tend the basketball game be­ tween Pacific College and Pacific We have just Received a Carload of University, and rooted for P. U. Dr. Bushnell will speak in chapel Editor and Mrs. Lawrence E. Thursday morning at 10 o’clock. Howard and little daughter, of North Yamhill, came down in The subject of his address will be including a couple of new styles. We have a their car Sunday and visited with “ The Real Issues of this Century.” that everybody is not suc­ sample of each set up and invite inspection. Mrs. Howard’s mother, Mrs. G. The public is welcome. cessful is the fact that they This is the “ week of prayer” B. Sage, and family. have not enough persisten­ for colleges. Under the auspices cy. Do o n e thing well, Miss Jerrine Whealdon, a grad­ of the Y. M. C. A. and the Y W. throwing all your energies uate of P. U., and a former editor C. A., Rev. O. H. Holmes is giv­ into it. T h e successful of the College Index, witnessed ing a series of addresses each ev­ Use Lily’s Soluble Sulphur Spray. We have man, unlike the poet, is the basketball game here Satur­ ening in Marsh Hall. made, not born. All suc­ day night. Miss Whealdon is sold twenty barrels of this the past week. We The Freshman class led chapel cessful men save and ac­ employed with Bell & Company last Thursday. A good program also have anything from a hand-power bucket cumulate through t h e i r in Portland sprayer to a power machine. Give us a call, was given. bank account and pay all Word comes from Santa Rosa, In a game that has only been if you want only information. bills by check. Are you Calif., to the effect that Ed and equalled once this season (and following their example? Hugh Sparks are engaged in erect­ that was the game with McMinn- If not start that account Our new line of Baseball Goods and Fish ing a nice bungalow at that place. ville) P. U won another big vic- with us now today. They say they will be back in tory in basketball. Pacific Colleg * ing Tackle is in. Come and see them. Forest Grove in five or six weeks, played the return game here Sat­ so the bungalow is probably in urday evening before a large the nature of a speculation. crowd, the P. C. rooters forming The s e c o n d presentation of a large aggregation. As the fate “ Why Smith Left Home given of the championship lay in the re­ Forest Grove, Ore. at the Star Theater Friday even­ sult of this game, both teams ing, by the high school Juniors played every second like fighting Mrmbrr Federal Reserve Hank. and Seniors drew a crowded house, for life. The Quakers led off with as did the performance a week be­ two easy baskets that set their NOTES AND PERSONALS fore, and the audience was pleased rooters wild, and any one not Graduate Optician Expert Watch Repairing with the presentation. knowing our men could easily Twenty Years Experience Job printing phone 821. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mocroft have thought P. U. wouldn’t have But this lead of the a look in Mrs. A. G. Hofiman was in were delightfully surprised last Wednesday evening when a num­ Quakers sobered our men. It Hillsboro Monday. ber of friends came in on them to possibly gave the Quakers a little Mrs. Zoa Hartrampf visited in STANDARD GOODS ONLY spend a social hour or two. The too much confidence Any way, North Yamhill Sunday. time was spent in playing games from that time till the end of the Get your lime and sulphui Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Ore. and light refreshments wereserved. first half one of the closest and sprays at Lit tier’s Pharmacy. The time was enjoyed very much. hardest fought games ever played Claude Smith has moved into Prof. Thomas, instructor in the here was witne.-sed. When the the Hartley house, on A street. vj’histle blew the score stood 11 to Eddy A h l g r e n a n d John Forest Grove high school, was 10 in favor of the Quakers. In Williams went to Portland Satur­ married in Portland Friday night, j the second half, however, our that we are exclusive selling agents in Forest Grove for Feb 25, to Miss Case at her home day on business. in Albina. The bride and groom men had the advantage. All of Mrs. Henry Swanson visited came to t h e i r h o m e at Mrs. our men played with marvelous in Portland with her son and i Wendt’s residence on East Pacific skill. In strategy our players had This implement can be used as a cultivator in six daughter on Sunday. different ways and as a seeder as well ; absolutely avenue immediately after the found their superior strength. The M is.-. Theresa Beahen is visiting ceremony. the best garden tool we have ever seen. final score was 32 to 24 in favor of her cousin. Mrs. Irv. Smith, in P. U., and Pacific College was All Kinds of Roscoe Vaughn has recently the Fern Hill section. eliminated f r o m championship I been promoted to the position of FARM AND GARDEN IMPLEMENTS Just Arrived A fresh supply of | chief clerk at th<> Hotel Pendleton honors. Garden Hose and Sprinklers Dr. Arthur C. Boggess, a former Whitman’s Chocolates, the best | in Pendleton, O egon. This pro­ made, at Littler’s Pharmacy. motion comes after several years profe-shr here, gave an interest­ Miss Marjo' ie Peterson of Hills*- | of hard service for this company, ing talk in chapel last Friday on boro, visited Saturday and Sun­ and his friends here are all pleased India. He recently returned from Phone 663 day with Miss Joan Pierce in this to hear of his deserved good for­ India where he spent years in ed­ FOREST GROVE, ORfl ucational work among the natives. city. tune. The Modern Language society- Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams Mr and Mrs. H. Hamilton ex­ If Any One Has— were m i s s i o n a r i e s for sd will stage two plays fin Tuesday are visiting and looking after their pect to leave this week for Myton, Died, years. When they left India! property interests at Banks this i Utah, near which place they have evening, March 7th, in Marsh Eloped, shipped many curios, boob Hall. The plays are German week. purchased 170 acres of land. The Married, some articles of furniture comedies of a high order. Both Mrs. E. G. Shannahan of Dun­ farm is well improved and most Divorced, they prized highly and thestaj have the element of romance and dee, Oregon, was visiting in the of the land is in alfalfa. The in which these were being broa will be well worth seeing. A nom Left town, F. 1). Gardner home the first of Hamilt ns have been residents of Embezzled, home was sunk by a submarine inal charge of 15c will be made to Washington county for thirty-six the week. everything lost. M r. and! covers expenses. The public is Had a fire, Attorney Lotus I, Langley and years and they leave behind them invited. Sold a farm, Boggess expect to leave New! wife of Portland spent Sunday in many friends who will wish them Had a baby, soon for Berean, Ohio, whew SYNOPSES OF PLAYS this city with the former’s mother well in their new home. Helene von Stern, a charming young Come to town, former will become a memM and sister. The Christian Association of widow, has invited her two suitors, Bought a home, the faculty in the university, G. V’. B. Russell, proprieto- of Pacific University Monday even­ Baron von Roden and the artist Alfeld Committed murder, their way east they will visit the Fore t Grove Shoe store, has ing began a series of five public to her home at twelve o’clock in order Fallen from an aeroplane, Boggess’ father at Catlin, I® that she may choose between them. a well-written advertisment o n meetings, at which topics of in­ Roden is confident of winning, but in Got run over by an auto, H. H. Porter will hold aw page two of this issue. Read it. terest to the public an* di-cussed order to make doubly sure challenges 1 hat s news—Phone it in. sale of a team of horses an