« ss» « F QUEBEC didn't partake of the light-hearted Frenchiness of a Poiret skating cap it could never live out the life of a twentieth- century city, clinging aslant and Jaunt­ ily as it does to a seventeenth-century mountain with it6 mouth full of guns. Quebec began at river-level, humbly yet aspiringly, when the gallant Mar­ quis de Montcalm In 1608 laid down the cross and the sword for a moment while he dug foundations for his house, situated near what is now the Levis Ferry pier in the lower town, says A. Lyman in the Boston Tran­ script. There was a kundred-and-elghty- foot cliff behind the little home, with its gay garden aflame with all the flowers of Versailles for the sweet marquise who was to come over the Atlantic, and before the door stretched the loveliest of rivers, fading into the distance beyond green Orleans. But Quebec could never be satisfied to live in one place, planted and at rest. So it climbed the great mountain, perch­ ing Frontenanc's beautiful Chateau St. Louis where now the Chateau Fronte- nac stands. And after it had filled the hill with buildings, it flowed over the top and down into the valley of the St. Charles, where you can see it to­ day, multlroofed and a-twinkle. Thus it comes that the streets of Quebec lead a varied and exciting life, from Mountain hill, which Is too steep for the old man to climb, and Sous le Cap, which is too narrow for the big car to get through with dignity, to such roads as Ste. Anne and Fabrique that go upstairs and downstairs in a life of perpetual hide-and-seek with the proprieties of streetdom. Reflections of N o rm a n dy. Along these thoroughfares are plant­ ed tall Norman houses with grim roofs pulled down over their eyes. They stand in close formation, shoulder to shoulder, mindful of the old days when the Iroquois might drop over from Levis In his canoe or the cursed Eng- I Shan A lc o h o lic m ixtures f insist upon S C O T T 'S . irtland Y . M. C. A. Auto School Day and night classes. Expert training [repairing, driving and machine work, eluding forge, lathe, shaper, drill press, actors, etc. Time unlimited. COMPE- IN T CHAUFFEURS a n d MECHAN- I SUPPLIED. W RITE US. Dust. |is what you try to throw in your men’s eyes while they try to [it into yours. It is what we all from and to which we return, vouchsafing to some solemn di- i the opportunity to complete the Ition of "Ashes to ashes— .” It |he substance that impairs the thing apparatus of many millions Ideals out a pack of diseases— of jy degree of importance, from the [to the twospot— at any blowy cor- lo r in any unswept tenement. A j}l to the housewife, it is a benign |to the maker of brooms and vac- cleaners. "Dust— the most per- bus substance in the w orld !” cries intolerant reformer. Patience, pa- pe, good friend! W ere it not for lust mote how would we ever per- the beam of sunshine slanting Jugh the shadowy room? Besides, is star dust— Colliers. F o r Burns and Scalds. case of burns and scalds apply [ford’s Balsam of Myrrh and get >f. Apply it to cool the skin and the fire out. Have a bottle al- [s on hand to use in case of acci- |s. Adv. So He W e n t H u n g ry . . _ — . inter in uebec r ■ Mr. bet- the |e hear of new uses of Hanford’s im of Myrrh. In dehorning cat- [ light applications help to stop ling, making the use of a hot iron kcessary. Adv. More Fuel flie agricultural department is ing out booklets cautioning peo- pat there is a scarcity in the fuel ly .” lie booklets may help to rectify f — Louisville Courier— Journal. mosquito bites apply Hanford’s km. Adv. Mistaken Observation hat graceful free movements daughter makes in her dancing, Comeup.” ley ain't no free movements, pay her teacher |5 a lesson.” — [more American. S ave Y o u r Horaes. I D istem per. M ountain F'ever, and all fo r m « o f C on tagion by using Spohn's m per Com pound. Put on the ton gu e the feed. S a fe at all tim es fo r all and sexes, under all con dition s fo r D og D is te m p e r and C hicken era. A c ts on the blood, exp els the is R em o v es n o rm s fro m stom ach In testin es A fin e tonic and ap p etix- A b s o lu te ly safe, even fo r human be- . O v e r 1.'