"W ell, 1 don't know, but there seems back to Australia?”
pened to be the woman to take It as to be a little bad blood between Mr.
a compliment.
planned, but Martha's face
Toye and Mr. Cazalet.”
C a z a le L on the ite a m e r K a ise r F r lt i.
"But I do say It. Sweep! I’ve heard
h om ew ard bound from A u stralia, cries
Martha looked for a moment as brought It on her; and now It re­
out In his sleep that H e n ry C raven, w ho all about It from Charlla He rang me
though she were about to weep, and mained to make her see for harseif
ten years befo re had ruined his fath er
and him self, Is dead, and finds that H il­ up last night."
then for another moment a9 though what an Incomparably good time they
ton Toys, w h o sh ares the stateroom with
"You're on the telephone, are you?” she would die of laughing. But a
were having.
L _ , _____
k n ow s ________
C ra v en ___
and ___
also ___
B lanch e
is In these days. third moment she celebrated by mall
M arn a ir, a form er neigh bor and p la y ­
Above all was It delightful to feel
W hen
the d aily
p apers come Where have you lived? Oh, I forgot!”
that their beloved car was waiting for
a b o a rd at Southam pton T oy e read s that
C ra v e n has
been m urdered and c alls And she laughed. Anything to lift this
them outside, to whirl them where
C e z a le t’e dream second sight. H e thinks duet of theirs out of the minor key!
j they liked; for quite early In the
o f doing a little am ateu r detective w ork
"But what does old Charlie really
on the case him self. In the train to tow n
week (and this was a glaring aggra-
they discuss the murder, which w a s com ­ think of the case? That's more to the
! vation In Martha's eyes) Cazalet had
mitted at C a s s le t ’s old home. T oy e h ears
from C azale t that 8 iruton . w ho had been point,” said Cazalet uneasily.
taken lodgings for himself and driver
C a z a le t’s friend and the scapegoat for
“ Well, he seemed to fear there was
| in those very Nell Gwynne Cottages
C ra v e n 's dishonesty, h as been released
fro m prison.
C azalet goes dow n
the no chance of ball before the adjourned
where Hilton Toye had stayed before
T oy
o y e
s also hearing.
riv e r and
meets UlancFve.
But 1 rather gathered he
comes tc zee her and tells C azalet that
Bcruton h as
been arrested, tu t as he was not going to be tn It himself?”
doesn't believe the old clerk Is guilty he
“ No. We decided on one of those
Is g o in g to ferret out the m urderer.
C azalet and B lanch e go to C a z a le t's old sportsmen who love rushing In where
hom e and meet M r D rln k w a te r o f Scot­ a family lawyer like Charlie owna to
lan d Y a rd
C azalet goes w ith D r ln k w a ­
The Thousandth Man.
I’ve seen the
ter to the lib ra ry w here the m urder w a s looking down his nose
It had been new life to them, but
com m itted, sh ow s him a secret p assage chap, and primed him up about old
pa k n ew a t a boy, and leads tn# w ay
now it was all over. It was the last
Savage, and our find In the founda­
th ro u gh It.
In town Toye, ta lk in g with
evening of their week, and they were
C aaalet about the m urder, su gg ests finger tions. H « says he'll make an example
prin ts on the w eapon found In the secret
p assa ge as a m esn s o f tra p p in g tha m u r­ of Drlnkwater, and Charlie says they
Blanche's balcony.
d erer and succeeds In securing a print of call him the Bobby's Bugbear!”
C a z a le t's hand
T o y e tm re s C a z a le t ',
“ I make it at least three hundred,”
“ But surely he'll have to tell his
m ovem ents w h ile a paseenger on the
said Cazalet, and knocked out a pip#
K a le e r F ritz, finds that he left the boat client who's behind him?”
before tha m urder and returned lust afte r
that might have been a gag. "You
“ No. He's Just the type who would
It. and w a rn s him.
see. we were very seldom under fifty!"
have rushed In. anyhow. And It'll be
"Speak for yourself, please!
time enough to put Scruton under obli­
longevity's a tender point," said
gations when I've got him o ft!”
Blanche, who looked as though she
The Week of Their Llvei.
Blanche looked at the troubled eyes
had no business to have her hair up.
