Stiff F n r f B í d rm ip îExjtr non-Catholics especially will make use of it. Everyone is most cor-| Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. dially welcome to all our services. W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. The following subjects will be Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postoffice at Forest Grove, taken up a t 7:30 each evening: Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Sunday, 12th, “ When and Where W EDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1916 did the Catholic Church nate?” NOTES AND C O M M E N T S Forest Grove is fortunate in having ______ Sunday, 13th, “ Do Catholics a store devoted exclusively to SHOES. This is baby week and every government armor plate p a s s e s 0we Civil Allegiance to Rome?’ It was opened under the management person who can do one little thing We use the names above a d - ! , Tuesday. 14th, “ . How do Cath- of C. V. B. Russell in March, 1902, and to make more secure the life of visedly. olics go to Confession, became a popular store almost im­ the little ones should do it now. In 1894, the plate makers were Wednesday, lot , v an mediately. ------------------- ^ $140,000 by President Cleve- Unmarried Priesthood?" The splendid stock has always been Thursday, 16th, “ What are In­ With a recall petit ion being cir- ¡aru] for furnishing rotten plate carefully selected to meet the special curated, how do the rest of you for jj . S ships that afterward had dulgences?” requirements of Forest Grove and vi­ Friday, 17th, “ What is Purga- county and city officials feel? Do to fight in the war with Spain, cinity. you experience a sensation like In 1896> they were convicted of tory?” Mr. Russell has introduced and car­ Saturday, 18th “What is the unto something slipping? furnishing armor plate to foreign ried the best makes obtainable and Church’s attitude towards Drink?" | nauons at Hillsboro papers last week re- ,,itlluIls ai $249 per ton, when sold at a lower price than such shoes Sunday, 19th, “ What is the ported that certain residents of char8in* Uncle Sam $540 In Center and Soul of the Catholic could be bought in cities. For the Road District No. 25 are after the 1916, they bold y appear in the year 1916 we shall offer you as usual scalp of County Judge Reasoner, U. S. Senate with a threat to Religion/ a good line at living prices. Come Mass every morning at 8:00 owing to his action in appointing blackmail the government out of and see us. We certainly will treat a road supervisor objectionable to $-0,000,000, if certain legislation o’clock. C o r n e l i u s you right. the taxpayers of said district. is enacted, and they can do it. as The Stations of the Cross and The objectors evidently mean Secretary Daniels says that for sermon every Friday evening a' business, for they have engaged years they have fixed the price of 7:30 (excepting the 17th.) Aftorney John M. Wall to pre­ plate to the United States. Friday, 10th, A Forty Hours’ What has become of the dig­ pare a recall petition, which will Adoration will begin with High be circulated. Mr. Wall stated to nity and honor of the U. S. senate, Mass at 7:00 a. m. Sermon and w h e n treacherous robbers can the Hillsboro Independent editor Benediction at 7:30 p. m walk in, shake their fists under that the recall would be invoked Saturday, 11th, High Ma in connection with the primary the senatorial no;e and threaten a 7:00 a. m., Sermon and Berieo election, to save the expense of a hold-up?—-Portland News. tion at 7.30 p. m. special election. This is the first Sunday, 12th, Exposition of the time the recall has been invoked For Hatching Most Blessed Sacrament at 7:00 in Washington county and quite a. m. High Mass, sermon a n d 1 Fine Strain of a number of those with whom the The Children’s Bureau of the Benediction at 10:30 a. m. ose Oi'mb P U n P writer has talked on the > ubject ight Color ULUtJ U. S Department of Labor, has Again we say that everyone, M are of the opinion that Judge $ 2.00 For Fifteen Reasoner will have to go, as he set aside a week, March 4th to non-Catholics as well as Catholics, a March 11 to be known as “ Baby are cordially welcome to any or •Cheaper in Quantity has run afoul of many voters since Week". The observance of this all of our services. B A B Y CHICKS his election. Some of those in­ week is an expedient for securing (REV.) J. R. B u c k , terviewed attribute the judge’s Call at Forest Grove Express Pastor difficulties to an uncalled for en­ attention o n t h e subject o f “ Better Care for Babies” and to largement of the cranium, not caused by brain pressure. The this end, urging that a special P. 0. Box D Phone 821 - Forest Grove, Ore. editor of the Express does not time be devoted to that subject. give this opinion as his own, as The Oregon Agricultural College he has not had enough dealings is co-operating in this movement. Last Saturday afternoon the the past week: John W. Rosa e t ux to J. E. and with the court to know its merits Most of the Woman’s Clubs of members of Gale Grange held a Thomas Bradley to Jessie E. Brad­ H. Parmley, lots 1 and 2, blk 2, C fthe nation are planning to observe very interesting meeting in this ley, tract in sec 26, 1 S 1, $1. add to Forest Grove, $100. or demerits. -* — this week. The Forest Grove Hulsky Orchard Tracts, Inc., to Charles P. Jackson to H. Hamilton, city, at which time Esther Dilley, \\ HAT A PUDDING ! Woman's Club has planned toob- 65x200 feet in E. Walker D L C, 1 N 4, Sanford Smith, tracts 77, 78,82, Wayne Shrock and Maurice Bux­ $400. Chehalem Mt. Orchards No. 2, $10. County Judge J. B Dodmn of serve