... r< h 'tries «. Id last year itest cure and p re v e n tiv e e v e r know n C o n ta gio u s diseases. N e a r ly e v e ry - k n o w s Spohn's. O v e r 18 years on the ket H a v e you used th is g re a t rem - 7 W h y n o t’ It Is not an exp e rim e n t f i t : be con vin ced ; let "S p o h n ’ s " help i s a v e and m ake m oney. A ll w hole- tg ts t can supply you. or w r ite to m an- J d ru g g ists handle It T ou r hom e kturers. w ith p rice enclosed A bottle, a n d *1.00. *5 00 and *10.00 th e dozen. II agen ts w anted Spohn M ed ica l C o . hen. I n d . U. S A. P. N. U. fHRN writing Is i No. 10. 1916 Ship us your next can o f Cream and let us show you what we can do for yon. Combining the High selling price o f H AZELW O O D Butter with good cream en­ ables us to pay you a good price. Therefore, the Better the Cream, the Better the Price. W e also buy Eggs, Poultry, Dressed Veal and Hogs. HAZELWOOD CO., OYSTER s h e l l s Butzer’s Seed Store OREGON ROSES Monamobile Oils and Greases HELP teed income to rig h t party. Dept. 8, 628 Fittock Block, Portland, Oregon. T h e Middle Age. Double Tread Punctun Proof Tires Made from your old onos, Last long as Brand New TIKES Write us. OREGON VULCANIZING CO., 56'J Washington St.% Portland, Ore. V II J| | I“J* C n Everyone to know about DAD’S TV M i l I C l i ELECTRIC HAND LIGHT. A real, great big light, safe, handy and cheaper than oil: wind anil atorm-proof. Fully illustrated cir­ cular. Routledgr Seed & Fluial Co., 169 2d Si.. Portland. for Queer Case. I have a storeroom on my hands I I can't seem to rent.” boes nobody want it for an auto- lile supply shop? What neck of [woods is it in?”— Louisville Cour- lourn&l. r YOU NEED OUR MONEY | the gateway of the Chateau Frontenac Write us for Shipping Tags and Prices, that you really find the heart of the city. In the old days the brave de Galissonlere walked in the governor's garden, where now the big rink flashes with gay skaters; and the wickedly in­ comparable Bigot bit his nails and P O R T L A N D , OREGON. cudgeled his dark brain for fresh vil­ lainies on the spot where Jean Paul serves the visitor with orange pekoe and buttered crumpets. If Quebec had a Calvinist soul, so much grim history might be depressing. As it is, ghosts add spice to gayety. Up here the view is remarkably fine “ T h e B e s t o n th e M a rk e t.” From the still hour when the mother N o t T h e C h e a p K in d . o’ pearl dawn breaks over the St. Law­ Per 100 Pounds, rence, with the puffed silver of the tug- Per 500 Pounds, *4 50 [ F ’ ° ’ 8 Portland- smoke against the dim heights of Levis; through the sparkling morning when you climb the green slopes of the citadel. 290 feet above the river, to get the Atlantic wind In your face; 188-190 Front Street, P O R T L A N D , ORE. past the sunshine of the afternoon A g e n t for Z E N O L E U M . spent under one of the little pavilions on Dufferin terrace that stand like gay green and white striped parasols run­ Life. ning their handles up for flagpoles; into the mysterious evening with the W hat is life? It Is supposed to be lights of Levis like softly woven and other beautiful something that most people value Illustrated catalogue offering strands of the Milky W ay— there isn't highly, yet few there are who are w ill­ Flowers. the finest and largest stock in a pause in the processional panorama. ing to preserve it. For example, ev­ the Pacific Northwest free upon request. W hen the M ercury Goes Down. eryone talks about methods of attain­ CLARKE BROS., Florists, Summer in Quebec is wonderful, ing long life, yet no one cares to Portland, Oregon. practice them. Tin. commonest rules with its drives and its dancing, its of health are constantly violated by launch parties, its evening band con­ the great majority. Doctors know this certs, its later hunting and fishing and rarely, if ever, advise their pa­ trips. But you never know the quaint tients how to live, but give them med­ and old, gay old, glad old town until the icine to tide them over some tempor­ mercury takes the down-elevator and FEDERAL TIRES AND TUBES ary setback. the Chateau people flood the long to­ Free Tire Service. L ife has been called an illusion, a boggan slide that drops the breathless dream, a bubble, a curtain raiser and " T H E HOUSE OF S E R V IC E M a forgetting. In