"Toye's gone back to Italy." said avoiding hers, and thought that she
as she sat In a pale cross-fire between
Cazalet. "H e says he may be away had never heard of a fine thing being
a lamppost and her lighted room.
only a week. Let'g make It the week done so finely. This very shamefaced­
Blanche Looked at the Troubled Eyes
of our lives!"
Cazalet protested that he had only
ness appealed to her intensely, and yet
Avoiding Hera
meant their mileage in th* car; he
The scene was the little room It last night Charlie had said that old
pleased Blanche to call her parlor, Sweep was In such tremendous spirits In* an utter fool of herself, as she made himself extremely Intelligible
Why was he so down would have been told to her face by now, as he often would when she ral­
and the time a preposterously early about It all!
hour of the following forenoon. Caza­ this morning?
anybody but Blanche, whose yellow lied him In a serious voice.
let In her sunny snuggery rather sug­
She ouly knew she could have taken hair was being disarranged by the
“ Well, It’s been a heavenly time,”
gested another extravagant taxicab his hand, hut for a very good reason very hands that had helped to lmpris she assured him Just once more. "And
But Blanche saw only his worn, ex­ why she could not. She had even to on It under that motor hat and .ell.
tomorrow It's pretty sure to come all
cited face; and her own was not at guard against an equivocally sympa­
“ Oh, Blanchle. Is that all you have right about Scruton. Isn't It?"
Its beat In her sheer amazement.
thetic voice or manner, as she asked.
“ Yes! Tomorrow we shall probably
to tell me?” said Martha.
"Ita ly I” she ejaculated. "When did "How long did they remand him for?"
have Toye back,” he answered with
he go?"
"Eight days.”
grim Inconsequence.
"Nine o'clock last night."
"What has that to do with It, Wal­
"W ell, then, you'll know the best or
The weather was true to them, and
"But"—she checked herself—"I sim­ the worst today w eek!”
this was a larger matter than It might
ply can't understand It, that's a ll!”
“Oh. nothing, of course.”
"Y e s !” he said eagerly, almost him­ have been. They were not making
But still his tone was grim and
"Why? Have you seen him since self again. "But, whichever way It love. They were “ not out for that,”
the other afternoon?"
goes. I'm afraid It means trouble for as Blanche herself actually told Mar heavy, with a schoolboy Irony that he
Ills manner might have explained me, Blanche; some time or other I'll tha, with annihilating scorn, when would not explain but could not keep
So Mr. Toye must be
those other two remarks, now bother­ tell you why; but that's why I want the old dear looked both knowing and to himself
ing her when It whs too late to notice this to be the week of our lives."
longing co-know at the end of the first turned out of the conversation, though
them; on the other hand, she was by
So he really meant what he had said day's run. They were out to enjoy It was not Blanche who had dragged
no means aure that It did. He might before. The phrase had been no care­ themselves, and that seemed shock­ him In. She wished people would
■Imply dislike Toye. and that again less misuse of words; but neither, ing to Martha “ unless something was stick to their point
might explain his extraordinary heat after all, did It necessarily apply to coming of it.” She had Just sense
“ There's one thing I've rather want­
over the argument at Llttleford Mr. Toye. That was something. It enough to keep her conditional clause ed to ask you," she began.
Blanche began to feel the air soma made It easier for Blanche not to aak to herself.
"Yes?" said Cazalet.
what heavily charged with explana­ questions.
“ You said the other day that It
tions. either demanded or desired;
Cazalet had gone out on the bal
would mean worry for you tn any case
they were things she hated, and she cony; now he called to her; and there themselves. In the way Miss Blanche —after tomorrow— whether the charge
determined not to add to them If she was no taxi, but a smart open car vowed and declared (more shame for Is dismissed or not!”
her), they certainly had done wonders
could help It.
waiting tn the road. Its.brasses blazing
His wicker chair creaked under
Martha could hardly
"I haven't set eyes on him again," In the sun. an Immaculate chauffeur for a start.
she said. "But ho's been seen here­
*t the wheel.
“ I don't see why tt should.” she per
and as an embittered pedestrian there
in a taxi "
"Whose Is that. 8weep?”
slsted, "If the case falls through.”
"W ho saw him?"
"Mine, for the week I'm talking one of those nasty motors
"W ell, that's where 1 come In,” he
It said
"Martha—If ahe's not mistaken."
1 mean ours. If you'd only very little for Mr. Cazalet, by the way had to say.