Saturday. March 11th, as ton were taken into, membership. Adelaide Haney and hus to Alfred Carrie B. L. Adams and hus to Y imhill county has had a vision. ‘ Baby Day." There will be a After dinner an excellent pro­ Freerksen, 40 acres sec 23, 1 N 4, $10. Brady, lots 6 and 7, blk 4, Henry’s The aforesaid vi ion is so pleasing meeting for mothers and all who L. S. Lyon to Alice M. Lyon, un­ to Cornelius, $650. gram was rendered, as follows: to the judge’s sight that he mu t are interested in this campaign in divided 1-2 int NW 1-4 of NE 1-4 sec 1, George L. W hite e t ux te George Song, by the Grange. needs tell it to the world. This the afternoon at the Congrega­ 1 S 5, $10. A. S. Dilley gave an interesting W. J. Scott to L. N. Tompkins, SE Zimmerman et al, 15.58 acres in he does in the latest issue of the tional church, beginning at 2:30 Emerick D L C No. 46, 1 S 3, $1500. illustrated talk on “Grafting and 1-4 sec 16, 1 N 4, $ 10 . McMinnville News-Reporter. In o’clock. George E. Zimmerman et ux All babies under five years of Budding,” that convinced all that , N. . E. Lenz . to * Mali this vision the judge sees Yamhill al; nd;a Mi« hei11 anod Ge° rge L- White e t ux, SOacres the speaker knew his business. hus, 2 acresin SE 1-4 of sec 35. 1 N 2, 34 , 1 S 3, $7000. county publishing a newspaper. age will be presented with a flag Clarence Rice delighted the B. F. Estepp et u x to Chas. E. Wells Springhiil Land Co. to Thoma« to he distributed free of cost (in next week, which is to be displayed ux. .832 acres in M. Moore D L C bot. E 1-2 o f lot 38, lot 35, Spri imagination) to all taxpayers. In in the window at home during the audience with a p i a n o solo, et | Farm, $10. “Woodland E c h o e s , ” and re­ No. 41, 1 S 2, $10. this newspaper are to be published Wl sponded to an encore. all legal notices for which the The following program at the Rev. J. F. Ashley delivered an county now pays the printer-urns Congregational church on Sat- . . . ,. . , which make it possible for about urday, March llih , at 2:30 p. m.: ‘1 ' on •»torica gaidens, Joy- Music Aydelott recited “The Inventor’s one printer in a hundred to own a home. The judge doe* not say Care of Babies Under One Year I'V'fe’ f L‘ Walker talkod on Dr. Brookbank. | f an8eJ flre t r a n c e and N. A. who shall edit his dream news­ , Msed « h°°l gardens. paper, but the writer has an ink­ Moral Training-Mrs. Vollmer Music | E- Lew ton s talk on “The In-! ling that if Yamhill county goes into the publishing busines. one Sanitation—Dr. Kauffman. tm>St Part>nUs Take in the Dodson will want to be editor. Contagious D i s e a s e s — Dr. Fair” brought forth a lively dis­ cussion and a number of ques­ And Judge Dodson may 1 r > by- Hawke. tions. education and training well q .ali- Anatomy—Dr. Walker. Visitors from H i l l s i d e were fied to be an e d ito r , espeetally of The doctors have kindly con­ Messrs, and Mesdames N. J. a newspaper which d o e s not have sentwi to speak and all quest ions Laker, H. Hazlett, F. Chalmers to depend on its earnings for its asked will be answered by them from Portland and J. E. Lewton; Mrs. Sutford in- ills of exist, nee. It woul I be as far as possible. a different m atter if the news­ We hope that all mothers, es- of Dilley and Mr. and Mrs. New- paper had to pay its way from it- peeially those with children under house, friends of the C. S. Ayde­ earnings; in this last-mentioned five, will come and join us in this lott family, were also guests. CÜ, Six months round ‘rip tickets on sale from prin- case, it might in* well to put a meeting opal N orthw est cities to Los Angeles. Pasadena. The W. C. T. U. met Friday printer in eharge of the news­ P r e s i d e n t W o m a n ’ s C l u b . ( range Empire, Long Beach and Santa Barbara afternoon with Mrs. Penfield for Stopovers allowed at all points enroute. paper; but so long a s the publis is to foot the bill, any old politician Lenten Services at the Catholic a business meeting. N i n e t e e n C& Pa" ama c »l*fornia exposition open all the year Churches women were present and various can run the paper. And he’d be trie* „ V S / r r EMb,U ■" toun. FonrsT C Bovr matters of business and current a fool if he didn’t so run it as to hORE. T liROV E i events were discussed. The birth- See Southern California by electric cars of the Paci- keep , himself , . . in office ■ ■ until he ■ - got Stations of the C ross and Bene- day of Neal Dow will be com L X Ri 1Wyi , : ,0r * e ®'mP're’” “ Balloon lired rfdm wuwilw «alary. Hop, dtetion evory Wodntvduj evening. m e m o r a l e d bv the J >< i Forest Grove Cash Shoe Store C. V. B. Russell EG G S The Woman’s Club Remembers Babies R W . L , H on for Gale Grangers Enjoy Afternoon Sunny Southern California There and Back C Y ì 'T . T ' T / . T 7 I'"' Whal ‘''»1*1. l-'th. Mass at Temp-, ran« Uni™ MondavTtar nam > Dndw" ‘ « 3 0 . Balan«. o( Lent a, usual. 20. The public is S i A Mission-Retreat will be given meeting. More KICK THEM OUT! particulars will . commencing S u n d a y evening lie given later. !s the l S. senate going to March 12th and continue for a swallow the threat of the armor week. A question wi„ bj<> Washington County Transfers plate traitors, thieves and black- placed at the door and questions The following real estate trans­ mailers to raise the price of armor placed therein will be answered fers were recorded with the regis- $200 per ton. if the bill to provide during the services. We trust it ter of deed* at Hillsboro during « .X y X i ». « "*■ -M t. L e w ,- „ A,k y0Ur local A« ent ° r write John M. Scott, Gen. Pass. A gt., Portland. Oregon S outhern P acific