reality, it is merely visitor from the king’s bastion of the MOTOR C A R *S U P P L Y CO., Inc. Portland, Ore. something that no man wants to part citadel across Dufferin terrace— a quar­ 33 Broadw ay No. from too suddenly, but which he w ill ter of a mile in thirty seconds. always sell on the installment plan Then the sleigh comes out— the low, to the highest bidder. The soldier A *50,000 Corpora­ red-bodied musk ox-furred charm- gambles with the state for the price tion desires to secure chariot in which you can drive all day of his life, the immigrant with the within n ext ten days in the coldest weather, thinking of the services o f High miner, the rich man with luxury. Grade R epresen tative in each town. No A t best, life is only what we learn twenty-five miles or so into the back canvassing, solicitin g o r selling; r e fe r ­ to avoid. country along roads grooved in the ences; exp erien ce unnecessary. Guaran­ I member of the Merlon Cricket I was telling stories to a Bryn vr girl. Here is what he said, ch was considered the climax in for the evening: er eyes were not exactly straight, some one commented upon it and “d him if he had noticed it. Noticed it, M an!” he replied, “ why is so cross-eyed that recently in I sat next to her at a dinner she o ff my plate.” In the W ro n g Market. ■dilton got only a few pounds ja d ise Lost.’ " ■ ou don’t say s o !” exclaimed ■wiggle. "H e could have done Ib y turning it into a s’nario for t i e s ! ”— Washington Star. We Want Your Créant T h e Housemaid. j j There comes a clear day when one realizes that clothes are to keep tho weather off you. that food is to give you health, that home is shelter and inspiration; that, aside from being clean and inoffensive, one's personal appearance does not signify very much; that the main thing in life is to ho going along toward the goal o f your ideals. That isn't getting old. It’s get* ting sense. Froiti then on Tim e is not master, but friend.— Colliers. To stop bleeding use Hanford's Bal­ sam. Adv. The housemaid wears short skirts, Different.. which leads us to believe that the dis­ "W e lent England and France half ease called "housemaid's knee” must a billion dollars and never felt It,” be very becoming. The housemaid proudly declared the man with the goes around the house very quietly— w ilting collar. "Could you stake me to a dollar till not even disturbing the dust. The housemaid’s duty is to pick tomorrow, Bill?” asks his acquaint- things up— which she does very quick­ l ance. “ Me! Great Scott! If I had a dol­ ly. By the tfui** she has picked up 38 hairpins, fe t r combs and a barette lar more than I needed I'd have it or two and has emptied nine badly framed and hang it up where I could crushed cigars from the ash receiver look at it and see what money looks the news of the engagement does not like.”— Judge strike her in the nature of a shock. No Sale. The housemaid likes to read vapid , fiction, see empty plays and talk scan­ “ I tel) you,” said the real estate dal. In fact, in nine cases out of ten agent, "there isn't a finer residence she is in no way superior to her mis­ development on earth than this. Just tress.—Judge. look at the wonderful scenery." T he T o b o g g a n S u d l "T h e scenery is all right,” replied You can safely place faith in Han­ the man who was looking for a home. fish oe neara down Beauport way. snow and bordered with wind-break ford's Balsam of Myrrh. Adv. "Th e only trouble is there’s too much Even the churches bear this same pine bushes. Another novel drive is of it between here and the city,” front of secret watchfulness, from the that across the river to the Island of No Longer A n A m a te ur. Charel of the Ursulines on the hill, Orleans, where a freak in the tide en­ "No, I won’t flirt with you.” Miss THT GIRL WITH A built in 1641, twice burned and three ables the visitor to see open water Gadshy told young Greegus, severely. times reconstructed, where sleeps within half a mile, while he rides se­ CLEAR SKIN WINS “ You're no amateur; you're disquali­ Montcalm after the fever of battle, to cure over twenty feet of blue ice. fied.” I f you, too. are embarrassed by a Notre Dame des Victoires, least al­ Skiing is one of the latest added of "H ow