This was a little disingenuous, as buck up and get ready to come out!
in Martha's private opinion, that he
"Surely you mean Just the other
will appear; but that Impetuous Sweep A week doesn't last forever, you
about? If they commit the man
was In a merciful hurry to know some know!"
a car at all; if he had turned out as for trial, then you do come In, I know.
thing else.
Blunche ran off to Martha, who well as she had hoped, and “ meant It’s like your goodness.”
“ When was this, Blanche?"
fussed and hindered her with the best anything." a nice boat on the river
"I wish you wouldn't say that! It
"Just about dark—say seven or to. Intentions
It would have been diffi­ would have been better for them both hurts me!”
She owns It was about dark," said cult to say which was the more ex­
than all that tearing through the air
"Then will you explain yourself?
Blanche, though she felt ashamed of cited of the two. But the old nurse
In a cloud of smoky dust; It would It's not fair to tell me so much, and
would waste time In perfectly fatuous also have been much less expensive
then to leave out Just the bit that's
“ Well, It'e Just possible He left me reminiscences of the very earliest ex­
and far more "the thing."
making you miserable!”
about six; said he had to see someone. peditions In which Mr. Cazalet had
But, there, to see and hear the child
<TO B E C O N T I N U E D . »
W oman
* t
' M M M -
00 » » T 1» « air currents, and the air-
ship kept smoothly on with an even
Treveler In Airship Tells How He motion.
"The sea beneath gave an added
Wee Impressed by Hie Paseege
sense of eecurlty. as though. If need
Over the Ocean.
were, It would break our fall.
From an airship H. Warner Allen
Even the mechanics, men hardened
claims that for the flret time he real­ to every form of danger, seemed
touched by a feeling of awe and were
ised the full solitude of the sea.
"To right and left.” he wrttea "the silent; they had nothing to do but
sea. flecked here and there with foam gaze acrose the sea. as the even roar
aud Its blue expanse cut sometimes of the motors told that all was well."
by the ash of a seagull's wing (the
seagull Itself far below was Invisible,
Napeleen s Warsaw Romance
bet Its wtngs flashed bright at they
There will never be so many bonk*
caught the sun), stretched out to e written about the Kaiser s capture of
bortxon line which was a perfect sec­ Warsaw ■■ were Inspired by tb* oceo
tion of a circle.
patlon of that town a little more then
"Bohtnd us, and ahead where the a century ego by Napoleon.
land lay. a screen of light mist Inter French monarch ■ stay there became
posed and cat short our view in a a famous episode In history, not ha
straight Una
ceue* of It* military significance, but
"Th e eeneatlon was one of perfect because of the romance Involving th*
content mingled with a solemn rev Countess Walewtkl
•renew for the vaetneee of the eea:
Booh* are still being written about
not a sail In eight and nothing to divert ihat love affair of Bonaparte Of hie
attention from our swift« manv affaire of the heart that was the
moat enduring, barring only bla ad
"The shadow of the bag moved miration for Joeephioa
And Napo­
lightly across the wavee There were leon * eon. who went by th* name of
i Count YYalewskt. became a big figure
In France when Napoleon III occupied
the throne within the memory of many
men etlll living.
Count Walewsk! was president of
deputies, a senator, a minister of state
end a foreign ambassador. He bad
the pleasure of telling Lord Palmer­
ston in London that Louie Napoleon
had Jumped from the presidency of
Prance Into the throne of an empire
"Every man should know himself,”
remarked tha parlor philosopher.
"Perhaps," said the mere man; "but
In doing ao. be wastes a lot of time
that might be spent In making mora
desirable acquaintances."—Judge
, J iS J
ana Poulir.'
■«■nti. -/no
■»"»«» br
N e w Catalog No. 61
169-171 2nd St.
will fit any ambitious youn* MaawtJ
an for h!*h-class position in
' *
Bookkeeping, Stenography, !
To men this includes valuable ...
aquatic and membership ur¡^^l(ÎZ ,
thouirh tuition cost is less than
Valuable courses cr.n also be h?
Grammar grade and Collect
trails b
line we
The only Automobile School on the i
cific G .a st maintaining a Gaa Trx
I)ept„ I »in * Holt Catterpillar, C. L I
Tracklayer and Wheel Tractors, bothu
school and operating field.