so?” queried the puzzled pimply, blotchy, unsightly complexion. tered of all. standing in the lower Quebec sports. Bob-sleighing in the I youth. Just try Kcsinoi Soap regularly for a town, its cross aloft to the winds that National park is this winter expected "W hy, when you spent a week at week and see if it does not make a welcome the Jack as once they flaunt­ to prove even more exciting One of j the Yapp's country place and held blessed difference In your skin. Ia ed the Fleur de Lis. these wind-racers may cost as high as ; hands with the eldest daughter you severe cases a little Hcsinol Ointment | accepted board and lodging.” — Judge. should also he used. Kesfnoi Soap The English cathedral, built In 1804, two thousand dollars. But it beats a helps to make red, rough hands and toboggan and it out-distances an auto, seems older than Its years, carrying as She— And don’t you go in for sport arms soft and white, and to keep the it does the scarred battle flags of the and the curves it takes would dizzy a of any kind? hair healthy and free from dandruff. H e— Oh, yaas, don’t yer know, I'm Keslnot Soap contains no free alkaiL old Sixty-ninth, flags that saw Bala- level-headed swallow. Truly, a bob­ kibva, and that were replaced by new sleigh is the king of breath-takers, and —haw— passionately fond of dominoes. Sold by all druggists. ones presented In 1870 by Prince A r­ the biggest noise in the “ some stunt” — Detroit Free I’ ress. Greek. thur. Today, as duke of Connaught, he world! But contrast Is the spice of life. To annually takes his seat inside the gold­ Esculaplus was giving a lecture. C buy« deauUful heiirh bungalow »lb-« In ’’ Oregon'« popular Summer Rcaort. Rnek- "F in ally," aald the father of medi­ en rails of his pew In the gallery to live in a tuque would be as monoton­ \ away Bearh, Tillamook county. Two daily trmina listen to service during the time he ous as to stick by a limousine. And | from Portland. Four nour’s ride; macrniSrant cine, "write your prescriptions in Lat­ «cen*-ry. Lota cloae to stoma, hotels and depot, in and your bills In good plain Eng­ when the fair tobogganiste comes in, lives at the citadel. j Camping, finhing, hunting and surf bathing. lish ” Hard by the cathedral Is the duke of pink-cheeked, star-eyed., tingle-hearted I Only few lota left. Warranty deed. Write San­ “ But,” asked the students, “ where Kent’s house, where Queen Victoria's and triumphant, she finds in the warm derson A Co.. 703 Spaulding bldg. Portland. Ore. does our native tongue come In?” luxury of the hotel the antidote and father spent three winters in the sev­ "T h a t’s Just it,” he answered; “ the enteen nineties, to the great fluttering therefore the completion of her out­ patient's condition la usually Greek to you.” of Quebec society. Almost across the door afternoon. The hotel dances are Cheered by this exposition, they street is the quaint little white house renowned for their gayety, and the OUR SCIENTIFIC HOME STUDY METHOD went forth to practice their a r t — WU where Montcalm died. The visitor master o f ceremonies sees to it that and Humor. Bring* quick results. S ucccm ffuaran- who is wise enough to knock at the no rose becomes an unwilling wall­ teed. Coat* levs than half of oral instruc­ tion. door, take a look at the famous paint­ flower. When at last the lights dim Bachelor Privileges. Piano, Organ. Violin. Banjo, ing o f the hero which goes with the and the winds have it all to them­ Mandolin, Gaitar and Cornet W ife — Dear me, you can never find taught. lease o f the place, and wish for bis selves, whispering around the Cham­ a thtng without asking me where It Write today for Catalog and 4 froo I—aooa. heart's desire the while he gazes, will plain monument, the sleep-fairy takes , is. How did you get along before yoa assuredly and for certain attain there­ possession. It Is safe to say that in­ 1 were married? Antncan School of Music, Hub— Things stayed where they unto within six months— or so at least somnia. like hay fever and the blues, see Ci— w m « im.. retrum oncon were put, then.— Beaton TrauacrlpL la a gueat who baa never registered I t the old Quebecoises will tell you. But It Isn't until you swing under Quebec. m¡& n STUDY MUSIC EASIEST WAY