443 Hawthorne Ave.,
A Projecting Personality
The Ford peace trip, besides
somewhat to the gaiety of natii
fered to the pictorial satirists in
quarters of the world an oppoi
of a lifetime.
Two rather
echoes of the junket appear it]
March number of Cartoons Ma|
One is from the Christiana, Nc.
Viklngen, and represents the Dt|
idealist as a rat leaving a di
ship. A touch of humor is adi
the cartoon by reason of a
suit hung on a clothes line in the
of the boat. The bathing suit it
posed to be the property of 1
The other cartoon is from the J
land, New Zealand, Weekly Newi
«hows “ Ford's ark” plowing aero«
seas. Placards reading “Buy
cars" and ‘‘ Votes for women” are
spicuously displayed upon the
and roof of the craft while Ford is
trying to launch the dove of ;
and asking it: “ Why don’t you
This Auckland newspaper, like
of the English journals, seemed 1
gard the peace trip mostly in the
of an advertising campaign.
TTave H e a lt h y , .Strong, Beaatlfzl I
Oculists aud Ph ysician s used Muring
Remedy many years before it was offer'll
Domestic Eye Medicine. Murine !» Stillg
pounded by O ur Physicians and gun
by them as a R eliable Relief for Eyestb»t^
Care. Try it In yo ur Eyes aud in Baby'll!
No Sm arting — Just Eye Comfort. Buy!
of your D ru ggist — accept no Substitute,^
interested w rite fo r Rook of the
U l l t l N B E Y E R E M E D Y CO., CU
About Time.
One evening the young mu:
who had semed rather attracted|
“ Big Sister" Grace, was dining i
the family. Little Sister was talij
rapidly when the visitor was
to ask the blessing. Turning tel
child, he said. In a tone of mik|
“ Laura, I am going to ask gractl
"W ell, it’s about ttme,” Mi*r
Little Sister in an equally rePr(
tone. W e’ve been expecting y*
do it for a year, and she has,
Chicago Journal.
Stood Under Fire.
Commanding Officer tenths
cally, after the sham battle)—Ti
make a great soldier! I tell yo»|
staff, as well as the ladies, werei
ed when the enemy made that sui
attack on your trench and yon <
of all the "rookies," did not run!
Rookie— Thanks, sir; but you*
—er— I was right in the middk|
changing my pants, sir.— Puck.
pjO W A R D E. B U R T O N — A ssayer a n d ^
. Bcadville, Colorado. Specimen pric*l
Silver Lead. $1; Gold. Silver. TV; Gold.
or Copper. $1. Mailinpr envelopes and full
f*ent on application. Control and Umpir«
Iicited. Reference: Carbonate Nati« n*lk
Polish Acquired.
Authority on Steel Production.
Sir Robert Hadfield. who has been
selected by the British government to
assume charge of the engineering
works that tt has obtained power to
take over for th* manufacture of war
material. Is one of the greatest liv­
ing authorities on the production of
In addition to the Bessemer
medal, which Is th* blue ribbon of the
Iron and Steel Institute of Great Brit­
ain. he has received equally high
awards from similar societies In al­
most every country of the civilized
world Inventor of manganese
he Is chairman of the Hadfield 8teei
Foundry company Ltd . at Sheffield,
on* of the biggest ordnance and pro­
jectile concerns In the United king­
dom. in fact, tn the world.
“ H e * loyal i bit friends, isn t n eT
A Puzzle.
“Very. With tlx barber* idle In a
"Some differences are very duz -
shop hall sit around far an hour and
wait for bis favorite hair cutter o
Like whaL for Instance?”
finish th* customer ahead of aim. *
_ If you write mean and bad things
shout s man In a book. |t ta btog.
Flrat Life Insurance Policy.
If you tell the same thing*
Th* earliest record of any life tn ™phy
•fiout him on the back porch.
auranc* policy bears the date of iggj. g o s s i p '
^ ** ■
Compensation— A rolling stoMf,
ers no moss, but it gets so smootU
nobody has anything on it.— Puck
A guaranteed remedy for CoM»1
La Grippe. Price 25c o f yourdr^
It s good. Take nothing else,—'
S kunk , R accoon ,
muskrat , otter , etc
Better Prices;
Quick Returns!
Manufacturing Furriers.
Eat. St Years
» I htrritM St,
Corbett B ldg.
bool tt
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